So this is what you've been doing (Stickyfun x sinfulrook)


Mar 9, 2009
Karin Kurosaki sighed as she ran a hand through her hair, flicking at the ponytail on the back of her head before adjusting her bag. At 14 years old the Kurosaki girl had started to develop into a hell of a woman. She'd undergone something of a growth spurt, now standing a good 5'6" tall, mostly down to her long legs. Further up her hips were now perfectly shaped, and above that sat the most obvious part of her, and the part Karin hated the most. Desite being only 14, Karin was already sporting a sizeable 36C size chest, though her bra was once again feeling a little tight....more than likely they had grown again.... " this rate they're gonna be bigger than my head..." Karin sighed, looking down at herself and poking her chest slightly. "Why did they have to get so big so fast? They make it harder to play soccer....even with a sports bra they're bouncing all over the place....ugh..." The girl just folded her arms and sighed. Complaining about them to herself wouldn't do any good, if anything her stubborn body would take that as a sign to make them even bigger.

The girl just rounded the corner as she continued on her way home by herself, Yuzu having gone shopping with some other friends whilst Karin had tried to go to soccer practice. She'd given up after only a short while though, the only thing the boys had been practicing was oggling her chest rather than soccer. "Damned perverts...." The girl was so distracted by her annoyances she didn't even notice as it began to grow slightly colder around her. It wasn't until the temperature plummeted that Karin stopped, shivering and holding onto herself. "What the hell? It's freezing....but the sun is still out...." She looked up at the clear blue sky, sun beating way it should be this cold. That was when she felt it.....some kind of....presence...behind her. Karin's eyes widened slowly, hesitating for a moment, before she started to turn around, swallowing nervously at the sight that greeted her.

A large black creature was standing snarling down at her, it must've been two or three stories tall at least, with four arms, each one tipped with razor sharp claws that looked like they could cleave steel like it was air. "Oh....shit...." Karin tried to take a step back, but the creature just roared, one of it's arms suddenly slashing down at her. Karin screamed and attempted to jump backover, only just getting far enough to avoid her flesh being sliced into. Her clothes weren't quite so fortunate. The front of her blouse was practically gone, whilst her bra had a few cuts here and there, exposing a rather plentiful amount of the flesh beneath. "Oh hell...." Karin quickly scrambled to turn and start running. No time to worry about modesty right was better to be alive and embarassed than modest and dead after all.
Ichigo Kurosaki, the substitute soul reaper, after all these years he is still protecting Karakura Town from hollows and other dangers. He was still just a substitute, but was glad that he is accepted by all soul reapers from the society. He resumed his normal life for a while, but when trouble called, he would spring into action instantly. The society has finally perfected a soul candy that replaced Ichigo perfectly, so Kon was no longer needed, but instead was given a body in the soul society so he could be of use as a Mod Soul. Rukia was also no longer required, since the soul candy instantly replaced Ichigo without any trace of anything happening.

During his day of relaxation, he felt some odd presence out in the town, and quickly changed into the soul reaper that he is. After telling his replacement to stay put, he went out to go search for this disturbance. His orange spiked hair was still the same as always, just at a medium length. He flew around the town for a while and then stopped above the soccer fields where Karin would go to practice. He felt it was close, and then looked down to see a gigantic hollow slashing at someone. He quickly hurried down and saw the girll fall over and try to run. Ichigo growled and drew his sword, dashing down to save the girl.

Just as the hollow slashed at the girl again, Ichigo stood between the girl and the hollow, his sword blocking the claws. "Heh, you're not so tough." He taunted the hollow and then slashed at it a few times, hitting the mask once and slicing it in half, killing the hollow. The hollow turned into dust and disappeared in an instant. "Man, I thought it was a menos or something." Ichigo grumbled a bit and put his sword back on his back, turning to see who the girl was. His eyes then grew wider as he saw his younger sister Karin laying there with tattered clothes.
Karin had tripped and stumbled as she ran, rolling across the ground until she came to a stop. "Nnngh...oww..." She growled, thankful for once that her breasts had at least cushioned some of the fall, though that relief soon vanished as she looked up to see the Hollow approaching her. "" She growled, glaring at the hollow, determined to face her death head on with her eyes open, staring at the claw that was rapidly coming towards her....until suddenly....someone else was there, blocking the attack. "Wh-what....?" She blinked, suddenly confused, then the attack wasn't just blocked but pushed away....then moments later the mysterious black robed figure had leapt forwards and attacked the creature, which soon after seemed to just...vanish...fading away.

Still, that shock was nothing compared to what she saw next, her older brother turning around just as Karin was standing up, still showing off her tattered clothing and ample cleavage. "I-Ichigo....?" She blinked, so shocked at her brothers presence that she didn't even think to cover up. Perhaps more shocking, to Ichigo at least, would be the fact that Karin could see him whilst he was in his Shinigami form. "I....Ichigo why are you....what did you....why...." She blinked again, just staring at him.
Ichigo just stood there, dumbfounded and staring at his little sister. Something was different about her, he just couldn't stop staring at her. When she finally began to speak, he snapped out of it and rubbed the back of his head, his eyes closed. "So.... You can see me Karin." He spoke softly, a little disappointed that he didn't notice her seeing spirits earlier. "I can explain..." He said and then looked around a bit, then down at her. "But first of all, are you alright? Did that hollow hurt you?" He asked, looking down at her tattered clothing and noticing her rather large bust exposed from the top. He didn't stare this time, he just examined her to make sure she was okay.

Without waiting for an answer, he slowly picked her up, one arm behind her shoulders, the other on the backs of her knees, carrying her like a bride. He then leaped up and started to slowly glide across the sky towards their home. The sky was still bright blue, so it wasn't late in the day at all. As he slowly made his way home with her, he felt something odd about her, he felt some sort of concentrated spiritual pressure, but he didn't know if it was from Karin. The energy didn't seem evil, it seemed more good than anything.
Karin blinked as Ichigo stood there staring at her, though it only took a few moments for her to see just where his gaze was directed. For a second Karin's first instinct was to cover up with her arms, but then she just smirked, putting her hands on her hips instead. "What's wrong big brother? You act like you've never seen a woman before" Ichigo had kept a secret like this from her....she'd always known he was keeping something from her, something important, now that she knew what it was she decided she would get some revenge by messing with him a little. Ok, maybe it was childish and petty of her, but it made her feel better. "Oh you can explain can you? Well it had better be a damned good explanation"
Karin rolled her eyes as he asked if she was hurt, then before she could answer he suddenly scooped her up, the girl yelping slightly. "Wha! H-hey! Did I say you could pick me up?!" She squirmed around, her half exposed chest bouncing in the confines of her slightly torn bra, before she settled down, around the same time she realised just how high up in the air they were. "I...I'm fine! It didn't hurt anything besides my pride and my wardrobe....whatever the hell it was...."
Ichigo chuckled at his little sister. She really was a young woman now, but it was a surprise that she hasn't told anyone that she can see hollows and other spirits around the town. As he slowly flew over the city back towards their home, he looked at her tattered clothes as she said only her pride was broken. He then put on a serious face and landed on an isolated rooftop, putting her down. "Karin, I have to tell you something very serious." He told her, glancing down at her tattered clothes for just a moment, then back up at her face. She seemed to not care if he glanced at her body, and she was actually showing it off for him!

"That thing that attacked you..." He stated and turned around, his sword on his back showing to her, his face completely hidden from her, as well as his massive erection that he's been trying to hide for a while now. "That thing is called a Hollow, it's a spirit from the other side." He explained, looked out at the town from the tall rooftop. "It found it's way to this side of our realm, and all it wants to do is eat spirits, and people that have any spiritual pressure." He said, calm by now, his erection gone away. He turned back to face her, making sure she was still there. "Karin, you have spiritual pressure, that is why you can see those monsters, and me." He said and pointed at her as he spoke. "I am a soul reaper, I protect this side of the realm from hollows, as well as help lost souls pass on into the next life." He stopped there, waiting on her reaction. He still couldn't keep his eyes off his little sister's hot body.
Karin just looked at Ichigo skeptically, an eyebrow raised as he told her what appeared to be his biggest secret. "Huh.....oh come on Ichigo...." Something that fantastic? Could it be true? Well....that monster had attacked her, her ruined clothing was evidence enough of that, but even so. The fact that monster was a spirit from some kind of afterlife? That was a little much for Karin to be able to handle. "Well....I guess it makes some sense..." Karin sighed, rubbing the side of her head. Why were things always so damned complicated...? This was why she was much happier when she could barely see ghosts....lately though they'd been getting clearer and clearer.

"Well...whatever" Karin shrugged, the motion causing her breasts to bounce slightly before she started to walk over towards him. "Let's just get on home shall we?" She smirked, then gently grabbed his arm, pressing her chest against it just a little. "Come on big brother, why don't you fly me the rest of the way home hmm?"
Ichigo looked at his sister, rubbing the back of his head when she said her first few words after what he just told her, staring at her face. He then closed his eyes, a little irritated that he had to explain it to someone who could be in possible danger. Worse yet, she could go off and tell some random person what she heard, but there was no harm in that, who would believe a 14-year-old girl, right? Besides, she was smarter than that, much smarter than her twin sister Yuzu. He then suddenly felt something press against his arm, and he looked down to see Karin's chest against it. He blushed a bit and chuckled silently and nervously.

"Yeah, sure." He said and slowly picked her up and carefully, slowly going up into the air with her and then flying much slower this time, but he didn't think she'd notice. "Karin, have you been able to see these monsters for... A while now?" He asked, trying to stay on that subject so that her bust wouldn't distract him. He could fly no problem even when distracted, but he didn't want to be caught staring at his little sister's large breasts.
Karin knew she was making Ichigo nervous....but then again that was exactly what she was trying to do, a form of revenge for keeping this from her. This time she wasn't so surprised when he picked her up, just relaxing in his arms as he leapt into the air with her. ", that was the first one I saw clearly. I've seen shapes...haze before...but never a creature like that" She shook her head, then looked up at him, noticing that Ichigo was trying to keep himself distracted away from looking at her, a slight smirk emerging on her lips.

"So are those things always so perverted? I mean look at blouse is practically gone and my favourite bra is ruined..." Karin tugged on the bra slightly, causing her breasts to jiggle. "This was the only one big enough to fit right too....I think I've grown a little more lately....I need to go shopping for more...but until then I'm gonna have to go around without a bra at all...suppose I'd better take it off when we get home"
Ichigo kept focusing on where he was going, trying to navigate himself through the city, thinking about where they were at the moment. He heard her speak and looked down at her. "Just hazes before..." He spoke and then looked back ahead. "Looks like you really have matured." He spoke and then listened to her ask him if the hollows were perverted. He looked down at her and listened to her talk, noticing her tug on her bra and jiggling her breasts a little bit. Then she said she would walk around the house without a bra. Just the image in his head made him fully erect, and he needed to do something about it, or else something bad might happen.

They soon made it to their home. He flew down and into the house through Ichigo's window, popping the soul out of his body after setting Karin down, then entering his own body. He put the soul candy away safely and then looked at his younger sister, his erection carrying through and showing inside his pants now. "You should clean yourself, Karin." He said to her, standing up and putting a hand on his shoulder, smiling softly at her. "I'll protect you from those creatures, no matter what." He said with that smile, the smile innocent, but underneath, a lustful grin trying to escape. He wanted to see his sister bathe, or at least get undressed and show off her body.
As they came in to land Karin thought she felt something prodding against her butt, but dismissed it when Ichigo set her down, taking a few steps away from him and dusting herself down before she turned to face him again, raising an eyebrow at the odd sight of two Ichigo's for a few moments, before he seemed to re-enter his body. Of course that meant he was no longer wearing the baggy robes to cover anything up, leaving the rather obvious bulge in his pants, Karin just smirking slightly. "My my Ichigo, what have you been thinking?" She chuckled, pointing right at the bulge in his pants. "Are you sure you don't wanna go use the bathroom first and take care of that?" She just laughed, the action causing her breasts to bounce teasingly before she turned around, beginning to walk towards his door.

"Well I'm gonna go take a shower and get changed, so if you wanna take care of your not so little problem then you'll either have to wait or take care of it in here" She laughed again, waving over her shoulder as she teased him mercilessly. Sure it was a little weird to be commenting on her brothers erection, especially since she was fairly sure that she was the cause of it, but at the same time she couldn't help feeling just ever so slightly proud of the fact she'd managed to excite him so much. Maybe that'd teach him to keep secrets from her.
Ichigo looked down and then looked back up at her, blushing a deep shade of red from embarassment. The way she spoke though, she didn't seem to mind it at all. He then sighed before she left the room, watching her leave and shake her hips teasingly when she left. There was no doubt about it, he was turned on by his own little sister. She was so smoking hot, she might even be hotter than Orihime when she grows up to that age, or maybe even hotter than Matsumoto. He shook his head and fell back on the bed, relaxing and trying to calm down, but couldn't.

After a short while, he heard the bathwater start, and he put on his serious face. He got up and searched the entire house to see if anyone was home, but nobody was home at all. He grinned a bit to himself and went up to the bathroom door, standing outside it for a moment. I'm gonna go in there and just get it over with... Ichigo thought to himself and took off his shirt, tossing it into his room and then barging into the bathroom, his bulge still clearly visible. He was in the bathroom, and he closed the door quickly, noticing his naked and hot sister in there.
Karin just chuckled as she entered the bathroom, closing the door behind her but not bothering to lock it, she figured Ichigo already knew she was in there and anyone else passing by would hear the shower running anyway and know the room was occupied. Stripping down Karin just sighed as she looked at her blouse, ruined beyond repair. Her bra wasn't much better...and she had been telling the truth when she had said it was the only one that fit used to be a little too big, then she'd had a bit of a growth spurt and now it was the only one that just fit, her others being rather too small and tight on her now. She'd been meaning to go shopping for a little it looked like she'd need to do it sooner rather than later. "Damn..." She grumbled, then tossed it aside, followed shortly by her pants, her panties and her socks, the girl turning to turn on the shower and get under the water, sighing softly.

Only a few minutes later, she heard a noise, blinking and turning around just in time to see Ichigo bursting into the bathroom. The girl just blinked in surprise. This was....unexpected. He had removed his shirt for some reason, leaving his upper half naked, whilst his pants were obviously having a hard time containing his erecton. Karin on the other hand was completely naked, water running down across and between her voluptous breasts, down over her bare nether regions and then down her long, toned legs. "Um....Ichigo.....?" She blinked again, too confused to think about covering up.
Ichigo composed himself a little bit and got undressed fully, exposing his fully naked and muscular body to her. "Sorry Karin, I thought I'd join you in cleaning up a bit." He said, a small grin on his face. He slowly approached the shower and stood just outside of it, looking at her with that grin. "You don't mind, do you?" He asked her and then slowly stepped inside, standing next to her, rather close, their skin not touching just yet. He took a glance at her entire body and then looked in her eyes for a moment, then smirked a bit more.

"Sorry little sis, looks like I'll be taking care of my problem in here sooner than I thought." He told her with that big smirk and quickly turned her around and bent her down, exposing her ass and pussy to him. When he saw her legs spread a bit so she could balance herself, he slowly guided his cock to her pussy lips, but then didn't hesitate to penetrate her instantly, ramming his large cock inside her. He held her hips firmly while he did so, and he felt something break. Ichigo couldn't believe that he just took his sister's virginity right there in the shower.
Karin stared dumbfounded for a few moments, then seemed to snap out of it when Ichigo spoke, her cheeks flushing red as she quickly covered up, one arm covering what she could of her large breasts and the other hand going to cover her pussy. "I-Ichigo!! G-get out! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Her eyes widened as he stripped off his pants, exposing a rather large cock, larger than she normally thought possible, then he even got into the shower with her! "H-hey! What are you-" Karin was cut off when Ichigo grabbed her, suddenly bending her over against the wall. "H-huh?! I-Ichigo!"

Karin squirmed, attempting to get away from him. "Y-you're can't be serious? C-come on Ichigo, stop this already" Karin had only been teasing him, she'd never execpted anything like this. "Come on...stop..." She gasped as she felt the head of his cock prodding against her virgin pussy, her eyes widening. "N-No! No Ichigo don't! Don-" She cut off when he suddenly thrust inside, taking her virginity as most of his cock rammed into her incredibly tight pussy, years of athletic activity making her body firm and tight. "NNNGH!!!" She screamed out as her brother thrust into her, nearly causing her legs to give out.
Ichigo held his cock deep inside her and leaned his body forward and down closer to hers, his hands moving from her hips to her breasts, gently fondling them while he stood there with her, feeling her body quivering a bit in his grasp. "Oh come now Karin, you didn't expect to tease your brother and not pay for it, did you?" He whispered in her ear and began to slowly thrust his hips, his cock sliding slowly in and out of her tight pussy, feeling it stretch a bit from his large cock. "I know it hurts right now, but it'll feel good really soon." He told her as he began to play with her breasts gently, pinching her nipples softly. His hips continued to rhythmically and slowly thrust in and out of her, waiting for her to moan.
Karin squirmed in an attempt to pull herself away, but then gasped as she felt Ichigo's large hands on her hanging breasts, squeezing at them, but also holding her in place. " it....t-take it out..." She bit her lip when he moved slightly. "I....I didn't it''s too big..." Karin clenched her fists together tightly, though she couldn't get a swing at Ichigo from this position. Even if she did she doubted it would do anything. "NGH!" Her eyes shut tightly when Ichigo started to move, her entire body quivering, the girl biting down on her lip hard enough to hurt in an attempt to ignore the building pleasure, along with suppress the moan her body so wanted to let out.
Ichigo didn't listen to a single word that she said... Well he did, but just didn't think about them too much, doing just the opposite of what she said. "That's what you say Karin..." He whispered in her ear, his hands massaging her perfect breasts gently in his hands and into her chest. "But your pussy... It's saying otherwise." He told her in her ear again and then picked up the pace, his cock sliding in and out of her faster, his hips slamming into her ass harder with each time he htrusted forward. "Don't ignore it, accept it... Accept it and let it feel good." Ichigo whispered once more and held her body more firmly against his, helping her stay up as he felt her body quivering more and more with each thrust that he made into her.
Karin shook her head as she was unable to suppress a small whimper, she didn't want this to feel good. Her brother was raping her! She'd always loved him but...not in this way! Slowly her fists unclenched, her hands going to lean against the shower wall instead to support herself, her legs alone not quite enough to keep her upright, though it seemed Ichigo's steel hard erection was doing a good job of holding her up too. As Ichigo thrust deeper into her, the entirity of his massive cock pounding her over and over now, Karin felt the pleasure beginning to rise, the pain almost gone. Then as Ichigo's hands massaged her breasts....oh god it was really starting to feel good, no matter how much Karin wanted it not to.
Eventually, her body would listen no more, her mouth opening slightly as a moan of pleasure escaped her lips, echoing around the shower, mingling with the noises of the water cascading down their bodies, followed quickly by another moan as Ichigo thrust into her once again.
As soon as Ichigo saw Karin's hands uncurl from her fists and rest against the wall of the shower, he grinned and thrusted much harder. As he kept going at a slower pace, he finally heard her moan, and then moan again as he thrusted more into her tight and dripping wet pussy. "That's it Karin, accept your brother's cock, enjoy it thoroughly." He whispered in her ear and continued to massage her breasts hard, loving how big and soft they were in his hands. He felt the pressure in his balls and cock starting to slowly build up more and more, thrusting his hips faster and faster now, his cock going in and out of Karin's pussy fast and hard. His hips were smacking against her ass hard, making a really loud smack each time he thrusted forward. "Do you like big brother's cock, Karin?" He asked with a whisper in her ear as he kept making her feel good.
Karin groaned again as Ichigo thrust into her harder and deeper, his cock reaching the very depths of her pussy, almost brushing up against the entrance of her cervix. "Nnngh!" Karin closed her eyes tightly, panting heavily as she felt his hands on her breasts, massaging them and brushing across her hardened nipples. "I....I...." Karin couldn't admit it....she couldn't say that it was feeling good...she couldn't say that her brothers cock, the cock raping her, felt good. "J-just.....t-take it out before you finish....y-you can' can't.....d-do it inside!" Karin quickly shook her head, she wasn't on the pill or anything after all.
Ichigo moaned a little bit as he felt her pussy squeezing him while he continued to pound her pussy with his massive cock, loving the way she stuttered for him to take it out before he finished. "Oh don't worry, I will." He said, knowing that he can't let it out inside her, otherwise he might be killed by his dad. As his speed reached the maximum, his cock continued to slide in and out of her pussy easily, his hips smacking her ass more often and really hard, and his hands still massaging her breasts. "I'll give you a nice taste of my cum if you cum for me." He said in her ear and then bit her ear gently. He was getting rather close to his limit, and was surprised that she could hold her orgasm in for so long since she was a virgin.
"A...ah....ah...." Karin was beginning to moan a little more as he continued to pound her body, beginning to get used to it. Thankfully her years of athletic training had left her body able to withstand this kind of punishment, though her ample spiritual power was helping aswell. "Nnnngh........ahhh...." Karin panted heavily as she felt her body approaching orgasm quickly, even if she didn't want to. "Oooooh..." Her body was beginning to tighten even further around Ichigo's cock. "A-ahh....t-take it out Ichigo....t-take it out....." Karin panted as she passed the point of no return, gritting her teeth as her pussy started to tigthen up, juices beginning to flow much more freely over his cock, mixing with the hot shower water, loud moans giving Ichigo the tell-tale signs that she was beginning to cum.
In the back of her mind Karin had to wonder one thing....had Ichigo done this before? Had he.....had sex before? Had he raped someone before? Or was he losing his virginity to her as well?
Ichigo finally felt her pussy walls clenching around his thick cock, still thrusting it inside her as she finally reached her orgasm, but slowed it down, letting her ride it out. Once she was finally calm, he was really close to blowing his load, and so he very slowly and carefully pulled it out of her, still throbbing hard just like it has been since he brought her home. He was standing straight up by now, and he could see that her juices were flowing out of her pussy rather rapidly, as if she had really enjoyed it. He slowly stood her up and turned her around, only to force her down on her knees. "Open wide, Karin." Ichigo told her as he stroked his cock in front of her face, and only a few moments later, he let out a loud moan, letting out his entire load all over her face and breasts, plenty of it landing in her mouth as well. The cum covered her face and breasts almost entirely.
Karin couldn't help crying out as her orgasm hit, her entire body shaking with pleasure, the sensation causing her to stand upright, panting heavily as her cry of pleasure echoed throughout the house. She panted as she was done, gasping as she was turned around and forced onto her knees, now staring directly at Ichigo's throbbing cock, able to see it.....pulsing. She knew what was coming, but at least Ichigo had pulled out. She whimpered as he came suddenly, turning her head slightly as her face and ample breasts were covered in a thick layer of hot cum. How could there be so much? She'd always been led to believe that guys didn't cum anywhere near this much.
Finally he was done, the hot water of the shower beginning to slowly wash away the cum covering her, the girl slowly looking up at her older brother. "A-are you done....?" She coughed slightly from the cum that had landed in her mouth. "D-do you do this often Ichigo? Fuck girls who don't want it....?"
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