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Sexual D&D (If you like body alteration this is the game for you)

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Jan 13, 2009
Awhile ago a friend and I decided to play a tabletop roleplaying game of a more sexual nature. She enjoyed it quite thoroughly and I found great entertainment in coming up for all sorts of monsters to fight and situations to weasel her way through.

For those of you who are not familiar with tabletop roleplaying it basically means that there are a set of rules to govern your character's limits. You're still free to do whatever you want but now there are rules in place to determine how well your character can do them.

There are numerous sets of rules for these games and for this particular version we shall be playing I am going to run the Pathfinder (basically Dungeons and Dragons 3.5) ruleset. If you desire something a little lighter in the rules department we can play one of the various other systems I know of. Also by setting a specific system it allows me to possibly set up a group rp if multiple people would like to play in the same party. Don't worry if you don't know any of the rules I am an adept teacher and am willing to rp with those who are willing to learn.

There are multiple ways of playing this game. We can determine what sort of individual will become or we can make her a freeshaper. By determining what she will be she will advance down that class and not really change into anything else unless somewhere down the line you wish her to. For instance if you want her to be a big beefy barbarian then she will continue to be one until you decide otherwise. If you want her to be a freeshaper though her class, abilities, and looks will all shift depending on what she does or how she is treated in the game. If she is captured by a group of Orcs and used as a sex slave for awhile she may turn into a succubus. If she slays a dragon she may grow dragonwings. She shifts shape depending on how you play. Personally I believe choosing freeshape is the funnest route but it requires that you be open to a great many kinks as you could be turned into almost anything.

As an example my friend started out as a normal girl was raped by an ogre and turned into a succubus. She later was taken captive by an obese monster who stuffed her full of food to fatten her up for eating. All the fat went into her boobs and so she had gigantic boobs that slowed her down until she upped her Strength score and thus burned off the fat. Later her character was starving and drank horse cum and turned into a centaur. The game can get wild and it's extremely enjoyable for those who like shapeshifting, body alterations, and the like.

I get enjoyment in the rp by having a small feminine boy follow your character around as a sort of side-kick. How you treat him will also affect your character's abilities and the like. So you have to be open to being ontop of the relationship with a feminine sort of boy.

Last time I tried something like this it turned out to be pretty popular and I only have so much time in the day. As such I am only going to be accepting roleplay with those who I think will get the most enjoyment out of this and who are open to the most amount of kinks. If you have a few friends that you'd like to form an adventuring party with let me know and we might even be able to start a thread for a group of adventurers rather than doing a 1 on 1.

You can contact me at the following

AIM: zacedwing

Or you can pm me. In either case you should pm me and let me know that you added me to messenger. I can't wait to hear from y'all!
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