The snake coughed hard as he opened his eyes, his beautiful skin burnt... he would need to see about a burn heal from the nursery suckers for that... He grinned as he held them both, even though the little fire one had gone out. He wrapped more tightly around the fire one, though not squeezing so much as securing when he was suddenly thrown away, losing grip on the water type, but luckily not the prize he had sacrificed the burns for as he was tossed into another tree by a likely Psychic type. He was caught off guard by it- it wouldn't happen again, he was sure. He quickly slithered away through the bushes below, dropping down and sliding away silently, his prize held dear in his grip, at least for the moment...
Aauq looked up, his eyes empty as he was let go, the fire singeing him, but not doing much else in the way of damage. He had seen his life flash before his eyes, before the snake let go. What was next for him?