Falco n Delr
- Joined
- Jan 30, 2009
Well, I figured I might as well give it a shot. What's the worst that can happen, right?
Anyway, I'm thinking of starting up a roleplay based off the two games, Summon Night: Swordcraft Story and Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2.
There are four things you can be:
Craftknight. Apprentice through Master Levels, with or without a Guardian Beast.
Guardian Beast. Your own or another person's.
Freelance Craftknight. Apprentice through Master levels (technically unranked, however), with or without a Guardian Beast.
Stray Summon.
Literacy is not that big of a deal - I mean, we're all here for fun, right? All that's asked is that you give enough for people to go off of. If someone wants to do more, that's their choice.
I do ask that people who post here be ready to answer questions. I've seen and played with people who play other people's characters or bash/kill characters of sexualities they don't agree with, therefore, anyone who's interested in joining in will have to suffer a few questions from me, just to be sure.
Because this is a group roleplay, there are a couple guidelines on sexualities. ALL kinds are allowed - Yaoi/Gay, Yuri/Lesbian, Hetero, Futa, whatever. You can be whatever you want. However, you cannot force that on someone else.
For instance, say you play a lesbian character. If this character falls in love with (or if you want them to get with) another person's female character, you have to check with the player. If the player is NOT OKAY with their character being a lesbian, you're out of luck. I want to make this fun for everyone who joins in, which is why no one can have any sexuality they aren't interested in forced on them.
Yes, that means if someone is coming after your character and you aren't comfortable with that, you have the right to tell them it's not going to happen. While flirting is fine if it's IC for the character, you are not allowed to go further than that if the other player doesn't want you to. If you or someone else breaks this, someone let me know, and they'll be out.
As for Rape verses Consent, Player Consent is always required. If two players are fine with one character raping the other, then go for it. If they aren't, well, that's too bad. It may not work like that in real life, but this isn't real life, so no go.
Also, all kinks but for Scat and Watersports can be used. While I hate to ban anything, from what I can see from this site, very few people like those two - therefore, if you wish to do that, you'll have to take your scene to IMs or PMs. Sorry!
The last thing is to remember this site's rules: all characters must be of proper age.
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