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dominant lady looking for creativity !

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Jan 9, 2009
Nova Scotia

      • Hello ~ I find myself in very desperate need for fulfilling, creative roleplays that will keep me interested during the long haul.
        I enjoy playing female characters that happen to be on the more domineering side; anywhere from the "take what they want"
        stereotype to the physically aggressive counterparts. My female characters are often foreign (South American, Middle Eastern,
        North African, European, Celtic) with colorful and distinctive personalities. They are not innocent; they do not blush, giggle or
        sputter nonsense when embarrassed.

        What do I like in male characters? Masculinity. Height, facial hair, scraggly mops, tattoos, scars, etc. I like domineering men
        who take charge; who are charming, either the elusive sexually deprived mid-twenties stud who hasn't dated in a while or that
        super lascivious sexual deviant next door. As for romance? That'd be great! I'm totally in the mood for some not-of-the-norm
        romance right now. As for things I don't do, those include incest, beastiality (lycans not included), nekos, futa/herms, yaoi (if
        the right person comes along, I'll certainly do it), milfs and toilet play. I love extreme violence and gore, that's all on my list.

        Currently I'm working full time. I'm in the process of renting out a place and school starts for me in September. To be quite
        honest, I only write when I'm in the mood to write - I'm a social butterfly, hangin' out, partyin', whatever. Please don't pester
        me with PMS and shit. I'll get to the post when I get to it. Anyways, below are some plots/inklings! Peruse them at your leisure.
        As for roleplaying etiquette, you're not my top priority nor should I be yours. I 'm a busy girl - school, work, social functions,
        etc. Do not come to me asking what I'm craving. Pick an idea - from my list or yours - and come to me with it.
RE: under construction, no posting!

                    • PLOTS


        "Balance" is a term that is loosely thrown around. Unbeknownst to human-beings, who believe carbon is the base
        element of all life, balance is in fact its intangible antonym. For every good, there is an evil. For every evil, a good.
        As long as balance between two opposing subjects was maintained, they could each coexist, but if balance was disturbed
        then unspeakable events would occur. In modern day society the balance between two worlds - the one known
        as "earth" by humans and another world, an unnamed vault for earth's evil anomlies - has been heavily disrupted
        due to earth's overflow of havoc and sin. As a result - and a means to maintain balance - the two worlds begin bleeding
        into each other. Monstrous shades have been making exponential appearances in the human world, terrorizing
        its inhabitants. A cult has been foreseeing tis event for many years and are the only beings who are able to intervene
        and thwart this event if they choose to do so.

        in pala (inspired by pala) (unavailable)

        A worn workahlic from the city decides to partake in a last minute cruise on a whim implied by a close friend. During the
        journey the cruise ship falls victim to a monstrous tropical hurricane that capsizes the vessel and leaves fates of hundreds
        to the discrection of the sea. The workaholic - potentially one of the only survivors - finds himself washed up on a
        mysterious beach seemingly somewhere far off in the middle of the ocean. Injured, he seeks refuge on the island
        and happens across a throng of questionably dressed but seemingly helpful natives. They toss him into a drug
        induced stupor to ebb his agony, explaining to him that he is now a permanent residence of the island Pala, a hidden
        archipelago in a virtually unaccessable part of the ocean due to frequent storms. The inhabitants partake in unusual
        activities such as heavy experimentation with drugs, hallucinogens and all manners of sexual activity. The workaholic -
        mesmerized and simutaneously concerned - begins wondering if he should give in to their hippie philosophies or
        begin searching for a way home.

        hex on fathoms (unavailable)

        A tyrannical pirate escapes from his prison and begins making his freedom known to the seas in which he once terrorized.
        Unbeknownst to him a sea witch seized his reign while he was incarercated and has been tormenting the sea
        ever since. On one fateful night he crosses hetrand angers her with his brazen attitude. As a result she casts a hex on
        him, cursing him with haunting nightmares, sleepless nights and from time to time, unfathmable strikes of pain. She
        instructs him to complete three tasks for her and in return, she will free him from his torment. Reluctant - but with little
        to no alternatives - the pirate agrees, secretly recruiting the aid of a shamaness - a known rival of the sea witch -
        to help ebb his pain and sleep during his ventures.

        baby don't dance

        Marriage is supposed to be a happy, mutual commitment between two people sharing passionate love for each other.
        In this man's particular case, it was quite the opposite. He married his current wife under the belief that she was
        carrying his child; she'd claimed she was pregnant just as their relationship was on the cusp of an end. He believed
        the right thing to do was wed her so he could take care of his "son". When the child was due, he discovered
        she had feigned the pregnancy all along. He was miserable - his wife didn't clean, cook or even bother having sex
        with him. While she was away on one of her monthly vacations without her husband, a new neighbor is spotted mov-
        ing in next door. The husband takes a heavy interest in her and the two begin developing a romantic relationship which
        leaves the wife not only furious, but suddenly longing for her old flame.

        to lose my life

        Following the culmination of the Old Age, King Bastion Rayleigh discovered the existance of land untouched by human
        hands. He believed this would be a brilliant means to start anew and in response commissioned his loyal advisor
        take his finest men and begin construction of minor settlements. With this knowledge, the king's advisor - secretly
        a wanted tyrant from another country - ruthlessly murders the king and assumes his position, purposely revealing
        his ultimate plan. His men - who, along with him were secretly masquearign as loyal followers - massacred
        all those still loyal to the king and comformed others who were frightened to oppose him. Taking the king's discovery
        into account, the tyrant ventures into the New World with twisted thoughts of power in his mind. He craved
        to be a god, believing he could safely bring his ideals to fruition.

        Over a course of a year he constructs an architecturally flawless palace and erects a city around it. The only
        thing he lacked were subjects. He ordered his men to venture deeper then they had ever gone into the New
        World. As a result they discover a desert dwelling people; nomads, all of which appear to be simple in appearance.
        The tyrant invades their home and becomes instantly infatuated with their high matriarch, a young shamaness
        with an outlandishly cryptic existence. He abducts her in hopes he can persuade her into being his consort so
        her people - who resisted his invasion - would submit.


        Lycanthropy could easily be described as a horrible disease; a curse, a plague amongst men. It had existed amongst
        men for thousands of years, twisted their bodies into wolf-like shapes and plaguing the host with insatiable urges
        to feed. However, evolution managed to play a crucial part as time passed. Lycans - with most modern humans
        - have become civilized and sentient beyond compare, no longer the complete ravenous beasts they once were.
        A particular pack has recently been devastated by an attack that rendered them with little to no kin. As a last
        resort they consult a rival pack - who has experienced the same issue - to join their numbers so that they may recoup
        and take revenge. Much to the initial pack's chagrin, their new family bring along a human, the sister of the alpha
        whom had been completely in the dark about the existance of lycan kind.

        He has hidden his curse from his sister since changing and disguised the merging of packs as "financial economizing
        by living with good friends". However, his most terrible fears began to come to fruition - the opposing pack leader
        and her begin developing a friendly relationhip that grows not only romantic, but intimate. He abhors being
        the monster he is and inwardly fears his sister will reject him if he learns what they are, but in the same sense,
        realizes that lycanthropy is, in a nutshell, an STI; if their taboo relationship proceeds, his sister may just
        become what he hates most.


        sparatacus: blood and sand, world of warcraft, nightmare on elm street, final destination
RE: under construction, no posting!


            • name evangeline orla quinn
              age twenty-four
              ethnicity australian
              personality whimsical, daring, sarcastic, playful


            • name emmanuelle "mannie" rougefyre
              age twenty-three
              ethnicity greek
              personality standoffish, brute, brazen, unreasonable


            • name cacia amun walcott
              age twenty-four
              ethnicity egyptian
              personality philosophical, nonchalant, unpredictable, stoic


            • name fossa genivieve la padite
              age twenty-seven
              ethnicity french
              personality cunning, villainous, maniacal, devious


            • name ammon rachael abi daoud
              age twenty-eight
              ethnicity arab-lebanese
              personality motherly, caring, soft-hearted, soft-spoken


            • name estelle keri-anne law
              age twenty-three
              ethnicity native-canadian
              personality wild, spiritual, uncontrollable, gullible

I shot you a pm earlier but you didn't respond. I'm willing to do a Spartacus rp with you. My posting is sporadic as well so I won't rush you if you won't rush me ;). Send me a pm if you want to rp with me!

      • Weren't we discussing it on MSN, dear? I haven't seen you
        on in a while. It was pertaining Duro, if I do recall. I'll shoot
        you a PM regardless.

It's a pity you don't do Yuri... Or I'd defiantly hit you up for a WoW rp. But oh well. Lol. Bump for you anyways! ^^

      • I'm not totally comfortable with it yet : x ! There may
        be some day soon where my cravings are satisfied and
        then sure, I'd be willing to give it a go, but otherwise
        thank you kindly !

Not a problem hun. I understand though, I've got my own lil comfort zone as well. I'm a lesbian in real life and I prefer to rp with girls. I don't mind rping with a guy who can play a female character, but I'm still picky even there. But here's another bump for you though so your thread can be seen! ^^
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