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Long term Rp (Fantasy/Sci-fi/Both)

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Jul 24, 2010
I'm looking for someone to do a roleplay with. As the title suggests, it would have a fantasy or sci-fi theme or both. I am very bored with getting the same thing so this time, I'd prefer an rp partner who isn't just looking to be dominated all the time. That is very boring to me. I'm not very attracted to the dainty or submissive women. I guess I'm strange like that. Anyway, I have a list of characters I pre-made for these types of roleplays. As far as literacy is concerned, I'm not strict on literacy. As long as I can respond to your posts and enjoy the rp, I don't care what your lit level is. By the way I only rp with females.
The character profiles have bios in them. A description of their physical appearance. Their style in bed and their turn ons/offs. If anything about the profiles confuses you, feel free to ask about it. PM me or post on this thread.

Name: Justin Homer
Age: 25
Height: 5'9
Weight: 160 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Race: Caucasian
Body Build: Athletic Lean
Sexual Style: Intense, Exhausting, Any Position
Turn Ons: High Sex Drive, Sexual Confidence, Sexual Aggression, Skimpiness, Sexual Pride, Sexual Bragging
Bio: Justin is a chemical haller and has modest skills with mechanics and chemicals. He lives a double life as the vigilante, Arachnid. His costume is a high tech exosuit that has mechanical attachments that resemble and mimic the features of arachnids. He tend to be highly hormonal all the time. He has no problem telling a woman how hot he thinks she is. Though he is commitment oriented, he still only needs to be interested in a woman before he is ready for sex. Justin is very open when it comes to sex, though he is not willing to do anything that may result in injury. He likes women of all shapes and sizes, as long as he gets to have a lot of sex. He is even open to having relationships with non humans such as vampires, demonesses, and human compatible extra terrestrials. Justin enjoys engaging in sex until he actually has to stop, which means until he falls asleep. He enjoys the challenge of pushing how long his body can engage in such an activity. He has a very easy going personality and is not hard to get along with.

Name: Jason Russel
Age: 27
Height: 6'0
Weight: 175 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Race: African
Sexual Style: Intense, Dom Position, Sub and Dom Position (If the woman is very tough), Sub Position (If the women is very tough AND Sexually Intimidating)
Turn Ons: Athleticism, Toughness, Confidence
Body Build: Thin, Athletic Muscular
Bio: Jason Russel is an extremely talented martial artist. He runs a gym and is a martial arts instructor. He is known for his red motorcycle. Jason has a double life as the vigilante, Red Ninja. Red Ninja has lightning based powers. Jason is easy going for the most part. He's very flirty and sort of a ladies man. He does, however have a shorter fuse than most and is not afraid to get into fights. Though he only fights when provoked, the only provocation he needs is to be verbally threatened. Jason also has a large sex drive. Once he's reached dating status, he is ready for sex.

Name: Jonny Cuppie
Age: 29
Height: 5'10
Weight: 180
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blond
Race: Caucasian
Sexual Style: Intense (At least at first, see 'bio'), Intense, Sensual (After break down, see 'bio'), Sub and Dom Position
Turn Ons: High Stamina, Super Human Resilience, Super Human Strength
Body Build: Athletic Muscular
Bio: Jonny is an extremely talented boxer. He run's a gym of his own and teaches others how to box. He is a very open and out going person. He's flirty and not shy about complimenting women. Jonny has a double life as the vigilante named Golden X. He specializes in vampires Jonny does not conceder vampires to be inherently evil and only attacks them if he catches them attacking others. Jonny is also a meta human. He possesses a psychic membrane that surrounds his body. The membrane shields his body. It is very durable and thus difficult to overload; however, it is possible to cause the barrier to break down. This barrier is a double edged sword. It also prevents him from projecting energy from his body until he produces enough energy to over whelm the barrier. This has made it very difficult for him to control his strength and he often causes massive damage by accident. It also has an effect on his sex life. Jonny is second only to Justin when it comes to sex drive, but he cannot initially feel the friction created during sex because the barrier also covers his penis. For this reason Jonny tends to favor relationships with other meta humans, vampires and other creatures compatible with humans that are likely to have the physical strength to and stamina to break down the barrier and still have the energy to continue having sex. For this reason Jonny literally 'needs' to start off with intense sex, but does not mind slowing down afterwards. This tends to lead to humorous situations as Jonny is very sensitive down there because of the barrier and he can become humorously vocal.

Name: Joey Cuppie
Age: 28
Height: 5'9
Weight: 166 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blond
Race: Caucasian
Sexual Style: Partner's Choice
Turn Ons: Partner wanting to engage in sexual activity
Body Build: Athletic Lean
Bio: Joey is another talented martial artist, second only to Jason. He is also another trainer as he runs his own dojo. Joey is the exact opposite of his brother, Jonny. He is introverted and has spent much of his life behind closed doors so to speak. He is not hard to get along with however. Joey is a vegetarian and is frequently called a 'rabbit' by his older brother. Joey doubles as the vigilante Silver X and specializes in fighting vampires. He is a more experienced vigilante than his brother and unlike his brother has great control of his powers. Joey's powers lack the offensive force of his brothers and Joey has the ability to manipulate the mind. He also has great awareness so it is difficult to ever catch him off guard or even hide from him. Joey has an average sex drive as compared to his brother and prefers to have a serious relationship before he engaging in intercourse. Because of Joey's introversion he has not yet experienced sexual intercourse and is frequently teased by his brother about it. Joey is very reserved and is unlikely to initiate sex on his own even though he would enjoy it. This may serve as a blessing in disguise. Despite not having had sex yet, Joey does know 'how' to have sex. He is also possibly the most open about sex because of his lack of experience and despite being reserved, Joey tends to care a great deal about his partners 'needs'. So he is always open to having sex and will do so anytime his partner asks. This means his potential partner can mold him into any sort of sexual partner she likes. This could become as humorous a situation as with his brother because Joey can be compared to an service device with an on and off switch. He is also very vocal because of his inexperience. Joey does not believe that vampires and the like are inherently evil and is open to having relationships with them.

Name: Botukon
Age: 27
Height: 6'1
Weight: 130 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Race: African
Sexual Style: Intense, Exhaustion, Sub Position
Turn Ons: High Sex Drive, Large Breasts (The bigger the better), Powerful Thighs, Large Butt, Big Women, Sexual Aggression, Strong Will, Self-Esteem
Body Build: Thin Lean
Bio: Everyone calls him Botukon or Bot for short for some reason. Botukon is a practitioner of psychology and even has a B.A. in it. He has a very soft and kind demeanor, but anyone who mistakes that for weakness will be sternly corrected. Botukon works for the community. He leads a double life as the Black Ninja and is the leader of the group simply called the 'Ninjas'. His powers are holy based. Botukon has very strong values. Bot is sort of an odd cross between Justin and Joey. He is shy like Joey at first, but then becomes as open as Justin later on. He likes to compliment the beauty of his female friends and can be flirty with them. Like Joey he chooses to wait until he knows he's with the right person (which doesn't take very long for him because he's good at predicting things in relationships), but when he does, he wants to have sex all the time with his lady. Bot will become super flirty with the lady he ends up with. He may also be the most picky. He is open all kinds of women, but he clearly has his favorites. Bot actually prefers big women with the rational that if they choose, they are able to have rougher sex by default. Like Justin, Bot enjoys testing his body when it comes to sex. In his case, he enjoys seeing how long he can perform and just how much pressure his thin frame can withstand from a larger woman. Bot forms the 'odd' couple. He is also almost obsessed with breasts and butts as those are his favorite body parts. Bot's uniqueness when it comes to sex matches Joey's. Despite Bot's sexual drive and clear preferences, he is a virgin. Unlike Joey, however he is not reserved and he is very sexual from the get go. He clearly knows how to have sex and wants to do so, but is patient enough to wait.

Name: Antwon Rusco
Age: 26
Height: 5'8
Weight: 160 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blond
Race: Caucasian
Sexual Style: Intense, Exhaustion, Competitive, Dom Position (If he wears out the woman), Sub Position(If the woman wears him out)
Turn Ons: Leadership Skills, Strong Will, Boldness, Competitiveness, Fertility, Power, Ambition, Physical or Mental Superiority, Good Health, Darwinism, Willingness to Inflict (Injure, main or kill if truly necessary)
Body Build: Athletic Lean
Bio: Antwon Rusco is a meta human with psychic based powers. His psychic power is the ability to completely resist any mental probing and any form of psychic manipulation. He can also project psychic-kinetic energy. Antwon is the current leader of the Rusco Pack. A powerful gang founded by his deceased brother. The Rusco Pack theology based on domination and is similar to Darwin's theory of evolution. The strong are in charge. Antwon like his dead brothers also believes in the passing of genes. For this reason Antwon has a very strict view of the ideal woman and of sex. He wants a child that is born a strong leader some day. His woman would have to be intelligent and ambitious. She must also be willing to fight to the death even if she is not a talented fighter. He also wants a woman that is vibrant enough to keep up with him in bed. He has a competitive ideal about sex. To him sex is not only enjoyable, but it is a competition for dominance. Who ever out performs the other is sexually dominant. The dominant one get's demand as much sex as they want. They get to have sex in any way they want. They have the right to demand sex at anytime (as long as the other is not doing something important). The only way to reverse this is by out performing the dominant partner. Antwon likes competition and respects strength. He is technically a villain and has been in prison before, but he indeed has an honor code. He leads by example and follows his own rules strictly.

Name: Aegis
Age: 25
Height: 6'0
Weight: 205 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Race: African
Sexual Style: Intense, Sensual, Any Position
Turn Ons: Strong Will, Boldness, Fertility, Large Hips, Big Breasts
Body Build: Athletic Lean Muscular
Bio: Aegis lived in the medieval era. He is Botukon's ancestor. Aegis was a hero known as the Black Guardian Warrior. His powers were also holy based. Aegis was a very caring and loyal man.

Name: Ethus
Age: 23
Height: 5'9
Weight: 155 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Race: Caucasian

Sexual Style: Any Position, Any Pace
Turn Ons: Seductiveness
Body Build: Athletic Lean
Bio: Ethus lived in the medieval era. He was good friends with Aegis. Ethus was the hero called the Red Guardian Warrior. His powers were lightning based, but he is not Jason's ancestor. He does, however have similar personality traits to Jason. Ethus is a ladies man. He is very flirty and very loyal to friends. Ethus however is not reserved at all and will have sex with any woman he finds attractive. He tends to be a ladies man. As much as he enjoys this, he is not opposed to settling down.

Name: John Marcus
Age: 35
Height: 6'1
Weight: 230 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Race: African
Sexual Style: Dom Position, Any Pace
Turn Ons: Big Butts
Body Build: Heavy, Muscular
Bio: John Marcus is a wealthy investor. He sometimes works at a local bar as a bouncer for old times sake for free. He is a talented boxer and also the vigilante known as Lightning. As Lightning he is armed with alien technology in the form of gauntlets that generate electricity. John is very similar to Justin. He has a large sex drive and is not shy. John does not wait too long to start having sex, only needing to be in a comfortable dating relationship.

Name: Duke Luckwood
Age: 20
Height: 5'8
Weight: 162 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blond
Race: Caucasian
Sexual Style: Any Pace, Any Position
Turn Ons: Uniquness
Body Build: Athletic Lean
Bio: Duke Luckwood lives in the medieval era. He came from a clan of people who knew a mystical art in using the wood from special trees to create mystical weapons. Usually these wooden weapons where bows, staves or spears. Those weapons could harness the power from their spirits to form magic barriers or fire mystic projectiles. His clan also practiced a strict work out regimen to train their bodies. They where acrobatic and agile. The men would put a greater focus on strength and agility while the women would train their bodies to be limber and more agile and swift than the men. To take advantage of their smaller frames. The clan sought to grow, thus they send some of their men and woman out to find mates and bring them back to the village. Not all of them return to the village however. Duke values above all else uniqueness in a person. He is a kind and gentle individual.

Name: Ransom
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'6
Weight: 240 lbs
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Green
Race: Unknown
Sexual Style: Intense, Promiscuous, Any Position
Turn Ons: Seductiveness, Promiscuity, High Sex Drive, Sexual Confidence, Sexual Aggression, Skimpiness, Sexual Pride, Sexual Bragging
Body Build: Heavy, Muscular
Bio: Ransom is a humanoid extra terrestrial. He is a black market bounty hunter and an assassin. He works for an alien criminal organization called Dirty Workers. He started off his career by kidnapping and holding people for ransom. He was talented in this, so he started to go by the name 'Ransom', his former name begotten. Ransom is very wealthy and is currently the most successful contractor for Dirty Workers. He has a professional demeanor when he works and so he doesn't 'touch' his targets. He is a very sexual person and also very promiscuous. He enjoys a very lavish lifestyle and likes raunchy females. He is compatible with humans and any other humanoid species.

Name: Solomon
Age: 27
Height: 6'1
Weight: 130 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Race: African
Sexual Style: Intense, Exhaustion, Any Position
Turn Ons: Strong Will, Self-Esteem, Ability to Intimidate Others, Willingness to Inflict (Injure, Main, or Kill upon provocation)
Body Build: Thin Lean
Bio: Solomon is a clone of Botukon. Solomon's brain was programed with all of Botukon's childhood memories and was altered to act off of Botukon's negative emotions. The result was an angry and vengeful person who believed in harming anyone who got in his face. Solomon has the ability project energy blasts. Solomon is also not inherently evil, but he does not hold back once provoked. Solomon is not as sexual as Botukon. Even though it does not seem like it, he is capable of caring about people, but they have to get extremely close to him. He is very attracted to women who are willing to take out someone if they are provoked. Despite how psychotic it sounds, Solomon's interpretation of provocation is 'reasonable'. He is not going to sock someone in the face if they step on his foot and then apologize, but he will sock them if they do not. He is not attracted to plain insanity. He also likes women who are self-confident. Solomon has his ideals about sex. The more impressed he is with a woman, the more often he will have sex with her.

Name: Barry Gram
Age: 33
Height: 5'11
Weight: 210
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Race: African
Sexual Style: Any Pace, Sub Position
Turn Ons: Strong Will, Ability to Defend Self
Body Build: Muscular
Bio: Barry Gram lost his girl friend to gun violence when he was only 15. The incident drove him to excel in school and studies criminal justice in college. He is a talented martial artist, marksman and detective. Barry has no faith in the criminal justice system at all and is one of the 'true' vigilante's. He defiantly will use lethal force. He is known on the streets as 'Sweeper'. Barry has an average sex drive compared to others. He always thinks of the past and thus he is slow to engage in a serious relationship. He is very unlikely to date a women unless she learns basic self defense. She also needs to be very strong willed because of his risky life style fighting organized crime and the fact that the police are after him.

Name: X-er
Age: 29
Height: 5'9
Weight: 157 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Race: Caucasian
Sexual Style: Any Pace, Any Position, Uncommitted
Turn Ons: High Sex Drive, No Strings
Body Build: Athletic Lean
Bio: X-er keeps his name secret. He is a thief for hire. He is very efficient at this. He uses high tech weapons and even has a jet board that he can control with a remote control glove. X-er is not the committed type and only wishes to have relationships based on sex.

Name: Benjamin Arnold
Age: 31
Height: 5'10
Weight: 176
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Race: Caucasian
Sexual Style: Intense, Any Position
Turn Ons: Seductiveness
Body Build: Athletic Lean
Bio: Benjamin is a wealthy business man that hails from the United Kingdom. He lives a double life as the vigilante 'Sie'. He wields two sai as his favored weapon, but uses them in a non-lethal manner. He has several gadgets at his disposal. He is also a talented detective. Ben lives a lavish lifestyle. He has some trouble with women, because of his double life. He needs a woman that he trust well enough to open up to and he also gets turned on by a seductive attitude. Ben is the committed type and needs to be comfortable with a woman before he starts to have sex with her.
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