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Little Things That Make You Smile

Bumping into an old high-school friend at the supermarket. It's always nice to see that your old friends are doing well enough for themselves.
When the birthday present you give to your bestie is well received. >x>
When your role playing partners think to drop you a notice that they're not going to be around for a few days. Little gestures can go such a very long way.
Watching DT's facial expressions when he is playing a video game.

Its priceless.
Those times when my bed seems like the most comfortable place in the world.
When people offer to rp something you've been craving hard. Fucking bless Game of Thrones fans. :]
A steaming hot cup of sweet tea after a long and hard day of being forced to lie in bed. >.< God I hate not being able to do anything!
When you apply your nail polish and it looks poifect. When people you want to talk to sign on. >X>
That fresh/squeaky clean feeling after you take a shower and change your clothes. >x>
When old friends that you haven't seen in a while just randomly show up at your house.
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