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Little Things That Make You Smile

The Lawlchat Fairy said:
(02:57:37) sinfulrook: Not even if your husband lures you out with....... BACON!?
(02:57:37) Rogue: I am... curvy.
(02:57:45) sinfulrook: Curvy is good :3
(02:57:49) Rogue: And could afford to skip a----- BACON?!?!?!??!?!?!
(02:57:58) sinfulrook: XD
(02:58:05) sinfulrook: Is that EVERYONE'S reaction to bacon?
(02:58:12) Rogue: Probably.
(02:58:14) sinfulrook: Cause I swear, if someone woke me up with bacon.......
(02:58:16) Rogue: 'Cept a pig.
(02:58:21) Rogue: No, probably pigs too.
(02:58:37) sinfulrook: If I had a girlfriend..... And she woke me up with bacon......
(02:58:56) sinfulrook: I would screw her brains out after breakfast.
(02:59:00) Rogue: --Best wet dream ever-- 'Why do I smell....' [\Shoots out of a dead sleep/] BACON?!?!?!
(02:59:22) Rogue plows through walls and into the kitchen.
(03:00:22) Rogue: Er'ybody loves bacon.
(03:01:17) sinfulrook: LMAO
(03:01:23) sinfulrook: The way I just imagined that
(03:01:25) sinfulrook: Is priceless
(03:01:32) Rogue: xD; Isn't it?
(03:01:43) sinfulrook: A female, having a wet dream, a reall good one, then plows through all the walls into the kitchen
(03:01:52) sinfulrook: Just to say "Er'ybody loves bacon." XDDDDDD
When my girlfriend says something cute and romantic to me. <3 I have a big smile for a while after that.
Learning about design philosophy based on Classical and Baroque composition.
My daughter asking me to cuddle her.
My son asking for Thor stickers.
My son telling me he wants to give me a hug and kiss and that I'm his favorite girl, just... awww...
My daughter giving me BIG hugs out of nowhere (she's a realllllly good hugger).
The smell of well-loved books.


Seeing my breathe puff out like smoke in cold air.

Watching my dog hopping around in snow up to her neck like a dumbass because she's so happy about the snow she doesn't know quite what to do with herself.

Old cameras.
corgi puppies


      • Hearing that my tarot readings have proved correct for
        people I've done them for. Never any doubt on my part,
        but often a lot on theirs.

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