Slave to Slytherin (Master_Germish)


Feb 14, 2010

Allea Nelluc rode on the hogwarts express. Her sister had been sick the year before and she missed a year of school. In her third year she was actually 15 years old while others about her was 14. She didn't mind figured it would be easier to take advantage of the teachers. Her family a pure blood family she knew the ways of witches and wizards already. Her father part of the Ministry of Magic in the department of Mysteries. Her father well known within the wizard world kept her going on name alone so far. She really didn't care for much more than just passing the classes so to leave and join her mother on the tour of the world again.

As the train arrived to the school and the feast began she found herself looking towards the new prefix. He was chosen the year before as she hadn't been there to meet him. It seemed he had an eye out for someone. She wasn't sure as she went on eating her mind going over all the new things she missed as she listened about her. She was sure by the end of the night she would know all that went on the year before. She adjusted her robe as she wasn't one to wear it so tight as the teachers wanted when the feasts were being held. She really didn't care for wearing it all the much as she loved the mini skirts and sweater vests that made her look good. She was always one for showing her body and just how better it was than the others.
Shards~Of~Roses said:

Allea Nelluc rode on the hogwarts express. Her sister had been sick the year before and she missed a year of school. In her third year she was actually 15 years old while others about her was 14. She didn't mind figured it would be easier to take advantage of the teachers. Her family a pure blood family she knew the ways of witches and wizards already. Her father part of the Ministry of Magic in the department of Mysteries. Her father well known within the wizard world kept her going on name alone so far. She really didn't care for much more than just passing the classes so to leave and join her mother on the tour of the world again.

As the train arrived to the school and the feast began she found herself looking towards the new prefix. He was chosen the year before as she hadn't been there to meet him. It seemed he had an eye out for someone. She wasn't sure as she went on eating her mind going over all the new things she missed as she listened about her. She was sure by the end of the night she would know all that went on the year before. She adjusted her robe as she wasn't one to wear it so tight as the teachers wanted when the feasts were being held. She really didn't care for wearing it all the much as she loved the mini skirts and sweater vests that made her look good. She was always one for showing her body and just how better it was than the others.
Kale was in his final year of the school and he had been selected as a slytherin from the beginning, his story was that his parents were both pure wizards and that as a result he was a pure blood. Which is true for the most part, the part that his 'new' parents didn't tell the school was that as soon as he could perform magic he possessed an odd ability to control people, alter their feelings and thoughts. Using these odd abilities he killed his parents as they always neglected him for his older brother and made his brother enter a fit of madness as he got 'new' parents. From then on he went to hogwarts and sailed through as he simply made the teacher's like him and he had always wanted to be a prefix, seeing as how the teachers seemingly ignored their habits and often the common thing to do in slytherin was to get a younger girl and make her the prefix's assistant, or better known as bitch. So now that he was a prefix, his eyes immediately began scanning the table for his new bitch and he was talking to his friend's absent mindedly.
Allea gave a soft smile as she talked among the boys of the class. She knew she was one of the better looking girls in the house. She loved to flaut that fact about. As she flirted with the boys willingly not caring what the teachers though as she could easily transport like the older witches. She was good at what she did and boy did she love sex. Not a virgin by fair as she had been with many boys all her life pretty much. However she was still a virgin in one spot she didn't allow anyone in. She felt that would be special for her. Though it wasn't her pussy it was still something amazing she was sure of it. As they left the feast she walked up to the prefix ready to flirt with him just as much as the other boys. "Prefix Kale a pleasure to met you at last" she said as she gave a smirk her lips slightly tinted with dark red lipstick the blended well to her color.
He watched a girl flirting with all the other boys and he wondered about her, wondering how old she was, knowing that he would be frowned upon if he took anything younger than a third year as his toy. So he watched her out of the corner of her eye during the feast and when she came up to him he smiled softly at her and said. "A pleasure. What's your name, my dear? Anything you need help with?" He was being polite because there were so many other people around and he watched her body, hoping she was not a young girl just wanting to talk to a 'good' student like him, but he hoped she like power and was attracted to it. His eyes roamed over her body possessively already. He had made his choice and it was obvious to the experienced boys and the news traveled down the table. Immediately every slytherin boy at the table stopped looking at her and would never talk to her again. She was the Prefix's toy and the boys of slytherin knew that.
Allea gave a smile as he seemed to be interested in her. She loved the way he looked over her body. It had her getting hot already. "Allea Nelluc third year though I missed a year otherwise I would be a fourth year" she stated letting him now she wasn't someone to turn away. While she had tried with the prefix her second year he told her how she was just too young. She had to keep herself happy with the other first and second years. Happy to finally be old enough she wanted as much as she could get and setting her eyes on being the prefix's bitch was something she was happy to hear was a position still open.
"Third year, eh?" He asked as he continued to analyze her body with his eyes, moving very slowly over her and giving her a look of complete disdain, almost as if he was sick of her. The other boys knew the routine and had made sure to keep it a secret from the girls of slytherin, she would have to come begging him to take her, to make her his bitch. He stopped his disgraceful gazing upon her body and said. "Well Allea, you have a good year and behave. At slytherin we don't take kindly to bad behavior." He then licked his lips just like a snake and walked past her. Not even giving her a second glance. Though he gave a few nods to some of the other seventh years. Letting them know just what was going on and who he had chosen. He was confident the tradition would be upheld that nobody touches her or talks to her or even looks at her. She was now officially off-limits to the boys because he had chosen her, but he doubted she knew that.
Allea was shocked when he just dissed her. Her eyes turning into a hard glare as he walked off. She wouldn't be stopped that easily though. She would have him before any girl could. She would make sure of that much. Only as they moved to the common rooms she was in such a fit she didn't notice how the guys had stopped coming up to her. She really didn't know what to think as she moved to her room pulling out more of her sluttier night clothes and got ready. She knew that the prefix got his own dorm room away from the other boys. She would use that to her advantage as she pulled on a black and green night gown that showed her large bust and nice legs. She let her hair down the natural curls coming out to frame her face as she moved to put on the robe to cover herself until she got to his room. She picked up her wand and moved quickly through the dorm rooms until she got to his. Waving her wand to unlock the room and rushed right in. As she saw that he wasn't there she was happy for it. As she moved quickly to take off the robe and lay on his bed on her side showing her curved body off perfectly.
Kale checked in with his friends and some of the teachers that he like to talk to and ask for help on his spells or potions. It wasn't until late that he walked into the common rooms and saw everyone looking at him and he said."Time to go to bed." He simply stated and the commons emptied out as everyone went to their respective dorms. He however walked up the staircase and went to his room. Opening the door and he chuckled as the third year was on his bed in a sexy nightgown. Clearly needing him and he said simply. "What are you doing?" He asked purposefully not using her name, wanting it to make it seem like she didn't even make an impression on him. His eyes traveled over her though in that degrading look, knowing it must get her hot since the blush rose to her cheek quickly.
Allea looked to him as he came in the door. She blushed as she saw him look her over once more. "I thought the prefix might be lonely tonight. Maybe a bed partner would be needed" she said to him as she slipped off the bed and moved her way over towards him. She knew that the night gown was perfect fit for her body as it showed just how lean she was and her bust seemed to want to burst out of the night gown. "Did you truly think you would get someone better. After all someone with such power could get any girl he wanted" she said as she circled around him pulling off his robe as her other hand moved about his body. "None but the best would do and I assure you. You'll find no other better than me" she said to him with a soft smirk as she took one of his hands bringing it up to her breast letting him kneed it to feel just how real and soft her breasts were as they were almost a tripple D in size.
He looked at her as she moved about him and moved his hand into her large breasts and he simply smirked at her as he removed his hand from her breast and slid his hand to her shoulders, pulling the gown off her shoulders and down her body, letting her step out of the gown, leaving her completely nude and then he said. "Go back to your dorm. Leave your robe and your nightgown here. Walk back naked, you may get them tomorrow morning if I am feeling generous." He commanded and walked to his door, opening it and staring at her. He still looked over her like she was a slut, his eyes practically managing to defile her body and he saw she was nice and wet. Which was perfect, she would be a good toy this year. He could tell how much she wanted it and knew it would only get worse the more he denied her.
The feeling of his hands moving on her skin as the gown fell away she couldn't help but blush a little. She was hot and wet there was no denying it at all. Only as she heard his orders she was confused. "Don't you want company tonight?" she asked him her hands going to lay across his chest once more. She truly didn't know what to think though as she heard how he wanted her to go nude in the halls. She figured that she would just have to deal it wasn't like she was ashamed of her body that much was clear.
He laughed hard and smacked her across the face. "Get out." Was all he said as he glared at her still, knowing that this look turned her on and as long as she felt like she needed to impress him more before he chose his bitch for the year she would do anything in her power to make him understand she would be the best bitch she could be. He wanted her to be ready to learn and ready to obey to the letter. If he wanted her to break her wand and cast herself a muggle, she would just to please him. He wanted her as a submissive toy, not some cocky slut that wants to feel the prefix's dick.
As she felt the slap she was shocked though even with that she started to grow wetter. "Please I can do anything you wish tonight" she said to him as she really couldn't let this stop now. She would give anything just to make him see how good she was. To have him want her for his bitch was all she wanted. "Please anything at all" she said against as she pressed against him letting his body feel how hers' molded just right against his.
He smirked as she pressed herself to him and was trying to show how she would be a good toy and he grabbed her by her hair and pulled her away. "Out now." He commanded at the slut in front of him, sensing she would come back tomorrow ready to please, or he may get her to be a submissive slut tonight. He tossed her out of her room and said. "Research submissive behavior." Was the only hint he gave her as he slammed the door on her and locked it, enchanting it so it cannot be unlocked as he walked to his bed and sat down.
Instead of going to bed she just sat down in front of the door. "Please please I need you tonight . . . you've made me so hot inside I can't take it" she whimpered. "Please only you can make this go away I know it" she whimpered against the door. She didn't dare touch herself fearful he might get upset if she did. "Please come back out and take me I beg you just take me right here on the floor I don't need anything but your cock" she whimpered against as she felt the cold hardening her nipples and getting her even hotter down there.
He listened to her beg outside his door and he laughed. Casting a sound blocking enchantment on his room, not wanting to hear her, knowing she will give up and go do her best to study submissive behavior and hopefully in the morning or tomorrow she would be a submissive little bitch, willing to obey her prefix like a good slut should. He stripped down into his boxers and closed his eyes as he fell asleep, setting his bed to wake him at seven in the morning so he had an hour and a half before he had to start his class. He was also curious to see if she would be changed from her studying.
The moment she felt the shift in the room she knew he had blocked out her voice. She laid down let sleep take her right there at the foot of his door. She knew it would be strange but none would question it. She wouldn't move until he told her to do so. Even if the guys tried to do something, though she didn't know they wouldn't, she would never allow them to persuade her away from the door. As he opened the door he would find her still sleeping there.
He slept soundly all night and woke when his bed slowly shook him awake. He yawned and rubbed his eyes until he could see and he slid out of bed, putting on some new clothes and throwing on his robe, attaching his prefix pin to his robe as he grabbed his wand and put it away as well. Walking to the front door and opening it as he saw the third year sleeping nude in front of his door and he simply chuckled at her as he stepped over her and closed his door, once more making it impossible to open the door so she could not gather her robe or her slutty nightgown. Knowing the teachers would be upset at her for not wearing her class robe and he walked away from the bitch laying at the front of his door. Not willing to accept her until she could be more submissive.
As he left she gave a sigh and moved to get dressed in her uniform at least. She really didn't care if the teachers were mad it made no difference to her. She would just say she left it somewhere the night before and forgot where. She really didn't mind having to lie to the teachers if it made the prefix happy. She was glad though that she at least had her wand for the day. With each class she thought on ways she could be submissive yet she wasn't sure what he wanted. Someone who listened and did all that he said. Maybe she should have left the night before when he asked. She nodded her head as she sat at the evening meal, tonight she would go to him again and ask what he would wish from her. She would leave the choices to him and only him.
He sat at the table in his usual spot and glanced at the bitch, seeing she was looking at him as usual and he dismissed himself once more from the table and gave her a degrading look as he walked past her, still looking upon her as if she was just a stupid slut and he walked off to the library. Seeing that the librarian was there he looked into her eyes and said. "Take me to the forbidden section. I need a book." He commanded as he assumed the book he was looking for would be in there. The librarian began to say no and he made her believe it was okay, taking advantage of his powers as he walked into the poorly lit section and went immediately to the back of the section, finding books on mind control and wizarding slaves. He found the book he was looking for it was simply titled "How To Please." He grabbed it and left the section as quickly as he came. Walking away from the library, the book under his robe and he came back to the dinner table. Sitting down and smiling as her eyes went right back to him.
As she notice him leaving she stayed as she was. She wouldn't fully go after him unless he gave her reason to believe he wished for her. She really did want to go after him. The power he held she knew it was something she could only dream of. Yet as she sat there she tried to think of ways to please him. Still only simple and basic things came to mind nothing that would truly get him to have her as his. She didn't want it to go the wrong way as it had the night before. Her mind reeling at the fact she had failed. As he came back though she looked down and away from him showing him her shame of displeasing him. She hadn't even known she was truly doing it she just felt that maybe he was right not to pick her if she couldn't even get him to truly look at her.
He looked at her as she looked away in shame and he chuckled, it was working, hopefully she would understand her need to behave and be a slut for him. He couldn't stand it and stood up. Walking over to her and grabbing her hair as he let her stay sitting and he pulled her hair roughly and whispered in her hair. "I know you want me to fuck your worthless body, but trust me, you have not earned the honor." He dropped the heavy book in his lap. "Read this, study it, when you think you know how I want you to behave, come to me." He said and then yanked on her hair once more and stood up, leaving her there to chat with her 'friends' as he sat back down with his.
As she felt him coming up to her she stilled not looking up this time. However the moment he gripped her hair she gave a soft whine and whimper to him. She wasn't sure what to think as she heard what he said yet she believed every word he spoke even when he put her down. She gave a soft nod as her eyes started to tear up a little. As he put the book in her lap she placed her hands over it to show that she would do just that. Even as he let her go she stood up and left to start reading it right away in her room. She figured so many people here would cause talk. She didn't want anything said about the prefix as she started to read over the book with vigor.
He smirked as he saw her stand up from the dinner table and leave immediately. She would be good, though he doubted she could get the book done in one night, seeing as it was nearly a thousand pages and he expected it to take her a week or so, if not longer to memorize everything that she was to do for him based on the book. He turned to his friends and continued on with the talk. When the houses were dismissed for bed he smirked and got up. Walking to the commons and then straight to his room. Sitting down and opening up his books, beginning to study and practice his spells.
Allea stayed up most nights for two weeks just memorizing everything she could. She felt she had to be the best for him. If that meant she needed to take her time and understand what he wished for her then she would. She was sure he had went out of his way to give this to her. It must mean he saw something there he wanted. She would become everything he wished for if it meant she would be with him. Finally after studying all she could she knew that she had to go to him now. She waited until it became time for him to go to bed like usual. She came and knocked on his door. When he called for her she ask if he wanted her tonight. Nothing more than what he wanted as she had to put his wants before her own.
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