Rapidash Rendevous (hypergondola & I)

"Well, you should head back inside for now. They might come back and your pokemon probably need a rest." she smiled and turned on her heel, heading back to check on the others when a brown coloured flash swept past her, too fast for anybody to even start to react. One of the braver birds, a small fearow in comparison to the others, had returned for a second attack aimed at Sera, presumably because she had hit it earlier as well as the large one.

She yelped in pain as it shot past her and tore her leg with its beak, creating a large gash - of course, it didn't last long. As soon as the others got sight of it they locked on and started to attack, protecting Sera and their village.

"Well, you should head back inside for now. They might come back and your pokemon probably need a rest." she smiled and turned on her heel, heading back to check on the others when a brown coloured flash swept past her, too fast for anybody to even start to react. One of the braver birds, a small fearow in comparison to the others, had returned for a second attack aimed at Sera, presumably because she had hit it earlier as well as the large one.

She yelped in pain as it shot past her and tore her leg with its beak, creating a large gash - of course, it didn't last long. As soon as the others got sight of it they locked on and started to attack, protecting Sera and their village.
James had turned and was about to head back when he felt the gust of wind from a stranded flying pokemon. When he turned around, he saw Sera on the ground in discomfort from the would inflicted upon her by the smaller Fearow. He quickly ran over to her with a concerned look on his face. "Sera! Are you okay? Someone get a doctor, quick!" He looked around to see if someone was coming to her, but all he saw were the other denizens attacking the stranded Fearow. It seemed as if it were up to him to get this woman to safety.

"Blast...hold on," he uttered before picking Sera up in his arms, a surprising thing considering his somewhat slim stature. He carried her all the way back to her house and laid her on the bed, the same one he was laying in not a couple hours earlier. "Where do you keep your medical stuff? I'll try to fix you up in a jiffy," James called out to her with a voice of what seemed to be clear desperation.
ooc; -slaps self- I could have sworn I'd replied!

bic; She sat up when he put her down on the bed, using her hands to put pressure on the wound to stem the blood. "I've had worse than this." she bit her lip, clearly in pain but trying to push it aside. "I keep the medical supplies...bottom cabinet on the left, next to the sink." she called through to where he was, wondering why the Rocket had suddenly got so worried about her safety of all things.

She limped through to join him, grabbing the first aid kit. "Don't worry about me, really." she smiled. "You just worry about being able to get back to your friends, okay?"
"Nonsense!" James replied, seeing Sera approaching him whist trying to hold in the pain she was feeling from the wound. "It's only right that I help you. After all, you saved my life." He found some medicine and some bandages, a perfect combination for wounds such as hers. "Please, sit down and let me wrap your leg up." As far as he was concerned, his freinds could wait. After all, Sera showed him more kindness in less than a day than Jessie and Meowth ever showed him, period. And they've been together for years!
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