Rapidash Rendevous (hypergondola & I)


Jan 9, 2009
The Pits of California
"We're blasting off again!"

These familiar words had just been shouted out by the Team Rocket trio of James, Jesse and Meowth after taking another one of Pikachu's patented thunderbolt attacks. As they fly through the sky, they argue with one another trying to put the blame for their failures on each other. "If you hadn't been obsessing over your bottlecap collection, we would have caught that Pikachu already," Meowth spouted towards James. "Well, if you learned a move other than fury swipes, maybe we would have stood a chance this time," James shouted back. "The both of you shut up already!" Jessie screeched with a disgruntled look. "If you two weren't so incompetent..."

Her words were cut off at the sound of a Fearow flying towards them. It looked rather angry as is sped directly into the flight path of the Rocket trio. To get them out of its way, the Fearow used an arial ace attack, causing the three of them to be seperated in a howl of terror. Jessie and Meowth were sent one direction, and poor James was sent hurdling towards the ground. What he saw below seemed to be some kind of grotto with a lake right in the center. He hoped his fall would have been broken by the water, but, as his luck would have it, he happened to hit a group of trees instead, falling right on the ground and right on his back. He looked to be quite out of it.
The crashes from the trees certainly alerted the little village to...well, something. Things falling from the sky wasn't exactly a normal experience and they tried their best to keep out of the prying hands of trainers, so one lying in the middle of their meadow was a very strange sight indeed.

It was a while before anybody really approached, not particularly out of fear but more 'well, what are we supposed to do now?'. The first to approach was a tall and long-legged girl with long, red coloured hair that resembled a flaming mane, fluttering around her shoulders in the breeze. She wore a fairly simple outfit, the golden headdress being the fanciest part of it, otherwise she just wore a simple yet elegant white dress that contrasted against the firey colours of her hair and the creamy colour of her skin.

She knelt down next to James, surveying him with light blue eyes before she picked him up. "He's pretty much out cold, we should probably try and cover up some of these cuts." she told the others as she walked past, carrying him to a white building.
It was about an hour before James woke up again. He was in a bed covered with white sheets and any cuts or bruises he had from his fall were bandaged. He let out a loud yawn before he realized he was somewhere he didn't recognize. "Hmm, where am I?" he asked looking around. It looked like he was in somebody's house by the looks of things. But as to who it belonged to, well, that was a total mystery. "Oh, that's right!" he blurted out suddenly as he remembered the events from a short time ago. "I must have gotten seperated from Jessie and Meowth during that run in with that furious Fearow. I'd better join up with them..."

Before he could finish his next sentence, James caught the scent of food coming from outside. Whatever it was, it tasted good and thanks to him and his partners failed schemes, they hadn't eaten in days. "But first, I think i'll procure some food!" And so, he popped right out of bed and began to explore his surroundings.
The same girl that had brought him in stood outside the door to greet him with folded arms, her hair and tail fluttering lightly in the wind. "Um, where do you think you're going?" she asked the blue-haired man with raised eyebrows, moving closer to him. The food smell was coming from their bakery building, where fresh bread was being made on a constant basis to feed the whole village - it wasn't as if they were unsophisticated or tribe-like, they just kept apart from everybody else.

Some of the inhabitants had much more pokemon-like features than others. The girl who was confronting James, who's name was Sera, only had the flame-coloured hair and of course her tail, along with a pair of ears that resembled a rapidash's but otherwise she was completely human. Others had much more pronounced animalistic features, some even bordering on being full pokemon themselves.
James didn't make it very far before he was confronted by the girl that had brought him in. As soon as he caught sight of her, he jumped back and shrieked at bit as if were caught being sneaky or something. Then it dawned on him that this was probably her house and he calmed down a bit before replying, "Wait, are you the one who brought me here?" he began to observe her and her unique features. It was something he had never seen before and it made him a bit nervous. For all he knew, she was some kind of monster who wanted to eat him like some kind of carnivore. But as he looked more and more, he began to get curious as to what she was exactly.

"You know, you look kinda odd," James said suddenly as he reached into his pockets and pulled out his signature pokemon pamphlets. He began to look them over until he found what he was looking for. It was a card for Rapidash and as he looked between it and the girl, he was beginning to see the resemblance. "What are you? You look like a human, but you have the features of this pokemon here." He showed her the card with the picture and all the information about Rapidash the pokemon.
"I brought you from my house instead of leaving you to the elements, yes...but I didn't bring you to the village as in, drag you here or something." she watched as he flipped through the cards to hand her one and she took it from him, smiling. "Yup. That's me, but I'm called Sera, not Rapidash." she handed him the card back. "You caught on quicker than some other visitors we've had before, but I don't blame them. We just try to stay away from the rest of the pokemon world because apparently we should be kept as slaves like pokemon and to be honest, we aren't and won't stand for that." she watched him carefully.

"We're a village of half pokemon half humans, in basic terms. We can attack like pokemon but we resemble humans."
James was, needless to say, very surprised at the information he just heard. Sure, they didn't appreciate being kept like regular pokemon, but with some persuasion, they could be come powerful weapons for Team Rocket. He was already beginning to imagine the boss showering endless praise upon him while Jessie and Meowth were stewing in a corner. Since he was going to be on his own for now, he might as well try to get to know these hybrids a little better. "Oh, don't worry...Sera, was it? I would never dream of keeping pokemon as slaves," he replied with a bit of a chuckle.

James was, of course, being a bit hypocritical at this point. He had pokemon of his own that he used more like slaves than anything else. And if the people found out what he was really going after, they would all brutally attack and drive him from this paradise of pokemon. "By the way, do you have any food?" he asked then. "I haven't eaten in a while and I'm so hungry, I could eat like a Snorlax."
She watched him a little suspiciously but turned on her heel and led him towards the bakery, her tail swaying with her hips as she strode across the fields. It was clear that she was popular in the village, especially with the males - a number of eyes were on her as she walked to the bakery, leading James along. She picked up a loaf of still-warm bread and some pastries, handing them to him. "Here, take these back to my place." she handed the baker a few golden coins and started to walk back herself.

Of course, the village knew exactly who he was - they were out of the way but they weren't stupid. They weren't about to fall for one of the man's Rocket schemes, but they would definitely humour him.
As he walked behind this woman, James could see the eyes of the other 'citizens' gazing upon her. But, of course, with his overactive imagination, he easily mistaked the popularity of Sera for his own. And why wouldn't he? For all he knew, these creatures had rarely seen another human besides himself, so it was more of a privelage for them, if anything. "Wow, I seem to be popular around here," he thought to himself as he was led about. "Getting these gullible people to like me is going to be easier than I thought!"

James chuckled silently to himself before he saw the food. When he did, he squealed in delight as he grabbed it and began to make his way back to Sera's house. That didn't stop him from taking a few bites of bread though. His face was beaming as he ate as he had not had food this tasty in quite awhile.
"You never said what your name was." Sera closed the door behind her as she walked in, humming to herself lightly as she busied herself with making some food for her, which seemed to consist of a full vegetarian diet. Her cupboards were full of leafy green food, freshly grown and quite delicious looking. She picked an apple out of the fruit bowl and sat on her counter as she crunched it thoughtfully.

"So, what pokemon do you have if you're a trainer?"
James took the time out from eating all the delicious food to introduce himself. "I usually don't introduce myself unless my friends are around, but since you did give me this food, I might as well," he said before standing up and showing her one of his patented poses whilst holding a red rose. "I am the red rose that zooms through space and time! The blue blur that captures the hearts and minds of both human and pokemon alike! I am the dashing! James!"

It all looked very elaborate, but for him, this kind of thing was quite normal. As he finished, one of his pokeballs suddenly opened and out popped Mime Jr. who mimiced his master's pose perfectly. "And this is my little partner, Mime Jr.," James continued. "Introduce yourself to the lady." the Mime Jr. complied of course and greeted Sera with a smile.
She raised her eyebrows at his introduction, a slight grin touching her lips. "I don't have a fancy introduction, as such. I could show off, but that would be telling." she half-lied, moving away from the wooden counters as the ends of her hair and tail began to flicker, filling the room with a warmth before her hair and tail turned into real flames, similar to that of a rapidash.

"Capture the hearts and minds of humans and pokemon alike, huh? You know what happens when you play with fire." she smirked and shook herself off, changing her hair back to how it was before. She then acknowledged the Mime Jr. "Oh, hello!"
Normally, James didn't like it when others tried to ham it up more than he did with the only acceptions being Jessie and Meowth. But as Sera gave her display, he couldn't help but be fascinated and even a little nervous. With her being part pokemon, she could easily blow him away with a flamethrower or some other fire type attack in her arsenal. In an attempt to get his mind off of it, he tried to change the subject.

"So, you're half pokemon, correct. Does that mean you're able to fit snug inside of a pokeball?" As he asked this, the Mime Jr. greeted Sera and began to follow her around a bit in an attempt to imitate her 'gait'.
She raised one eyebrow at his question. "Why would you ever have the need to ask that? None of us have ever tried being in a pokeball and I doubt any of us will. For some reason, people get it into their heads that they can train us like they can train pokemon and we'll be good and obedient little slaves. That never happens." she replied to him with a pointed warning glare and looked at the Mime Jr, who seemed to be copying her every move.

To test this, she swished her tail, wondering how he'd follow that without one of his own.
James gulped at Sera's response. He didn't want to be outed as a pokemon criminal. Not just yet. There was still a lot he needed to know before capturing these creatures for Team Rocket. "No, no. I was just curious. That's all," he replied with a nervous chuckle as Mime Jr., who couldn't imitate the swishing of Sera's tail, instead imitated the swinging of her hips as she did so.

James watched this closely and thought it was quite cute. The miming act continued until he was finished with his food. He sat back on the couch and patted his belly. "Whew! I'm stuffed. That was such a great snack. Now I guess all I have to do is wait around until my pals come for me." He turned to Sera then. "You didn't happen to catch them passing by, did you? One of them is a red headed girl and the other is a talking Meowth."
Sera just smiled at the Mime Jr's mimicking and she looked over at James again. "So, what happened to you? Not many people just fly into our little village after all. How did you get here?" she asked with interest, moving closer so she was stood next to him, arms folded against her chest as she leant on the counter. "It's not easy to stumble upon us, let alone come crashing down from the sky. You're the first full human we've had in months."
James hesitated for a moment when Sera asked how he ended up where he did. He couldn't simply tell her that it was one of his team's failed attempts to capture Pikachu. No, he had to make something up. Something that would be at least somewhat believable. "Well you see, me and my partners have been having a bit of a problem with a pesky pikachu. It seems wherever we go, it's always there pestering us for some reason. And every time we try to stop it, we always get blown away by one of its thunderbolt attacks. We just happened to go through this one day and we were coasting through the sky when a furious Fearow crossed our path. That's how we got seperated and that's how I ended up falling into this little mess."
"Sera, come quickly! They're back again!" a young girl who appeared to be an Eevee poked her head through the door with a panicked expression, hardly even noticing James.
"Oh, are you kidding me!? For giratina's sake!" she cursed angrily, looking at James. "Sorry, I'm gonna have to cut this conversation short. You can stay here or join in, I don't mind." she told him quickly before running out of the door, leaving it open.
The sky outside had darkened considerably as silhouettes of flying pokemon were cast over the village.
Sera's hair and tail had flared up again but for a different, more serious reason as she tried to pick out a target.
James, being the curious type, decided to peek his head outside to see what was going on. He looked up to the sky and saw them. They were flying pokemon of varying species and they seemed angry. Upon closer inspection, he could also see that the Fearow that had seperated him from Jessie and Meowth was near the front of the flock. "That's him! That's the same Fearow that knocked me down here!" he exclamated before running outside to join Sera. "You're gonna pay for running into us! Go Carnivine!" James threw his pokeball into the air and out came his other pokemon, Carnivine, who immidetley clamped himself onto its masters head. "Hey! What are you doing! I've already been beat up once today! Let go!" the man said and after a moment, the Carnivine released himself and prepared for battle. "Use bullet seed on that Fearow!"

Carnivine obeyed and fired a volley of bullet seeds into the air at the Fearow. They made contact, but it only seemed to make the flying pokemon more angry.
A smaller girl used Sera as a platform to jump off of as she attacked the Fearow, kicking it back after the bullet seed had hit it. It did seem to make a dent in the pokemon's health but only a minor one as it came back for more and the flock came back worse.
Sera started to run, picking up speed quickly thanks to the Rapidash side of her. Of course, she wasn't faster than a horse but in comparison to a human she was like a bullet. She jumped up into the air and hit one of the other birds with a flaming fist, shouting as she did.
"There's just no end to these things!" James screeched as Sera blew past him with the kind of speed that was worthy of a Rapidash. He watched as she blew away one of the flying pokemon with something that looked similar to a fire punch attack. Seeing this, the Fearow backed off a bit and turned its attention to the only pure human of the bunch. James seemed to freak out a bit realizing that a kick from one of the poke peoples and Carnivine's bullet seed had no effect. What was worse, was that it was now charging him with a drill peck attack!
She turned as she landed to see the fearow approaching James at an alarming rate, ready to quite literally peck him to death. She snapped back into action right away and charged at the Fearow, launching herself off of the ground. She spun in the air and threw what seemed to be a fireball at the Fearow before punching it, landing again. Even if she hadn'tkilled it, hopefully it would put its attention on her and not James.
James could see his life flashing before his eyes as the Fearow charged, a murderous intent in its eyes. That's when he saw a shadow jump over him and he looked up to see Sera charging the flying pokemon and blowing it away with an attack he had never seen used before. The Fearow recoiled and backed away from both James and Sera as it stared down its attacker intently. Suddenly, it let out a loud screech and the other flying pokemon, as if they were scared out of their wits, began to retreat.

Just as the attack had started, it suddenly ended. Some of the buildings were damaged, but nothing that couldn't easily be fixed with some elbow grease. James, rather than be concerned with why the flying pokemon retreated, instead crawled over to Sera, hugging her leg with a grateful look on his face. "Oh thank you, thank you! I thought that Fearow was going to get me for sure!"
Sera stared down at James in shock, flushing slightly. "Erm, you're welcome, I guess?" she smiled at him a little awkwardly, trying to find out if she was the one who had scared off the birds or whether it was something else, something much bigger. She pulled James up to his feet next to her, finally relaxing a little when she realised they weren't in immediate danger any more.

"James? Are you okay? You're not hurt anywhere, are you?" she looked over him and gently brushed some dust off of the front of his shirt. In more normal civilsations, the level of touching they had was probably more reserved for close friends and couples. In the village, it was pretty much fine - it wasn't considered over the top or wrong to be a bit more touchy-feely, which was probably part of their pokemon sides.
James suddenly found himself up and face to face with his savior. As she dusted him off, he couldn't help but feel a little embarassed as she did so. It was the way she was doing it, like they were close to each other, almost like a couple. It brought a bit of a blush to his face as he responded. "N..no. I'm fine. Just a little dusty is all." He took his pokeball then and pointed it at his Carnivine so it would return. He did the same for Mime Jr who had taken shelter behind a building so as to not be attacked by any of the flying pokemon.

As he turned back to Sera, a thought crossed his mind. It was rather sinister of him, but then again, that was his nature. He couldn't help being a bad guy and his idea exclamated that point. What if she actually did hold some kind of affection for him? He could use this to his advantage and maybe get her to the point where he could bring her to Team Rocket willingly. Without Jessie or Meowth around, it would be like taking candy from a baby.
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