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A Newer and Interesting Take on Vampires...[FxF & FxM]

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Jun 4, 2011
Basically I had an idea that vampires are both very rare, the youngest of which being at least a century or so old, and all are exceedingly different. While they all have skills that are common place (super-human strength, super-speed, and super healing) certain powers have become evident in each. Each vampire has it's own unique trait (similar to Xmen) however the oldest ones have the most control over their powers.

But with this power, there are those who seek to control it and regulate it. The majority of the Elders, those vampires who are the oldest, have succeeded in distilling enough fear in the younger fledglings that they haven't created another vampire in hundreds of years. The reason for this is the old ones, a few as old as even ancient times, want nothing more than to find a "cure" and die peacefully.

However, most of the younger generation are fed up with living under such strict rules (such as only going out at night, even though they are absolutely fine in sunlight, except a bit sluggish at worst.) They wish to break free from the Elders grasp and live freely as either integrated in human culture, or for those who have been captured by greed and power, as rulers of such. Either way they do not want to be out-casted at best, or unknown of at worst.

As you can see with these two groups at such a huge disagreement, tensions are high and most are terrified that a war will break out. The elders fear that even though they have superior control over their powers, that the Younger vampires have superior powers in and of themselves. Not to mention numbers.

As I have pointed out, this does take place in modern times, and humans are largely unaware of both vampires and any problems going on in their society. This however doesn't exclude them later on and I do have some human characters planned. However, I want to point out that while I do have a general "pairing" for this world, the world and setting itself needs to be built for this roleplay to work itself out. So I will for now just tell you some rules I have come up with for vampires, though they are all flexible if you have any ideas.

*The older the vampire, the more superior the control of ALL it's powers become.
*Vampires cannot be born, only created. Vampires are sterile.
*Vampires drink blood (animal and human) however most, if not all, drink human blood because of a drug like "rush" one gets from it. Not only that, its easier to get, and more intimate.
*Vampires can eat regular food, however gain nothing from it.
*I have no ideas for werewolves, and unless you have some ideas, I vote for them not to exist at all.
*To kill a vampire is much like a human, with one minor exception. The wound inflicted must be more or less instantly critical, or long enduring (a long/high fall, decapitation, stabbed/shot in head or heart, drowning, burned alive, hanging, etc) point is, simply getting stabbed in a kidney, while it may make a human bleed to death, or otherwise kill them quickly, wouldn't work on a vampire. They heal very quickly, the Elders heal almost instantly.

...And thats all I have really. If I generate enough interest, I might open this up for a group thing, but I definitely want to establish the world a bit more before I let a ton of people in. Please post your questions/suggestions/concerns/ideas/whatever here so that way if someone has the same question/whatever I can answer it once. I'm still flexible on a lot of things, so if I get someone who is keen on helping me hash this out, certain rules and such are liable to change.

In any case, hope to hear from someone soon!
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