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Ninny Here, Craving Short Term and Smutty RP's (FxF & FxM)Updated!

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May 28, 2010
So, hi. Before we continue I'd like to say I prefer RP'ing through PMs and threads. I prefer a reply of a paragraph or more, and my beginning posts mostly end up looking like monsters. I copy what I see. I get a paragraph, I'll probably give you a paragraph .. unless I'm excited. XD I'm willing to do FxF and MxF. In the MxF most of the time I play female, though I might switch if I adore the idea. Now for my cravings!


Nin's Cravings as of Now_
Dominant Characters
Non Con
Female x Female
Now I'd like someone to play a dominant character (preferrably female) to my female character. Something along the lines of maybe kidnapped by another bored woman who wants to explore her sexuality with anoher female, with strapons, humiliations, and things like that. She could have a husband and is embarrassed by her homsexual cravings, and hides my character in the basement or whatever after kidnapping her. I'm looking for pure, total humiliation and domination on this one. I'd play the sub, and I'm really craving something along the lines of this at the moment.

What I'll Do_
Pretty much? Anything. I'll try anything once. Yes, even Scat, Torture, Pissing ... anything. XD I'm actually in a mood to play a super dark RP, that is still realistic. If you have an idea? Throw it at me.

What I Won't Do_
I'm not into Fantasy, Sci Fi, or anything unnatural, not because it turns me off, but because I'm not good at it. XD

What I Want Our RP Like_
I'm not into anything long term at the moment. If people know me from when I was here before they know that for a huge fact. That doesn't mean I don't want awesomeness and detail, because I do. I just don't want an RP to drag on for years.

Ideas? Let me hear 'em. PM me. The darker, nastier, meaner? The better. I'm also good with playing a submissive. Most times I prefer it.

PM me, lovelies!
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