fight to win, fight to rule, fight to survive

She walked with him all the way to the restaurant and frowned as he told her about how there were no maid's and who they are normally meant for. "Well that's just stupid..... Maids are meant to be everywhere...." she said softly and sat down at there table and then blushed seeing she was caught by his newest comment and threw the notebook at his face. "shut up human! Anyways... I love a fish called yellow tail if this place has any... Also earlier you asked about my powers? What is it you wish to know?"
He caught the notebook and put it back in his bag, chuckling at her reaction. "yes well in middle class society like most of the world, maids are rare, and mainly for the rich and famous." he looked at the menu. "and yes they have yellowtail here." he ordered for both of them the blinked at her question. "huh?" he then remembered and a tiny hint of blush appeared on his face. "oh right, you said that your power was fire, but you also said it was part something else."
She nodded softly. "Well to better explain my powers i have to tell you about demon powers in general as well as my birth right.... As you know there are 50 books... Each one given to a demon.... Each book contains the spells a demon can normally use in the human world, Now each demons powers duffer's some are mainly attack types other defender... Others both... And every demon has a different power.... Some can use electricity like the last great king Zatch.... Others the powers of the darkness void... But for me, My powers are fire mixed with lust." She said softly and smiled as the food finally came, She stopped talking to ear her Yellow tail... A bit sloppily thou...

After she was done she wiped her lips almost lady like, witch would trow some people off from her destruction of the yellow tail. "Like i was saying, My powers are fire mixed with lust. My father was a fire demon.... My mother being a succibi seduced him and conserved child... A unholy mating you could say.... I gained my mixed powers from this combination."

She then looked at him hands closed together. "you beibng my human partner means that you WILL be in danger.... And in fact... we all ready are...." she looked to the side at what looked like a doll vertion of a 17 year old male with another that looked to be 24.
He listened to her, drinking from his glass as she explained the concept behind the demons and their abilities. He then began eating his food as he watched her devour the yellow tail, albeit a bit messily. When she explained how her powers were given to her, he had a slight blush on his face, somewhat imagining a powerful demon being seduced by a succubus, then to the bedroom for this and that. He shook his head a bit and took another sip of his drink when she said he would be in danger, which he already figured, and then blinked when she said they already were. He glanced to the side and saw the man with the puppet looking boy. "Great." He finished his food and took out a pen and paper, writing on it as he held it up so only the man and other demon could see what he wrote. Written was 'can we please move this somewhere else before we begin. I do not wish to get innocent people involved.'
The man smiled and started to laugh."i think not." he said softly, and got out a golden book in his hand. "GERRECA!" he cried out, and the book began to shine. the doll like demon looked tord them and raised one of his hands, a large golden orb shot from his hands and solifided into what looked like a large sandy colored bolder. the blast would launch at both of them with great speed.

Sakura went wide eyed and quickly jumped out of the way of the large rock, it barely clipped her shoulder as it went flying past into the wall.
His eyes widened and the second the man uttered the spell he ducked out of the way, trying to pull Sakura with him, though she was still a bit injured. "shit. Everyone out Now!!!" he shouted as people were already running in panic. He looked at the man and at their surroundings, then made a split second decision. He grabbed Sakura around the waist and carried her, running with everyone out of the restaurant, but instead turned down a sidestreet which led to an abandoned lot, hoping the man and other demon would follow them. As he ran he grabbed the book from his bag and opened it, waiting for them.
As she was grabed and carryed away she would flail a bit. "hey let me go! we got to fight! Stop this instent!" she said not realy happy that they were running away instead of fighting.. once they got to the abondonded lot she pushed herself out of his arm and stood up brushing her bress off a bit. "you could carry me a bit easyer filthy human." she said softly.

The man walked out the same alley into the lot after him followed by his demon. "my, my,my.... What do we have here? a human and his demon slut. So how she feel? she tight anuff for you?"
Darren just groaned as the man said how she was a demon slut and asked if she was tight enough. "ok first off I haven't touched her that way and don't plan to." he then turned to Sakura. "and second, are people just gonna accuse me of being a perv because of your mother'a side of your powers?" he said, then turned back to the man and sighed, his eyes narrowing. "my name is Darren Rainvell. Remember it well demon boy over there because it will be the past human name you hear in this world." he held up the book and it began glowing as he read out the spell. "ZHIGOR."
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