fight to win, fight to rule, fight to survive

Apr 25, 2011
Name: Darren Rainvell
age: 19

bio: Darren is somewhat your average 19 year old. He attends college to get his degree in computer programming and digital graphics design. His goal is to essentially make his own video game company. He lives in a dorm on campus, his roommate being somewhat the opposite of him, a partygoer and ladies man, while Darren focuses more on his lessons, spending a lot of time on his computer, practicing his programming skills, as well as surfing the net in his spare time.

Darren yawned as he walked out of the classroom of his advanced digital imaging design class. "Man, I know studying the basics is good when dealing with the advanced stuff, but seriously re-editing a website layout is seriously boring when you've done it as many times as I have." he said to himself. He then exited the building, checking his schedule on his phone. The previous lecture was his last class for today, allowing him free time for the rest of the evening.

He cracked his back as he headed to the dorm building, catching the elevator before it could close. "thanks man." the other student nodded, hitting the button and getting off before Darren's floor, leaving the young man alone in the car as it went up to the top floor. He got out of the elevator and headed to his dorm. When he got to his door he always knocked, in case his roommate was in the middle of anything he didn't want to walk into, a situation that had happened only once before, and he made sure to make sure it didn't happen to him again. When there was no response he opened the door with his key and walked in, grabbing a soda from the fridge as he headed to his room. When he opened the door, he blinked, seeing a small girl on his bed.
Sakura was 16 years of age when she got asked to join in the tournament to find the next king. King gash bell had served well until being assassinated by some dark force and now it was time for the tournament one more. Unlike most who arrived on this strange world of the humans she knew exactly who her partner would be and went searching for were he lived.

The stupid humans told her after she had given them the help O'm lost and trying to find my brother act, and was lead right to his dorm, although sneaking into his room was a bit hard seeing she couldn't use magic. After he arrived her neko ear's perked up and she looked at him. "Hello Sir.... I've been waiting for you." She said and jumped off his bad sending some of his porn that was laying beside her to the floor. "Names sakura, And I'm your partner."
When he noticed the girl with neko ears sitting on his bed he blinked and shook his head a bit, pouring the soda down the drain. "must have been a bad batch." He noticed the porn on the floor and sighed. "damn seth, leaving his shit in my room again." He picked up the porn mags and tossed them in the trash. He ignored her, believing her to be a hallucination, and went over to his computer, turning it on and getting to work on one of his programming assignments, as well as checking up on a few different sites he had created, one being a forum site for random discussion, another being a game site, and a third and video streaming site with much better quality than youtube and much more video genres, as well as allowing x-rated stuff, but only for a membership fee that was deposited to his bank account. He cracked his back, checking the account quick to see that several new people had signed up, paying the initial fee to his account. He then went to the forum site and responded to some of his messages and posts, as well as checking some of the comments on the game site he ran.
Sakura was shocked at how he acted ignoring her and acting like she was some kind of goat, she growled as he went to his computer and began to check up on something. After a few minet's she was tiered of him ignoring her and pulled the chair out from under him and tossed it onto the bed sending him to the floor. She then stood over him, but she didn't know he could see plainly up her dress to her pure white silk panties. "now listen here human, I came all the way from the demon world to find you! I cant tell you how many perverts tried to make a pass at me and how many times some guy rubbed my butt.... I am your partner and you will help me become queen of demons!"
He blinked and was shocked as his chair was pulled out from under him, as well as the girl tossing the chair onto his bed. He blinked and looked up at her, his eyes widening as a slight blush crossed his face from seeing her silk white panties. He moved out from underneath her to avoid getting an erection, simply staring at her. He blinked and rolled his eyes when she mentioned how perverts had tried to make a pass at her and some even rubbing her butt. "that's what a girl gets for wearing cat ears and an outfit like that. Now take those things off and tell me who you really are and why you felt it necessary to sneak into my room? Some sister of a girl seth dumped is my guess." he pulled her ears, surprised to find they were attached. "Wha?" He blinked and gave another small tug before rubbing the cat ears.
Sakura looked back at him and huffed as he scolded her about her clothes and ears, She then almost cryed out as he tugged on her ears. "Nyaaaa- Stop! There real! Nya- let goies!" she then started to bat at his hand pulling on her ears with both hands in almost anime neko fashion. "thous aren't play toys! thous are my real ears dang human!" Tears started to form in her eye's. "Why do everyone pull on my ears? Nyaaaa......"
Darren blinked and let go of her ears when he noticed the tears form in her eyes. "sorry, but obviously it's strange as hell to see real neko ears on, well, anything that isn't a normal cat." be gave her head a gentle pet. "again I apologize, but Why come to me? I'm sure there is someone else more willing and skilled to help you with this fight or contest or whatever you called it."
Sakura rubbed her ears softly pouting a bit watching him, he was differently confused by all this but that was normal, After all some humans were stupid. >.> <.< Anyways.... Sakura looked at him and nodded softly. "I could but I knew from the moment I left the demon world that your were to be my partner." She then opened what looked to be a small pink backpack and pulled out a Red book with some kind of strange writings, and handed it to him. "ok let's make a deal then.... If you cant read the first spell ill let you off the hook and be on my way.... But if you can use the spell then you will have to be my partner, and help me become the queen of all demons... Deal?"
He blinked and watched her as she pulled out a large red book from her bag. "spells? Wait like magic? Granted normally I would say there is no such thing but I am talking to a nekomimi, so I will keep the skepticism low for now." he took the book then thought for a second. "wait, I think we should go up to the roof for this, don't want it being something that could destroy my room if it works." he led her out of the dorm room, thankfully no one being around as henled her up to the roof. "alright now let's see..." he opened the book, glancing over the gibberish written inside. can't read a single damn thing in here… wait, there's one little bit here I can understand. he held the book and spoke out. "zhigor."
She followed him out of his room and to the roof, As they got there she looked around amazed by all she could see bouncing on her heels a bit. SHE looked to see him opening the book and turned away from him not sure what was about to happen. Ass he called out the spell her eyes rolled to the back of her head and opened her mouth. All the sudden a large fireball that looked to be laced with a bit of pink electricity appeared in front of her and shot tord the fence, As it it the part of the fence it his blew up and also the impact made a real good BOOM!
Suffice to say, upon seeing the large fireball blow up a good section of the fence, his jaw dropped and his glasses slipped a little. Though his next reaction was a smart one, as he ran over, picked Sakura up by the waist, and ran back inside with her, heading straight for his dorm room before anyone could see them.
Sakura meeped and giggled softly as she looked around see see his reaction, and almost fell over giggling at the sight of him, But then meeped as she was picked up and almost yowled at him as he quickly carried her to his room. As they got there she was lightly beating his tummy with her hands but not anuff to hurt him..... Or was she trying? "Let me go you stinky human! I will not be carried in such a manner!"
He blinked as he felt her hands beating gently against his stomach, wondering if she was actually trying to hurt him or not. He chuckled and let her go onto the bed. "Hey I don't stink. And besides, if we didn't get the hell out of there quickly it would have been a hell of a lot of trouble for me." He rolled his eyes and looked at the book still in his hand. "So I guess since I can read that spell that means I am your partner for now."
She sat on the bed and nodded softly to him and smiled a bit. "Yep... Now being my partner isn't going to be easy human.... Now that you have the book people will come to fight us and destroy it, There are rules... If the book get's burned of destroyed its game over for me. I leave this world and go back to mine....." She said simply. And looked out the window. "Also you will be in constant danger of being attacked.... The power of the books lead each of us to on another.... " She then looked to him lightly. "My powers are of fire mixed with lust... Although not all us demons have the same abilitys.... There are 50 other books out there... The last book remaining becomes queen or king.... Also not everyone can handle or read the books... Your one of 50 humans in the entire world that can read the books... But your not able to read any other of the Demon books except mine...."
He blinked and nodded, holding up the book, as well as a lighter he pulled out of his pocket. "is that so? So if I were just to torch this thing now it would put my life back to nor.....wait what did you say?" He looked at her when she said what her powers were. "Fire and what?" He shook his head. "50? great, that means i'm going to have to deal with 49 other people with crazy little power creatures." He shook his head and picked his chair back up and sat back down at his computer, going back to working on his programming assignment.
She almost wen't wide eyed at his reaction as he took out his lighter and almost dived for his hand to stop him but stopped as she saw him stop his little power Trip. She frowned softly and stood up and walked over to the book and swiped it back as he went back to his work.... "fine... You don't want to help me, The il leave... But first seeing your being a jack ass about it ill ruin you life first." she then tossed her book onto the bed and started to pull her dress off of her until she was in just her panties. "i wonder how people will act once they see a naked girl running out your room Yell that she was about to be raped?" she asked looking back at him as she hooked her thumbs into her panties pulling them down and off her as well. Her tail flicking from side to side.
He blinked and looked at her, rolling his eyes. "I was mainly kidding about burning the book. Honestly it seems like an important thing to you and I'm not a total douchebag." he was about to say something else but stopped when she began stripping naked. He stood up and walked over to her, bonking her on the head. "you do realize that anything sexual that comes from this room is going to be assumed to be my roomate's doing and that half this school knows he's a playboy, and will automatically think it's just some roleplaying thing him and you are doing." He heard an alarm buzzer go off in the nearby room. "and that sound means he is here so it just will confirm my story. And I know for a fact he will happily go along with it." He said with a chuckle and leaned close, his face just inches from hers, though if she looked down she would notice a bulge forming in his pants from the sight of her cute naked body, the ears and tail adding to the eroticism.
She looked at him and rubbed the top of her head as he bonked her and went a bit wide eyed as he told her about his room mate and didn't believe him for a second. But as she heard the buzzer with him she blushed a bit. "you live with some one el-...." she then stopped mid sentence looking down at the large and noticeable bulge almost memorized by it. she then coughed and turned around crossing her arms the blush now covered her whole face. "And what if I don't believe your story?" She said being a bit stubborn.
He Noticed her glance at his bulge and stood up, giving a slight smirk as he headed over to the door. "well if you don't believe me then there are two options. Option one, I open this door right now and let Seth have his way with you. Or option two." he smirked and chuckled. "that is the option where you put your clothes back on and behave like a good girl." he chuckled and leaned against the door, holding up the book again.
She went wide eyed as she saw he had the book again. "How in Zach's shiny Bottum did you!?" She exclaimed and looked to see the book gone from were she tossed it then blushed at his words thinking quickly biting her nail a bit. She then grabbed her clothes and began to fumble putting them on rather quickly. "Don't get me wrong... I'm not scared of your friend... It's just im a virgin noble girl and am not to bee seen naked around other people other then my partner,." She said giving a stubborn but yet poor excuse were she really was scared.
"if it's really something so precious to you then don just leave it on the bed where anyone can just grab it while your attention is diverted." when she had her panties on he helped her get the dress on, making sure it didn't get torn or too messed up. "virgin? Better not pet Seth hear that. He loves taking virgins. But then again I'll just tell everyone your my little sister so people will keep their hands off." he kept the book under his arm and shut off his computer. "alright well time for dinner. I should probably take my little sister out after not having seen her since I left for college." he said with a chuckle.
She blushed and snorted as he told her to look out for her book, "I know this human...." she said and meeped as he began to help her with her dress. SHe would count as his little sister for looks so he did have a point there, But the seth loving virgins parts worried her. after her dress was on and everything looking good she turned to him. "ill tell you this... If seth try's anything on me ill kill him and make it look like a suicide..." she said with a bit of a wicked grin. She was a demon after all.
Darren chuckled when she meeped as he helped her with her dress. When she said she would kill seth and make it look like a suicide he smirked and tossed her a notebook. "I've already had several plans made up in case Seth does anything that would cause me serious grief and trouble. You should have seen last week when I caught him trying to hack a porn site on my computer. Lets just say that he no longer has to fantasize about what it would be like to be pegged." He said with a devious grin, then cracked his back and opened his door, leading her out of the room and downstairs to head for a restaurant.
She giggled opening the book and following him although frowning trying to read the unknown writing but pretended to read, trying to look smart. She followed him to the restaurant. and looked up. "This place makes food in your would? do they have maids? i do love maids dress's..." She said smiling a bit. What she didn't say was that she loved to wear them too.
He noticed her pretending to read, seeing her eyes just stare at page instead of reacting. Some of the stuff in the book was actually pretty twisted and she would have reacted if she knew how to read English. He led her to the restaurant and blinked when she mentioned maids. "no however there are certain cafes like that, but they mostly cater to a male clientele." he said as he got a table for two. "what kinds of food do you like to eat? I'll just order for both of us since you can't read the menu." he said with a smirk, showing her she'd been found out about not being able to read human languages.
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