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Dirty Little Family (JasonXShyoneXKintanaXChrisGabriel)

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Apr 21, 2010
The day was rather bland and boring, but then again, it was England after all. In a rather underpopulated village residing in the lovely country side of the Yorkshire Dales, there lived a rather ordinary family. Well, part a family any way, as no parents were in the house at this time, and wouldn't be for another week or two. Within the plain, Victorian style house there was a classic interior, combining both classic with contemporary at the same time to provide a ye olde modern taste in the medium sized village house. The house resided on a small drive way which was populated by about two other houses, both of which old, deaf and blind people lived in, so the younger family lived in a rather nice area, with essentially no trouble or problems what so ever.

The person put in charge of the house and it's inhabitants was a young man called Jason, who, at the age of 16, was just at the end of puberty, and realizing the world was not perfect at all. He was quite mature and responsible for his age, but had a some what sly and devious side to him, a dominating side that would prove most forthcoming in the next couple of weeks. Also in the house was his younger brother, Andol, who was 15, and his sister who was 13, both in high school, while Jason had left. In timing with his own parent's holiday, his cousin's parent's had gone with them, and she had been made to stay with Jason, under his authority. He was glad to see his cousin, as he hadn't really chatted to her in a year or so, due to Jason having moved to this village only a couple of months ago.

He stood at about 6"1 and had a lean body, from three years of basket ball for school. He was a handsome lad, with short, slightly spiked up brown hair, and had a pretty decent dress sense. He had rather piercing blue eyes.

The time was around half past eight, and he was about to jump into the shower, not really knowing or caring what the rest of his family was doing to be fair. Later Jason had planned to watch a film with them, and had bought a various assortment of sweets and such along to go with it. His parent's had left them a hefty amount of cash in order to spend on what ever they wanted actually. What annoyed Jason slightly was the fact that he had to share a room with his brother, who wasn't like Jason at all, and he reckoned his brother was a bit gay, or leaning towards that side, however, it only bothered him slightly that he was having his large, comfy double bed invaded by his younger brother. In Andol's room was his younger sister, who was 13, and his cousin who was 14, and they were sharing a double bed as well. Along the back of the house was an indoor swimming pool and jacuzzi, as well as a steam room to top it off, something his father had thought appropriate. They also had a large garden, decent sized conservatory, massive living room, with a simply enormous plasma screen and stacks of DVD's along the side of it. The kitchen was fully stocked up with food and such, and credit card was on top of a large drawer in the garage.

As he turned the shower on, Jason slipped off his boxers and threw them over to one side, nearly forgetting to take off his Rolex watch, which had been a present for his 16th birthday from his mum and dad. He hopped into the four man shower and begun to shower himself down, allowing the water to flow over his naked body, highlighting his rather equal and attractive tanned body.
In the girls room the two youngsters had started to go through their clothes, or more like the 13 years old Christine was going through her old clothes trying to see if any of them would be big enough to still be wearable the coming school year. Asking the older girl to help her sort through the multitude of girl clothes and accessories, for Christine did not wanted to start High School like a daddy's girl or anything too young looking.

Not that she was any way better than the other similar aged children, but Christine found out that she was becoming a woman at last! Her first period just finished before their parents had to leave for the two week trip, and now she prayed every day to finally grow up. Her smallish breasts and girlish figure needed all the help from the older cousin's fashion sense of high school craze to look like a young woman and not like a little girl.

Her room was seeing the last two weeks of frilly pink and more than half of the posters and pictures had been gone already. The unicorns and faerie dragons on her bedclothes and pajamas was a big source of amusement, and Christine not only giggled at the last show of her adorable phase, but pulled out all stops to look like she was five years younger. The big double doors to the gardrobe stood open, shoes and sandals covering the floor, while the blue smurf adorned summer dress went into the pile of no longer wearable clothes.

So, Christine was having a blast, she even tried to convince her new roommate to try on some big girlie sunglasses and straw hats, while she longed to have some time with the other girls bag of clothes too... After all, she already bought a bikini for later, and hoped that the slightly older cousin had something similar, and she did not have to wear her one pieces...

For the movie with the boys, the redheaded Christine choose to be as girlie and young looking as she could, the pigtails surely making her look too young for the budding figure she now had, now they only needed to find some old clothes that still fit... Standing there in her very snug white cotton panties and no bra, she was just trying on the last flitters adorned top, finding it snug enough to show off not only her breasts, but her erect nupples too, and making her every breath strain against the material.

"Drat! I started to grow too late, and too fast into a teenager!" she pouted and stomped her leg, but no way she was able to hide behind her girlie clothes that she was finally growing up! She just had to change all her clothes and accessories in the two weeks that her cousin would be here to help... And their shopping trips would utilize the boys as pack mules too...
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