Ya look best when yar covered in blood - GinXIzuru (Keisuke+Kintana)

Kira winced as he was pulled up by his hair, none too gently for his taste. He bit his lip when Gin used some sort of kido to bind his wrists behind him but didn't say a single word. Punishment? It wasn't fair to punish him for something that was completely unrelated to his job description. But he couldn't very well tell Gin that, he had a feeling the man wouldn't listen to him. Not to mention the fact that Kira thought he heard something in Gin's voice to imply the silver haired man was looking forward to it. He felt his cock jump as Gin rolled his hips into his own and his cheeks flushed once more. Despite everything that had happened, he was still hard for his captain. A shiver coursed throughout his body as Gin started to lick and nip at his ear and he closed his eyes. If only this could continue.

Forever. This was what he had wanted from the other male. To be touched and played with in such a gentle manner. For a moment, everything was perfect and then Gin spoke. Kira's eyes opened and he inclined his head when he heard the silver haired male's orders. As long as those orders didn't have to do with the girl he had been with in the past, he would obey them without question. Kira didn't want to get anyone involved he had known in the past who had been nice to him. That was the main reason for his silence. He watched Gin strip in front of him and his cock and eyes bulged as he took in the object of his affection. Gin's form was perfection and Kira couldn't stop looking at it. He would never have guessed he would ever be able to see Gin in all his glory like this.

How amazing was this?! He blinked, trying to focus on Gin when the other male spoke. Kira wasn't stupid and knew exactly what would happen if he obeyed his captain but deep inside he didn't mind complying with the orders. He had always wanted to be with Gin and now it seemed he was getting his dream. Kira rose from the couch and made his way over to the designated location. He hesitated and looked behind him to see Gin and then leaned over the back of the piece of furniture, his bound wrists still behind his back. At least the reaper wasn't still asking for the girl's name, that was something and he relaxed, closing his blue eyes as he waited for Gin to say something or act. He winced as the couch's material rubbed up against the wound Gin's nail had left on his body earlier.
Gin watched each movement carefully. Enjoying the view of the nearly exposed body before him. He licked his lips at Kira's reaction to his stripping. Gin didn't mind being naked, exposed to others. He knew what he could do with his body and lured his prey in with it. But he enjoyed the dark skin, slightly more pronounced muscles but still thin body and curves the boy in front of him had. Narrow hips. He licked his lips again thinking of just what he could and would do to such a body. A perfect type to watch squirm and beg for mercy then use it to it's full pleasure. The fox intended to punish the poor boy a lot. Simply for the fun of it. Even one day getting him used to and enjoying such pain. The day he fully broke his toy was what he was waiting for, but he didn't want to do it too fast. There was no fun in that. He would take it time to slowly break the boy until he was in pieces only the loving captain could put back together. Then he would be fully dependent on the silver fox. Yes, he would enjoy each moment until then.

But for now he would enjoy the shivering, scared, aroused mess in front of him. Whipping the boy into shape. And then that gave him a thought. "Dun move." He said sternly and walked away. Only to come back moments later with something behind his back. "I 'ave many toys fer ya, Izuru. How I use them is up ta ya. They can make ya hurt worst then ya can think of. Or they can give ya sa much pleasure ta drive ya insane." He wouldn't tell Kira what he wanted from him. All he wanted was to hear him beg and watch him squirm. He wondered for a moment just how much the blond would be intent to follow him after showing his true intentions. But he paid it little mind as it didn't matter. Kira would never escape. And Gin couldn't escape his lust for him either. He watched him bent of the couch, eying the curve of his cheeks and back. He stared and admired each curve and twitch of muscle.

As Kira was getting settled and relaxed, even just slightly, Gin brought his toy from behind his back. He held a small riding crop. The end was flat but wider then normal. In his other hand he held a head to the crop, one with the word 'pet' on it. He took the normal one off and placed the other on it. Gently he touched the leather to Kira's back, running it up and down and over the small of his back. Then down over each cheek as he examined the blond. Perfect was all he could think of. And without warning he lifted his arm and slammed the crop down on one cheek. The sound echoed in the room and he lifted it to grin at the word from the crop now a bright red mark on his pet's cheek.
Kira had no idea what Gin had in store for him. If he had, there was a chance he might have quit. But then again, one couldn't easily walk away from an obsession and he had just as much of an obsession for Gin as Gin had for him. Of course, their obsessions were different in nature but still remained the same in concept. He heard Gin speak and nodded. "Yes, sir." Kira murmured and continued to lean over the couch, making no attempt to rise. He heard Gin return and listened to him talk about the toys he had for him. Toys? His brow furrowed, feeling a bit uncertain for the first time since coming to his captain's room. Surely Gin hadn't taken him to be his vice-captain merely because he wanted to use him sexually, had he? The thought didn't sit well with him and he frowned.

He was more than a simple sex toy and his pride flared up a response. It gave him a bit more confidence than he usually had around others. "Captain Ichimaru? May I ask you a question?" Kira asked, feeling as if he had to ask before he spoke. Perhaps it was because he had a respect for authority or maybe it was due to the aura Gin was giving out. His shoulders tensed when he heard Gin speak of how his toys could hurt him or give him pleasure and shook his head as if he wanted to erase what he had just heard from his mind. No, it couldn't be only because Gin wanted his body. The silver haired reaper wanted his skills too, right? He wouldn't hurt him unless he did something wrong and then it was to be expected. Kira still had his hakama pants on and for that he was grateful at least.

Being unclothed around Gin was nerve-wracking because he didn't want to disappoint his captain with the body he had. What if it wasn't to his liking? That would be mortifying for him! Kira twitched when he felt the leather of the crop press against his back but didn't move. He yelped when the crop came down unexpectedly fast and hard on his ass and the blond was certain it would leave a mark tomorrow. This was not what he had thought would happen. Kira would have bet money that Gin would have fucked him, not done this! What was going through the silver haired reaper's mind? He was faced with the decision of letting Gin continue or protesting and demanding what the hell the other male thought he was doing. Kira knew the latter was the right thing to do in this case.

However, he found himself remaining silent and waiting for the next blow to strike. Why was he letting Gin continue? Maybe because he felt somewhat guilty about not telling Gin about the girl from before. His thoughts were in turmoil now and he knew he had to figure out his inner thoughts himself before he could deal with what was going on with his new captain. If things got too bad he could always report him, request a transfer or drop out of the squad. But then, where would that leave him? There were many things he had to think about and none of them were easy.
He watched the blond twitch, shiver and /almost/ cry out. He stepped closer and pulled down the hakama in his way, putting his hand on the cheek he just hit. "Tha' wasen' ta bad was it? Now...this time withou' tha' thin' in the way. Ya look sa cute, Izuru~ Yar look like yar ready ta burst. Dun worry. I'll make sure ta take every advantage a such a delicious body." Of course he went after he was done toying and abusing him. He stepped back again but left his hand on the small of Kira's back touching him gently. Then brought down the crop harder then before. Grinning as he enjoying the soft flesh welted around the mark and danced his fingers over the letters and tracing them. "Wha'a lovely look on ya. Ma sweet little pet~"

He lifted his hand and brought the crop down more, harder. Covering Kira's poor pale cheeks with red, angry marks labeling him of what he was now. Gin, with in moments, had stripped the poor boy of his name, rights and with luck, hope. Gin had more uses for his new vice-captain then a sex toy but for the moment he had too much lust to ignore. And with Kira now naked, his body exposed for only Gin to touch and use. The was no way Kira would leave this room tonight a virgin. Gin had put the crop down and put each hand on one of Kira's cheeks rubbing the now sore bottom. "This is wha' will happen if ya disobey meh. Each time will be less present then the last. Do I make maself clear, I.Zu.Ru?" His tone wasn't as playful as normally and gave each cheek a squeeze.
Kira bit down on his lip as his hakama was pulled down to expose his lower portion. He should be completely limp from the blows but he wasn't and that bothered him. Why? Could it be because it was Gin at the other end or did he really enjoy the pain? He was beginning to second-guess himself and it didn't feel very good. Kira gasped and stifled a cry as the crop was brought down harder than before. It felt as if his ass was on fire and he twitched as Gin's fingers danced over the marks inflicted on his soft skin. He whimpered as the blows rained down on him and eventually when Gin put the crop down, Kira was grateful beyond belief. The blond hissed in pain as Gin rubbed his sore flesh and his hands clenched into fists behind him. "Yes, sir." He murmured, a few tears escaping his eyes.

It hadn't been that bad at first but the multitude of blows had taken their toll on his body. The wound Gin had inflicted with his nail from earlier stung and Kira was reminded of it as the pain flared up once more. This had to be it, he would be released now, right?
Gin lowered his head to place soft kisses over Kira's back. He noticed him tensed but said nothing. It was a start. Soon enough he would get all of that diffidence out of him. But at the moment Gin couldn't hold back anymore. Watching the blond struggle, squirm, yelp and cry was too much. It was all too perfect. No Gin could comfort him, whisper sweet words and ravish him the way he wanted. He sat on the couch and pulled Kira into his lap, petting and kissing the back of his neck. His raging erection rubbed over the blond's abused ass cheeks. By now Gin was dripping and bucked his hips for much needed friction. "Ya see this Izuru? Ya did this ta meh. Yar jus' ta cute ta na wnna ravage. An' na one's touched ma little Izuru. Somethin' tells meh...." Gin wrapped an arm around and grabbed Kira's still hard member and rubbed the pre-cum from the tip over itself. "tha' ma little pet is enjoin' himself despite his pain."

He teased the tip of the boy's erection before letting go and bringing his fingers up to Kira's mouth and forcing them in. "Ya gonna make sure they get good an' wet, or it will hurt more then it should." He cooed into the blond's ear kissing and nipping gently. Now every touch and word was laced with honey. Everything meant to send chills to Kira's very core.
He shivered as Gin placed soft kisses over his back. Kira's hands clenched and unclenched behind him as he struggled to remain over the back of the couch. The blond winced as he was pulled into his captain's lap and trembled as the man pet and kissed the back of his neck. It hurt to have his abused ass brush up against Gin's erection but he didn't try and struggle. No, he had learned if he did something Gin didn't like, the reaper would punish him for it and he certainly didn't want that to happen again. He nodded in response to Gin's words. Yes, he did see what his captain wanted him to and was well aware of the fact that no one had touched him before. A feeling of warmth rushed through him when Gin told him he was cute and Kira felt his cheeks heat up again. "Ah!" He exclaimed.

The blond hadn't expected Gin to reach around and grab his erection like that and tease it without warning. As his lips parted, he found Gin's fingers there and obediently took them in, licking and sucking at the digits as best he could. Kira would have liked lube instead but he hadn't known he would run into Gin during his training and had never thought they would progress this far in one day. Next time he would resort to carrying around some everywhere he went in case this happened again. Despite the ache in his ass and side, Kira found himself extremely excited about the prospect of being fucked by his new captain. It was what he had wanted for so long, ever since he had laid eyes on the beautiful silver haired soul reaper. The only other thing he wanted was a kiss from Gin.
A moan almost escaped Gin's lips feeling that tongue cover his fingers. He rolled his fingers with it, making sure each digit was covered. He knew Kira was a virgin, every reaction made that clear. But that tongue was far too talented to not use to it's full potential. And Gin would train that tongue well. For now it as doing a wonderful job sending Gin deeper into his lust. He bucked up rather hard and groaned softly. He had to force himself to pull his hand away and watched the trail of saliva from the blonds mouth to his wet fingers. Bringing the hand back around he made Kira lift his hips just enough to rub his fingers over the boys, until now, untouched entrance. He rubbed gently, almost lovingly, and pressed his finger just lightly not yet entering him. He would have to give the poor thing a few moments to not scare him too much. At least Kira was learning and being a fast learner was a good thing. But Gin still wanted to make sure the boy wouldn't try to get away from him now.

"Izuru..." He whispered softly still teasing the blond. "I neva knew ya had such a wondaful tongue. I'll have ta put it ta good use." He never stopped licking, nipping and kissing Kira's neck, shoulders and ears. Each sound was all to perfect to Gin's ears. Nothing was better to listen to then his long awaited pets sounds. But he didn't get him to moan just yet. That was the sound he wanted to hear. Slowly Gin started pushing one finger in, just breaking past the tight ring. He pumped his finger slowly, going deeper with each thrust. After a few moments one finger was fully settled in the poor thing and he curled it searching for something.
Kira really hadn't thought about how he was using his tongue. He simply let it do whatever felt natural and that was the end result. It seemed he was simply talented at it from the start. The blond was a fast learner in pretty much everything, it was only whether or not he had skill in whatever he was focusing his efforts and energy on that mattered. A shiver ran down his spine when he heard Gin groan softly and a smile came to his face. He'd made his captain feel good and that in turn made him feel happy. After all, he wanted to please Gin as best he could and apparently the man was enjoying himself. He tensed instinctively when Gin's fingers rubbed over his entrance but forced himself to relax. Since he had never been penetrated before, it was a nervous experience. He had heard it hurt.

Those who liked men had told him that and Kira didn't like pain. But still, he wouldn't ruin this moment, he wanted Gin to take him more than anything else. After all, Gin was the one he loved and he could feel himself falling deeper in love as every moment went by. He blushed when Gin complimented him on his tongue and closed his eyes as the male continued to give him little love-bites and nips all over. Kira whimpered as the silver haired reaper started to push a finger into him. It didn't hurt at first but as more of the digit entered him it began to sting and then hurt as skin caught on skin. The blond's hands curled into fists behind him as he struggled to deal with the invading finger up his ass. He grunted as Gin started to pump his finger in and out slowly and shuddered.
Gin wouldn't let this hurt his poor pet, not yet. He stopped moving his finger long enough to let Kira relax then curled it in a 'come here' motion. He kept moving it until he could find what he was looking. The spot in the blond that would send him moaning and begging for more. That was the only thing on Gin's mind at the moment. Pushing that 'button' to hear Kira moan his name out and beg for more. Even the though of hearing it was making him search harder. He was sure Kira didn't know about it, or at least not the pleasure the would bring him. And only Gin could teach little Kira all about those pleasures and make good use of that spot.

He went to Kira's ear whispering still, as he trusted his finger gently but firmly. "I've been waitin' fer this day a while, Izuru. I've waited fer the change ta get ya in ma bed...ta touch ya an' be inside ya. Ya 'ave na idea how happy I am ta know ya share ma feelin's..." He lied. He knew Kira had those feelings, of what he had none of. Gin only felt lust and possession over the blond. But Kira was now on a road he could never escape.
Kira felt relieved when Gin's finger stopped. He let his body relax as best he could and then gasped as the finger started to move again. It was around this time that the digit hit a certain spot within him and blood shot through his cock, causing it to harden instantly. "Ah!" He exclaimed, hands clenching into fists behind him as he struggled to deal with the outrageous amount of pleasure that rushed through him. "What-" The blond gasped out, not sure what was going on since he had never felt this way before. A shiver ran down his spine as Gin whispered sweet words into his ear. The silver haired reaper had felt the same as him? He'd never known! A little moan escaped his lips as Gin's finger thrust in and out of him, hitting his prostate every second. "I-I love you, Captain Ichimaru!"

He hadn't meant to say those words. But somehow they had just come out without his permission. His cheeks flushed and Kira bit his lip, wanting to take them back. What if Gin decided to dump him because of that? But he couldn't find time to apologize or say anything more since the pleasure was getting to him way too fast. His cock was nearly fully erect by now and Kira was starting to feel frustration at the fact that the finger wasn't giving him enough pleasure. "P-please..." He managed to get out, unable to say what he wanted, it was too dirty and unthinkable to ask his captain such a thing. Kira was fairly certain that Gin would do it anyway, even if he kept silent. But why wouldn't the man hurry up! His hands clenched into fists behind his back once more as he pushed back against the finger.
Gin paused him movements when he heard those words. He laughed inside and pulled his finger away, leaning over Kira and tilting his head to him. A fake look of shock on his face and licked his lips, almost touching Kira's. He didn't expect his pet to say that so soon and not like that. But it all fit too perfectly to keep Kira on a short leash. "Wha' did ya say? Did I hear ma little Izuru right? I dun know wha' ta think abou' tha'. Ya dun know meh tha' well. Even after I hurt ya, ya love meh?" He spoke slowly, teasing the boys entrance with his finger. Never going in but enough to drive the boy insane, more so then he was.

Now Gin was a bit shocked when Kira begged. It wasen't much but it was something. he chuckled softly and shoved his finger back inside. "Please wha'? I dun know wha' ya wan', Izuru." He teased and licked Kira's lips.
No! Kira didn't want that finger to go away, even though he wanted Gin's cock instead. Now he felt decidedly empty and his body ached for more stimulation. A moan escaped his lips as he shifted back and forth on his captain's lap and tried to hold his urges back. The look of shock on Gin's face made his cheeks color even further and he wanted to hide his face. But he had said the words and it was up to him to show Gin his devotion. "I don't think anyone knows you like I do. They don't understand what a great man you are and are afraid to get close to you." Kira managed to get out, believing every word he said. "Because of your outer demeanor and how you act around others, people think you are intimidating and some even liken you to a cunning fox. They never give you a chance."

"But I know there's something beneath the facade you show others. You care for those around you and express yourself in different ways." Kira said, letting his eyes linger on Gin for a few moments. He didn't need to be told he was right, he simply knew it deep in his bones. "I don't care what anyone else says, so yes even though you hurt me I still love you." The blond stated and a little sound of distress escaped him when Gin started to tease his entrance once more with a finger. His hands clenched and unclenched behind his back as he struggled to keep the sounds within him. But when Gin suddenly shoved his finger back inside him, Kira let out a gasp and his body tensed as the digit made its way deeper into his caverns. "Fuck..." He whimpered and flushed at Gin's words.

Damn that man! He was going to make him say it, wasn't he? "Please...f-fuck...me..." Kira managed to finally get out desperately, needing relief more than anything else. The thought of having Gin inside him was more than enough to cause his body to tremble and his cock to jerk.
((Sorry I've been on my iPod and the post look longer then they are on that thing ><))

Gin dragged out each word and motion just to pull more sweet sounds from his pet. Each twitch only made the captain more exited. His own cock twitch with the thought of being deep inside the little uke. He rubbed himself over Kira's thigh to calm himself from taking the poor boy too quickly. He could tell Kira was scared of being hurt and he didn't want to scare him off, even though that seemed impossible at this point. Gin could very well beat Kira into an inch of his life and would keep coming back. He couldn't help but chuckle inward at the thought. In fact he was sure that's just what would happen. The only hope to not test the theory was to do the best Kira could to not figure out how far he could push the fox before he snapped.

With each word Gin only twitched and ached more to be buried inside. He only teased listing to each word. One hand went around Kira's neck and gripped lightly. "Ma little Izuru can be talkative when he wan's ta be. I'm glad ya think such thin's a meh. Even though I've hurt ya..." He teased with the idea of making his hand tighter. Each word was said with such devotion. Some of it was true. But poor Kira had no idea the plans the 'cunning fox' had for him. He did fake himself around people, and not that Gin was an abusive person, but around Kira he was possessive. He wanted the boy to be his, to touch, to use, and no one else was allowed to even look at him with out asking. Gin wanted Kira to know who he belonged to and everyone else to know to stay away.

Maybe it was from being around Aizen for so long. But Gin's sadistic side was coming out more and more as Kira talked. He wrapped one arm around his waist, the other still on his neck. "Dun worry Izuru, I will...an' then na one can eva take ya from meh. I'll never let ya go." he purred into Kira's ear and pulled himself closer. His dripping cock rubbed over the blinds poorly prepared entrance. He took his hand off his pets waist and spit into it, lubricating himself like it would help much. He did have lube somewhere, but he would save that for next time, maybe. For now Gin put his moist hand obi er Kira's twitching cock as he lined himself and starting pushing the tip inside.
Kira tensed as a hand went around his neck. He didn't like things like this but dealt with it since it was his captain. As a vice-captain he needed to obey and submit to the demands of his superior. Still, as Gin's arm wrapped around his waist, Kira felt his breath quicken with the anticipation of being taken and claimed by the silver haired reaper. A soft groan escaped his lips as one of Gin's hands alighted on his twitching cock which hardened instantly upon contact. "More..." He moaned out and a second later he got his wish as Gin's cock began to push its way inside him. It didn't matter that there was a lack of real lubricant or that the only thing that eased the man into him was some spit and precum. Kira could deal with the pain because he had wanted this for so long.

It had nearly driven him insane. He had managed to control his urges all the way up until today because he had thought it would never happen, that Gin would never look at him in the way he wanted. But now, everything was different and all his old feelings had welled up inside him and burst out again. A second later and the head had popped inside him as he continued to sit on Gin's lap and Kira felt the pain start to hit him. It was intense and a little gasp escaped him as he struggled not to cry out, that would shame his captain and he didn't want to do that. He breathed heavily as his head fell forward, blond hair covering the entire left side of his face as usual. But this time, most of the right side of his face was also concealed from view by a waterfall of long blond hair.
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