Ya look best when yar covered in blood - GinXIzuru (Keisuke+Kintana)


Persimmons of Silver
Jun 10, 2011
Las Noches
Ichimaru Gin was a new captain. He just became the head of squad three after the former had disappeared and turned up dead some time after. No one knew what happened but it was soon forgotten when the genius child became the youngest captain after he was the youngest vice-captain. His own captain was so proud of his student, the child he raised right out of the academy.

The silver haired man was walking to his barracks after spending the first night in his captain quarters. But he still needed a vice-captain. He already knew who he would have and there was no turning it down. He had his eye on the blond since he 'saved' him and his friends that day. The poor thing was so scared and since then followed the fox like a puppy. Gin knew what he could do with him from the moment he met the boy.

Gin knew where he would find the blond as well. Training, as always, to become useful to his new captain. The blond had only been serving him for a short time but was already a perfect thing for the manipulative man to use. He walked up behind the boy, grinning wide as ever, and putting a hand on his shoulder.
Kira ran through the obstacle course he had set up as best he could. His sword sliced through the air in quick, rapid motions as he attempted to hit every one of his targets. He knew better than anyone that his weak point lay in swordsmanship and as a result he trained as hard as he could to become better at it. After all, what use was he to Gin if he couldn't even wield a sword expertly? He wanted to be in the silver fox-faced reaper's division, even if he wasn't a seated officer. But the man wouldn't take him if he couldn't make a good impression, right? The blond continued to rush through the course until he reached the end and breathed heavily, using his sword to prop himself up. A little gasp escaped him when he felt a hand descend on his shoulder and he whipped around.

"C-captain Ichimaru!" He exclaimed and his heartbeat quickened within his chest. "What are you doing here?" Kira asked as he turned around to face the man he admired more than anyone else in the world. Most people never called him by his first name, it seemed they tended to be uncomfortable with being so informal and he never insisted on correcting them. Kira was a very easy-going sort of man. However, when Gin called him by his first name it felt different than when anyone else had done so. He felt chills run down his spine but what was strange was that they weren't born of just fear but rather a mix of fear and adoration. For some reason, Kira had a fascination for Gin that he couldn't explain. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that Gin had saved him.
Gin placed his hands in his sleeve and chuckled at the blonds shock. It was written all over Kira's face how much he admired the fox. Gin could say 'jump' and Kira was already in the air asking how high. He wanted to test just how far he could push the poor boy. He watched Kira closely, even more then Kira watched him. Testing him without his knowing. Finding out just what his potential was. He already had contact with his zanpakutou spirit. But just what the sword could do he didn't know yet. It mattered little in the long run. Aizen had told him to make this boy his second. Gin put up no fight to it, he would have asked to have the boy for his own anyway. And no one could stop him from doing to the unsuspecting blond as he wished.

"It's ma squad ya know~ Wha' kinda captain would I be if I didn' come ta check on ma favorite little follower?" He tilted his head and grinned. "Ya work sa hard. Yar gonna push yarself ta hard one day. Come. Yar gonna join meh fer lunch an' I 'ave somethin' I wanna talk ta ya abou'." Gin turned to walk away not giving the other an option. But he knew even if he did, Kira wouldn't dare say no to his beloved captain and savior. "An' tha's an order, Izuru~"
The blond blushed, his cheeks turning slightly pink as Gin spoke. "Yes, of course. I just wasn't expecting to see you right now, I thought I was alone." He murmured and blinked when he heard Gin say he was his favorite follower. Could he be hearing things or had Gin actually said something nice like that? Kira brightened when he heard Gin's words and nodded. "Yes, sir." He headed after Gin obediently, sheathing his sword in the process as he wondered what on earth the other reaper might want to talk to him about. Perhaps he was going to ask him to become part of his squad? One could only hope for such an honor. After all, the man had said he was his favorite and that he worked hard. Kira prayed that his dream would come true and that he could serve Captain Ichimaru from now on.

It didn't matter that he hadn't quite managed to learn a technique from Wabisuke. He knew being part of a squad didn't necessarily mean you had to know zanpakutou techniques. That only applied if you were a seated officer or a vice-captain which Kira didn't think applied to him, at least not right away. But he took comfort in the fact that he was close to learning a technique, Wabisuke had said he would teach him in the near future within a few weeks time. At least Kira would be able to show Gin how much he had improved later. That was really all that mattered to him. He walked with Gin until they reached their destination and wondered what it was Gin wanted to talk to him about. Kira wanted to ask but at the same time was afraid to, he didn't want to appear pushy and so remained quiet.
Gin looked behind himself every little while just to see the look on the boys face. Twisted with emotions, he smirked inwardly. Of course Kira wouldn't say anything or deny Gin's wishes. He was perfect for molding. Gin knew he could bend Kira to his each and every wish no matter what it was. It would only take sometime. One thing he wondered was just how deep his love for the silver haired man went. He thought over each step long before it came and came up with a way to solve every possible issue that could come up.

He open the door to his own quarters and offered the boy to go inside first. He brushed his fingertips over the small of Kira's back as he walked past and followed him in, closing the door. He sat himself on a small couch and pat the spot next to him. "As ya know squad three has been without a vice-captain fer some time. It's ma right as a captain to choose who eva I see fit fer the position. Bu' they gotta be strong, fearless and can lead the squad when I'm na around. An' follow ma every command even if they dun agree with meh."
Kira went into the room, a thrill rushing through him at the feeling of Gin's fingertips on his back. Even if it had only been for a few seconds, he would cherish them forever. He waited for Gin to close the door and then went over to the couch as well. The blond took a seat next to Gin as the captain had commanded and listened to the other male speak. His eyes widened when he heard the words 'vice-captain' and blinked. Did Gin mean to imply he wanted Kira to be his vice-captain? No, that couldn't be the case, right? Then again, why else would he speak about such a thing with him? Kira inclined his head when Gin spoke of what he expected from the one he made his vice-captain. He wasn't quite sure what else he could say and waited for the other reaper to continue. What was going on?

Did Gin expect him to say or do something in response? Kira tried to think of what he could possibly say that would make Gin pleased.
"Always sa quite Izuru. Ya can speak yar mind when we're alone like this." Gin put a finger under Kira's chin for just a moment to get him to fully look at the silver man. He licked his lips and put his hand back down. "I wanna know if ya know anyone suited fer the job. I dun know if I can trust anyone ta follow meh sa closely. Do ya know anyone tha' would be willin' ta get sa close ta meh, Izuru?" He said the blonds name like candy. His words were careful and slow, watching the boys every move.

Gin would get what he wanted, there was no question. But the question was when. How much effort would it take. His hand sat on Kira's knee as he waited the boy to answer. "Dun be sa shy around meh. There's na harm in relaxin'. We're completely alone..."
Kira's breath stopped when Gin put his finger under his chin. It literally stopped for a moment. He found himself staring straight into the captain's slitted eyes and his lips parted slightly, causing his mouth to go dry shortly afterward. Not one word was spoken, even though he knew he should say something and soon. A blush came to his cheeks once more, although this time it was more pronounced. "I-" He started to say but couldn't get the words out. Gin was driving him insane by being so close and saying such things that made it seem as if he was interested in him. For a moment he was at a loss as to what to say or even do. Then, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment, trying to gather himself together. When he opened his eyes again he was in control again.

"I think I could make you proud if you took me into the 3rd Division. I'm not sure whether I would be a good vice-captain but I know you won't regret taking me into your squad." Kira told him in a voice that didn't waver in the least. It was the truth, at least to his knowledge. "As for who I would recommend for the position you spoke of earlier, what about Abarai Renji? He has great swordsmanship skills and all the qualities one might expect in a vice-captain." Kira suggested, not having confidence in himself enough to nominate himself for the position. He was good but wasn't really one to stand out amongst others. Kira knew that all too well. His heart skipped a beat when he felt Gin's hand rest on his knee but tried not to think too much about it. This was professional, right?
Gin had to enjoy every moment. The poor shivering blond was playing right into his hands. He waited as the boy took his time. His eyes stayed on him intently. Watching and examining every move. It was clear the feelings he had for the silver fox. And Gin's prey was almost ready to be pounced on. It took all Gin had in him not to pounce on him right then and there. He kept his seat thinking of more ways to tease Kira.

He had to say he was a bit shocked at the sudden change. Kira was putting the effort into wanting to be at Gin's side. With a soft chuckle he gave his hand a small squeeze and moved it slightly. "I'm glad ta hear tha' ya wanna serve meh sa much, Izuru. Bu' I dun think Abarai-kun would suit meh, do ya? He's strong bu' I dun think I'm the kinda person he wan's ta follow. Na...I had someone else in mind...." Ever so slowly Gin leaned into Kira, just enough to nearly brush their noses. "I'd much ratha 'ave ya by ma side. I~Zu~Ru~." He sang-song the boys name.
Kira's palm was sweaty as Gin reached over to squeeze his hand. Oh fuck! The blond wished he had been able to wipe the sweat off before Gin had touched his hand. But it was too late now and he felt even more nervous, hopefully Gin wouldn't end up feeling disgusted by it. He felt his heartbeat increasing rapidly every second as Gin continued to talk. For some reason, Kira thought he would never get tired of hearing Gin speak. That chuckle, the touch of his long, slender, pale fingers as it brushed by his skin and his voice, tinged with that sexy dialect. He would never be able to get enough of it. When Gin leaned into him, Kira actually forgot to breathe. He was so close to Gin's lips and yet so far away from them. If he made the slightest movement he might end up kissing him! How insane!

He knew he had to speak but he couldn't find his voice. "I-I would love to be with you..." Kira managed to get out and then immediately blushed. "I mean, I would be honored to be by your side, Captain Ichimaru." The blond corrected himself and his blue eyes flickered off to the side as if he was feeling extremely self-conscious. "What would I need to do?" He asked, waiting for the other male to respond to his question. Yes, he had his doubts about his abilities and skills but at the moment he couldn't quite bring that up. Gin's presence and his words were too overwhelming right now. Not to mention the fact that if he said he wanted Kira, the blond wasn't going to argue with him. He could bring up his concerns later... when his sanity returned. Right now, all he could think about was Captain Ichimaru.
Gin darted his tongue out just a second and touched Kira's lips. It was all too sweet of a taste. "Mm...ya wanna be with meh, little Izuru?" He lifted his hand to put it under the boy's chin again and tilted it up. He looked Kira over carefully. Taking his time to look over each curve, each movement of his new toy's body. "I'm glad ya said tha'. Cuz I was jus' abou' ta ask ya anotha question." He took a long pause just to tease him. Another lick of his lips to taste the other. It sent a shiver down his spine and he couldn't wait any longer. The next moment he was ontop of the blond who was now on his back in Gin's house. Just the two of them as night was falling, no one would dare come into a captain's room uninvited at this hour.

He eyed the boy and pinned his hands above his head. "Then it's settled. Ya belong ta meh. Na one else is allowed ta touch ya. An' ya will follow ma every command without question. Hm?" He said it as a question but it was clear Kira had no choice. He voice was playful as always but something changed just slightly making it clear the blond had no room to object, not that he would.
The kiss had been completely unexpected and had left him reeling mentally. Who would have thought that Gin would have done something like that! Kira looked up into Gin's eyes as his chin was lifted once more. His entire body felt like mush and he wasn't entirely certain he could have stood without falling, so it was a good thing he was sitting on the couch. A little gasp escaped his lips when Gin suddenly moved on top of him and pinned his hands above his head. "What are you doing, Captain Ichimaru?" He managed to get out, a bit of nervousness in his voice but at the same time there was a slight undertone of anticipation as well. Kira blinked when he heard the words Gin had just said and his brow furrowed. What exactly was the man saying to him? Most would have struggled.

Many would have resisted in some way or expressed their discontent to someone who tried to take advantage of them like this. But Kira didn't have the confidence to do so. He wanted to ask what Gin meant by his words but instead found himself responding automatically to his superior. "Yes, sir." Kira had always been taught to obey orders and remain loyal to those he gave his services to. In this case, the person to fill that role was Captain Ichimaru and he had reacted instinctively. Then again, it probably wouldn't be too bad. After all, Gin probably had meant Kira was now his vice-captain and no one else could take him away. The silver haired reaper had most likely just phrased it in a different way, probably to throw his mind into utter turmoil. Gin liked to play with others like that.
All he said was 'yes sir' and that's all it took. Gin took that moment to claim the blond as his and only his. He crushed his lips onto Kira's in a proper, demanding kiss. His tongue forced it's way into the blonds mouth and rolled around, claiming and demanding every inch. He let one hand hold both of Kira's wrist while the other went into the hair on the back of his neck, gripping it tight and tugging to force him to open his mouth more for his captain. Gin had nothing to hide anymore. With Kira under his spell he would make sure Kira knew who he belonged to. Kira gave himself to the fox and lie the predator he was he would take his pray.

Gin was lost in the taste. The boy tasted too good. If Gin thought he was addicted before, he was now fully dependent on the taste. Aizen told him the boy was his to do with as he pleased. No one would stop him. And Kira would learn to not seek help, should he dare have the thought in his head. "Mine, Izuru Kira."
Gin's kiss became quite intense a moment later. Kira gasped as he felt the other male's tongue force its way into his mouth and did his best to return the favor, doing some exploring of his own. He winced as Gin gripped his hair and forced him to open his mouth further. But he obliged and attempted to give everything that he was to his new captain. The blond's breathing quickened and his lust for the silver haired reaper rose, along with a certain body part as well. Kira panted into Gin's mouth as he heard the other speak, claiming him. "Yours..." He murmured back, when given the chance to get in a few words. All he wanted was to be with Gin and now that he'd had a taste of him, he wanted him even more. It seemed as if Gin wanted to be with him as well which was almost too good.

Could he be dreaming of all this? Could this all be really happening or was this all in his mind? Kira tugged at Gin's grip on his wrists, wanting to move.
Gin pinned Kira's wrist harder and kept them down. He pulled himself off for a moment to catch a breath, smirking darkly at the blond. His other hand in his hair tugged a bit harder to make him look up. "Sa eager ta please, Izuru. Na even tryin' ta put up a fight. Yar makin' meh think I can do anythin' ta ya or say anythin' an ya really will do it." He leaned in and nipped the blonds neck. "Such a good boy deserves a reward. Dun ya think? Bu' wha' does ma little Izuru wan'? Anotha kiss? Ta get up? Fer his captain ta use his body howeva he wishes?" He said each word into Kira's ear sweetly like a sweet poison. Licking and nipping his ear and neck as he talked.
Kira winced as Gin put added pressure on his wrists. He stopped trying to get free and let his muscles relax. A soft grunt escaped his lips as his hair was tugged harder and those blue eyes gazed up into the slitted ones of his captain. A pink flush came to his cheeks at Gin's next words and he averted his eyes. "I want to make you proud, Captain Ichimaru. To that end I will do anything and everything to achieve that." He told the silver haired reaper. A gasp could be heard when Gin leaned in to nip his neck and goosebumps rose on his neck. It was such a good feeling that he felt chills run through his body. When Gin spoke of giving him a reward, Kira brightened, looking up at him in a hopeful manner. If he was given a reward that meant he had pleased the other male in some way.

Could it be that the reason behind it, was that he had allowed Gin to do whatever he wanted so far? Could it really be that simple? Kira felt as if his cheeks had heated up and were in flames when he heard Gin say those last words. "I-I want...whatever you want..." He murmured, trembling from the sheer pleasure of what Gin was currently doing to him. Truthfully, Kira wanted Gin to ravish him because who knew when he would have such an opportunity again! He didn't consider himself gay but he had always harbored a fascination that bordered on obsession with Gin. Gin was different, special and no one seemed to understand that. They were all too frightened of him and what he could do. Kira was the only one who understood him. He wanted to please him and to make him happy.
"Yar a good boy, Izuru. I will neva share ya with anyone else." He hand left Kira's wrist but gave a firm push before to ensure he wanted them to stay there. Kira was a quick learner and that would befit him greatly in the near future. Gin would reward him greatly,but on his terms. He would never be gentle to the blond. Never let anyone else even look at him the wrong way. Everyone would soon know Kira was his but no one would dare stop him. He thought over a few ideas to use as 'rewards' and grinned at his own ideas. He looked down at Kira and pet his head gently seeing him look up with such admiration.

"Wha' eva I wan'? Oh Izuru~ Yar such a good boy~" Gin chuckled softly and gave a rather hard bite to the side of Kira's neck. He dug his teeth in, forcing him to move his head from his hand still in his hair. "When I'm done with ya, ya won' evan remeba yar name." He licked the wound humming to himself. "Now...tell meh sweet Izuru. Has anyone else touched ya before?"
Never share him? What did that mean? Kira didn't have time to think about it much before his attention was drawn back to Gin. He realized quickly that Gin wanted him to keep his hands above his head and resolved to do so. If that was something Gin wished of him, he would comply with his captain's desires. He closed his eyes when Gin pet his head, enjoying the gentleness of the touch. But that was rudely taken away from him when the silver haired reaper bit down on the side of his neck rather hard. Kira yelped, unprepared for the harshness and his hands came down instinctively to try and push Gin away from him. But he caught them just in time before they reached his captain. The blond forced himself to raise his hands above his head once more and struggled not to cry out.

The teeth digging into his skin hurt but he would bear it for his captain. It wasn't that bad and probably would only last for a few seconds. Gin didn't mean to hurt him after all, right? He shook his head, then regretted such an action because it made it hurt even more, and let his lips part. "No, I never had the time to engage in such activity although I came close once." Kira admitted.
Gin glanced at the hands ready to punish Kira for disobeying him. But the hands went right back where they should. A small chuckle he licked the few drops of blood that come from the wound. "Mm...ma little Izuru taste sa sweet." He cleaned the wound none too gently. When Kira spoke he lifted his head and tilted his just a little. "...came close? Who?" His tone went from sweet to cold. Someone tried to touch what was his? Someone would have to be punished. He wasn't sure who but Kira would be getting something for allowing such a thing.

As he waited for the answer he licked the blonds neck more, nipping and then pressing his tongue to the still fresh wound. "Na one is ta touch ya bu' meh. Do ya understand? If anyone tries get rid a 'em. Or I'll' 'ave ta punish ya. An' I dun wanna hurt ma sweet little Izuru." He sat up just a little and straddled the boy's hips. He knew Kira was very willing to keep going. But he would deal with this 'almost' this first.
The feeling of Gin's tongue swiping across the wound he'd made was downright sexy. Kira relished the little sensations pinging throughout the upper portion of his body. But when he heard Gin's tone change from sweet to cold and asked for the identity of the one he had mentioned, the blond felt his heart skip a beat. This time in fear. He could tell Gin wasn't pleased and that made Kira worried. "It was nothing! It wasn't a guy, you're the first one if you're concerned about that!" Kira said quickly, not wanting to divulge the identity of the girl he'd been with before. It had been a few years ago and only a one-time thing, even though they'd never consummated it. Captain Hitsugaya had interrupted them and that had been the end of it. He nodded ever so slowly when Gin spoke again.

"I understand, Captain Ichimaru." Kira murmured. It seemed as if his new captain was the jealous type which might be a bit difficult to deal with. But he was sure he could handle it.
Gin was a man that didn't fit into any catagory of sexual oriantaion. He went after whatever caugh his eye. Few did such and when they did even fewer got away. Once he caught his prey he kept it. Only when he was done did he let them go and they never had a chance to tell anyone the tale. But this time was different. Kira was different. He was quickly becoming more and more obsessed with the blond. Every detail he went over. Gin trailed his fingers over the boys chest humming to himself. Thinking over his next more. Poor Kira had no idea what he was getting into. Gin kept light touches and trailed over all of Kira's body. "I asked ya who it was. It fun matta if it was male or female. Tell meh wha' happen Izuru."

His voice was sweet again but had a dark possive tone behind it. Kira didn't answer him though. As he moved his hand over the blonde chest he paused over a nipple. Then took the already harden nub in his fingers and gave a light twist in warning. "Bu' I can see ma little Izuru is distracted...I dun think most new vice-captains get hard around their captains~"
He shivered as Gin's fingers trailed over his chest. It was such a nice feeling, yet at the same time quite nerve-wracking to him. Kira could still sense danger in the air and he didn't want to end up angering Gin. He bit his lip when his captain demanded to know who it was. Why did it matter? It wasn't of any consequence in the present, why did the silver haired reaper want to know about who he'd almost been with in the past? For some reason, a little voice in the back of his head told him not to tell Gin the identity of the girl. He didn't want to make any trouble for her but at the same time if he didn't confess, he might upset Gin. A yelp escaped his lips as his captain twisted one of his nipples and a brief jolt of pain lanced down his body as a result. It was obvious Gin wanted to know.

But Kira couldn't tell him. Most would probably either tell the other male or make up a story and give him a random name. But Kira didn't like lying to others and if there was something he didn't want to tell someone, he just wouldn't respond. That wasn't lying, it was simply withholding information. He blushed at Gin's next words. "I-I don't think most captains would make a move on their new vice-captains either!" He said cheekily, although his voice trembled a little at the beginning. Somehow he had to change the flow of this and make Gin think of something other than the girl who he had 'come close' with. "Do I need to do anything official to assume the post, Captain Ichimaru?" He asked, looking up at him with those beautiful sapphire eyes. Yes, this could serve to his purpose.
To say Gin was displeased with Kira's sudden choice to disobey his captain was an understatement. As Kira grew bolder and still say nothing at his punishment, he started to give a slight glare. But the last thing that made Gin set his resolve in putting the blond in place was his complete change in subject. Kira was starting to give a bit of lip, show a bit of defiance and a spine. Gin wouldn't allow that to happen. Kira would learn quickly his captain played games, but only by his rules. Those that didn't play by his rules soon learned to. "Still na gonna tell meh, Izuru? Ya care fer this person sa much ta keep a secret ta yar captain? Ma little pet....." He whispered the last few words in a dark possessive tone.

Gin was done playing nice. His new toy would learn to never disobey again. Pulling the white obi Gin opened the blonds shirt and looked at the exposed chest a moment before grabbing one nipple and giving a rather harsh twist and pull. His other hand using a single nail to make shallow, red angry marks over his skin. "I dun like bein' disobeyed, little Izuru. I'll asked ya one more time. Who was it?" He gave another sharp twist to the poor nipple.
Why was Gin so interested in this? He could feel a cold sweat begin to form over his body as the man refused to let it go. Kira shook his head quickly when his captain spoke again. "No! It's not a secret, I just don't want you to...make things difficult for her..." He trailed off at the end, wondering if he had gone too far. Kira's breath caught in his throat as Gin pulled his white obi open and grabbed one of his nipples. Before he could figure out the other male's intention, Gin twisted the nub rather hard, sending a jolt of pain throughout his body. Only a mere second later, he felt a sharp nail slice into his skin and his hands came down instantly as he tried to make Gin let go, not liking this sort of treatment. "Ow!" He exclaimed, struggling against the other. "What are you doing, Captain Ichimaru?!"

He wasn't really sure why Gin was inflicting pain on him. It was obviously intentional and not accidental at all. Kira yelped once more as his nipple was twisted again and tried to push back against his captain. "Stop this, Captain Ichimaru!" The blond didn't like where this was going at all. Yes, he didn't mind the thought of having rough sex, that was kind of kinky and interesting but he didn't like pain. If it was accidental that was one thing but intentionally inflicted pain was out of the question. Had Gin lost it? No, he was sure the man wasn't like this usually. Something must have set him off. "It was just a girl that means nothing to me now. Please, just let it go!" He pleaded, not seeing why Gin would be so interested in something that had no bearing on the present or the future.
Gin stared at the blond under him, his grin long gone. He watched as the blond struggled, protested and still refused to obey him. Enough was enough. Gin grabbed Kira's arms and pulled him into a sitting position by his hair. Mumbling a small incant and binding his wrist behind him. Normally it was a weak spell but at Gin's level compared to Kira's, there was no chance of escape. "I didn' ask if she ment anythin' ta ya. All I asked fer was her name. Ya disappoint meh, Izuru. I didn' wanna 'ave ta punish ya, bu' now I do." He said it plainly but something about how he said it could make one think he didn't mind hurting the other. With Kira now bound and half naked, it only stirred Gin on. He rolled his hips into Kira's, clearly just as aroused as him. He leaned back into Kira's ear, licking and nipping it. "Yar mine ta do with as I like. If yar good, I'll let ya enjoy it." He gave a rather hard bit to the lop but not enough to break the skin.

"Now yar gonna do everythin' I tell ya without question. If ya disobey meh...I'm sure ya'll think twice before doin' it again." Gin got off Kira and stripped himself. He took each piece of clothing off slowly and casually. After dropped it all on the floor at his feet he stood up grinning once again as his little toy on the couch. "Now...wha' ta do with ya first...." He tapped his chin a moment in thought. "Oh~ I know~ Get up an' lean ova the back a the couch like a good boy~" He said it mockingly like he was talking to a pet.
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