Vertigo (VivifiedVanityxSeven)

RE: Vertigo

Jackson eyed his leg; the wound was angry and red, but it was closed over and wouldn't re-open with a bit of strain, and as far as he was concerned, that was all that mattered. He ventured to touch it, running his calloused index finger along the mark; it buzzed painfully at the touch and he was aware it would leave a deep scar for some time - though, he wasn't narcissistic enough to be concerned about the visuals - scars faded.

He became aware of Lisa's shift in attention when her fingers found his chin and he knew what she was doing next - it had to happen eventually, but he hadn't really considered that he would be letting her bring something sharp near his throat. For an instant he visibly hesitated, but eventually allowed it, going against every instinct and rational thought and baring his throat to someone. He felt the scissors slip beneath the bandaging and his shoulders went tense; the material fell away from his neck and he spoke again,

"They would make sure your body was found," Jackson said, stating it plainly, "You saved Keefe's life - your untimely and violent death would show that Keefe has enemies that will do anything to make a point. I would probably be put through a woodchipper. Dead, if they were feeling pleasant."
RE: Vertigo

The scissor’s stopped mid-snip, Lisa’s breath catching as well as she just stared, her eyes only by chance having their focus caught at his throat.

Blinking rapidly, she finished closing the mouth of the scissors, and carefully pulled the bandages away from his throat. What he’d said had brought a very real fear to life in her, both for herself and for him… They couldn’t have him, not if they wanted to do that to him… That single thought rode to the surface of her fear, and she found herself once more unable to press forward. “You’ve… taken jobs like this before, haven’t you… Jobs that… if you failed… you’d be faced with this sort of thing?” She didn’t wait for his answer before she continued, “If so… why do you keep coming back to it? Why keep risking yourself like that?” An odd sort of worry had crept into her voice as she spoke, fuelled by what was settling in the pit of her stomach… Nevermind what each and every job he took made him do; the people killed, the lives ruined, and all other manner of dark things… Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Jackson was one of those bad things…

She forced herself to remember this; remember the fear he’d instilled in her once upon a time, remember that he’d chased her around her childhood home with the very real intent to kill her, and to remember the very vile thing he had tried to make her do. One simple phone call…

Her hands were still against his neck, her eyes unmoving from that single spot of stitching; she was resisting the urge to pull him against her in an embrace, one that he probably didn’t want or need, but that she needed… She resisted though, those small hands eventually starting on the sickening task of undoing the last remnants of what the hospital had used to hold him together. She’d been allowed to note the tightness in his shoulders before he’d spoken; the first sign of any discomfort from him at all, and as that tension had built before she’d even started working… How the two of them were sitting, at that moment, suddenly clicked in her mind; he was vulnerable to her.

She’d lashed out at him once, her first physical assault… one that had been aimed blindly.

Lisa hadn’t been intending to kill him when she’d rammed that pen into that soft spot along his throat, she honestly… didn’t know what she’d been intending… except to get away from him. She’d lashed out, blindly, as soon as… his head had tilted back. Pausing in her work, she reached up with her left hand as her eyes drifted from where the scissors were held still against the black threading they were working out of him and trailed over his neck and jaw. She noted the fluttering of his lashes from time to time, she unable to see his eyes from this angle, and mildly thankful to be given a reprieve from those all too black orbs, the feel of the corded muscles of his throat revealed even by that slight tilt of his head…
RE: Vertigo

Jackson had gone terribly still as Lisa's hands lingered at his throat, the scissors pressed to his skin, near the sutures but not actually cutting through them yet; he swallowed and the muscles in his neck shifted with the movement - he aimed his eyes at the ceiling, trying to focus on anything except the fact that Lisa was watching his neck. He knew Lisa Reisert well enough to confidently say she wouldn't slash his throat open, but for the first time since he had met her, he briefly had the sense of something almost predatorial lingering somewhere deep, deep in the recesses of her personality.

He told himself he was just projecting; Lisa was about as predatorial as a field rabbit, she had only paused because of what he had said.

He was silent for a long time after Lisa's question as though it was one that required an amount of consideration,

"It was only a risk if I failed. So I just didn't fail." he said finally; he mentally acknowledged that he was referring to his career in past-tense; he made a note to correct the thought process.

His career wasn't past-tense until he was dead, and he wasn't dead yet.

"It's what I do." he added - usually blunt and honest to a fault with his answers, it was an almost vague response; he even looked uncomfortable with it, as though unsatisfied by his own wording - though it might have still been Lisa's position at his neck that was causing his discomfort.
RE: Vertigo

Until he met her…

Finishing with the threading, Lisa’s eyes flicked up again, and her hand blindly reached for the sink as she set the scissors to the side. Her thumb touched to his throat, the fingers of that same hand pressing against the curve of his neck as her thumb brushed upward. It followed the curve of his adam’s apple, more pronounced with the tilt his neck was at, and moved along the soft spot under his jaw before turning to brush along the edge of that jaw bone.

Realizing what she was doing, she took her hand away and stood to allow herself to both wash her hands and the scissors. His answer didn’t sit well with Lisa, and it showed with how her hands moved with uncertainty beneath the flow of the water. Opening the cabinet in one, sharp motion, she stowed the scissors away and fished out everything she’d need to redress his wounds. “No, Jackson, it was a risk even if you didn’t fail,” She corrected him, coldly, fixating herself on that vague answer. She closed the cabinet, but her fingers remained curled around its handle for some time. “Because the risk was that you would fail… and now that you have, look at you,” Lisa had turned towards him a little ways, and she sighed, releasing her sudden frustration in that breath before it could build into anything beyond that. “I honestly…” Her words were filled with that familiar worry, “don’t think that you know what to do with yourself now that you have,” that conclusion came around slowly, stirred to life by his answer more than any forward thinking on Lisa’s part – she was considering what he’d said aloud, partially because she wasn’t all there.

She felt slightly light-headed from what she’d had to do from him, her brain was still in an early-morning mush because she hadn’t had her coffee, and the time was later then when she usually pulled herself out of bed – nevermind the jarring way she’d been roused from that bed...

Her hand reached out again, her hand cupping the side of his face as she knelt down in front of him again. Gently taking hold of his arm, she set herself to cleaning the wounds she’d reopened a little ways – dealing with the most aggravated of his injuries first, once more cleaning away the blood that had trickled out from that slightly rendered flesh torn by the removal of the heavy, metal staples, and then moving on to disinfect and dress them.

Lisa talked as she worked this time, cradling his arm gently as she moved that pale strip of gauze around his forearm over and over, “You… don’t have anyone to worry about you while you’re doing… what it is you do; you’re alone, which means you wouldn’t leave anyone behind if they…” her voice faltered a bit, and her fingers stumbled a bit of taping down the gauze, “…put you through the wood-chipper…” She moved to his chest next, somewhat fluidly, repeating the process over with little hesitation. Her hands were slow as she worked, their touch allowed to be tender this time as wounds were cleaned again… Compared to what she had been doing to him, this involved little thought; she didn’t have to steel herself with cold iron to carry forward, “No one would notice if the world suddenly was without its Jackson Rippner…

Which is why, for you, it’s only a risk if you fail…” As she worked through it all, everything suddenly came full circle for her… She was disturbed by this, deeply so, and it ran through her eyes as she stared at the angry wounds marring his chest. Her lips parted as if she intended to say something further, but Lisa stopped herself for some reason, and she once more used what she was doing as a distraction for herself... She was forced to almost hug him as the gauze was wrapped around his chest, her thin arms slipping beneath his own as her own body came almost dangerous close to his each time the gauze went around his back and shoulder.

If she'd had to resist the urge to wrap her arms around him earlier, it was even more difficult this time with the warmth of him tempting her, with the scent of him so strong...
RE: Vertigo

Rippner's world was black and white - there was no risk where there was no failure, and he had gone without failure for a very long time. It was clear that Lisa didn't share his perspective, but he wasn't about to argue semantics, particularly not when her hand was moving at his neck so strangely, a fluttering touch that even she seemed surprised by, as though her hand had acted of its own accord rather than by her direction.

Though, she was incorrect in the belief that he didn't know what to do following failure - quite the contrary, he knew exactly what to do, he was aware of what options were available to him, and what the consequences would be. It boiled down to a simple ultimatum: kill or be killed. In order to ensure their safety, Jackson was aware he would need to start by getting Malevre and his dogs out of the picture - after that, he would need to track down Malevre's employer and kill him as well. He was aware that the Keefe attempt was high profile enough that there were plenty of players involved, but he only needed to hack away at the few that were still smarting from the failure while those with self-preservation had walked away and hadn't looked back.

He didn't voice any of this; he simply regarded Lisa in silence as she spoke, she was even right about some of it: he didn't have anyone waiting for him at home, if he were to disappear, no one would look for him, report his absence, or mourn his passing.

Which is why, for you, it’s only a risk if you fail…

When Jackson spoke, his voice contained no measure of grief, there was no sadness, no regret, only a simple response:

"Yes." he said, as Lisa wound the gauze around his chest, a slow motion that seemed to bring her progressively closer to him each time; he could feel her body heat radiating onto him, and he found his eyes dropping to follow the way the curls of her hair moved with her motions.

It was pure, emotionless fact: he was alone, and that was that.

"And that hasn't changed," he continued casually, "It's all the more reason why I should get the supplies."

He didn't say the next part: And you shouldn't.

But it was certainly implied.
RE: Vertigo

Lisa’s hazels found him; she hadn’t expected for him to bring that up yet… and she’d rather hoped it wouldn’t come up before she’d be able to get him back to bed… The small bit of shock that had trilled through her faded, and she finished wrapped the bandages around his chest without answering him. She moved to his neck next simply because of the proximity, and this time her movements didn’t quite slow, “Hasn’t it though?” she whispered this while her arms moved around him again, working the gauze around his throat. It was a question from her, but not entirely one she’d planned on voicing, and so it didn’t demand an answer from him… Not only had Jackson brought up a topic she’d been dreading, but he’d just tossed an argument her way that she didn’t know how to counter right away… In an odd sort of way, he was right, but she wasn’t alright with that fact. She’d made another loop around his throat, and was preparing to seal the gauze off, her arms around him again when she turned somewhat.

Her eyes studied his profile while her fingers worked, “Stop it, just stop it for now,” her words were cold, angry even. She surrendered then; fingers finishing with the gauze, her arms tightened around him in a loose sort of embrace. Her cheek brushed against his, feeling the near-softness of the scruffiness that coated his face as one of her hands found its way up the back of his head. Her hand remained still, touching to him only lightly, that touch nearly as timid as her embrace, “For the moment, neither of us should be going anywhere, least of all you…

Unless you’re enjoying dragging all of this out… You need to lay down and let your body mend, otherwise…” She turned towards him, lips close to his ear to drive her point home, “You’re not going to get better if you keep pushing yourself.
RE: Vertigo

Though Jackson was adept at understanding his targets, he discovered that he was having trouble deciphering Lisa's response; initially she sounded angry, but then her arms were around him, her fingers threaded gently through his hair. In their current position, Jackson could feel Reisert's body pressing up against him and he was again reminded of how - exposed - he was, and he could feel her breath on his ear, tickling against it as she spoke to him. His head flicked slightly to the side, a tiny reaction to the feeling of her words on his skin, but he refused to acknowledge that he had done it.

When he responded, his voice was quiet, and his mouth was just near Lisa's cheekbone, the growth on his chin brushing against her jaw,

"And how long do you expect me to mend for, Leese?" he asked, "You know as well as I do that it could be months before I'm healed."

He was aware of his injuries - he was even aware of the gravity of them. He just didn't respect the limitations they imposed on him and as a result he was simply refusing to accept them.
RE: Vertigo

Only her fingers moved, clinging to him; fingers curled in his hair, and the hand on his shoulder clutched at it… She managed to hold off the urge to actually tighten her embrace, stayed off by the feeling that such a thing would actually risk causing him pain with how tender his chest was. She’d shivered at his response, partially because she was not only allowed to hear his voice tickling dangerously in her ear, but because she could feel his jaw moving with what he was telling her.

Her eyes closed, and she pressed her cheek against his, turning that accidental caress between them into something intentional, “I expect for you to take however long you need” She rubbed her cheek against his in the pause she drew, lengthening it, “If that means a week, a month… or several months… Then so be it, but I will not risk this turning into a suicide mission for you,” Her words were firm as she spoke, attempting to push through to him the severity of what she meant… and attempting to ignore the slight edge that had haunted his own voice. That she wasn’t just blowing smoke at him. If it meant that she and he would be sitting in this room for months on end with nothing more for them to do than stare at each other, she was prepared for that…

Hopefully the symptoms of his withdrawal would lessen by that time, meaning she’d have his icy blue eyes staring her down instead of his creepy black ones… As frigid as those blues could be they were definitely preferable, even with their unforgiving intensity, to what his eyes looked like dilated…
RE: Vertigo

At some point - though Jackson wasn't clear when - boundaries had been crossed. He was aware it was his current physical condition that had prompted Lisa's light touches, but the frequency and gentleness and consideration of them was unavoidably strange to him. She had finished bandaging his injuries, so the contact had ceased to be functional, yet it continued.

He felt Lisa's cheek press against his following his murmured reply; he had meant to repel her by speaking so closely, but it somehow had the opposite effect - she seemed to almost be nuzzling him, the soft bristles of his beard brushing against her skin when she moved.

She spoke quietly, but firmly - it was a tone that Jackson recognized as complete determination, she wasn't prepared to negotiate the matter.

However, Jackson felt it was open for debate; what each of them viewed as the amount of time he needed was very different. For Lisa, she seemed to believe he needed until he was completely healed; for Jackson, he just needed to be able to stand on his own two feet.

Which he could.

"Then I'm afraid we have some strong differences in opinion." Jackson replied silkily; he shifted back, trying to pull himself away from Lisa and the bizarre warmth of her touch, away from the smell of her and away from the deep instinct that told him to get closer.
RE: Vertigo

Allowing Jackson to pull away a little bit, Lisa's arms slid away from him; her left hand found the right side of his face though, turning his face towards hers while her forehead pressed itself firmly against his own. Her eyes were opened, and she forced herself to look into those blackened pools without flinching. Her head tilted down ever so slightly to keep a somewhat polite distance between their faces, and the heat from his fever seemed to bleed into her from that point of contact. Hazels flicked back and forth between his eyes quickly; whatever he'd said had disturbed her. Lisa wasn't happy about it, at all. She couldn't say she disagreed with what he had told her, since he was clarifying his own feelings towards the matter, but she had every right to disagree with those feelings themselves, and it showed in her eyes how very much she did.

Her left hand moved, trailing up the side of his face while the her right hand touched to his left thigh, fingers grazing slightly below the inflamed wound. Her left hand lost itself in his hair, holding his head against her own gently while her right hand lifted from him just enough to ghost over the injury.

"Do we?" Her eyes closed tightly as she pressed down on his thigh -- the pressure wasn't sudden but simply firm, slow in its build up, her hand remained there, fingers gripping his leg tightly. She wanted his full attention before she posed her argument, and what she had just done was to serve as her visual aid of sorts.

"Do you really think that you're any good to any one as you are? ...To you? ...To me?" She stopped, her eyes remaining closed as her hand let up on his leg while fingers stroked soothingly through his hair, "The fact that you're sitting here like you are is..." Eyes opened as she looked at him, unsure of how to word what she was trying to say, "At least until you can walk without a limp... and until you're not so feverish.... You need to stay put until you've mended at least that much."
RE: Vertigo

Admittedly, Jackson hadn't expected what happened next - he had seen the flicker of something in Lisa's eyes but had failed to make an association - it was only when her hand passed down to his thigh that he recognized her expression as a bizarre mix of something angry and something guilty. The latter was emphasized when Lisa's eyes fell closed, as though unwilling to view what she was doing.

To an extent, he was glad; he flinched.

Lisa's hand had clasped over the wound on his leg and she was putting pressure on it to make her point: he was in too much pain to travel, nevermind travelling alone for any length of time. Her slim fingers gripped at sore and torn muscles, her palm pressed against a recent, barely closed-over stab wound, and his muscles tensed in response, his mouth pulling into a tight line as he processed the sharp, nearly sickening pain.

His expression remained dutifully plain, despite the fact Lisa wasn't watching him, but his shoulders were stiff, his jaw muscles tensed and prominent.

He made note of her words; she seemed to bite them out, as though she hated saying them, and he could understand why - they were nearly uncharacteristic, she was merely trying to get across a harsh point and was unclear on how to do so in any other way. Almost begrudgingly, Jackson acknowledged that this was not a matter that was about to be settled through polite conversation, it was clear that Lisa was set in her opinion - and he was set in his.

When he spoke again, his tone was calm and quiet:

"Very strong differences in opinion." he re-iterated, placing a hand on the wall behind him to get to his feet.
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The slight movements he’d fallen into of his muscles tensing and contracting, and even the clench of his jaw… She could feel them all beneath her hands. His face hadn’t moved though; no evidence of a lingering pain from what she had done, no stress, no strain, only his still flushed countenance marred by those eerie black eyes. “Jackson…” His name was voiced as a pleading sigh; her small hands dropped away from him as he took to his feet, her fingers balling into two small fists as she sat back on her haunches; he was stubborn to the point of idiocy. She was at a loss, it was clear, and that feeling, stirred by his words, had quenched her anger. Though she wasn’t reassured by that in the least. Standing, she found her feet at about the same time Jackson did, and while she was still compelled to reach out to him to make sure he stayed on his feet… to aid him in some way; Lisa did not. Her arms crossed protectively in front of herself, more for an emotional protection than any sort of physical protection.

Her gaze was directed towards the floor, staring down the bridge of her nose as she turned and left the small bathroom…

She was leaving him to his own devices somewhat, “Why are you insisting on being so difficult about this?” her eyes closed tightly as she posed the question, and one of her hands rubbed at the side of her face. Her head turned slightly, profiling him over her shoulder, “And yes, you are being difficult, Jackson, and stubborn, and downright impossible.” She made her way to the edge of the bed, and sank down on it, both of her hands finding their way to her face as she leaned forwards; fingers trailed through her own hair as she continued to stare towards the floor, “What do I have to do to make you understand how foolish it is for you to go at all right now… let alone going alone…?
RE: Vertigo

It was only when Lisa left the room that Jackson risked testing his leg - similar to what he had done in the airport just before he had taken off in a sprint - and the limb ached and throbbed in protest, but it wasn't going to give out on him. That was good enough.

He moved into the next room and found Lisa sitting on the bed with her head in her hands, frustration clear in her posture and her tone; emotional exhaustion had begun to set in for Reisert and it had never been clearer than it was in that moment. Her absolute conviction in the current matter had led her to the same black-and-white world that Jackson normally stood alone in.

The benefit to that world, however, was that answers were always easily reached - he knew his next step with the same absolute clarity that Lisa stood by her opinion with - so he didn't argue with her or deny her accusations because it had become obvious that further discussion would not help them meet a resolution. Lisa was not about to agree with him, and any attempts to leave would be met with resistance - something he couldn't risk when his physical state was precarious - he agreed with Lisa on that matter, but it didn't change what he knew needed to be done.

So he sat down beside Lisa, perched on the edge of the bed, and he reached out with one fine-boned hand to gingerly take hold of her jaw, something strangely gentle; he turned her head and directed it towards him, meeting her eyes. For a moment he was quiet, his bizarre eyes inspecting her features.

"I understand." Jackson said simply.

And then he snapped forward, soundly headbutting Lisa for the second time since they had met.
RE: Vertigo

Lisa felt the bed depress beside her, and she didn’t lift her head right away, she took a moment, the duration of a breath before her arms tightened around herself and pulled her sweater around herself. She started slightly at the sight and feel of his hand against her jaw, the gentle feel of her head being turned; her eyes fluttered, confusion spreading across her face and her brows drawing together in a silent question as her own hazels watched his black orbs flick over her face. Her hand lifted without her realizing, her fingertips caressing the back of his hand as they sought to lace with his fingers perhaps to pull his hand away. If he’d been confused by her tender touches both earlier and the night before… she was even more confused by this. Coming from anyone else, she probably could have brushed that confusion away easily, passed the action off as being tied to one of their usual habits… to something human… But not with Jackson Rippner.

She’d been about to voice her confusion, to form it into some verbal exchange he would have to answer, when two simple words slipped out past his lips. Lisa watched those lips move, those words appearing to answer everything. He understood. She’d gotten through to him. Something she’d said or done between last night and this moment… had reached through and pulled him over to her side – that was her immediate reaction anyway, the one that almost caused her to melt, her fingers curling tightly around that hand… but before logic could take her again, shake her by the shoulders, and calmly explain to her with all of the foresight of careful reason that she’d not done anything worthy of having changed his mind… Not since the last time he’d stated his feelings on the matter, anyway…

She felt his skull collide with hers, and then she was wrapped in darkness.

It wasn’t a slow fall into that forced sleep, it was abrupt, sudden, and a slight bit painful, though she was out before her head could register to her what the flashing lights were. Her body slumped forward as the muscles that were holding her upright lost their grip, her hand left his, settling purely by accident in her own lap, and the confusion that had haunted her fair features drained away, smoothed over with the peacefulness of that sudden sleep. For now, Jackson was safe from the anger she would undoubtedly throw at him when she finally came to…
RE: Vertigo

He didn't bleed this time.

Jackson kept his hold on Lisa's jaw as all of her muscles loosened, her shoulders slumping, eyes rolling back, her face relaxing from the semi-permanent look of frustration into something more peaceful and undisturbed. He brought his other hand to the back of her neck, supporting it as he lowered her back onto the bed, taking a moment to carefully inspect the redness on her forehead, brushing a bit of her hair from her face and ensuring he hadn't done more damage than he'd needed to; she would bruise and have to deal with a headache - again - but she would live.

He stood from the bed, leaning down and taking hold of her calves to pull her legs up onto the bed as well, putting her into the closest semblance to a comfortable position that he could manage before he inspected the room. He located his clothes with ease, they had been put on a chair with Lisa's things, cleaned and even folded.

If he had been anyone else, he might have felt guilty for what he had just done.

But he wasn't, and he didn't. He had done what he needed to do.

He pulled his clothes on and the fabric felt strange against his overheated skin, but he ignored it, taking the hotel room keys off the table; he didn't glance back at Lisa before he left - he knew better than to do that sort of thing.
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The blackness in her head didn’t blanket her for long; dizzily she began to stir, her come-to a lot more rapid than it had been this morning. No pleasant warmth welcomed her this time, no comforting weight, instead, she was alone… Alone with the dull throb that thudded against her skull with her pulse. It took her a moment to sort this out against her spinning world that wound her thoughts within its slow twirl as if intending to keep them from her. She could see herself as she stared at the ceiling, and while this had been confusing, it was even more confusing this time. She was laying on a bed that wasn’t her own, but everything about her looked right… The direction of the bed was wrong… This snapped her to clarity, her world spinning faster as it sought to align itself correctly, and it finally did when she noticed the red bump on her forehead. Damn it. She sat up quickly, a bit too quickly, and her world danced with her again, forcing her to put a hand to her head to steady herself.

Shaking the spell off as best she could, she almost frantically looked around the room for the person she knew would be gone. Damn him.Damn you,” Her words were hissed as her legs slid off the bed, bare feet finding the poorly carpeted floor. That small position of comfort he’d tried to give her before he’d left had been lost to her as she moved off the bed, a small detail she’d missed as worry became her world, laced with a seething anger, all of which directed at a single individual.

She sat there a moment, forcing herself to settle down before she moved from a fear that the dizziness would take her if she tried to stand up, sending her right back down to the bed. Eyes flicked around the room with an almost measured look after a time, and she realized the Aspirin she’d set out for him the night before was still on the nightstand to her left. She smirked at that, closing her eyes and shaking her head at him; the irony of that indirect gesture wasn’t lost to her.

He’d offered her Aspirin on the plane… and now it was like he’d done it all over again. Her fingers reached for the pill and the old water without overly caring what she was ingesting; only that it would work to still her world enough that it would stop throbbing.

Setting the glass back down nosily, she calmed even further, waiting for that little pill to take effect. She resisted the urge to run out into the parking lot at the front of the motel – he was gone, and causing a scene wouldn’t bring him back. She’d been out for awhile, she could feel that much, long enough for him to disappear on her without a trace… With the possibility of never coming back to her…

I would probably be put through a wood-chipper. Dead, if they were feeling pleasant.

She closed her eyes tightly against that thought and against the disturbing visual that accompanied it, staying them both off. Rising woodenly from the bed, she made for the couch, leaning her knee against it as she checked the parking lot from the window. Empty. She sighed, what had he said the night before? The place he needed to go was an hour out… that’d mean two hours round trip… plus maybe another hour if all of that went off without a hitch… Her balled fist struck the plush backside of the couch. Damn him for making her worry needlessly like this. He shouldn’t have gone, especially not alone. The last thing he’d said to her was that he understood… If he…?

She had the presence of mind to check her phone for the time; she had no idea how long she’d been out, but she could at least time things from this point on. Three hours. She’d allow herself to panic then… though even if something had happened to him… What could she do?

Hopelessly scour the hospitals and hope she’d get lucky? That he’d gotten lucky and had simply passed out in the back of a cab if he didn’t come back to her…? Instead of pacing the room, instead of venturing from the room and going so far as to ask the front desk if they saw him leave – if they’d caught a cab number… instead of looking like the hysterical woman who had lost something dear to her… she slumped down against the couch, and simply sat. Thirty minutes were lost to her with that, her hazels glued absently to the parking lot as she waited, watching a few people come and go… Their temporary neighbour; an overweight and over-zealous man who’s company seemed to be the less than savoury sort… who also moonlighted as an overly-loud individual with his time spent paying for that servicing. A young couple came to occupy a room a few doors down, apparently newly in love and completely infatuated with one another…

And she watched a gentleman leave who carried with him the nervous air that she was familiar with; the woman he’d spent his night with left maybe fifteen minutes later.

Lisa forced herself to at least get cleaned up with that, to wash the filth of the place off of her, and as a way to kill a little bit of time. She lost herself to that task as she’d lost herself to what the window had offered her, spending far longer than she needed to in there… The heat of the water had been soothing to her, as had the way it beat against her head and shoulders, offering her an odd sort of comfort.

Freshly changed into a pair of comfortable gray slacks paired with a dark button down, she returned to the couch; she’d killed a grand total of one hour, and the worry was beginning to make her feel ill. The overweight man seemed to have at least timed himself with her, sending his morning entertainment away and heaving over to the shady massage parlour across the way. Wonderful. In the following hour, he returned from that parlour only at length, locking himself in his room and disappearing from her attention. A few more odd couples came and went, filling the time gap for her wait, and offering only a mild distraction as uncomfortable for her as it was. Eventually though, the stress began to weigh her down, and as the clock neared one in the afternoon – the two hour marker – she could barely handle it anymore.

A fucking wood-chipper. He didn’t need to leave her with that thought. Yes, yes he did… She countered herself without realizing it. He had to because he’s Jackson Rippner, and because he didn’t mean to… He was simply laying out the facts; the cold, hard, unfeeling facts… which was why he thought that she didn’t like his answers… Two and a half hours in, she began to realize that she might never be able to correct that assumption of his, or apologize for having never said goodnight to him… or ever be able to tell him a simple goodnight… What was the last thing that had happened between them? That she’d saw of him? She was tired now, the stress and worry finally covering her over completely.

She’d ripped him apart… and he’d let her… She frowned slightly, her eyes heavily lidded as she sat curled against the back of the couch with her chin resting against it. His eyes, blackened, looking over her face. His fingers warm against her jaw... It was that remembered vision that probably stirred the contents of her dreams into what they were…
RE: Vertigo

Jackson walked to the nearest busy street from the motel to hail a cab; it was early morning, so finding a vacant one wasn't difficult, though the driver gave him a visible once-over when she pulled up to the sidewalk, clearly judging whether or not it was worth the fare to take in someone who looked as though he had just come back from war or a mental hospital.

Thankfully his frightening appearance was enough to put her off of any extensive conversation beyond where he wanted to go, though she would glance back at him through the rearview mirror from time to time, clearly curious but unwilling to ask any questions, lest she get an answer she wouldn't like.

Any other time, he would have asked to be dropped off a block away from his destination, but he knew circumstances were dire enough; he had her take him nearly all the way there, a short apartment complex in one of the harder areas of the city - money had never been an issue for him, he could easily afford a better location, but he had chosen the location for several reasons. For one, the location itself was within the red light district - not something Jackson was interested in, of course - but the proximity to prostitutes and, by default, drug dealers, had given the area a bad reputation. Usually this would be considered a bad thing, but in reality, said reputation deterred people from doing anything stupid like breaking and entering while simultaneously bringing the rent down to poverty-level, which was ideal for a place Jackson used primarily as storage. The building itself was old but well-maintained, and though he had never been concerned about his ability to defend himself, the area's bad image had ironically made it one of the safest spots to hide questionable materials.

Jackson shouldered the door open; the hinges had always stuck a little but gave way under his insistence. He was greeted by what, for him, was a typical home, though for anyone else would be horrifyingly empty - to say the place was sparsely furnished would be an understatement, as the entire place had only the features it had intially come with in the kitchen, a single chair in the sitting room, and a bed in the room down the hall. Otherwise, there seemed to be nothing that indicated the place had ever seen human life.

He headed down the hall into the bedroom, moving to a side table and removing a key that had been taped to the underside of it; he used it to open the padlock that kept the closet shut before he slid the door aside. He immediately began unbuttoning his still-bloodstained shirt, discarding it in exchange for another - dark blue button-up, nothing to write home about - and packed the remaining clothes into a carrying bag.

An enormous metal container at the base of the closet was his next goal, though he had to undo two combination locks to open it; it gave him access to the materials that had ultimately been the purpose of his travel there, one of which included a nylon roll of knives - he extracted one, a trench knife that was much older than he was, but maintained its usefulness - and tested the blade, finding it duller than he would have liked. He pocketed a whetstone with a mental note to give some attention to the weapons.

Amongst other things, he took money, a few cards, and a back-up passport; his lifestyle had afforded him with enough identities to travel anywhere he needed to, though he typically preferred to use his real one - it kept things less complicated, if he was careful.

Rising from where he had been kneeling, Jackson had to freeze for a moment, his hand on the closet as his chest made a violent protest to what it had deemed excessive movement; pain went through every part of him, staggering him before he forced himself completely upright and locked everything again. He would be stupid not to be aware of the reality of his situation; physically, he was a mess, and while he was more capable of dealing with pain than most people, reality deemed that he would be in pain for a long time - more, if he didn't give himself time to heal. It was the same argument Lisa had been using, and it was rational.

But as far as Jackson was concerned, the argument was only rational up to a point - their circumstances were different, they were in a scenario where inactivity meant death, and idling in a motel, completely defenseless, was not something Jackson considered a valid resolution. Eventually they would have to move again, and he wanted said movement to happen only when they were fully prepared for it.

He didn't linger in the apartment for long, there was no reason to.

He made it as far as the next busy intersection before the vertigo hit him again and he was forced to sit on the curb to stop himself from hitting it head-first; he felt as though his body was on a timer and each time he pushed himself a little more, the amount of time he got out of it would lessen - but it didn't matter. It would be enough.

It took a little longer to hail a cab, but only because it took a while to get his balance back enough that he was sure he could stand.

When he arrived back at the motel, nearly four hours had passed; he put his hand on the doorframe to steady himself, taking a breath before he unlocked the door and stepped back in.

A quick scan told him Lisa wasn't on the bed, or in the bathroom; a glance to the right, however, and he found her on the loveseat, asleep with part of the curtain over her head - she had been watching for him.

As silently as possible, he moved across the room and put the bags aside.
RE: Vertigo

She heard something, something faint; that sound roused her from her sleep a little ways. Something inside of her told her that she should be waking up because of that sound… the indication that the sick feeling in her stomach was allowed to go away, that she didn’t have to worry anymore… That everything was alright. But why wouldn’t it be? She was asleep; pleasant, warm sleep… where everything was alright… but it wasn’t…

Lisa’s eyes fluttered open slowly, and she found herself staring out a window. The parking lot that waved hello to her was empty, save for a few cars, more or less how her mind remembered it with only a few changes here or there… She blinked, hard and sudden, her head lifting from the back of the couch as she jumped a little ways, the reason for her worry coming back to her with a bang. Hands pushed the curtain down from where she’d messed up its neat little ribbed folds, but she didn’t turn around. Her start ended with those two motions, and then she settled, the sick and worry melting away from her… and with them now gone her anger flared. It was a slow anger, seething instead of explosive, deeply rooted instead of anything think or shallow, and ice cold instead of fiery hot. She didn’t turn around to look at him, to see how he was doing, instead, she forced herself not to; she forced herself to pretend not to care.

If he wanted to run himself into the ground, then who was she to stop him?

Her hazels occupied themselves with studying the thread count for the loveseat, following each little stitch and pattern as closely as if she were stitching them together herself. Arms had settled on the back of the thing, one arm upraised, her head resting against it, while her other hand’s index finger traced the thread her eyes were presently following. “Have you finished trying to slowly kill yourself yet?” She had been half tempted to follow that up with sarcastically offering to just take the scissors to him again, that it would be more merciful, but stopped herself. She was mad, she was lashing out, and she at least had the presence of mind to note that much… and so she reigned in her barb just a little ways.
RE: Vertigo

At first, neither of them spoke; Jackson was aware of Lisa stirring and she was aware of his presence in the room, but there was a sharp tension that was stretched so tightly that it was likely to snap if either of them breathed. For Jackson's part, the urgency of the situation had lessened - though they were still at risk with Malevre pursuing them and his physical state was still abhorrent, the scales were beginning to balance: now, at least, they had covered the basics to deal with the sort of people that wanted them dead.

Lisa was the first to speak, and she didn't just break the silence, she smashed it with a sledgehammer; her words came out quiet and seething, indicative of her current opinion of him. He wasn't so delusional that he didn't comprehend her anger; Lisa had every right to be upset with him, he had knocked her unconscious - but he hadn't made the decision thoughtlessly, and even though that fact wouldn't change the outcome for Lisa, Jackson had done it with the firm conviction that it had been necessary. If he hadn't, she would have either kept him from leaving, or insisted she accompany him - and the concept of her going alone was completely out of the question.

Have you finished trying to slowly kill yourself yet?

A line-up of sarcastic replies piled up against the forefront of his brain, each one fighting to get out first - but he suppressed them, she was going to be angry on her own already, there was no sense in speeding up the process.

So he said nothing. Instead, he finally allowed himself to sit, dropping onto the edge of the chair across the room, leaning his elbows onto his knees; at that moment, as he sat in silence, he could feel a bizarre twist of cold and warmth in his muscles, something terrible clawing across his limbs, a reminder of what he kept doing to himself. Right then, he felt as though holding still was the worst thing for him, but he knew that his injuries were catching up with him, his body accepting that now it could break down without risk.

At some point on his way back, all of the colour had drained from Jackson's face, turning him a greyish hue, similar to the way he had looked in the first taxi ride to the motel.

Still, he said nothing.

He reached for one of the bags instead, pulling it over to himself and opening it up; he extracted the roll of nylon knives and unravelled it in his lap, removing the trench knife that had failed his earlier inspection. He removed the whetstone from his pocket and began the task of efficiently sharpening the old blade.
RE: Vertigo

It was that sound that finally made her turn, a slight fear reading on her features; she’d steeled herself before that metallic sound chilled the air, causing her to flinch against it, managed to keep her gaze towards the window as she heard him finally sit down, heard him pull one of the bags towards himself across the floor… even when she heard him rummaging around in it… but that sound. She didn’t want to know what he was into now, she didn’t want to see what he was doing with himself now instead of resting, but some small part of her had to. She turned, somewhat wide-eyed, apprehensive as to what she’d see – she knew that sound without knowing it, after all, she just couldn’t register what they had in the room that would make it… Her eyes widened further, and she once more forgot her anger; she forgot to even scold herself for lapse in judgment.

She shouldn’t have looked, she should have kept her attention on the window, waiting to see what their overweight neighbour would do with himself next… or to see if the young couple would ever emerge… The immediate reaction that had flooded her was to be afraid, to stay away from him, but that was quickly overlaid with the dire need to get the knives away from him. She had no faith in Jackson’s ability to take care of himself at this point – it was true he’d returned to her, and she should have been glad for that… but at what cost? His skin was ashen, and she guessed was either clammy like the dead… or heated to the touch, his movements, though slow and measured, had something almost off rhythm about them. Even if his flesh hadn’t been so sickly, anyone watching him could have guessed that something was deeply wrong with him; they weren’t unsteady… just a second too slow for what would have been considered normal.

Still wide-eyed, she pushed herself slowly from the loveseat and crossed the distance between them with a slowly measured step; she didn’t think he would attack her even though her gut reaction to that sight had been a raw sort of fear… but she didn’t know where his mind was at the moment.

He’d been nearly gone in the taxi, and seemed very near to toppling over…

He may not have been, it was possible that he was perfectly fine – well, as fine as he possibly could be given the state he was in – because he hid everything so well, but Lisa wasn’t prepared to take any chances.

Jackson…?” His name came slowly as she finally neared him, her voice void of its former malice, though it still lacked any sort of warmth. Her hands were reaching out, they paused somewhere within his line of sight to make sure he didn’t think she was going to do anything rash before she only slowly closed the distance. With the scissors she’d snatched them away, but he had an uncomfortable amount of metal resting in his lap, nevermind the rather wicked looking blade in his hand… that he was sharpening… Her fingers curled gently over his hands, stilling them and keeping what he held secured within his own fingers, urging them to drop to his lap as she stood somewhat beside him, “I don’t think that right now is the best time for this…” Hazels were glued to his hands, unblinking, the mixture of fear and familiar worry vivid there.
RE: Vertigo

The trepidation in Lisa's voice had never been clearer than it was right then; she approached him the way one might approach a wounded wildcat, compelled to help but expecting the worst consequence for their action. As she approached him, he continued the steady rhythm of sharpening the blade, a slow and regular motion that came as almost a comfort, the sound of the oilstone sliding smoothly against metal was relaxing, a constant sound that seemed to function as an unorthodox meditation, his mind nearly empty of thoughts as he went through the very basic task that he had done so many times before.

Then Lisa said his name and his focus came back to the room, back to where he was sitting and what he was doing, and he came to the realization that his movements weren't the same - his hands felt big and clumsy in comparison to their usual fluidity and easy grace. He didn't look up at Lisa, just the way she didn't meet his eyes, because he was also focused on his hands: they had begun to tremble, a vibration that started in his fingertips and moved all the way to his wrists. A crease appeared near one of his brows, a divet in an otherwise unmarred face, a quiet confusion - he couldn't make them stop shaking, and the next stroke of the stone over the blade made a rattling, jumping sound, emphasizing the unsteadiness.

Lisa's hand dropped over his, stopping him midway through the next draw, but he didn't try to keep going - instead, he stopped moving his hands entirely, simply dropping them down into his lap, letting his fingers relax, the trench knife dropping onto the nylon sheath, the whetstone falling somewhere against the side of the chair, his hands quivering violently under hers, something he couldn't conceal even with the heavy press of his steely willpower.

His answer came quietly and simply, an agreement that wasn't so much begrudging as it was baffled:

"Fine." he said.
RE: Vertigo

It was the sound of his voice that made her hands tighten around his; he’d dropped the knife and the whetstone, and with that she found her gaze able to lift towards his face, and there she only saw an almost pathetic sort of confusion. It was as if her own hands were trying to hold his still for him, and as she knelt down beside him, she seemed content to remain that way for a moment before she dared to let go of one of those trembling hands. She had to see the knife away safely, and with one firm squeeze offered to the hand her fingers still held to, she carefully rolled that nylon case back up and set it on top of the bag he’d pulled over.

One of her hands returned quickly to his, her grip attempting to be reassuring, to offer him some form of stability, “Come on… You’ve done enough for today… I think that even you can see that much,” she murmured, her other hand rubbing against the back of his shoulder. Taking to her feet, that arm looped under his, urging him to try and take to his own, her arm offering him the promise that if the trembling worsened, or spread – like she feared it would – she’d at least be there to try and catch him before he fell. Her eyes indicated where she intended to take him, full well prepared to switch sides with him for the night… It was only a few steps, and as long as he was actually awake and could at the very least… hold on to her… she could manage him that far.
RE: Vertigo

In the years he had done his job, Jackson had experienced a number of injuries but had always been capable of continuing to move forward, to complete the work before he took the time to let his body mend and even that day - despite the way his leg had given out and despite the unpredictable fever - he had been sure he would be able to keep going.

But now, for the first time, he found himself questioning that conviction - even if Lisa hadn't stopped his hands, he wasn't sure he would have been able to hold onto the knife any longer, not with the violent tremors that had taken over his fingers. He felt Lisa's arm go under his, looping around his slight frame, insisting him upwards - he didn't argue with her or protest, he simply forced his other hand against the seat to push himself up - but upon standing, his vision began to go spotty, warping like the static on a broken television.

He allowed himself to be pulled along to the bed, noting - with annoyance - that nausea was beginning to hit him, feeling as though someone had just dropped ice into his insides. He sat himself on the edge of the bed, glad he could find it in his state rather than doing something idiotic like falling off of it in his half-blind state.

The pallor had spread to his lips, draining them entirely of colour, leaving them a dead-looking shade of pale; he didn't look up at the mirror, he had an idea of what he looked like, and he knew he was at his worst.
RE: Vertigo

After he’d found the edge of the bed and she was sure he wouldn’t slide from it, Lisa knelt down in front of him. ”You can’t keep going like you have been…”Her words lacked the conviction she’d had before, as if it would be left to him to reinforce what she was saying… Like she was washing her hands of that job. She was still mad at him, it was clear by bother her voice and her actions, but she knew where to draw the line between being petty with her anger. Her touches were still gentle, they still attempted to sooth, still held within their small caresses the need to try and comfort him… but they were almost distant now, those simple emotions that could bleed in through something as basic as a caress had grown cold. What he’d done today had pushed her away; he’d behaved foolishly in her eyes, needlessly risking himself for something that could have waited… and he went to an extreme that she just couldn’t comply with. He’d, in his own little way, lashed out at the hand that was trying so very hard to help him for no other reason than to be stubborn.

He could have waited a day, an hour, waited until she fell asleep next… something… It would have felt…

She wouldn’t have felt as betrayed.

Keeping a hand on his shoulder to steady him in case his body decided that it wished for him to topple forward, her free hand worked his shoes off before she found herself on her knees again in front of him, shifting her task to the careful removal of his jacket.

She wasn’t giving him time to protest, and in the state he was in he could do little to fight against her; get him comfortable and then get him to sleep… and then she’d be allowed to watch him repeat this process the next day… Her eyes looked up at him for the first time since she’d crossed the room while her hands were sliding his jacket down over his shoulders; he didn’t appear feverish… but that pallor… He never should have went out that door, least of all by himself...

Stealing his jacket away from him, she set it to the side for now as she found her feet again, smoothly making the transition between poses. “Even if you’re not going to sleep… you need to at least lay down for a little while,” She was giving him the option to lay down on his own, or try to, though a hand touched to his head in a familiar gesture to see if his skin was heated, that hand soon brushing his hair back as it always seemed to do; words that were once laced with an overwhelming kindness now laced with something a bit more harsh. “Did you at least eat something while you were out? Have some water? …Something?
RE: Vertigo

As Lisa moved around him, Jackson discovered he no longer had the drive to try and avoid her touches; it was clear Resiert had gone into damage-control mode, working to remove his shoes, pulling his jacket from his shoulders and touching at his skin, testing his temperature. In direct opposition to the sweltering heat that had overtaken his body for the last several days, his temperature had dropped sharply, his skin had become cold, a sheen of sweat passing across his temples and forehead, clammy to the touch.

It wasn't even until Lisa asked the question that Rippner realized it had been more than a day since he had eaten; the combination of physical exertion, injury, withdrawal, and blood loss had all been factors in his current state, but he hadn't even taken his blood sugar and blood pressure into consideration - food hadn't even occurred to him, and especially not with the perpetual feeling of nausea. He regretted his own answer even before he said it, because he recognized the ridiculousness of it - it hadn't been intentional.

But that didn't make it any less idiotic.

"No." he said, after a moment, and despite himself, his eyes briefly fell shut when her hand passed through his hair. He opened them again a moment later, blinking at the lights that suddenly seemed too harsh before he allowed himself to lay back on the bed, uncaring of the fact he wasn't laying on it properly - it didn't matter, he just needed to stop the world from tilting.
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