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Jan 10, 2009
    • Hello, hello, it's nice to see you all again, my fellow Blue-Mooners.

      I've been off this site for a bit to catch up with my friends, studies, etc, and I've realized that I'm now completely bored for the summer. I need a few roleplays to keep me entertained, but whenever I log onto BM, it seems that I only waste my time getting disappointed. Alas! I haven't given up hope, and I know that there are a few talented roleplayers out there (however few there may be) that are in hiding, maybe? Anyways, I'm resuming my search for these rare roleplaying partners, hoping that one of you may sate my desires to pick up on a favorite subject of mine: Pokegirls/boys.

      Now, this may be familiar to a few and completely new to others, but it is what it suggests. Let me remind you, I'm not a fan of full-furries, so if you're into furry women and men with anthropomorphic features, please look elsewhere. The farthest I'll go is a slight change in appearance; for example, a Charmander Pokeboy would have orange hair and a powerful tail to boot, but he won't have scales, if you know what I mean? I may have pictures of the gijinkas I may want to play; otherwise, you're free to suggest some that you find particularly attractive. This roleplay also requires for you to be familiar with the Pokemon series, and although I don't expect you to be a total know-it-all, it would be nice if you know something beyond the Red and Blue games.

      The fun part is this! These Pokegirls/boys require sex to be "tamed", which means that their bond with their master grows depending on how often (and how well) they're laid. And... if you haven't figured it out up until now, I'll be playing the Pokegirls/boys, and you'll be the tamer. Now, now, I do love my smut, but I would prefer if we're not cybering up such an interesting subject nearly all the time. I'd like a plot, please, and maybe a bit of character development beyond your typical "my character has blonde hair and blue eyes" jazz. I'm a sucker for interesting characters (and bishounen men, omg, I do love my bishounen men). Don't make me do all the work with the plotting! Suggest some twists, work with me to think of a later subplot, and get into the excitement of roleplaying! ... Or not, and just be a bum.

      Interested? Here are a few requirements for you: first of all, be literate! I'll know right off the bat when you make a first impression if you're literate or not, and... quite frankly, I'll ignore you if you talk to me like a caveman. I'm not really into posting novels, since I do believe in quality before quantity, but I'd expect at least a paragraph of good content for a post. If you give me a one-liner, I will block you, be warned. You can reach me easily over AIM or PMs. I actually do prefer roleplaying over AIM, but if you would like to arrange something over a private thread or private messages, I won't complain. Let's see, what else? Oh yes. Be patient. The more you cling and nag at me for a faster response, the slower I'll be, because my stubbornness and laziness just kicks in like that. Just, don't be annoying.

      Wanna tell me about your no-no's and fetishes? Discuss this with me privately after we get into the beginning of our roleplay. Don't impose your fetishes that I don't want to do on me, because I'll respect your limits. If I don't like macro/micro, don't ask me to do it, because I won't. If you don't like watersports, I won't piss on your character. Pretty simple, right? So these are where I draw the line: bestiality, macro/micro, futas, transgenders, furry, anthro, hairiness, lesbians, toilet play, tentacles, and super masculine characters.

      That's about it as far as... this request thread goes. Send me a PM, post here, or hit me up on AIM! My screename is MINA IS LIGHT, so I guess I'll talk to you there! Thanks for reading! (If you really did read all this, I'll know, and if you didn't, I'll know, too.)

Hello, I'm a female and would prefer to do a female character but I like this idea. If you'll have me I'm willing to play either role, but I'd like to know a bit more of your story ides. I have a few ideas of my own if you would like, for twists and such, so message me if you are interested because I am.
I am a female looking for a male, or a female playing a male, it doesn't matter.
This might help you a bit. I think this is what you mean by pokegirl: (Password: pokegirl)

Have fun. ;D
Oh I love this Idea, I didn't think people roleplayed this anymore. ACtually I've already send a pm requesting for this rp but I wanted to do it out in the open here in the thread as well.

If you allow me I would very much like to be the tamer for your pokegirls.
It's been an awfully long time since I've seen this asked for. I would greatly appreciate it if I have gained your interest in a roleplay of this caliber.
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