Hyuuga Secrets (Stickyfun x Full~Pride)

She moans heavily, the sensation of penetrating so deep and feeling of doing so leading Hanabi to release a second large load of semen inside Hinata's pussy and womb. However, instead of penetrating deeper, she took her penis out of her sister, and placed the head in Hinata's face, the shaft inbetween her breasts, thrusting at her sister's lips, using her sister's titanic breasts for stimulation.
Hinata squealed as a second load of cum suddenly unloaded into her already fully womb, which caused her belly to inflate a little more. Now not only was it bulging with the shape of Hanabi's cock, but it was also bulging with a more rounded shape thanks to Hanabi's plentiful cum that was trapped inside. "Nnnnaaa....." Hinata panted, then gasped as Hanabi suddenly pulled the three feet of her cock out, allowing cum to spill free between Hinata's legs, her smooth belly returning to normal size.
For a moment, Hinata thought that maybe Hanabi was stopping, but then that 8 foot long cock was nestling between her breasts, beginning to thrust into them. Hinata's chest stuck out so much it engulged almost 5 feet of Hanabi's cock by the time it reached Hinata's lips, though they stayed firmly closed.
A bitter Hanabi flares outwards, backing up, she forms handseals, shouting: "Seal Release!" Upon the techniques completion, two more same-sized penis' spring out, going at Hinata's puffy nipples, penetrating quick and deep. The original penis' goes back into it's home: Hinata's pussy. Hanabi works fast to get back her three feet inside, starting to drill deeper with her desire to make her sister, and her happy.

Hinata was panting slightly when Hanabi backed away, thinking that maybe it was over....but oh no...things were just getting started. It seemed Hanabi had a seal of her own, and when it was released she suddenly grew two more 8 foot long cocks along with the original. "O-oh god....H-Hanabi-chan?! Why...why do you have three cocks?!" Hinata tried to back away, but once again was reminded she was against a wall. With a squeal she felt all three cocks penetrating her. The two new cocks somehow managed to push into Hinata's nipples, which had grown along with her breasts and were now being stretched, whilst the original cock had found its way back inside Hinata's pussy, 4 feet of it ramming straight in, causing Hinata to gurgle out a sound of pleasure, her pussy spasming and almost cumming.
"We all have our secrets, Nii-chan," she said playfully, drilling her long-ass penis deeper inside of her sexy sister's body, the bulge getting bigger and extending higher. She cums within the first few seconds, planning to fill her sister up till her stomach inflates like a near-popping balloon. "Nii-chan, I can feel my cum mixing around with your milk... it feels so good!" She shouted, panting as all her three penis continue to thrust deep inside Hinata's body respectively. The further it goes, the louder Hanabi seemed to get. She gets worried, though, hoping nobody heard her.
Hinata squealed as she felt Hanabi cumming, all three cocks beginning to empty their cum. Two into her breasts, which caused them to swell slightly even more than they already were. The one in her pussy however caused her already bulging belly to swell out a little further, from both the cum and the way Hanabi's cocks were getting deeper....5 feet now inside of Hinata's body. "Nnngh..." Hinata was clearly beginning to lose control to the pleasure now, panting heavily as her pussy leaked with plentiful juices and her nipples spurted milk around Hanabi's other two cocks.
Hanabi squealed with pleasure, drilling deeper with her penis, moaning heavily as milk covered her, feeling her mind being broken alike her sister, finding pleasure greater through this fetish of lactation and huge breasts. She came closer to her ejaculation once again, pounding more lively than ever at this point, finding it uncontrollably exciting and pleasurable for her. "Nii-chan, I'm almost completely inside of you!" She shouted, giving a strong thrust with each to ejaculate once more as she continued to pound in deeper.
Hinata's eyes had glazed over with lust by this point, moaning and groaning with pleasure as she writhed around on the garden. A few more thrusts, and then finally all 8 feet of Hanabi's cocks was inside of...all 3 were fully inside, one buried inside Hinata's pussy and stretching her womb and belly up between her breasts and past her face, whilst the other two were buried inside of Hinata's breasts. With an unrestrained scream of pleasure Hinata howled in orgasm, the scream certain to be heard by anyone else in the estate, or even around it, but she didn't care. Her pussy clamped down tightly on one of Hanabi's monster cocks, as if intending to milk it of every drop of cum.
Hanabi ejaculated to her sister's scream of orgasm and pleasure, filling up Hinata's body with yet more of her. But, she became aware of things so suddenly now, her still-active Byakugan allowing her to see the presence of incoming Hyuuga Clansmen, warning her they had heard the noise. She pressed her hands together, forming a handseal to allow them to disappear in a poof of smoke, a log in their place as they appeared in Hinata's bed, still fucking as they escaped sight. "Nii-chan, how does it feel having your pussy stretched like a rubber-band?" She asked gleefully, smiling at her.
Hinata barely noticed the change of location, just squealed as they landed on her bed, then groaned loudly in pleasure before responding to Hanabi's question. "S-so....so good...." Hinata's breasts were now even larger than ever before thanks to Hanabi cumming inside of them, whilst her incredibly stretched out womb was beginning to swell so much that the outline of Hanabi's cock almost couldn't be seen anymore. "M-more....f-fuck me.....m-more....." Hinata whimpered as her hands slowly reached down, beginning to rub gently at her asshole, her body almost craving something there aswell.
Hanabi had cummed once more inside each parts of her sister, smiling as she looked around. She then smirked, having an idea as she pulled out of each hole, jumping onto Hinata, with the three penis grinding against Hinata's worn out pussy. She sucked on her sister's breasts, sucking the milk out of the puffy nipples, not caring if her own penis milk was in it. She just enjoyed the female and taste, and even the texture of such large breasts. "Nii-chan, if you really want it bad, lie down on top of me," Hanabi giggled out, still sucking obediently on her sister's lactating, puffy nipples, as if a child.
Hinata panted as her body jiggled. Her breasts were filled with milk and cum, her womb was bulging with several more litres of cum that had come from Hanabi's body, leaving a round bulge beneath her mammoth breasts, though the bulge was nothing compared to when one of those 8 foot cocks had been inside of it. "Nnngh..." Hinata whimpered as she was teased, slowly laying down as Hanabi had commanded, the older sister submitting to the younger one.
Hanabi smiled, almost as if springing to life as her three penis' moved individually of each other. She skipped the sympathy act after making a penis dig deep in her sisters anus, her sister riding the penis. Another penis penetrated all eight feet with Hinata's cunt, leaving the last penis to be the real testament of Hinata's seemingly all-expanding body. The such place was obviously Hinata's mouth, leading Hanbi to fondle and roughly grope Hinata's titanic tits of glory.
Hinata screamed as she felt one of Hanabi's mammoth cocks thrusting into her ass, then another into her pussy, Hinata's belly now being stretched out by two cocks, one in her womb and one in her stomach, pushing her belly out by a good 6 or 7 feet up between her breasts. The older Hyuuga could only gurgle as another cock was near her mouth, the girl drooling all over it as she panted in pleasure, nearly falling forwards onto the rock hard rod of flesh.
With quick thrusts, Hanabi filled her sister with yet more of her sticky, white liquid, panting in the pleasure from this current situation. God, she was a helluva tired. Releasing from all three killed her stamina, to be honest, as all released the same, huge amount of semen. After spraying the three loads, she pulled out, panting in sexual exhaustion as she made the two other penis' become sealed away. "Nii-chan, le- let's just cuddle, I'm t- too tired to continue," she moaned, holding onto her sister as she sucked the nipples of her titanic tits.
((So so sorry for the delayed response! Life has been incredibly all over the place for me lately. I'm doing my best though, promise! Hope you can bear with me ^^ ))

Hinata squealed as she felt Hanabi filling her womb and stomach with even more cum, so much that her belly was inflated almost enough to obscure Hanabi's massive cocks. But then the younger sister seemed to get tired, two of her cocks seemingly receeding back into Hanabi's body whilst the other went soft, Hinata just laying there with her gigantic breasts on either side of Hanabi, propping her up as she remained sat on her sisters hips. "Nnngh....." Even if she wanted to move, Hinata couldn't. Cum was spilling rapidly from her ass and pussy, forming a rather deep pool around the bed, before Hinata gave in to tiredness, falling completely asleep ontop of Hanabi.
Hanabi smiled, suckling as she floated in the pool of semen, drinking her sister's tasty breast-milk with glee as she fell asleep like a baby would, suckling on her mother's milk. As a very animalistic way of greeting her new lover, Hanabi was humping her sister from the anus, the huge head bracing her sister's sticky-anus, though not penetrating it by any means. She wanted too, though. "Nii-chan, wake up! I have plans for us today!" She said with glee, licking her lips with anticipation. Fuck, she wanted her sister again, and today's plans would make it more incredible.
When Hinata awoke the next morning she groaned slightly, not quite remembering the previous night right away....not until she felt something big and hard prodding against her ass, followed by realising her breasts had returned to normal size. "A-Ah! H-Hanabi-chan!" Hinata blushed, squirming a little as she tried to move away from her sister. "C-come on...st-stop it before someone catches us....if father sees us like this he'll be very angry..."
Hanabi giggled. "That's an understatement, Nii-chan," she said playfully to her elder sister. She walked with her sister across the hall to her bedroom, grabbing two two-piece bikinis for them, giving a well-sized one to Hinata. "Put it on, cause we're... Going to the beach!" She cheered jubilantly to Hinata.
Hinata resisted being pulled across the hall in her current state of undress, then yelped as she was handed the bikini. "N-no way....I...H-hanabi-chan I have to re-apply my seal and then just....just forget last night ever happened alright?" Hinata swallowed nervously as she glanced down at her belly. It was flat now but last night....8 foot long cocks and so much cum....god what if she was pregnant with her sisters child?
She bit her lip. She didn't want to be forceful. "But it did, and you enjoyed it, Nii-chan... We both did," she said lovingly, cuddling her face into her sister's titanic breasts, sucking on the nipples. She grinded her eight-foot dick against Hanabi's pussy, the actual head of it being several feet from the two. She pulled on Hinata's hair rather forcefully, pulling her in close, her tongue meeting Hinata's ear, licking the inside of the ear lobe, now speaking. "Now, put it on, so I can have fun with Nii-chan at the beach," she said softly.
Hinata whimpered as she was suddenly pulled in close to Hanabi, swallowing nervously, shivering and trying to lean her head away when Hanabi licked it. "I....I can't put such a thing on....I....it wont even fit if I don't use my seal..." She swallowed nervously once again. "P-please....at least....at least let me use my seal and...and let's go to a beach where nobody knows us....ok?" Hinata hoped there would be some kind of compromise...anything for her to at least save some dignity.
"Alright, but once these bikinis are off, remove the seal," Hanabi ordered, pressing her lips to her sister's pussy, groping her sister's titanic tits as her tongue flourished her sister's pussy, stroking the clitoris at uneven intervals, trying to reach all of her sister's body, to do things they didn't last night. Hanabi would smile pervertedly, herself so very horny at the thought of them doing it at the beach. "Just say yes," she would say as she stood up, pushing down on her sister's breasts to reach her lips, grabbing onto her neck to give her a seductive, wet tongue kiss, stroking tongue with her elder. Her dick shook as it leaned against the titanic tits, feeling about ready to have a release.
Hinata just nodded in agreement with Hanabi, though she didn't have any real intention of removing the bikini until she was back home, let alone releasing the seal. She yelped as Hanabi suddenly started to ravish her body, whimpering and moaning slightly, stumbling back against the wall. "A-ah....H-Hanabi-chan stop.....s-someone will hear....father or one of the servants will hear you...st-stop.....please...."
Hanabi sighed, turning around to run to one of the many restrooms in the Hyuuga Estate. "Get changed, and meet me in my room, Nii-chan," she called out, closing the door behind her so she could change. She bit her lip, groping a breast and she stroked her dick, which was so close to release. Since she couldn't get it done through Hinata, she had to make herself ejaculate in the tub, cleaning out the sticky mess of semen by sending it down the drain. She changed with a smile, going to her room in her two-piece bikini, looking for her Nii-chan.

[Bikini Appearance for Hanabi: http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1162754 ]
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