Hyuuga Secrets (Stickyfun x Full~Pride)


Mar 9, 2009
Hinata sighed as she re-entered the Hyuuga estate, the moon high in the sky as the clocks had just struck midnight. She had just returned from another long and difficult mission...they always seemed to take so long these days and getting time to herself was harder and harder. Still....every 12 hours she had to find the time to herself somehow somewhere...otherwise the seal would break...
With another sigh, Hinata glanced down at her chest....it was already huge, eclipsing even Tsunade's....and yet...this was as small as she could make them. The seal she placed on herself shrank them from their true size, 3 times bigger than this. Unfortunately the seal could only hold for 12 hours, after which time she had to re-apply it or revert to her true self. That rarely happened now, Hinata always re-applied the seal before it could happen...it must've been a good 6 months now at least since she had allowed her body to revert to its true form.

Still, there wasn't time to think now. She had to re-apply the seal quite soon otherwise it was going to break...that would be bad if it happened in public, and especially while she was wearing clothes. Taking a deep breath, the Hyuuga turned to head towards the estate's main house, slowly and quietly sliding the door open and starting to make her way silently down the corridor. Her bedroom was on the far side of the estate...but she could take a shortcut....there was an open garden area in the very center of the house, so Hinata turned to make her way through it, opening the door to the dark garden and quickly starting to make her way across the gravel.
(Link shows futa-size)

Hanabi spent time looking for her sister, Hinata, hearing footsteps in the manor's garden, using Byakugan to find her there. Hanabi wanted to "physically release" her secret upon Hinata, so she chased after her "big" sister, nearly tripping many times as she ran on the gravel of the garden. "Nii-chan! Nii-chan!" Hanabi yelled out, obviously wide-awake, even at these hours.

"Stay still! I have a favor to ask of you!" She yelled, desperately trying to catch up with her sister. Hanabi's secret was starting to cause her great pain.

(Sorry for the shortness. I'm on my cell for a bit, so this is all I could do, really.)
((No problem, don't worry about post length ^.^ ))

Hinata let out a yelp when she suddenly heard his sisters voice, her heart skipping a beat. She had assumed everyone would be asleep at this hour, yet her sister was wide awake and full of energy...same as always it seemed. "Ah...H-Hanabi-chan..." Hinata let out the breath she had held upon hearing the loud voice, then slowly turned around to face her sister, large chest bouncing slightly from the movement. "A favour...? Um...well....can it wait until the morning? I...I'm pretty tired and..well we should both really in bed.." Well, it was half true. Hinata was a little tired, but more than that she needed to get back to the privacy of her room in order to renew her seal before it wore off...she only had 10 minutes left at most before it would break. Hinata smiled lightly to her younger sister, she had grown up in the past few years and had become a fine ninja since graduating from the academy about 2 years ago.

"C-come on Hanabi-chan....head on back to bed and...I'll head back to bed too and we can talk in the morning, then I'll listen to your favour ok...?" She laughed nervously, slowly turning to resume her trip back to her bedroom, hoping silently that Hanabi wasn't going to push the issue.
Hanabi was a bit restless so she tackled herself onto Hinata's back, legs wrapped around her sister's waist, and large breasts pressing against the back of her head, a soft cushion for the elder sister. "No! It can't wait!" She yelled, her body feeling much hotter as she did this. God this felt good, she thought. She took Hinata's huge breasts in her hands, feeling as though the skin suffocated her hands as they fondled the clothed breasts. "God, you've got huge, sexy breasts, nii-chan," she said, moaning as she felt them.
Hinata stumbled as Hanabi suddenly leaped up onto her back, not really thinking much of Hanabi's breasts against the back of her head. The elder sister just sighed slightly, then stopped walking. "Hanabi-chan...come on....I want to just go to bed and get some-" She cut off when her sister suddenly grasped at her own massive breasts, which eclipsed even her sisters plentiful chest. "H-hey! H-Hanabi-chan stop it!!" She squirmed around, feeling a little uncomfortable with the sudden situation. "C-come on Hanabi-chan don't say such things....th-they're much too big...now...c-come on....what's this favour you want? Just tell me so I can get it over with and go to bed..."
Hanabi paused, trying to conceive the right words to use. "Please, nii-chan. My body feels so hot... I need you!" She yelled, unzipping her sister's multicolored jacket, gazing at her chest in her bra, a sly grin forming. She noticed the seal and was curious. "What happens to your body when that seal breaks, Nii-chan?" Hanabi asked, groping with skin contact, feeling the softness of her sister's large breasts very directly.
"Wh-what? What do you mean you need me? What do you mean your body feels hot? H-hanabi-chan you're not making any sense. Just...stop talking so strangely o-" She cut off and yelped as her jacket was unzipped, her breasts bouncing slightly and restrained in the custom made bra, the top now exposed to the cold night air. "H-hey! St-stop it Hanabi-chan!" Hinata tried to get Hanabi off her back whilst also trying to get her jacket fastened once again. "It....it's nothing! Nothing alright? Just...c-come on Hanabi-chan...st-stop this...."
Hanabi was no longer conscious of morals, her body so lost in the heat that it was a nightmare for people like Hinata with such mind-blowing bodies. Get it? Oh you will. She had a dark secret, darker than even Hinata's: she was a futanari with a gigantic penis to match against her sisteR;s breasts. It was over eight feet long and ten inches across, making for a deadly combination to whichever woman or man she gets intimate too. That problem arose now, as Hinata would be able to feel Hanabi's eight foot penis throbbing against Hinata's back. Hanabi worked quickly to unhook Hinata's bra since she was already right behind her, and used her flexibility to be wrapped around Hinata's waist from the front of her. In the position, she sucked on the nipples of one of Hinata's massive breasts, knowing attempting both would be a failure. As she sucked, her penis throbbed against Hinat's torso rapidly, desiring her body.
Hinata reached around behind her once again to try and grab Hanabi and get her away, but that was when she felt it...felt something...hard....growing against the back of her head. "Wh-what...? Huh? H-Hanabi-chan...what is that....?" Hinata had no idea that Hanabi was beginning to get an erection against the back of her head, let alone just how impossibly huge it would become. "H-hey! Hanabi-chan!" Hinata yelped as her bra was unfastened and allowed to drop to the ground, leaving Hinata topless. Hinata's attempts to cover up with her hands were useless, she could barely reach the front of her breasts and was unable to stop Hanabi coming around and starting to suck on a nipple. "H-hanabi-chan stop it!" Hinata tried to push her younger sister away, then gasped as she felt something hard continuing to grow inside of Hanabi's pants, beginning to form a bulge in the material. "H-hanabi-chan....what is that....?" Though Hinata already knew what it must have been... "Wh-why...why do you...why do you have that Hanabi-chan?!"
"Why, because of you, Nii-chan," She says with a smile, pulling off the night gown she had been wearing, easily getting rid of it without falling off of Hinata. There, Hanabi showed her penis to her sister, throbbing, leaking pre-cum, and going way over her sister's head, it's position 'kissing' as it was so close to Hinata's lips. "Now please, Nii-chan, let's make each other happy," Hanabi said. It was a lot better than saying 'I am going to fuck you till you're begging for my dick milk'. She wanted to be nice with her sister.

(Should the seal break now? Lmaoo)
"I...I mean why do you even have a p-p-penis in the first place?! You're a girl! You shouldn't have that!" Hinata swallowed nervously, watching as the cock grew through her cleavage, poking up through her breasts and up past her head. It must've been 4 feet long and it was still growing fast! "Oh god....it's still getting bigger..." Hinata swallowed nervously, watching Hanabi's erection continuing to grow. She was so mesmerised she didn't even notice that the seal above and between her breasts was beginning to fade away....
"Come on, Nii-chan, why does it matter? Think of it as practice for with the Demon Child... Naruto-kun, wasn't it?" She said, trying to make it sound innocent. She shook her penis back and forth repeatedly as it went against her sister's large breasts. "Kiss it with your cute lips, or suck on it with that tongue of your's," she said seductively, very much wanting this screwfest.
"Oh god....oh god Naruto-kun...he...he wouldn't be anything like that..." Hinata stared up towrad the sky as Hanabi's cock finally stopped growing....it was a good 8 feet long at least...10 inches across....how was this possible? "That...that will never fit inside anybody Hanabi-chan...I....I....why did it grow out of you? I....were you...born with this....? I....was it a jutsu or....or..." Hinata stared in disbelief at Hanabi's throbbing cock, so so close to her face...close enough for Hanabi to feel Hinata's hot breath against the shaft.
"But wouldn't you like to see if it will fit? Just saying it won't fit will never prove a thing." She said with a smirk. She moaned heavily to her sister's breath, feeling deathly turned on by the feel against her aching penis. "Please sister, let go for once, and follow your instincts," she said with a moan, desperately wanting it.
"I...that.....it's already impossible! That....it's...it's bigger than me!!" Hinata swallowed nervously, then suddenly gasped as she felt it, the seal was fading away completely, vanishing from her skin. "N-no..." Hinata panicked, trying uselessly to push Hanabi away one last time, then gasped as she felt it start. Her breasts throbbed, pulsed, then slowly started to grow outwards, the girls chest starting to swell slowly at first, but beginning to accelerate quickly.
She smiled as her sister's chest started to expand. This situation got more and more interesting, Hanabi finding herself ejaculating into Hinata's ever-growing breasts. "They- they grow bigger?" Hanabi asked, interrupted sadly due to the ejaculation, much spewing due to such a large penis she had on her. "Nii-chan, the longer you refuse, the harder I get, and the more pain it causes me," Hanabi moans out, her penis still throbbing and even letting out pre-cum again. She wouldn't be satisfied after one ejaculation.
Hinata squealed when Hanabi suddenly came, showering the both of them with an incredible amount of cum, far more than any man should be capable of producing. "Nnngh....n-no....nooooo....I hate letting them grow....." She groaned slightly, the growth always did feel good. Before long, her breasts had tripled in size, the growth finally stopping, Hinata's chest heaving as she took deep breaths. "N-noooo....." She whimpered softly as she stared at her mammoth chest, yet somehow the girl was still able to stand up despite what the immense weight should have been, and Hanabi would be able to feel just how marshmallowy soft they were, her hands practically sinking into the flesh.
Hanabi let her face sink into her sister's extremely, superhuman-sized breasts, moaning heavily. She sucked on her sister's large, puffy nipples, swallowing any lactated milk, if possible for the obesely breasted Hyuuga. "Nii-chan, my body's melting against these forbidden fruits of your's," she said, arching her body down to escape suffocation from the breasts. She fished her through her sister's pants, making Hinata drop even her panties, arching her hard, throbbing penis so Hinata could ride it. "Come on for a ride, Nii-chan, you know you want to," she said, licking her lips.
Hinata squealed when her nipples were sucked, her knees going slightly weak. Not only had her breasts size increased, but so had their sensitivity. Each nipple was now like a clitoris in terms of sensitivity. A few drops of milk did indeed leak out into Hanabi's mouth, Hinata whimpering at the sensation. "H-Hanabi-chan....ooh please stop...." Hinata stumbled as her pants and panties were dropped away, and Hanabi finally dropped off her body, beginning to angle her cock, meaning Hanabi was now standing over 8 feet away, though the tip of her cock was so close. "It...it's too thick....it wont even....get inside of me...."
Hanabi bit her lip, deciding to play a little foul with Hinata. She moved her legs in such a manner that would trip her sister, forcing her to fall in such a way that her pussy went straight onto Hanabi's eight-foot penis, obviously stretching it open far due to it's ten-inch diameter, the size always allowing Hanabi to break straight into the womb at the first thrust. A sad drawback to having such a large penis. "Nii-chan! I can feel myself in your womb already!" She shouted with excitement, her penis throbbing wildly.
Hinata yelped as she was tripped, then screamed as she fell onto the tip of Hanabi's cock, an entire foot of the 8 foot long monster ramming inside, taking Hinata's virginity, ramming through her cervix and straight into her womb, the girls belly bulging around the outline of Hanabi's cock. "Nnngh!" Hinata's eyes were wide with sensation, though there was surprisingly little pain. "H-H-Hanabi-chan! P-please! Please take it....take it out! It...it's too big! There's already too much inside!!" And yet there was another seven feet of cock to get in, and Hinata was in no condition to offer much resistance to her younger sister.
Hanabi groaned with disapproval, already nearing ejaculation, her beaming penis already spewing a load straight into Hinata's stretched out womb and pussy. "Nii-chan, I can't stop," she said, her great load only being a small fraction of her ability. She thrusted inside her pussy more, trying to fill her up with more of her warm, sticky seed.
Hinata gasped as she felt a surge of fluid into her womb, something hot, thick and sticky flooding inside of her. "H-Hanabi-chan pull it out! Take it out or you'll make me pregnant!!" Hinata whimpered and squirmed, attempting to pull herself off, but she was already backed into a corner, meaning she had nowhere to go. "Nnngh!" Hinata's eyes widened as more of Hanabi's cock started to push inside, beginning to stretch Hinata's womb up and out like a sleeve, her smooth stomach starting to bulge out with the shape of Hanabi's cock as almost 2 feet of it were now inside....a quarter of the way. "Mmmmmnn...." The bulge was pushing up between Hinata's titanic breasts, meaning that Hanabi was managing to fuck Hinata's pussy, womb and breasts all at once.
Hanabi cussed as she pushed her penis in deeper, letting the bulge in Hinata's stomach act as. A medium to direct the softness of her chest on Hanabi's penis. "Nii-chan, it feels so good, and I'm so close to cumming again!" She shouted, slowly pushing deeper. She wanted to let all of her semen out in Hinata's womb, and pussy, wanting her Nii-chan to love her beyond any normal sister relationship.
"N-noo....I...I can't have your baby Hanabi-chan..." Hinata panted as the pleasure only seemed to increase. No matter how much her body was stretched it didn't hurt, it just felt better and better, it was like Hinata's body was made perfectly for Hanabi's cock. "Nnngh!" Hinata's pussy was squeezing the shaft tightly, her juices pouring out so plentifully that they acted as lube even for Hanabi. 3 feet of her cock were now inside of Hinata's body, only 5 more feet to go...
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