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Retro's RP Ideas

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Jun 24, 2011
The Basement
This is my RP search thread. I am always looking for something new and exciting to tickle my fancy and to keep me entertain between the hours of waking and work. I would like to consider myself literate. I write, consistently, four or five paragraphs for a reply and I attempt to make my grammar decent. I like RP with plot and plenty of smut. Why else would I come to a website like this? Below are some very vague plot ideas that could be easily worked and tweaked in any direction for the genre. I tend to be open and will work with changing things around if needed.

The Squire
Genre: Medieval Fantasy
Plot: Her family was in dishonor and disgrace; her father having lost their estate and his title in a duel that nearly killed him. Things were looking badly for them. Her father fell into depression and her mother was forced to make the bulk of their coin through her spinning. As her younger brother aged, he showed great promise with a sword and soon he was beating most of the season warriors of their village in sparring. Seeing this, her father sets it up so his boy is apprenticed to a powerful and wealthy knight. However disaster strikes; a carriage careens downhill and kills her brother. Not wanting to bring further shame on her family’s name, she takes up her brother’s sword, dresses as a boy, and rides to the citystate to take up her brother’s role as a squire.

Looking For: Someone who can play a knight with a slightly skewed sense of honor. A forceful but intelligent character.

Something Wicked…
Genre: Harry Potter (alternate universe)
Plot: Instead of the final battle playing out like it did in the book, Harry was the one who perished instead of Voldermort. This story picks up some time later where the Death Eaters have the full charge of England and the majority of Europe as well. Muggles know about the wizards and now cower in fear of them. A young rouge is attempting to rise up against Lord Voldermort and his Death Eaters. The fiery young witch may not seem like much but she is tough and determined to see this through. Her and a small handful of others are making plans to finally destroy this treat once and for all.

Looking For: Someone who is not adverse to playing multiple characters or taking on side characters. Though I want the man character to be a rather powerful and prominent Death Eater, perhaps a little on the sadistic side and cruel.

Dream Traveler
Plot: A young woman has a strange ability. Whenever she sleeps she can project her soul out and walk through the astral plane. Steadily, as she has been going out, she has been catching the eye of a demon. One night he decides to take her as his own and blocks her soul from reentering her body. Now she has to navigate the astral in hopes she can find her body once more before her parents cut off all life support at the hospital. Will she be able to make it through the obstacles and the lusts of a demented demon or have to forever be enchained?

Looking For: Someone who likes versatility. The astral can constantly shift and change and my character won’t be too easily captured.

Say Goodnight
Genre: Paranormal/Vampire (not the sparkling kind)
Plot: Young journalist major Cynthia Cummings was determined to get the scoop on the mysterious owner of the hottest new club ‘The Nite Bite’. He always declined interviews and this lead to some pretty vicious rumors. Rumors that the Cynthia wanted to see were true or not. If she could snag an interview with him then she knew she would have an instant good grade on her finals; bumping the overachiever up on to the Dean’s List. However she does not realize the world she is stepping in to. She does not realize that the attention received may not be any sort of attention she really wants.

Looking for: A guy who can play a vampire that isn’t like the Twilight vampires. I want someone who is manipulative, strong, bloodthirsty and lusty. I would like a very passionate player for this role.

Medieval Fantasy
Victorian-Edwardian Fantasy
Modern Fantasy
Post Apocalyptic
Any of the above listed paired with a BDSM flair

Extreme Sexual Gore (any other form of mutilation is alright, as long as the wound isn't fucked afterwards)

If you are interested please PM me. Thank you very much!
Curious about the harry potter plot, is the male character suppose to be a anti hero towards her? Like he won't care if anything happens to her unless it helps in killing Voldermort?
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