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Under constuction. An intro really.


Mar 23, 2010
I’m a bad person. Simple as that. The name is Michael, that’s all you’re going to need to know if you lucky. If not, you know that you’ll never be the same. No one wants to say what I’ve done. I’m not going for fame, but some recognition is nice, you know?

Story one:

The whole club was dark, the bass was hypnotic, the beats were killer, and the bodies were hot. All there was to feel was the flesh or the narcotics; I liked that I could feel both. I knew a lot of people who attended these types of things; I was a frequent flyer at raves. So were most people. We knew what drugs to take when, what would be best for certain DJ’s who would be mixing. The lights and sounds were never the same, if they were that. It was really common to have them overlap to the others realm of frequency. Hearing light was the best experience I personally think. Ecstasy was the must have drug when dancing and moving. Being one of the more experienced patrons we knew the virgins when we first saw them. Literally and figuratively.

About this time last year some of my friends who were more into and were more or less the veterans of the clubs were starting to push the idea of bringing virgins to the parties. They had meant figuratively, but we were getting some awfully young kids. Sinfully young, thirteen and fourteen year olds. Sure, seeing some new faces where fun but that was they weren’t people anyone really wanted to get to know unless you were their age, and you really couldn’t hook up with any of them. Now when I couldn’t we really mean shouldn’t. There were a few guys out there who really honestly didn’t care as long as they were getting something out of it.

These virgins were very irritating, on the off weekends with friends and we would be rolling and only bitch about these kids who were now starting to plague the scene that we all cherished. Through some very serious, sober, and somber negotiation it was settled. It wasn’t an easy to swallow decision we had made some time ago. Although, we needed to cleanse the population. We knew what were doing, and we liked it for the people, the feelings, and the original integrity of the purpose of the clubs. A cleansing. It sounds so grim; but it was grim. Michael was elected to routinely rape someone from the raves. It was something that parents feared about these sort of crowds…the whole “someone slipped something in my drink and I was date raped” horror stories that happened to someone once out in a country with a true psychopath doing the evil bidding. Although, I am nothing of the sort. I’m just a normal guy who has some little knowledge about of psycho-active drugs, chemicals, and properties. I would do some unspeakable acts, that would deeply traumatize someone knew to the scene who was just starting to feel comfy, someone one that was pressure into going, or someone who thought they knew it all. Someone who was on the inside and could easily leak out these stories. If you can’t trust the people you just don’t go. We were doing some crowd control.
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