Assassin's Creed: Eden's Embrace (Lord Dakol and Rubyy)

Lord Dakol

Jun 28, 2009
The city was utterly calm. Night had fallen and the full moon rose up in the sky, illuminating the expansive kingdom of Rome. Several towers littered its buildings, where men and women and in white, hooded clothing stood watch as eagles circled their perches. Walking from a dark alleyway was yet another figure, striding confidently over the cobbled paths of the district.

The man wore black robes, a hood over his head and obscuring part of his chiseled, bearded visage. The outfit was layered several times, with the tails falling to his ankles and a dark red sash that was wrapped around his waist, resting upon his legs, adorned with the insignia of his order. His red collar was slightly open, exposing the tanned flesh of his neck and collarbone. Silver vambraces were protecting his arms, once more showing their symbol, and were equipped with a mechanism for releasing his hidden blades. Upon his left shoulder was a brilliantly-shined metal pauldron that strapped across his chest, which held the black cape that hid his left arm. He wore normal leather boots, only covered by yet another layer of leather.

It took him and the Assassin Order a long time to wrench control from the Borgia and suppress the Templar threat, and it was finally worth it. Rome was safe. At least, most of it was. The man walked up to a merchant, requesting a few apples. Paying accordingly, he walked back down the path, passing citizens that silently acknowledged who he was: Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Grandmaster of the Assassins and Liberator of Rome. His eyes calmly scanned the buildings for any signs of trouble, but found none... yet.
RE: Assassin's Creed: Eden's Embrace (Lord Dakoly and Rubyy)

The peace was suddenly broken by a female voice crying out into the night. A dark-haired young woman in a plain lavender gown stumbled into view, having been pushed back by a small cadre of guards forming a line in front of the jailhouse. She tried her luck a second time, lifting her chin determinedly and charging forward only to once more be denied access.

“I demand to see my brother,” she said through tightly clenched teeth.

“It is too late in the evening for visitors, signorina. Come back tomorrow morning. You may see your brother then.”

Tears gathered in her eyes and she struggled to keep her voice steady. “I cannot wait! He is to be hanged tomorrow!” Grief and panic radiated off of her trembling frame, and she opened and closed her hands fitfully.

“Rules are rules, signorina. But you are welcome to make a spectacle of yourself at his execution.” A chuckle passed through the guards and the woman could contain herself no longer, landing a surprisingly powerful blow to the jaw of the guard who had spoken to her. He grunted and clapped a hand to his face while his comrades seized her by the upper arms.

“That was a very foolish thing to do,” the man on her left said in a dark voice, dragging her toward the jailhouse. “Now you are free to enjoy these last few hours with your brother.”
RE: Assassin's Creed: Eden's Embrace (Lord Dakoly and Rubyy)

Ezio slowed to a stop, biting into his apple once before he watched the commotion. His eyes narrowed as the young woman was denied entry to see her brother, and was angered by how the guards were treating her. However, he neglected to do anything for the moment, hoping that the matter would resolve itself.

It did, but not the way the Assassin hoped it would. Looking down to his side, he saw an old beggar, silently holding out his hands for food or florins. He handed the bitten apple to the old man, then gave him the other, new fruit. The beggar's face lit up, "Grazie, signore! Grazie!"

Ezio smiled slightly, "It is no trouble at all. Stay safe," he replied in his deep, smooth baritone, then looked back at the woman, his expression becoming hardened and indecipherable before he closed his eyes. His heart began to beat faster and more wildly, the blood in his veins racing to their maximum. When he opened his eyes, he saw the world in a darkened light.

Most surfaces were clouded with white smoke, only lanterns and water becoming lightened and darkened. A passing man was shrouded in a veil of blue, his heart beating normally; a friend. Looking ahead, the woman had the same veil of aqua around her, but her heart was beating erratically. Then his hands clenched tightly, noticing the color of the guards. They adopted a bright red hue, branching out like a sick virus; Templars, or ones that aided them.

Ezio slowly vanished into a group of people, moving through them like a wraith until he came upon a set of boxes. Without hesitation, he ran onto them, climbing quickly as he jumped up and grabbed the ledge of a window, swinging slightly before he began to move his arms, ascending further and further until he scrambled onto the rooftop. Under the cover of night, his silhouette was practically invisible to the men below. Walking to the edge, as he saw the guards beginning to drag her in, Ezio flicked both his hands, splaying them open as blades slid out to gleam threateningly in the moonlight.

Then, as if on cue, he heard the familiar cry of an eagle, and was sure the sound would carry down to the guards, making them look up to see the hooded figure. Then, not wasting another precious second, Ezio lunged up, spreading his arms enough as he glided down in a black blur, landing upon two guards, his weapons sliding into their throats, killing them instantly in a fountain of blood. The other men were shocked at the sudden appearance of a killer, so Ezio took his time, standing up slowly as blood stained his sleeves, his hidden blades still jutting out. "Let her go, or pay the price," he said confidently, glancing around at them, his eyes gazing upon the woman for a split second before he heard a laugh.

"Haha! What? You expect us to bow before a cowardly stronzo like you? Give me a break!" one of them holding onto the woman yelled.
RE: Assassin's Creed: Eden's Embrace (Lord Dakoly and Rubyy)

The woman's heart sang at Ezio's appearance, even as it startled her. Every citizen of Rome that knew terror and oppression at the hands of the Borgia family also knew hope and joy in the presence of an assassin. Like the eagles they fashioned themselves after, they preyed on those who would prey on others, and effectively turned the city around for the better.

But still-surviving Templar cells remained along with their supporters. Though they were driven into hiding, the Templars kept a keen eye on Rome by dispatching guards to harass the civilians. It was their way of stoking anxiety and fear of reprisal among the public, if for nothing else than their own amusement.

With the guard distracted, the woman stamped on his foot as hard as she could. It stunned him long enough to wrest her arm out of his grasp, but that only served to further anger the other guard who now pinned her to his chest and pressed the point of a dagger to her throat.

“What will you do now, assassino?” he asked, smiling a grim smile and applying enough pressure to elicit a gasp of pain from the dark-haired woman. She pleaded with Ezio through her eyes; blue as the canals in Venezia and clouded with tears she still refused to shed. “Is this cagnaccio truly worth it?”

[ OOC: i might be able to squeeze in one more response, but i've got to go to a friend's birthday dinner tonight. i shouldn't be out late, though; then we can really get this ball rolling. :) ]
((Oh, don't worry. I won't be on for much longer, anyway, hehe. I will, however, be on most of the day tomorrow. ^^))

Ezio turned around to face them, the black flaps of his robes swaying beautifully in the dim light. He ignored the other guards, who were slowly encroaching behind him. He studied the woman's eyes and knew she truly feared for her life. He did too, a long time ago. Ezio's eyes narrowed at the one holding the dagger, saying nothing for a quiet moment.

"Every ounce of my vita will go into keeping her safe. Is that enough for you, Templars?" he replied cooly, lifting his left hand lazily, as if he was waving him off. One of the guards behind him then rushed to attack, swinging his sword at Ezio's back. Suddenly, the Assassin's arm became stiff and rigid, splaying out his hand once more. His other hand swiftly turned a wheel on his wrist, cocking it briefly before flexed his arm. A loud boom rang out into the air, freezing everyone - save for Ezio - into stillness. Smoke rose from his hand, and blood ran from the guard's neck, a giant hole in his throat as he soon crumpled to the floor, letting go of the woman and his face a picture of shock.

Ezio took this opportunity to step forward, grabbing the sword of the guard and taking it from him, pushing him back a little so he could plunge the blade into his chest. He let go of the weapon, spinning around just in time to see a spear stabbing at him. Reaching forward, Ezio took hold of the pole reversed, smacking him in the face before swinging the spear, leaving a long gash in the man's neck as blood poured forth like wine.
The woman flattened herself against a wall as the carnage unfolded in front of her. Violence wasn't uncommon, even in the newly reformed Rome, but she had never seen so much bloodshed at once in her life. She wanted to look away, but found herself transfixed by the assassin's effortless moves as he took out one guard after another. It was like a lethal dance; one that could only be taught, not learned.

Finally, the fight ended with the black hooded figure standing amongst motionless, armor-plated bodies. She fell to her knees with a sob, grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles over and over.

Grazie!” she exclaimed in a voice that was suddenly more like a child's, full of immeasurable gratitude. She turned her pointed face up to him then, cheeks mottled red and tear-stained. “Per favore, lower your hood so I may look upon and forever remember the face of my rescuer.”
Sensing yet another guard approaching from the rear, Ezio spun around and deflected the shot that was sure to kill him if it connected. While the guard's arm were open, the Assassin drove the spear into his chest, ignoring the blood-curdling scream that erupted from the man's lips.

Ezio attempted to pull it out, but it was impossible, as it was lodged in the ribs. So, he gently pushed the guard away, seeing two archers on the rooftops. Without hesitation, he drew two knives from the holsters on the back of his shoulders and tossed them effortlessly, getting their mark and killing them both, and watched as they tumbled off the edge to land with a sickening crack.

Hearing the woman, Ezio looked to her in surprise as she kissed his hand in gratitude. He quirked an eyebrow, obviously not used to this sort of reaction. But he went with the flow, inclining his head a bit as he took her soft, delicate hands in his own larger, calloused palm. "Please, stand up, signoria," he said calmly, slowly getting her to her feet before he heard her request. Ezio hesitated for just a moment, but knew that it would not do any harm. He was being paranoid.

Taking the sides of his black hood in hand, he smiled, "My name is Ezio Auditore da Firenze, at your service," he said, pulling it down to rest on his shoulders. Ezio had a handsome, chiseled face with a black beard that covered his most of his face. His hair was pitch-black and long, tied up neatly at the back to accentuate the strong hazel eyes that looked at the young woman. "And pray tell, what is your name?" he asked.
She drew an audible breath when Ezio revealed himself, then lowered her eyes rather demurely when he calmly looked into them.

“Alba Rapetti,” she answered quietly, gaze flickering up to meet his again for a brief moment. “Ser Ezio, if I may trouble you for one last thing. My brother, Matteo, has been imprisoned for protecting me from harassment. They are going to hang him tomorrow.” As she spoke, Alba's voice rose to an almost hysterical pitch before she caught herself and resumed talking in a low, humble tone. “If you would release him, consider me forever in your debt.”

She unconsciously squeezed his hand as she braced herself for his answer. He had already gone above and beyond his good deed for the day. Would he really feel the need to stick his neck out further?
As Alba spoke, the man said nothing and his face revealed nothing as she asked him for one more favor. He was silent for many moments, leaving her to think he was going to deny her request, when in fact he was calculating the chances of success. If Matteo was in the prison, it would incredibly easy to get him out. If he wasn't...

"Si, I will take care of it. Please, do not worry about Matteo any longer," he said, squeezing her hand back for reassurance. It then slipped from her grasp as he turned around, striding into the jailhouse as he pulled the hood over his head, hiding his face once more.

It was quiet. No one made a sound; Ezio assumed he had killed all of the guards that were here. "Matteo? Are you there?" he called out into the darkness, the deep tenor of his voice cutting through the shadows. However, no answer came. Ezio walked further in, passing the many cells and peering in, trying to see the best he could. But as he rounded on the last cell, disappointment struck. Matteo was probably at the place where they would prepare him to be hanged.

A moment later, the Assassin strode out, looking at Alba with a steely gaze. "He is not in there, and I do not know where they prepare them. But you can help. Do you know where he is to be killed?" he asked urgently, though his voice was utterly calm.
The news crashed over Alba like a wave, leaving her feeling disoriented and panicked. She had counted on her brother being in his cage, but if they already moved him it meant precious little time was left to save his life. She smoothed a long-fingered hand over her forehead as if to ease her thoughts, bringing it up over the crown of her head and through her thick chestnut-brown hair.

It was not yet morning, although the first fiery tendrils of dawn danced upon the horizon. Alba knit her brow. Even as a torrent of emotion swirled in her eyes, she knew she had to keep a cool head, for her own sake as much as her brother's.

“I heard they are doing construction near the Castel Sant'Angelo. I'm not sure if they are building the gallows there, but it is worth finding out.”
Ezio was pleasantly surprised that Alba was keeping her calm, despite the fact that he brother might very well be on his way to the next life. He adjusted the bracers on his arms, the silver gleaming in the light as he nodded.

"Good. Thank you, Alba. I will return soon," Ezio said, turning around and preparing to rush to the Castel. However, an idea quickly formed in his head, and the Assassin looked to Alba. "I have a plan, but I need vostro aiuto. Will you come with me?" asked the older man, extending his gloved hand to her.
At first, she was taken aback by the question. What use could she be to an assassin as strong and unflinchingly brave as Ezio was? Still, she gave a small smile of assent and placed her hand within his.

“I would have asked if you hadn't,” Alba admitted. Whatever the outcome, good or bad, she had to let her brother know that she tried her damndest; that she railed against his execution with all her being.

Things were not always pleasant between them. They fought, as siblings often do, but they loved each other with a fierceness that only comes from a family bond. If Matteo was to die that day, she would not let him die without seeing her face and knowing she exhausted every option that could've spared him, and how deeply sorry she was that none of them worked.
As the two rushed through the slowly crowding streets of Rome, many people moved out of their way once they saw the black-hooded Assassin, and heard shouts and cheers of encouragement. They knew that, whatever Ezio was going to do, it was always in their best interests.

Ezio glanced up at the rooftops, and smiled slightly to see figures sprinting ahead, going to their destinations. He was fortunate that they were always around, ready to fight at his signal. He would need them now, more than ever. The man raised his right hand and clenched it, making a fist as they figures vanished into the darkness.

Soon enough they arrived at the Ponte Sant'Angelo, guarded by soldiers who allowed the members of clergy to pass to their destination. The pair slowed to a steady walk, and Ezio glanced at one of them. Immediately, the sentries moved out of their way, giving them access to the bridge. One of the guards nodded to Ezio, who returned the gesture.
The excitement and the urgency of what they were doing sent Alba's blood racing. Her heart was pounding so hard that she was sure it would crack her chest open. Ezio led her through narrow passages she'd never noticed before and maneuvered past the throngs of shoppers in the market with practiced ease. Her legs could barely keep up, but she pressed on even as her muscles yearned for rest.

When they reached the bridge, Alba was doubled over, chest tight as she sucked in mouthfuls of air. But she walked on as she and Ezio were granted passage. Curiosity tickled her mind and she wanted to ask if the guard he exchanged nods with was an assassin in disguise, but questions like that would have to wait.

They followed the flow of priests and cardinals toward the ominous-looking Castel. Alba marveled at the high stone turrets and banners roiling in the gentle wind, craning her neck to get a better look as they approached the arched entranceway.

She grasped Ezio by the crook of his elbow and asked in hushed tones, “Do you see anything? The gallows?”
Unfortunately, he did. Just ahead, where works gathered, along with full crowds, was the large gallows.

"What did your brother do, Alba? What is he guilty of?" Ezio asked, not breaking his gaze for a minute as they walked towards it.

((Gah! ><))
His eyes gave it away: the manner in which they were so intently staring ahead. Ezio could see them and Alba's stomach clenched. Could she weave through the crowd fast enough to plead Matteo's case to the executioner? Unlikely. And if she broke away from Ezio that would draw too much attention and she'd risk being thrown out, or worse. As much as her senses cried and pleaded for her to take that chance, Alba forced herself to remain where she was, gripping her companion's arm as they hastened forward.

“Our neighbor's nephew followed me home after seeing me in the piazza. He was saying disgusting things and invited me back to his uncle's. He even offered to pay me afterward! Matteo saw all of this and pushed him against a wall, threatening to kill him if he so much as looked at me again. Then the suino called the guards and had my brother carted away like a criminal.” Alba could feel her mouth moving as she told Ezio the tale, but her voice sounded garbled to her own ears, as if she was speaking underwater.
Roars of the crowd filled Ezio's ears, but Alba's voice could still be heard as she explained what happened. His gaze flickered to her and grimaced; he briefly remembered Duccio disrespecting Claudia. Both times he beat the cazzo of the man. His hands clenched tightly, closing his eyes for a moment, the sounds getting drowned out for a moment, and everything became silent. They were both at the back of the crowd, out of the way.

"Please, silencio, silencio!" a voice called out from the gallows. The man wore splendid robes of purple and red with fur outlining and jewelry that hung from his neck and wrists. Streaks of gray lined his hair, and his lips seemed to be frozen in an infinite sneer.

"Paulo..." Ezio growled, slowly opening his eyes and narrowing them considerably. He glanced to his sides, and saw the fleeting shadows of his comrades waiting for his signal. A line of tied prisoners were pulled onto the stage, one of which was Alba's brother, Matteo. Ezio glanced at her, "I need you to get to the front and create a small distrazione, understand? Draw their line of sight away from the middle of the crowd," he instructed, then melded into the large-forming crowd.
Before Alba could agree, Ezio vanished into the sea of swaying bodies. It was all up to her now.

She could scarcely make out Matteo's stony expression. He didn't seem to be looking for her; merely staring blankly out into the wrinkled, doughy faces of the clergy and various other high-ranking officials who carried on talking and laughing as if a string of men weren't about to be killed in front of them.

He must be so scared, she thought before shouldering her way to the front. It was a shorter trek than she imagined and for that Alba was thankful. For the most part, no one spared her a glance and she was free to do as Ezio commanded.

“Thief!” she shrieked, hopping up and down in outrage and pointing in the direction of the imaginary pickpocket. “A thief has stolen my necklace!”
Ezio watched from the crowd as Alba dis as requested, folding his arms to observe for a moment.

Paulo glared at her, upset that someone was disrupting his speech, and not caring that someone had supposedly stolen something valuable. Matteo looked at Alba and his face became grave, obviously not knowing why she was there. The guards around them looked towards her also, and it was now time for the Assassins to strike.

"Move. Move!" Ezio barked, pushing past the crowd. Once he was clear enough, he flicked his left hand in one fluid motion to draw out the hidden and sprinted towards the stage. He passed the guards without trouble, and easily hopped onto the front steps, jumping at the last moment. He could see the fear and shock in the man's eyes as Ezio landed against his chest, thrusting the blade deep into his throat, silencing him and resulting in a spew of blood.

While he still had time, the lips of Paulo and Ezio were moving silently, and only when the noble went entirely still did the older man close his eyelids, muttering the prayer, "Requiescat en pace."

Pandemonium filled the area as the guards regained their wits and looked at Ezio, pointing their weapons at him. "Heh..." he chuckled, glancing down at Alba. Pursing his lips, a sharp whistle resounded through the air. The guards, for just a moment, were confused until a rain of arrows came down, striking them in their hearts, necks, and stomachs. They stumbled around for a moment before crumbling to the floor, and Ezio moved out of the way so that Alba could free her brother.
Alba was jostled on all sides by men fleeing for their lives, clutching their rosaries as if it would shield them from blades or arrows. She swam against the retreating current and hefted herself onto the wooden platform where Matteo watched her in wide-eyed disbelief.


She plucked a dagger from the engraved scabbard of a fallen guard and sawed through the rope around her brother's hands and feet. She then freed the other prisoners who had not already escaped, not caring in that moment if they deserved to be bound and hanged. She saw Matteo in all of their faces, inching toward death with no hope left.

Grazie, signorina!” they exclaimed, kissing her hands and disappearing amongst the frenzied crowd. Alba flung her arms around her brother who returned the embrace wholeheartedly.

“How in the world did you manage this?” he asked after they'd pulled apart.

“I'll explain later. We have to hide until it's safe for you to walk the streets again!” Alba laced her fingers with her brother's and leapt off the gallows, a feeling of triumph flooding her body.
Ezio watched on as pride and happiness filled his heart. He was clearly glad that he was able to save someone from death. If only he had such courage and conviction to save his father and brothers all those years ago... the Assassin closed his eyes before opening them again. "Alba, we have to go!" he yelled over the screams of the crowd.

Jumping off the stage, Ezio forced his way through the crowd, opening a way for Matteo and Alba to follow. Papal guards did nothing to stop them, and instead moved out of their way. Then, Ezio caught something out of the corner of his eye; a silver gleam to his left after he passed under the archway. A brave - or stupid - guard swung his dagger at the older man, only to be swiftly killed with a hidden blade to the chest. Ezio didn't break his sprint, but glanced behind him to see the two following closely behind as they reached the bridge. "Avanti!" he barked, and continued to run.

A soft click of the hammer above the ramparts was barely heard, but the chuckle that followed cut through the noise. "Que le Père d'entente nous guider..." the man said with a smirk, and pulled the wheel. A loud bang resounded through the air, the pistola aimed at Matteo's back.

Ezio heard the sound and barely turned in time to see the smoke rising from the barrel of the gun. He took off into a dash to protect Matteo, but the it was too late.
In the same instant Alba heard the blast of a gunshot, she suddenly felt her brother stumble and collapse into a heap, bringing her to the ground with him. She fell onto her back with an 'ooph' and covered her head as feet thundered all around her.

She flipped herself over and crawled on hands and knees toward Matteo, grasping and shaking his shoulders. “Get up, fratello, or we'll be trampled!”

But Matteo did not move. At first, Alba thought he had fainted, but as she reached around the front of his shirt to hoist him up, she felt something warm, wet and sticky coat her hand. An icy fist wrapped around her heart as she withdrew her hand and saw that it was stained red with her brother's blood.

Grief pierced her like a thousand stabbing knives, tearing her skin and ripping into her guts. She gathered Matteo into her arms and rocked him like a child, sobbing and wetting his face with her tears as what little life he had left was slowly but surely drained out of him through the bullet hole in his back.
Ezio stood shock-still for a moment as Matteo fell, blood splattering on the ground of the bridge from the wound in his chest and back. His eyes tracked Alba as she attempted to console her brother. Ezio was then shaken back into action as her sobs began, and rushed forward. "Alba, we need. Now!" he barked, wrenching her hands from Matteo's body. He was already dead.

Using his right hand, he made the previous signal in the air and pulled Alba to her feet. At once, two hooded people ran up to them. "Take Matteo to my den," he commanded, and they obeyed wordlessly, picking up her brother's body and vanishing in the collection of buildings.

Ezio glanced upwards at the ramparts, and his eyes narrowed at the sight. A young man with short blond hair and dark green eyes grinned maliciously, sliding the pistola behind him. "Bonjour, monsieur Ezio! I hope I didn't ruin any of your plans!" the Frenchman barked, then walked away, vanishing as crowds passed the two. "Alba. Come on!" he shouted, then pulled her along.
Alba allowed Ezio to lift her up – she never would have been able to do so on her own – and watched as her brother's limp, still-bleeding body was carried off by the other assassins.

That's when she started screaming.

Bastardo! Codardo!” The Castel was mostly evacuated by then and her shrill, ragged voice echoed off the ramparts. “Ti troverò e ti taglio la gola senza valore!” The fight and fury left Alba as quickly as it came and she curled her body against Ezio's, burying her weeping face in his shoulder.
Ezio said nothing, allowing her to scream her lungs out as he ran down the street with Alba in his arms. There was no point in keeping her quiet; it would not help. In fact, it would help her in grieving, remembering that fateful day, 30 years ago...

"FATHER!!!" he screamed in agony as his papa and brothers were ruthlessly hung bu their necks as Ezio ripped through the crowd, trying to save them before being grabbed by guards. "I'LL KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!"

...And he did.

Several minutes later, Ezio made it to his personal den, barging through the door as he trotted down the stairs.

"Ezio!" a gentle, shrill voice said. He entered the wide room to see his sister Claudia racing over.

"I'm fine. But Alba..." he murmured, laying her onto a comfortable chair.
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