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An old Friend and a new Pet. (Closed: Ravonies and Raiku)

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Saddened that his pet didn't want to play, he shook his head and returned his attention to his powerful cuddle bear friend.

He saw the pet run out the door, and into the street where she jumped onto a coach and was gone.

He shrugged...she had not been fitting in well. He wished her luck.

Idly, he traced small patterns in her fur, planting small kisses on tummy and working past her magnificent breasts to nuzzle her neck.

"Kairi, I have a list of those whom I know are threatening me. I will leave it to you to decide how you wish to deal with them.

For now, though, I you are here and I feel so relieved. Let me make you something to eat...perhaps a quarter of deer...very. rare. And some honey wine to go with it."

He set out the plates and quickly cooked, even making large almond rice patties, sweetened with honey for Kairi. A well-filled bear was a happier bear...and he wanted her to feel welcome.

He sat her to his right at the square table, keeping her sword arm clear.

" dig in Kair. Enjoy. We are a family now."

The young Mouseman who delivered the meal stared at the huge bear. He noticed her eye on him and he shivered, then scurried down to the be under all that female flesh... but she would care nothing for him, he was beneath notice.

The meal was excellent, and Karl stretched. "Kairi, I might go compliment the cook. Unless you wish to?"
Kairi watched as she ran off, shaking her head with a soft growl, shaking her head as she got up and went to sit beside him when food was being made, though when it was delivered to them, she couldn't help but lick her drooling lips with hunger, fighting the urge to simply devour the meal.

Kairi managed to control herself and slowly started eating her food, sighing softly with a growl of contempt."I might once i'm finished eating such a wonderful meal..."
Karl nodded, and he sat to wait for Kairi to finish.
In the kitchen, Flick sat shivering. Thinking of that massive and dangerous cat body...If she ever caught him alone, she might just eat him up!

He waited a little extra time and then went up to get the dishes.

Karl saw him peeking in. "Excellent supper, Flick, isn't that your name? Well done! Here's a silver for you.

Kairi, if you're finished, would you be so good as to check out the security in the kitchen area. Flick has been with my family for year, and he knows all the passages. He can also fit into some of the chimneys where no one else can go, he's so slim and flexible. I'm sure he'll enjoy working under you.

Flick carried the dishes down skillfully, "Right this way mistress. I hope being over me will be a pleasant position for you." Then he blushed, realizing the double meaning.
Kairi nodded a bit at Karl's request, rising to her feet with a sigh of happiness as she followed the rat, humming softly to herself as she watched him, intrigued by just how well the animal knew how to cook.Though her expression turned into a somewhat confused one when he spoke up to her. A laugh soon followed it though as she gave him a shrug."I guess you could say that.,."
Flicked nervously, but attentively showed Kairi all the different access points into the house...including ones that only he could enter.

One of those was a tube above the stove no wider than five inches. "it's a little snug, but I can go up it."

He showed her the ice room where ice blocks kept food either frozen or just cold, depending upon which part of the room things were stored.

At one point, he realized that he had shown her all there was and he jumpily spun around to ask her something, not realizing how close she was.

He found himself staring right up into the upper portion of her thighs, and as he looked up at her, he had to peer past a large bear sex, whose lips were longer than the pipe he had showed her. Further up he craned his neck to look past her massive breasts hanging like large coconuts, ready to fall on him and her huge head and muzzle, which seemed like they could suck him right down.

He gasped at the sight, whimpering. "Does Mistress Kairi have anywhere else she wishes me to show her how I enter?"
Luckily she wasn't paying attention to wher he was, looking around at the many entry waves he pointed out for her, moving back a bit and slowly looking down at him."No i think thats all for now, you may head off to whatever it is you need to do.."giving him a soft smile, Kairi sat down on the couch in the living room, sitting patiently as she started drawing out a map of the home, marking each entry on it.

This was how she worked, scouting the place and marking a map was the best way for her to remember the surrounding area.
Tori the sneak grinned. Or at least it looked like he was grinning, but with a 18 foot long python, it's hard to tell. He'd been scoping this place out for weeks for the assassination. Very few guards, and no one was watching the small tunnels.

It he he that little mouse on the way, well, h was hungry anyway.

He slid down the tunnel with just a faint rasp until he came to the kitchen. In the dim light, all he saw was a white mound. Probably the laundry...though there was an odd carnivore scent in the air.

His scales made only slight rasping sounds as he exited the tunnel. It would be so easy to slip upstairs, crush this Kyle and be out. Maybe with a mouse snack to boot.
When she was just about done with her map, she paused and smelled the around around her, letting out a deep growl when she caught scent of an unfamiliar blood, her eyes scanning the living room and kitchen. She knew someone was within the home who diodn't belong, she just needed to find it
(remember, old style, kitchen is in the lower level.)
The laundry pile...moved...oh no...that was a bear! A very big bear. He was strong, but he had doubts about taking it on...especially armed.

Thinking quickly, her struck, his mouth fastening on her sword arm to prevent her drawing. He whipped around her, but was only able to get a few wraps on her body. This was not good.
(oh sorry)

When she saw the python wrap around her arm and her body, the bear let out a roar, taking her other hand to grasp and tug on the reptile, her claws digging through it's scales."Get off you you stupid creature!"she shouted in anger, feeling the pressur on her arm tighten a bit. She would admit it was painful, but she endured it and continued to try and pry the creature off her arm. This was something Kairi wasn't expecting but knew could happen. She knew she needed to keep closer watch on the smaller entrances, daming herself for paying too much thought in her drawing.
raizu kagurai said:
(oh sorry)

When she saw the python wrap around her arm and her body, the bear let out a roar, taking her other hand to grasp and tug on the reptile, her claws digging through it's scales."Get off you you stupid creature!"she shouted in anger, feeling the pressur on her arm tighten a bit. She would admit it was painful, but she endured it and continued to try and pry the creature off her arm. This was something Kairi wasn't expecting but knew could happen. She knew she needed to keep closer watch on the smaller entrances, daming herself for paying too much thought in her drawing.

He slipped a coil on her neck. Now he had her! Hah! He began to coil tighter. Nothing was stronger than a snake constricting.

Just then, from the Shadows the small mouseman darted forward with the biggest frying pan he could carry. He swung, knowing he would likely tear muscle and the pan edge slammed into the snake's head. "Take that you smelly snake!"
For a couple of seconds the coils loosened.
When they did, Kairi pulled the snake off of her and grabbed its tail end while taking her other hand and taking him by the head, keeping him from coiling around her, slowly pulling on him with a grin."Hmm..Snake sounds good for a snack, the thought makes my mouth water in hunger. What do you think Flick?"
Flick watched in wonder as Kairi lifted the giant snake effortlessly overhead.

Like all mousefolk. He lived in terror of the snakes, who ate any small person they could get.

"Please mistress...quickly...tail first so he can't get away...slurp him down...and I will do anything for you!" He totally discounted his actions that had stopped her suffocation. She would have won anyway...wouldn't she?" He gazed up at her adoringly.
Kairi looked at the snake, examining it closely, keeping a firm grip so the reptile couldn't get away from her, and she had no intention of letting go of it."Tell me, why were you slithering around in this house?"She demanded, her voice speakign in a soft tone, her anger fading, her more merciful side speaking up
He glared at his captor. "You stupid Sow! What do you think, you can't see my assassin's guild brand? if you hadn't gotten lucky, I'd have gotten you, him and then the mouse for a snack. Now kill me. I've failed my assignment, so if I leave, I get the slow rack...which for a snake...well...

Give me some honor and treat me like I'd treat an enemy. Once you've eaten me, if I tasted good, then praise me."
Kama looked at him, licking her lips while she contemplate on whether or not she really wanted to eat him, stretching him a bit more to torture him, waving for Flick to leav her alone with the snake. Once she was alone with him, she chuckled some and spoke to him with an offer."Well what if i have a proposal that doesn't involve you getting eaten?would you agree to what i say?"
Flick had seen her glare at him and had run away. Some how he knew he wasn't wanted. He found the master, and bowed in.

"Mistress Kairi has caught an assassin and is dealing with him."

Kyle nodded, pleased that his friend was caring for him so well... He had to think of something nice to thank her...hmm... polar bear. maybe he could order her some really special food.

Tori narrowed his eyes. "as soon as I leave this place unsuccessfully, I'm dead. So if this proposal involves me staying here long term, then I'm listening.

I can promise not to hit my target. Once I've been discovered the hit is off automatically. So filliing a position instead of your belly is an attractive idea.

So, big and curvy....what's your idea..."
Kairi looked at him, smiling a bit when he agreed to not harming Kyle, slowly laying him down, her foot gently resting on his tail."Stay here and help me protect Jyle, and i will make sure you're quite happy here with us. But you harm nobody in this house if they live here, including the mouse." Kairi kept her eyes on the snake as she waited for another answer from him, licking her lips. She wasn't really wanting to eat the snake, the reptiles upsetting her stomache whenver she ate them.
Tori nodded. "Agreed...and I submit to your command...though not eating the mouse will be disappointing... But perhaps..."

He raised his head to nudge under her skirt armor, his tongue flicking up between.

"May I prove my willingness to serve you right now?"
She narrowed her eyes, watching where he was looking and where he went, moving him away from her, holding him up as she growled softly, but smiled gently."Maybe later when you earn it. Prove to me how far you're willing to go for it by treating Kyle and Flick nicely. You do this and i'll reward you later tonight."
Tori nodded. "I will need you to inform the household of my service and agreement. The yummy looking mouseboy certainly is not going to believe that I mean him no harm.

I will go and patrol the nooks and tunnels where you can't go, and let you know of any risky openings...apart from the one I already used, which is obvious now."

He slid off, and began mentally mapping the dark underground tunnels.

At one point, he meet a nest of rats and got several bites himself, before he could kill and swallow them.
Flick mentioned the aborted assassination attempt to Kyle.

Kyle smiled to know his friend was protecting him so well. He made sure that her dinner included a fresh goat, he knew how much she liked her meat that way.
Kairi made her way to Kyle's room, humming a soft tune as she walked up the stairs quietly, smiling a bit, knowing she now had some help around here in the areas she wouldn't be able to reach. So when she got into Kyle's rooom she smiled."Well..if things went well we might have another person here to help me work."
Flick came flying around the corner Barreling into Kairi and planting himself right into her before bouncing off. "There you are Mistress! Master is being crazy! He has dressed and gone out to the horse show. I think he was drinking. Please Mistress....go and save master, I don't want to be out on the street."

Flick pointed out to her which direction Kyle had taken.
Kairi growled, shaking her head some as she left the house to go after Kyle, shaking her head with a sigh."Stubborn boy, always going off on his own."Though she wasn't exactly furious with him, she was rather agitated by his actions. She found it strange that he hires her for protection, but then decides leaving on his own without telling her.

Either this man was crazy, or drunk, or something was going on that she didn't know about.
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