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The Demon's Harem (Need a Demon Lord)

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RE: The Demon's Harem

"I'm Katelyn and this is my sister, Kintana. The Master is here on a unregulated bases. If he isn't killing people or waging war against other races he is down here. But, he doesn't keep to a schedule, he is a chaos demon after all." Katelyn explained as her tail move back and forth.
RE: The Demon's Harem

"A chaos demon? Right...of course he is..." Crysta rolled her eyes. Chaos demons were once known in her realm, but they had been thought to have been banished thousands of years ago, nobody had seen one in generations. "Well I suppose it's nice to meet you both....though I wont get to know you too well, I don't plan on being here for all that long"
RE: The Demon's Harem

"You shouldn't...bring so much attention to yourself..." She knew what the master could do, would do. And a new girl was enough to bring much attention to herself. And she knew well enough that bringing attention most likely had one or two others in the mix.
RE: The Demon's Harem

"Oh I'm not scared of some demon" Crysta waved her hand. "Even without my staff I'm sure I'd be more than a match for him. I'm the best there is after all, so no need to worry" She yawned slightly, leaning back aginst the wall as she continued to look around. " many women are there in here?"
RE: The Demon's Harem

"Well the demon likes to take... prizes from places he conquers. That is how me and my sister got here. The Demon Lord has won many wars. Also many people do busness with the him and sell or trade him slaves. To answer your question it is not known how many women he has. I don't know if there is other rooms in this palace or if there are other palaces with women." Katelyn explained
RE: The Demon's Harem

"Feh, well he certainly hasn't conquered my home. I'm here by accident, someone elses fault I'm sure, and I'll be back home in no time. When I find out who's fault it is I ended up here though I'm going to kill them..." Her ears twitched slightly again. " all just....lay here all day? Eat and swim and pretty much nothing else?"
RE: The Demon's Harem

"Ya it is a very boring life. On occassion if we are good we are aloud to go outside but that rarely happens." Katelyn said watching the elf with her cat-like eyes.
RE: The Demon's Harem

Angelo was moving swiftly thru the woods with a pack of wolves chasing him... It was snowy outside and it was night. Good time for the plan he thought. He quickly jumped and turned to a pool of shadow on the ground and the wolves fell into the darkness... He shadow traveled into the underworld and let wolves loose. The Hellhounds then chased the wolves. That includes the Demon lords Hellhounds. Angelo ran and oened the gates to the Demon lords realm right on the outskirts of the underworld. and was in...
RE: The Demon's Harem

Katelyn got up and stretched her arms up above her head. She turned and looked at her sister. "Should we try to help her?" Katelyn asked. She always turned to her sister for advice even if she knew she wasn't going to follow it.
RE: The Demon's Harem

Angelo walked thru the demons palace. Everytime he passed a skeleton soldire he just showed them the burn in his hand that read ÆTHON and they moved out of the way very quickly it wasnt until he got deeper into the palace that he had to hide and he fell thru a dark wall witch he thought was a regular wall and landed in... "Uh oh..." Angelo was in the Demons theatre... He didnt dare to move for he didnt want to find out if it was empty or not...
RE: The Demon's Harem

Angelo quickly turned aroung but most silently he noted thet the room was empty and got up and saw two tunnels... One was labeld The Harem room. He went in there and got caught before he even saw slaves. He got put in chains, questioned and thrown in a room with a few girls and a pool.
RE: The Demon's Harem

As everyone began to settle back and leave the new girl to her deluded ideas of escape, Lani just sits back in 'her' corner. If Crysta wanted to try and escape, she can spend her time until the Demon returns doing so, and then see just what she meant by she would be staying.
RE: The Demon's Harem

Gabrielle listened to the commotion in the room in as one slave already left, trying to escape. But that task would be soon futile. She was got caught years ago by the demon and have been his loyal slave since -- always followed his rules to the letter. "Leave her be," said the blonde. "If wants to escape this place, then let her try. Once she gets back here however, that girl would find herself in a whole lot of pain, as in the punishment kind of pain.
RE: The Demon's Harem

"That is what I'm worried about. I rather not see her go through the pain." Katelyn snapped at Gabrielle. Before she could get very angry however, she was distracted by a new person. This one had a different smell. It smelt male. This surprised her.
RE: The Demon's Harem

Crysta had continued checking the walls for a few more minutes, but didn't seem to succeed in locating any kind of weak point. Her interest was momentarily caught when someone else new emerged into the room, blinking as she was surprised to see a male who had somehow ended up here by accident like herself, but unfortunately an accidental entry wasn't much use to her, it would likely be impossible to retrace the route he had taken. "Damn....guess I'll just have to wait for this demon lord to make his appearance....." With a bored sigh Crysta slowly slid down the wall, sitting on one of the cushions and smoothing down her robes. "Then when he does I'll just have to kick his ass and get out of here"
RE: The Demon's Harem

Angelo looked at the room filled with girls and blushed uncontrolably but then he went back to his normal dark self. He expected more males here... "Yes? However I have come to save you slaves. The tricky thing is... I may come and go as I please. Where as you girls cannot... I am the son of Hades. Shadow travel can get me in here but I cant take you out... because I well... Dont know how to shadow travel with another person... Mutch less an entire room... Anyone here with powers?" he paused. Making room for others to speak.
RE: The Demon's Harem

Katelyn looked at the boy and smiled. "The elf seems to have magic power." Her tail flicked back and forth as she watched the boy.
[Jumping in as the Demon lord Donate and his number one Lisa i have already posted their profiles}
Donate pulled his wings in and the horns and teeth. He looked like any other normal human . He turned his handsome eyes on his number one Minion Lisa and said "come here my pet ".

Lisa went to his side and smirked up at him. She felt his lips on hers and let out a small moan. When he pulled away she knew by the look in his eyes today was not going to be one of those days were she gets to sleep with him. she pulled back and waited for the orders to come.

Donate when to his throne room with Lisa in tow as soon as they entered he said to her "My pet bring me one of the girls slave's and i want you to Sadducee that male over there while your at it". He pointed over to Angelo.
Lisa did as she was told and went among the girl slaves looking at them all. She picked out Katelyn first and brought her up to Donates throne . she then headed over to Angelo.

Donate made a chain and collar go around the girls neck and the chain was tied to his throne.
"Hm?" Crysta's ears twitched and perked up as she heard activity, blinking as she looked up and saw two new figures in the room. One was a woman, but one was...that had to be him, that had to be the demon in charge of this place. "Hey...hey you!" Crysta quickly got to her feet, starting to walk towards the male as some kind of demon woman brought one of the girls toward him. "Hey I'm talking to you Mr so-called Chaos Demon! You're gonna let me out of here right-" Before she could finish however they were gone from the slave room, or at least the demon male was, with what appeared to be his chosen partner. Still, she wasn't completely out of luck.
"Hey! You!" Crysta turned on the female demon that was still left in the room, pointing at her arrogantly. "Tell your boss to get his damn ass back in here! I want a word with him about getting the hell out of this place! And make it snappy!"
Lisa smirked and walked right up to the girl and back handed her in the face saying "you do not make demands here slave learn your place". she looked around the room to make sure none of the others stood up to make more demands. she then made her way over to the male to have some fun.
Lisa started laughing and said "did you say your son of Hades now this is going to be fun". she changed the color of her eyes to purple . She clicked her tongue and blew out some pink smoke to see how he would take her lust spell. Most males fell for it and wanted to sleep with her. Well not Donate but he slept with her for the fun of it . She move her tail back and forth shaking her breasts for him.
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