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The World, As We Don't Know It

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"I'm always in a good mood to be in the company of another mutant." He noticed her hum, blushing a little more at the thought of how cute she looked. "Anyway, I think the park is pretty private around this time. Most people tend to stay out of the park at night, perfect for being alone."
"Sounds perfect, lead the way" Evelyn smiled up at him, giggling softly when she noticed his blush.
His words were true, the park was completely empty except for a few stray couples who were taking a romantic walk. Finding a bench, Evelyn sat down and relaxed, pulling her hair over her shoulder "This is nice".
"It really is." Nick sat down, close to her. "So what did you want to talk about that required us being in private?" He was wondering if she was just a little shy to talk about herself in public, since he didn't really have much to hide.
"Well now that I actually do have someone to talk to I don't know what to say... You must think I'm silly" Evelyn said softly, her cheeks glowing a soft red as he sat down so close to her. "Do you know how we came to have these powers?"
"I honestly don't know. From what I've learned, my powers come from an ancient force of untold chaos and anarchy. So mutants could've been around for as long as mankind." Nick had no idea. He always wondered to himself where his powers came from, and he could never really get a straight answer from the demons themselves.
Name:Emma Jones
Power:She can control fire and the weather.
Weakness:Cute boys and girls and sweets,books.
Weapon (optional):She uses her powers as well as a staff.
Bio:Emma has not been the good girl of her family but still loved. she fell in love and then he cheated on her so she killed him . she then later killed of her own village. She joined a group called the black dragons and now sets out in the world causing chaos where she goes.
Side: (Good, Bad, Neutral, other)bad

okay take off the elf ears and make them human and give her nice tanned skin instead of the dark elf's skin. Also on the back of her top is the black dragons symbol which is a black dragon.
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