For the Cerebrate


Mar 10, 2010
In front of My computer
"Yea there is nothing here, well Nothing except about fifty acres of vaspane geysers. but other than that we're clear"
That was the last message recorded. It had not been long since it was sent, that Minx figured another planet for colonization was within his reach. We didn't know about the Zerg hiding in the veins of the planet. And after a quick drop of a few troops did we start. Originally it was just a few construction workers. They started with landscaping flattening the terrain and making it more suitable for Terran life. Unfortantely that was a mistake. A few hours after the construction had begun we broke through the ground and hit a large cavern, which apparently connected to most of the Vaspane veins running through the planet. No one was truly tempted to check it out, but once we had a group going it was only seconds before we started calling for an evac. Minx wasn't keen of giving us a chance to save our asses after all we were meant to clean out the forces, he just failed to mention that. In fact during the briefing, he seemed to leave out a lot of key elements, like the fact that if we were to fail our mission, he was either going to nuke the fuck out of the planet or send in special ops. We were the bait and the primary assault, I only wish he had originally told us to be on guard.

Now the few survivors have been running in fear. My vulture is still working but i have been keeping my guard up collecting quick vaspane tanks to refuel when i need to. At least this planet has gas. Making sue i don;t have any dangers and then fill a tank and keep moving. Only danger in that is having a stray zergling pop out of the geyser.

We also saw a special ops dropship fly overhead, Obviously Minx heard our distress call and figured we failed, He was not the type to waste units in order to save those he felt were incompetent, To him I was incompetent.
My name is Bryan. I'm a twenty two year old who has been training in the academy since i was twelve. Ten years of my life devoted to serving in the war, and even with that i still find my way of dealing with the enemy much more efficient. Sadly no one else does and that is what landed me here. Voice your opinion and you are immediately branded as a traitor. Minx saw to it that anyone who spoke against him would be sent to this construction site, I figure it was an odd job, instead i was just another lab rat. And as I continue to think of the shit i have been through, I can hear the stampede of zerglings not even a mile away.
(first person?))

I blinked, listening as the ships landed, that had woken us up. Mother seemed to be missing, and something was trying to pull my zerg, my zerglings that where roosted throughout the vespen on this planet. I listened for a moment, for days I let them work on flattening space for command centers and buildings, and create one of those odd cities. Then one of the veins colapsed. The zerglings that had been sleeping under it clamored from the rubble and attacked, They attacked my children, why not allow my children to attack back. They leapt chattering at them. Powerful legs carrying them across the terrain after some infernal bike. I smiled a little, ah, terrens, he wanted to run about. Well, Lets give chase shall we? But not kill him... no. Bring the valiant fighter to me. My children, capable of withstanding bullets, wings fluttering they chased him, chasing him towards one of the entrances into the Veins, to me where I stood. Unlike my mother, I had no wings, My Carapiece wasn't quite as chisled, and as a birther, my abdomen and other key locations where left soft.

None of them attack him, after they'd gotten him where I wanted, Inside the veins, he was out matched, easily 200 to one, and then there was me. I stood, long fingers clicking along themselves and the two largest of the zerglings butted up under each hand, chattering at him. "Hello." I said, my voice ringing with a verberation of an insect as I watched him. Tapping one of the two under my hand's on the head. "What do you want with my home?"
Shit they led me down here, like a dog herding sheep. I should have known better than to venture into the veins but my bike seemed to run smoother in the hollowed out tunnels. And it helped evade the mutalisk that had been flying overhead. But now i was in front of their queen. It reminded me of the one they called Kerrigan. the one Minx had hired many people to kill. I heard the tale many times but the facts were always different, only now did I see what a truly infested Terran looked like.

He heard her speak. Obviously her ambush had worked. It was never a plan to kill him and he knew that now. Sure the base camp was attacked and she had allowed her swarm to slaughter them but for some odd reason he had intrigued her enough to live. She instead of ordering her offspring to kill him, ordered them to herd him into the vaspane tunnels, only to cut him off.
"Sarah Kerrigan. I was expecting more from the tales i heard from Minx and others. Here i thought the great queen of blades was going to be more menacing. unfortunately you made one mistake. You led me to your nest. And in order to honor my colony, i will kill you."

It was obvious Bryan had no idea who he was talking to. He truly thought there was only one infested Terran and he thought this was Kerrigan. He should have also known that a threat like that would not only make Kerrigan laugh, but she would even give him a chance to take her out before killing him. now the question was, would This infested Woman do the same.
She laughed. "Me, mother?" She shook her head, She had few flying zerg at her disposal, the very few they'd come across outside, What they really had seen mostly where the zerglings, There where very few of the higher strains, this was her strain, and well... she'd turned them into quite the killers. "I am Sorian." She told him as she stepped slightly closer. Chuckling still. "In honor of your colony, you'll kill me?" She asked "I don't think so..." She said musing. "Though I suppose if you try, I would regretably have to kill you..."

She looked at him. "Tell me, Terren, is your life worth enough to you to humor me?" She asked. Her skin chitin was Mostly orange, with purple riding up the sides of her legs and arms and torso, The Zerglings depending on their particular strain varied in colors, And they talked around them, chittering and squaking at eachother. She pet the orange one under her right hand, glancing at it. "I do hope you will."
"not mother?" He asked not understanding what she meant, but when she finally introduce herself he smirked.
"So, you are not kerrigan. That just means you would be easier to kill." With that he unholstered his gun and pointed at her head with a fraction of a second. "Regardless of the way my colony treats me. I still feel that one good deed, killing a strand of the swarm, is worth a quick death. It all leads up to what i joined the army for. To erase the universe of your existence."

His smiled showed that he was cocky, almost too proud to even imagine failing this task. He kept standing there, almost willing any of her offspring to move, even twitch, he held the gun steady, keeping it at her head, he so wanted to pull the rigger but something was stopping him. Perhaps her little test of "if his life was worth it" was stopping him. Minx would have claimed his life was worth it, and up until that moment it had been drilled into his head, so why now, why was it this very moment that all his trained had been ignored. Why was it now he though his life was not worth losing to kill her.
She watched him, long barbed hair drifting as the insect-like beasts bobbed up in down waiting for orders. "Ah... I see, it isn't worth it to kill me..." She had no idea where mother was, then again Mother had generally allowed her to work on her own, She had not enough control to overthrow Kerrigan and was thus not a threat, and as a breeder was more interested in her breed and evolution of that breed than she was power over the rest. SHe'd claimed the flyers roosting above the hive, and the few hydralisk and Roaches when Mother had disappeared. "Tell me... what is your name, Terren?"

She still watched him, Tilting her head as she watched him, Kerrigan had made her and a few others to continue the evolutions of her creatures, she was deciding weather a infested host would be a viable way to strengthen her breed. Those almost black eyes watched Bryan. "I saw a ship... today, it is not one of your colony ships, what was it?" The humans were not all dead, herded into one place, yes, but she hadn't quite slaughtered them all, but this one, he was the only one of interest to her.
"I wish i knew. After all if I knew what it was I could have asked for a rescue. but they do not belong to my colony." He knew she was referring to the unmarked special ops ship that had passed overhead. "But if it is what i think it is, you are lucky, it means minx isn't about to drop fifty million nuke son this planet."
In truth it was good news for Bryan as well. He didn't know if the nukes would kill this branch of the swarm but he knew the nukes would kill him.

"My name is Bryan. I guess the least i could do was let you know the name of your assailant. But i don't think you really deserve it, after all my people were killed by unnamed beasts.
She tilted her head. "Come with me, Bryan." She said turning and started down the tunnel, the two orange ones stayed right with her, the others bit at his heels until he kept a couple paces behind her, all of them lopping down the tunnels, and back and forth, some carrying eggs. Much like a hive of ants. She stepped around a green puddle, they where under the largest gyser when she finally stopped, this one still billowed up great billows of smoke, a huge spawning pool created out of its deepest pit of liquid vespen. Darting out of a low tunnel some more came from the surface, he hadn't seen this part of the planet yet, it was hidden by great gysers. Sitting confused was a large chunk of the crew that he had been with. She hadn't killed all, she'd been deciding what to do with them.

"I gave you my name. You gave me yours, I provide... scared... mostly useless Terren."
"Bryan kill that bitch" One of the men cried out when he saw him. However Bryan just glared at him then looked back at Sorian
"Let them go." He said angrily pulling his gun back out. "Or I will blow your brains out."
She already knew he wouldn't be able to, after all he had demonstrated that pulling the trigger was more tedious than he had originally thought capable. "Honestly, what is stopping me form doing so this time? I now have a reason to kill you."
Sure those Terran were useless, after all he was the one who had escaped, sort of. However they were still Terran, and he was the one with the gun.
She looked at him, and back at the colonists. "Where would you like them to go?" She asked. "Back to the colapsed vespen?" She added as she turned to face him again. "Hmm..." She narrowed her eyes. "I will give them an escort to... your colony, where you were when you broke the vien, but... you... You will stay." She said after a moment, tapping her hand on her hip. "Agreed?" She asked. "Or... you can all simply stay with me." She smiled. "I'm sure I can find something for The weaka terren to do." She had not been human in a while, and though she had human looking skin on her abdomine and other necessary parts of her torso, she'd long sense stopped thinking of herself as a psyonic.

She smiled a little, "After all, Mine have food, yours, yours do not."
"Or i could blow your brains out right here." He said but sighed. No he couldn't. if he did that there was no way they would survive.
"Okay so you let them go, and I stay here."
He already figured he was a dead man, so why should he make them suffer. They can leave, he would stay and trade his life for all of theirs.
"at least with them safe, i have one less reason to kill you."
"I have yet to give you a reason to kill me." SHe observed. "You dropped rocks on my children, not the other way around." The zerglings jumped surrounding the colonists, chittering as they where herded away. Back through tunnels, a different set than they'd been herded through origonally, taking them back to where they'd started from. She looked at Bryan. "I suppose, you would like to keep your gun?" She asked. Her orange ones finding a place to settle in. Where her seat was, one on each side of it. "You're an impressive Terren." She said mildly as she smiled.
"Impressive? What make me impressive? The fact that i escaped your Mutalisks? Maybe the fact that I am dangerous enough to make you strike a deal to save your ass, or was it the fact that unlike my kin, who would have tried, I have not yet blown a hole through your skull."
he didn't care for the answer, in truth he was still trying to calm his nerves. he no longer had a reason to shoot her, besides the special forces would do that for him. He wasn't a coward, he just didn't want to die, and he would afterwards claim that he was just keeping her busy while he saves the other colonists.
"Of coarse, now that my allies are safe, what is to stop me form killing you now?"
She looked at him. "You are the only one who had any survival instinct." She supplied. "And you are not the first one to try to shoot me." She added, as she pat the side of her abdomen where some of the chitin was chipped. She looked at him. "You surveyed your options and chose the one that produced survival." She pointed out. "Without cowering in fear. I am impressed. you also fought, even though you knew you'd lose, a valiant effort, by the way." She turned going to her seat and indicated a ridge he could sit on.
He looked at the distorted seat and sighed "I'd rather stand. Provided with the fact that your spawn infest the core of this planet, I'd rather not take my chances of your tentacles tieing me down." he said calmly lowering his gun. "But i will put my toy away, after all what use will it carry now. If all i can do is hopelessly chip away at your body, its would be pointless. Even if your head doesn't carry as much armor as your stomach."

He turned too look at the rest of the swarm surrounding him and smirked. "So you have me, now what? Are you going to order them to slaughter me and eat my limbs, I mean what use do i have to you?"
She looked at him. "I do not plan to kill you. At least not right away." She said honestly as she watched him. "What good you will do me, I am not sure yet.." She moved slightly licking one of the larger zerglings. "I'm a breeder, consider what I might want with a human such as yourself." She said as she watched him. Tilting her head as she looked at the seat she'd offered him. She supposed it could be used different, though...the size alone of it would have killed him.
The breeder thing took a few seconds before it let to reproduction. "Alien space chick, wants to fuck" he laughed at the idea. "You were Terran before, would it still count as Xenophilia if I agreed?" He asked not sounding like he was serious. Sure she was once Terran, and her body still held quite a lot of Human features, along with the more, intimate parts of her body, still untouched by the infestation.
"is that what you plan on using me fore, reproduction?"
She shrugged some. "Right now, I'm using you for rather round about conversation." She said as she propped her elbow on the seat and her chin on her hand crossing her legs. She'd mated with more than one insect over the years, producing stronger, faster, bigger ones, the orange ones where her most used breeders, she was wondering if she'd have to infest the human before he was a good breeder, or if he could be human and breed. "Though, you would be a rather interesting strain if you were to be bread with..."
He whipped his gun out and pointed it at her her head again.
"Go on finish your sentence. If I were to breed with... you?" He lowered the gun before reholstering it. "And what if i were to agree. After all I don;t see many females in my division. Even the dropship was piloted by a male. The only downfall would be producing zerg, which I do not agree with. So it is a predicament, after all I am human, I still have urges, but at the same time. I am a Terran, Not wanting to make the enemy stronger. My see would do just that."
She smield. "IF you were bread with me... I can't rightly breed you with something that has no terren in it." She observed as she stroked one of the zerglings at her side. "Why you would agree, that seems simple, You're colony is safe, while you are here." She said calmly. She looked up at the stars, mind wandering again. "Tell me of The empire... Do they still take children?" SHe asked, She'd been stolen so long ago, put through a battery of tests before she'd been stolen and infested.
My colony is meant for two things. Missions into dangerous areas, such as a zerg infested planet, we thought it was just unstable and that is why they wanted us to build the colony station before they moved in. The second is a prison for the souls like me who can't handle orders too well. Or at least those who feel minx is a few clowns short of a circus. or as one would say, fucking crazy."
He paused looking over her body, even infested she still had the parts his body craved. "At least you are human enough for it to be enjoyable."
She tilted her head. Chuckling a little. SO much hate..." She whispered as she looked at him, a zergling bumped him forward closer to the seat she'd offered him earlier before finding its own resting point along the mountains. "You're so defiant, so intent to be a good soldier, from what I can tell, you're emporer doesn't care for you, he'd let you die for nothing." She mused. "I saved you, saved you're colony, I'll even protect them from that odd ship in orbit... And all you have to do is stay... seems odd to be so resentful."
"The odd ship you speak of, has no danger to us. After all i saw the same ship. Even if its not one of my own. I still know Terran technology." He sat down on the seat this time. "But you do have a point about Minx. He would rather cover his own ass than protect mine. You can provide services he cannot. After all you have the ability to raise an army that can take him out."
The bulge in his pants was also allowing other information leak, such as what he was thinking, showing that minx was not on his mind.
She looked at the human. There should be enough air here that he could breath, Most of the breeding planets had it. She shifted her weight ever so slightly exposing the soft pink flesh between the Chitin covered legs, She smiled a little. "I'm more interested in a stronger strain." She reminded him. "But... You're colony will be safe, I will not promise so much for other terren who attack me, but... yours as long a they do not attempt to kill my children, are perfectly safe.
"Oh, so now I'm suddenly not strong enough? Being the one Terran with survival instincts and I'm the one who isn't strong enough." He stood and looked at her Zerg spawn.
"Tell them not to attack. No matter what happens. Not to attack. I will show you true strength." He was about to prove that Zerg or not, He was still a strong specimen.
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