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★ 【 heterosexual ❀ smut 】 ★

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May 26, 2011


Hi. Hey. Hello. How is it going? I would rather us just skip the formalities and get down to the nitty-gritty.


smut ↘↘ I use other forums for non-smut role-plays, so this is where I get my smut fix. I do not mind a mixture of plot and smut, but I have a preference for the latter. For the record, I like to role-play foreplay more than intercourse.

proper spelling and grammar ↘↘ The occasional spelling and/or grammatical mistake is fine, but if I cannot understand what you are trying to say I will drop you.

communication ↘↘ Please let me know if you are going away for a period of time, if you are getting bored with the role-play, if you want our role-play to go another direction, and what have you. I cannot stand it when the people I role-play with have poor communication skills. We are all adults and, as such, we should know how to get our message across, so put on your big boy and big girl pants and speak up.

details ↘↘ I like being able to have a mental image of what is going on in our role-play.

anime pictures ↘↘ I like using pictures to represent characters, but only anime. I will not use real pictures of people, and I do not want you to use them either.

short posts ↘↘ Again, I use other forums for plot-driven, lengthy posts. Now, that is not to say I want posts that are so short it is impossible to respond to. I would prefer a couple of paragraphs.

males and females ↘↘ I do not care if you are a male in real life who wishes to play a male character, nor do I care if you are a female in real life who wishes to play a male character. I am only open to heterosexual scenarios, and I will only use a female character for my main character.

kinks ↘↘ You can view a list of my preferred kinks here. I am eager to include any of the kinks listed in my 'favorite' and 'yes' category, and I am more that eager to include any kinks that you desire . . . so long as they are not listed in my 'no' category.

non-consensual play ↘↘ I like it more than consensual, sorry if that is not your thing. I will still do consensual, or non-con that leads up to consensual, but my preference is non-con.

fast responses ↘↘ I am not going to be available every moment, but when I am online I like to crank out posts. I do not expect you to be available every moment, either, but it would be fantastic if you are online during the night. That is the time you will find me online the most.


older people ↘↘ I do not care if you are the best writer in history, I do not want to role-play with you if you are no longer in your twenties. Sorry. I am twenty-one and I feel extremely uncomfortable with the thought of role-playing with someone who could be the same age as my parents.

power play ↘↘ Do not control my character (unless I say otherwise!).

ditching ↘↘ I am not going to hunt you down if you decide to ditch the role-play, but I will get on your case and block you if you ditch me, wait a period of time, and then ask to role-play. I consider "ditching" to be when a person has not posted in a week and is still active on the forum. The fair thing to do is to let me know that you no longer wish to role-play, whether that is after the first post or seventy-fifth post. I will return the same courtesy. In that situation, I may consider starting a brand new role-play. If you are going to be gone for a period of time, well, let me know so I do not assume you have ditched me.

"do you want to role-play?" ↘↘ I would not be here if I did not want to role-play, so stop asking dumb questions. I ignore all people who ask that and nothing else. It gets tedious.

unappealing kinks ↘↘ Go back to the link I provided earlier -- if anything is listed under my 'no' category, do not even think of bringing it up. There are other kinks I failed to mention that make me gag, so please, if there is something you really want run it by me before we role-play. I do not want to drop a role-play because you added in a kink that makes me uncomfortable.

submissive characters ↘↘ I like to play as submissive characters. I do not want to play opposite to one.

death ↘↘ Main characters will not die, end of story. I had a former partner who thought it would have been sexy to kill my character; needless to say, we are no longer on speaking terms.

fandom ↘↘ The only way I will even consider fandom is if (a) it is a fandom I like, (b) I get to play an original character, and (c) you play a canon character of my choice. I will post some fandom below that I enjoy, as well as the canon characters I would like my partner to play.

threads, messengers, and e-mail ↘↘ I will only role-play over private messages.

people who bitch and complain ↘↘ Make your own search thread if mine does not appeal to you.


My role is in bold font. If neither role is in bold font I will play either. I have plot ideas for each pairing, so ask if you are interested. A strike means I am temporarily no longer interested in this pairing, more or less because so many people are requesting it and I hate doing the same thing.

Teacher x Student
Waitress x Customer
Doctor x Patient
Cult Leader x Unwilling Member
Priest x Acolyte
"Milkmaid" x Customer

Suggest! The worst I can do is decline your offer.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Lucien Lachance x OC

Resident Evil 4

Leon Kennedy x OC
Ramon Salazar x OC
Osmund Saddler x OC
Luis Sera x OC
Zealot x OC

Do not suggest other fandom, please. I will add others when I think of them.

Interested? Drop me a message and we can work something out.
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