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Appeal to my senses -- Some Plots

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Jun 6, 2011
Step 1: Info

Most of my plays have died. I'm not sure necessarily why, outside of the two I dropped, so I'm looking again.

I'm looking for IM roleplays.
YIM: JystenTermic
AIM: ShamanYohAskara

Its also set up for IM on my profile if you find it easier to just click a button instead of copying and pasting. Either is fine with me.

I could probably be convinced to a thread or two... but I tend not to be as likely to respond if not pestered.

I play both sexes, without much of a problem,

Gallery Link This is my art gallery, I post character images, sometimes I do other peoples as well as roleplay scenes. You can snoop around if you like, It might provide ideas it'll definitely provide character images. As I draw my characters regularly.

Step 2: Roleplay Stuffs

Craving -- Ring Around the Rosie I want to somehow incorperate this song and its... ramifications, what it was about into a roleplay. Somehow.

First and Foremost PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have at least a rough idea of what you'd like. Because I currently have No cravings, desires wants nothing. If you don't have an idea, have something you at least like. DO NOT ask me 'what would you like to do' because I will tell you point blank, that's in your court. That's the whole point of the search thread after all.

For realistic rps, and you detail oriented people out there -- I make up the character for a 'realistic' rp and most of my fantasy rp's unique to each roleplay, unless you pick from my plots I have no stock characters, and I don't generally keep random images. I will NOT have a detailed description of her/him until after I know what the roleplay is, and probably not immidately. I'll think about it for a while, and probably during the roleplay s/he'll develop with the plot and her situations. Thank you.

I'm not looking for Smut, I'm looking for a roleplay and plot, If at some point there's some form of mature rating to be added that's one thing, But don't even ask if its just a smut rp your going for.

Fantasy -- I will do Elves and dragons and kings and princesses all the way up through the modern equivalent of a princess to what is the supposed futuristic one. I enjoy a good dragon and a damsel.

Supernatrual -- Vampires, werewolves, demons angels, all of it, I'm willing, and able, Again from the point of old to far into the future. As long as there's an idea, I can work with it.

Scifi -- I like aliens, and space ships, and planetary things. I'm happy to try them. I'm a little rusty I haven't' really done one in a while, but I've been doin my alien readings have you?
Realistic -- Ya know, I live in the real world. I don't really see the point in roleplaying it. But I can, and at this particular point, I'm more than willing to give it a try, if it'll get my creativity going.

Fandoms -- I DO NOT do cannon characters, most likely I wont even do the fandom. I don't like trying to manipulate characters from a world someone else made and try to make them do what they would given a situation or play with a random ship. Now. I'm not opposed to doing something similar. About the only exception to this is something like Starcraft or Warcraft where you're not actually using real characters. Alien races yes, the characters no.

I do realistic rps, I have no problem playing in our world. I'm not necessarily great at it, but I do know how.

Step 3: Premade things, desires whatever.

I'm looking for something that's a little more story, plot. Romance yes, but... a little time.

The Devil's Circus --

Come one! Come all!
Heed the piper's call!
Follow like rats
Drown in the waterfall!

Come Boys! Come Men!
Face the strong man and win!
Swing the Hammer
In Pride's great sin!

Come Women! Come Girls!
Beauty in Curls!
Inside the Spiders web
Your future unfurls!

Come Young! Come Old!
Show us your bold!
Inside this tent
Your greatest fear told!

Come living! Come Dead!
Here to make your bed.
Your souls and bodies a feast,
Just as the Devil said.

This roleplay takes both people taking on more than one character. A ringmaster to a circus of damned. Revenge is their selling feature, monsters who take the soul to Lucifer and provide instant gratification to their master. A year where the ringleader is unquestioned, if he wants someone dead, they're dead, and a personal consort. Who could ask for more?

Chrystaline -- Fantasy (high)

Hidden inside a cave for centuries, burried under a lost city. Tufelle has been corrupted. And his corruption has been defialing the arcane arts since the great mage war. The Clan (A hidden sect of mages) Still cast the natrual magics. Their magic circles cover all the elments, summoning and healing magics. The Magi, locked inside the Singularities Tower, cast the Arcane. The Singularty palidens stopped the Magi war, and declared the Clan Apostate, to be killed upon site. Now, two years after she escaped the Celestial city, Aria has felt and witnessed the corruption of Tufelle and his Deamon broods. This Clan Mage is convinced someone needs to find the Expanse's master and purify him. She will need the help of her Clan of mages as well as the Singularity's priests and Palidens, She has no desire to take along a Magi but will probably need to. -- This roleplay can take place starting the two years prior when she has a trist with a paliden, or it can take place when she returns to the city, her son in hand to garner the help of his father a high ranking paliden of the order)

Reawakening -- Modern Fantasy

The world has been almost exclusively human for longer than anyone can remember. The High races have been slumbering until its time for them again. The elves in heavily clouded rises that are hidden from the humans. These rises rotate and move through the air, appearing like major storms, to dense to fly through. Their guardian - Emerald is very careful that the humans never find out about the sleeping elves. He's been watching over them far longer than Many care to admit. While in the planes the Titan Moab guards over the Sleeping Ones. Deep within one of the mountain sides, the rest of the planes fenced off for the massive horses, Unicorns that have stopped growing horns. Even Moab doesn't know what magic the gods used to keep the Unicorns masked. Eva walked among the mountian's guardian of the Avian roosts. And the sanctuaries of the sleepers. While A'na the Firedancer Guarded the volcanoes in Italy, the ones still hidden below their mountain peaks and the ones open, protecting the eggs of her own people and their dragons. The other Dragon roosts hidden somewhere else.

Pick a guardian, if you wish to play them and me the human I'm willing, two are male, two are female, based on name you should be able to figure it, beyond perhaps Emerald. The way this works is how humans interact with a guradian and instigate the awakening of the particular race. I have an idea how they meet, feel free to ask me.

Old Sands

Centuries ago, The old Gods ruled. Priests spoke their wishes, and Pharohs claimed kinship. Not all of the priests or all of the pharohs where truely good or followed the wishes of their gods. The gods made servents, they made mythical creatures to do their bidding and punish when they wanted. But rarely did anyone truely see them. One such time Osiris took a murdered prince, and made a cleanser of the corrupted Kings. Silvis has lain dorment for centuries now. Unneeded with the lost faith in old ways. It's now the early 1900s, people are searching the tombs for history, for stories, for gold and jewels. Osiris's temple that houses his servant, will soon need protection from grabbing hands. (Be them female or male)[/color]


The spider for The devils circus

Hel, the Norse goddess of the underworld. Modern fantasy character.

Aria and Luke
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