DOA (Grave and Unelma)

True Grave

Jun 30, 2010
Where The Fight Takes Me
Kasumi approached the entrance to the arena where the final match in the first Dead Or Alive tournament was being fought. Her opponent in this match would be Ayane, a girl who had plenty of connections to Kasumi personally. She knew Ayane resented her, but she secretly hoped to bring the conflict to a close. They were both kunoichi, and could coexist if they could put their unhappy past behind them. Kasumi took a deep breath. It was showtime.

She entered the ring, her long, reddish-brown hair blowing in the wind. Her brown eyes took in all of her surroundings. Wolf-whistles from many of the guys caused her cheeks to redden a little. She was wearing her blue and white kunoichi outfit, which allowed part of her cute, thonged ass to peek out, and revealed plenty of D-cup cleavage. Nonetheless, her eyes hardened into all business. She was ready to fight to prove herself a champion.
True Grave said:
Kasumi approached the entrance to the arena where the final match in the first Dead Or Alive tournament that was being fought. Her opponent in this match would be Ayane, a girl who had plenty of connections to Kasumi personally. She knew Ayane resented her, but she secretly hoped to bring the conflict to a close. They were both kunoici, and could coexist if they could put their unhappy past behind them. Kasumi took a deep breath. It was showtime.

She entered the ring, her long, reddish-brown hair blowing in the wind. Her brown eyes took in all of her surroundings. Wolf-whistles from many of the guys caused her cheeks to redden a little. She was wearing her blue and white kunoichi outfit, which allowed part of her cute, thonged ass to peek out, and revealed plenty of D-cup cleavage. Nonetheless, her eyes hardened into all business. She was ready to fight to prove herself a champion.

Ayane looked at her opponent, the girl that she shared so much past with her. Going to win this match. Not caring about the distractions, of the guys. Who got Kasumi's attention though. Her short hair flying in the air as she took her lungs full of air. Her chest bouncing as she took her stance. Getting ready to fight. Getting also some whistles, as this showed move of her nice, firm butt. Waiting for this match to start.
Katsumi was glad to see that Ayane was ready to go. Taking a stance, she inched closer to her opponent. She knew that her opponent would be expecting a punch or kick to the face or torso. So, instead, she went for an unexpected blow. She threw a kick at the side of Ayane's knee, then, pulling her leg back quickly, launched a kick aimed at her stomach.
True Grave said:
Katsumi was glad to see that Ayane was ready to go. Taking a stance, she inched closer to her opponent. She knew that her opponent would be expecting a punch or kick to the face or torso. So, instead, she went for an unexpected blow. She threw a kick at the side of Ayane's knee, then, pulling her leg back quickly, launched a kick aimed at her stomach.

Ayane watched Katsumi move closer to her and about to block the high kick. When instead she was kicked lower. Her breasts bouncing as she fell to the ground. Getting up swiftly, barely blocking the kick from Katsumi. Growling as it was her time to counter attack. Sending kicks and hits flying towards Katsumi's direction. Going to give her all to this match.
Kasumi did not expect Ayane to be this aggressive so early on in the match. She blocked most of the hits and kicks with her quick feet and hands, but Ayane was just too fast for her to block all of it. It was her turn to hit the ground, with her breasts bouncing up and down. She launched a spinning heel kick in an attempt to trip Ayane up as she got up. Now, it was her turn to be aggressive. She launched a move called the Quadruple Scorpion Strike, which caused her to kick at her groin, stomach, chest, and neck.
True Grave said:
Kasumi did not expect Ayane to be this aggressive so early on in the match. She blocked most of the hits and kicks with her quick feet and hands, but Ayane was just too fast for her to block all of it. It was her turn to hit the ground, with her breasts bouncing up and down. She launched a spinning heel kick in an attempt to trip Ayane up as she got up. Now, it was her turn to be aggressive. She launched a move called the Quadruple Scorpion Strike, which caused her to kick at her groin, stomach, chest, and neck.

Ayane fell the ground once again, hurting her back, as her chest bounced once again. But this was not over yet, having still left some spirit of fight in her. Getting up slower this time. Starting to tire out, not sure how many more hits she could take from Katsumi, who had gotten better fro when they had last fought against each other. Putting all on offense finally, leaving herself vunerable for attacks as she lunged herself on Katsumi. In hopes of knocking them both down and giving her the edge of the fight. But there was a high risk in this for leaving herself so open.
Kasumi knew that her strikes had hit home. Ayane could barely stand, and Kasumi knew one powerful attack could end this fight. Assuming a stance, she waited until her opponent lunged at her. Timing it just right, she hit her dead in the solar plexus with a forward punch, tightening up all of her muscles at the last minute to hit her with all of her strength. She knew that would put Ayane down for the count. However, this also drained her a bit, causing her to fall down on one knee.
True Grave said:
Kasumi knew that her strikes had hit home. Ayane could barely stand, and Kasumi knew one powerful attack could end this fight. Assuming a stance, she waited until her opponent lunged at her. Timing it just right, she hit her dead in the solar plexus with a forward punch, tightening up all of her muscles at the last minute to hit her with all of her strength. She knew that would put Ayane down for the count. However, this also drained her a bit, causing her to fall down on one knee.

Ayane knew that this was the settling attack. Which one would connect first. But it ended with her seeing the stars. Being out, and when she finally came back, she had lost. Unable to believe it to be true. Having wanted to win this match so badly. The feeling slowly returning to her body as she tried to sit up. Looking at Katsumi, not saying anything to her as she turned her head to the side. Well what had happaned had happened. Next time she would definalty win the match. Getting up slowly from the ground to hear what would happen next.
Kasumi was able to get her strength back. The announcer declared her the victor, and she was given prize money and a medal. Still, looking at Ayane, she realized how much she had not wanted this. She thought back on all the years they had been rivals, and realized that what she really wanted was just to be friends with her. They were both kunoichi with similar beliefs and backgrounds. There was no reason not to be friends.

After all was said and done, she approached Ayane in the parking lot of the arena.
"Hey," she said with a smile, "you fought well."
She knew Ayane would not want to dwell on the fight, so she quickly changed the subject.
"Listen, I'm going back to this resort where I've been vacationing at. It's sunny and warm, and lots of fun! Would you like to come with me?"

She hoped Ayane would say yes. To be honest, she wanted to use the opportunity to talk through some things about their past. She wanted them to forgive one another and be friends. Aside from that, there were plenty of beach activities to do on the island, and they could have fun doing them.
True Grave said:
Kasumi was able to get her strength back. The announcer declared her the victor, and she was given prize money and a medal. Still, looking at Ayane, she realized how much she had not wanted this. She thought back on all the years they had been rivals, and realized that what she really wanted was just to be friends with her. They were both kunoichi with similar beliefs and backgrounds. There was no reason not to be friends.

After all was said and done, she approached Ayane in the parking lot of the arena.
"Hey," she said with a smile, "you fought well."
She knew Ayane would not want to dwell on the fight, so she quickly changed the subject.
"Listen, I'm going back to this resort where I've been vacationing at. It's sunny and warm, and lots of fun! Would you like to come with me?"

She hoped Ayane would say yes. To be honest, she wanted to use the opportunity to talk through some things about their past. She wanted them to forgive one another and be friends. Aside from that, there were plenty of beach activities to do on the island, and they could have fun doing them.

Ayane got up and left, there being no need for her anyore in here. Hearing that voice, she turned around to face Katsumi. her eyes showing nothing as she listened to her rival speak. Thinking about it, through many times. When she closed her eyes, nodding her head. She could use some rest after the fight. And she could perhaps learn some weakspot of Katsumi if everything would turn out horrible. Letting Katsumi lead the way, perhaps this would all be nice actually between them. Wondering if it was possible. They would be pretty powerful duo if they would fight side by side.
Kasumi almost squealed in delight when Ayane agreed, but did not want to turn her off from the plan by being overly-enthusiastic about it. She kept her excitement in check and got in her car. Once they were both in the car, she began driving toward the location. In the last few years, a land bridge had been built to connect to "Zack Island", the tropical paradise. Though Zack was not around much anymore, the girls used it for a fun spot. Kasumi parked the car and got out.

"In that shack over there is a ladies' locker room with bathing suits. I'm going to get mine now."
She walked casually over to the locker room and went inside. She found her suit and went into the stall. After stripping out of her outfit, she put on the suit, a blue and white two-piece bikini. She left the locker room.

As Ayane got dressed, she went to the athletic storeroom. She found a volleyball net and a ball. After setting up the net, she held the ball under her arm.
"Would you like to play some volleyball, Ayane-chan?"
True Grave said:
Kasumi almost squealed in delight when Ayane agreed, but did not want to turn her off from the plan by being overly-enthusiastic about it. She kept her excitement in check and got in her car. Once they were both in the car, she began driving toward the location. In the last few years, a land bridge had been built to connect to "Zack Island", the tropical paradise. Though Zack was not around much anymore, the girls used it for a fun spot. Kasumi parked the car and got out.

"In that shack over there is a ladies' locker room with bathing suits. I'm going to get mine now."
She walked casually over to the locker room and went inside. She found her suit and went into the stall. After stripping out of her outfit, she put on the suit, a blue and white two-piece bikini. She left the locker room.

As Ayane got dressed, she went to the athletic storeroom. She found a volleyball net and a ball. After setting up the net, she held the ball under her arm.
"Would you like to play some volleyball, Ayane-chan?"

Ayane lidtened carefully once again, giving little reaction as she was not yet sure how to think about this. But starting to get more open mind about this vacation indeed. Changing her clothes too into a lilatic bikini, as it was rather hot on the beach. Feeling better from the match already as she walked out from the locker room. Noticing the volleyball, giving Katsumi a confident smirk. "I am always up to some volleyball." she said, loving that sport. And going to win definelty. Getting behind a net as she waiting for Katsumi to shoot the ball into the air.
Kasumi nodded. Things were going well all ready. She served the ball into the air, expecting Ayane to hit it back. While she waited, she got into a position to return the ball. She spread her legs three feet apart, bent her knees, and placed her hands in a return position. She was ready to play.
True Grave said:
Kasumi nodded. Things were going well all ready. She served the ball into the air, expecting Ayane to hit it back. While she waited, she got into a position to return the ball. She spread her legs three feet apart, bent her knees, and placed her hands in a return position. She was ready to play.

Ayane jumped up and hit the ball back to Katsumi's side. It being hard for those bikinis to contain her breasts inside of them. And they were a little bothersome too. But not having time to think about it as the ball returned back towards her. Saving it just the last second and sending it back to Katsumi. Smirking victoriously as this one was a hard one indeed. Wondering if Katsumi could actually hit it back. Being ready to send it back though.
Kasumi was glad that she had asked Ayane to play. They were equally matched, and she was having fun. She laughed as the ball kept coming over the net, getting harder to hit each time. She noticed Ayane was having a hard time keeping her breasts covered, and she was having similar problems. Even though the bikini was just her size, all of the running and jumping made it hard to keep her nipples from poking out. The ball was sent back like a rocket, heading for the sand. She dove and hit it back over, wiping the sand from her bikini and scrambling to her feet to block the return.
Ayane wastroubled by this problem, but not letting it get to her. Jumping to her side to block the ball and managing to send it back once more. But as the next one came, she dived into the sand, getting her whole bikini filled with sand. And failing to send the ball back to Katsumi. Sighing as she had to move rather much of the bikini off of her to get all of the sand from there. Being rather sexy sight at the moment, as more skin was shown the more Ayane cleaned the sand.
Kasumi laughed as Ayane's bikini top filled up with sand.
"I hate it when that happens!"
As she cleared off the sand, Kasumi caught a glimpse of Ayane's pert, pink nipples. She didn't know if it was the heat or what, but she felt slightly aroused. When Ayane had gotten all of the sand out, they continued playing. It was a fun game.

The game was a close one, with Ayane winning by a single point.
"Wow, Ayane-chan! No one's ever beaten me at singles volleyball."
She wanted to go for a swim, but in the beach heat, she feared she might get a sunburn. She pulled out some sunscreen and put it all over her except her back.
"Could you get my back, Ayane-chan?" Kasumi asked, holding the sunscreen out to her.
True Grave said:
Kasumi laughed as Ayane's bikini top filled up with sand.
"I hate it when that happens!"
As she cleared off the sand, Kasumi caught a glimpse of Ayane's pert, pink nipples. She didn't know if it was the heat or what, but she felt slightly aroused. When Ayane had gotten all of the sand out, they continued playing. It was a fun game.

The game was a close one, with Ayane winning by a single point.
"Wow, Ayane-chan! No one's ever beaten me at singles volleyball."
She wanted to go for a swim, but in the beach heat, she feared she might get a sunburn. She pulled out some sunscreen and put it all over her except her back.
"Could you get my back, Ayane-chan?" Kasumi asked, holding the sunscreen out to her.

Ayane knew that her breasts were showing to her opponent, but they were both ladies, so what was the harm? Besides being proud of her womanly parts. Getting up once she was clean of most of the sand. And continued playing with Kasumi. Finally winning her opponent in something, gaining a better mood about it. "I have been training." Ayane confessed, training hard too. The swim would be nice, she could try to get the rest of the sand off. Some of it having gotten into rather bad places. Shower was the other option too. Sitting down behind Kasumi and taking the sunscreen before pouring some of it onto her palms, starting to rub it onto Kasumi's back. Able to feel the muscles beneath her fingers. Kasumi was one hell of a young woman indeed. Being her thoughts as she put the screen on Kasumi's sides and even on the side of her breasts. Touching those wonderful funbags, that felt so soft under her touch. Feeling a spark of lust lighten in her netherregions as she withdrew her hands quickly. "Your turn." she said, needing to get her own back too.
Kasumi nodded.
"It paid off."
Kasumi loved the light touch of Ayane's fingers as they worked the sunscreen into her muscles. When she touched the sides of her breasts, she had to bite down a moan, and she noticed that she was a bit moist. She wondered what was going on. In all the time on Zack Island, she had never felt this way with another woman. They were all sexy in their own right, but never had they gotten this reaction.

When it was her turn, Kasumi took the sunscreen and rubbed it into Ayane's skin. Her muscles and soft skin felt wonderful against her palms, and she felt a bolt of sexual desire pass through her when she touched her nearly uncovered breasts. She did not want to let go of those wonderful breasts, but had to. Regaining her composure, Kasumi smiled.
"Race you to the water!"
She took off, getting a head start.
True Grave said:
Kasumi nodded.
"It paid off."
Kasumi loved the light touch of Ayane's fingers as they worked the sunscreen into her muscles. When she touched the sides of her breasts, she had to bite down a moan, and she noticed that she was a bit moist. She wondered what was going on. In all the time on Zack Island, she had never felt this way with another woman. They were all sexy in their own right, but never had they gotten this reaction.

When it was her turn, Kasumi took the sunscreen and rubbed it into Ayane's skin. Her muscles and soft skin felt wonderful against her palms, and she felt a bolt of sexual desire pass through her when she touched her nearly uncovered breasts. She did not want to let go of those wonderful breasts, but had to. Regaining her composure, Kasumi smiled.
"Race you to the water!"
She took off, getting a head start.

Ayane didn't notice Kasumi's reaction, being behind her. But noticing her own reactions a bit too well for her own liking. But this was just because of the heat. It had to be. Never having felt like this towards Kasumi before. And this not making sense anyway. Feeling Kasumi's touch, there was something different about it this time. Like she was trying to feel more than normally. But feeling Kasumi's hands on her soft breasts was wonderful. Feeling that lust returning. Wanting to just bounce on Kasumi, to rub their huge breasts together. To pull and squeeze Kasumi's huge boobs. But those thoughts being pushed aside as she heard Kasumi's words. Getting up and running after the lady, but thanks to the head start, Kasumi won. Ayane dove deep into the water before surfacing. Removing her bikini a bit to wash off the sand from her soft mounds. Giving rather nice show to Kasumi. Ayane's breasts bouncing as she was cleaning them quickly. And finally her hand traveled between her legs, there being sand too.
Kasumi dove into the water, swimming underneath it. She laughed as she surfaced, but stopped laughing when she saw Ayane topless again. Her nipples were underwater this time, but since she was cleaning them quickly, they bounced and she saw more of them. The lust was returning. She wanted to squeeze and suck Ayane's huge beasts and perky nipples. When her hand moved down below, Kasumi almost moaned.

She shook her head. What was wrong with her? She had invited Ayane here to become friends, not get horny to her nudity. And what was up with that, anyway? She had been around girls with huge breasts before, including Tina, who had the biggest breasts of them all. Sure, they had flirted innocently, but that was as far as it went.

This, however, was different. Still, she had to remember her mission, and now was as good a time as any other. She approached, smiling at Ayane.
"Ayane-chan, I have something to say."
She took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry about everything."

"I'm sorry about hating you because of that man raping my mother. I'm sorry about our clan treating me better than you. And I'm sorry about all of the fights we had. So, what say we bury the hatchet and be friends?"
She put her hand out.
"Let's start over, Ayane-chan."
Ayane actually did move her hand nicely between her legs, rubbing herself just the right way. Being stared turn her on a bit. Even though it was her greatest rival. But perhaps because of that, it was so hot. This sort of forbidden lust. Removing her hand from between her legs as she turned towards Kasumi, hearing her out. But being suprised by her sudden apology. "I cannot forgive you straigh away, the grudge is way too deep. But I'll let you try." Ayane said, not shutting Kasumi out, but letting her work in making them friends or allies. Not knowing just how close they would actually become in the near future.
Kasumi nodded and lowered her hand. She understood how Ayane felt. An entire youth of being hated did not go away so easily.
"Well, it's starting to get dark. What say we head into the hot tub? We could continue talking there."
Kasumi began swimming to the beach, and then continued walking to the hot tub area.
True Grave said:
Kasumi nodded and lowered her hand. She understood how Ayane felt. An entire youth of being hated did not go away so easily.
"Well, it's starting to get dark. What say we head into the hot tub? We could continue talking there."
Kasumi began swimming to the beach, and then continued walking to the hot tub area.

"That sounds good." Ayane said, swimming back to the shore as well. Getting to the hot tub area, she removed her bikini. Taking a shower to wash off the salty water and small remnants of the sand before moving into the hot tub all naked. The water doing good to her sore body. Her breasts being for all to see as she closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling of it.
Kasumi looked back and saw Ayane showering naked. The image was so hot that she almost jumped on her right there. Instead, she peeled off her bikini and showered next to her, even scrubbing the parts of Ayane that were difficult to get herself. It was a good thing that the shower was going, to hide the wetness in her nether regions. They then moved into the hot tub, both naked.
"Uh, Ayane...Can I talk to you about something?"
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