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X-Men: Generations [IC Still accepting]

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[OOC: That's because it is~ You can join if you like, the OOC is in the first page, so just click the link, and please, PLEASE invite people if you can!]
Rose woke up and changed back into her normal form. for some reason when she went to bed at night she changed into animals. This time she was a white tiger. she walked out of her room that looked kinda like a jungle from all those plants. she went down the stairs and into the kitchen. she looked around for something to eat.
It was the next day, obviously. After having grabbed her some anti-birth pills, and gone through an hour of questioning himself why in the Hell he had done that, he had finally fallen asleep. He woke up the next morning to a reluctancy of waking up, finding himself too groggy to stand steadily on his feet. After much stumbling about, he opened the door and trudged out, still trying to rub the sleep from his eyes.
Hearing someone downstairs, he went down to take a look. "Hey, what's up?"
Rose looked at the boy with some steak in her mouth "eating " she mumbled. she manged to swallow it and said "sorry was a bit hungry so i went and found me something to eat. She went back to eating and watching him . she did not know him too well so was on the edge of her seat in case he decided to attack her.
Noah nodded. Well, duh she was eating. He went to the fridge and just grabbed an orange from the huge thing. Geeze, it was like freaking industrial-sized. He bit into the orange, peel and all, looking at the girl. "I'm Noah. You are?"
The topic is X-Men but I'm sorry, certain things about the forum's members have started to bore me. It's not you Skylar, so don't take it to heart. But I won't be able to play the forum any more. It's just sort of boring to be asked to basically play the same thing for the same people every time.
rose looked up and smiled a toothy grin at him showing him her fangs and she said "the name is Rose nice to meet you Noah".
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