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Commissions for MS paint

Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint


Alright, here's where I'm going with it. Changed the pose some, and I will edit the thighs more soon.
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

Here waist is reeeeally tiny, and the lines on her stomach once again make her look really emaciated. And she looks like she's in extreme pain. unless that's what you're going for.
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

Some deal of pain, yeah... It's supposed to be a less experienced bit of anal play.

I had am modeling her size and shadowing from various models in simular positions, some may go, some not... But keep in kind that only the top half of her body is somewhat shaded right now, so none of the shafdows are final. ^^ Just giving a basic idea of what I have in mind.

I will make a second pic of later in this 'session' where she is enjoying it a lot more. ^__^
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

What a talented hand you have Kiko. A very precise, keen eye for the lines of the body. I don't think she looks emaciated at all. Just an Elven sort of slender and graceful.

Very very sexy, lady. Can't wait to see more~
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

Kiko, you fucking rock with making awesome stuff with such a limited and obtuse program like paint.
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

Unless you're going for this, breasts usually of that shape/size should be a little outward pointing as it looks like she's leaning back. Right now, she looks more like she's wearing an invisible bra. ;)

Also, the balls on the man look a bit small compared to the rather thick cock. Not saying it's a bad thing, but they look unusually small to me.

I would love to see updates as you progress. :)
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

The man is still in production, barely started so I'll alter his sack to suit the build of his cock. Her breasts are giving me grief. I've tried a few different positions, angles, ect. and they kept coming out either looking like she was plastic, or like she really REALLY needed a bra.
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

Breasts are bitches inside and out of pictures. XD
Anyhow, nice drawings. Bout' the only ting I do in edit pictures.
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

Hrmmm...I think they got better..they don't look so much like balloons now. ^_^
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

HAHA XD I'd GLADLY take commisions. XD

I wish you had the money. XD
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint


Problem with pale skin... Can't figure out how to draw sweat/cum on it! ><

But I think it looks good on the guy. ^_^
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

Outside of rp, I've never actually done any gals anally, and in rp, it was always in doggy-style or when i bent them over a table, counter or such. Don't know what it would be like to really do it...

On a note for the gay/bi guys.... not interested in trying it with you. sorry.
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

Pale skin is a bitch. Even white sometimes fails.
Anyhoo...nice progress.
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

Now taking commissions for MS Paint art!

Price will range around ten dollars per work, and I will try to complete work within a few weeks of receiving an order, and please be patient. ^^ It takes a lot longer to work in MS paint than in photoshop.
My first commission piece, work in progress. It is to be my signature, with a second character added in and the posture changed. I have the face mostly finished, but there is a lot to do with the ear, hair, and body which is only a sketch currently.

Most all of my pics were lost when my hostsite shut down, I need to reupload them. ^^;;

But here is my newest piece! ^^ It is still MS paint, but just a slightly upgraded version of what I normally use. Still... Something is wrong with the face, and I would like a few suggestions. ^^;;


Could ya'll offer some advice please? ^^;; Trying to draw a character for a friend, but it's not going as well as I'd like. *Headdesks*
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