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Commissions for MS paint


Sep 12, 2009
Too far south
Please look through all of the art I've posted on the thread ^^ I've made some vast improvements in my work.

One of the first pieces I've done on MS paint


Avy-art done for a friend on Gaia. ^^

This is a work-in-progress.... Any tips would be VERY appreciated. :D


Also, I edit pictures. ^^ Care to guess which one is the original?


Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

Wow! You did that in MS Paint!??? That is really good! And I like the second version a lot better with his shorter hair and goatee(but that just may be my personal preference speaking). Um, suggestions I would give is the musculature on both him and her looks a little odd--it makes her look emaciated, unless that is what you were going for, and personally, I'd leave out those lines defining her stomach. Second they both look a little stiff and elongated. Maybe if you added more curves, not too dramatic but just a slight dip inwards or mound outwards, like on his upper arms and at her elbows, because right now they look a bit like mannequins than people. And last, her neck and face; if you bring out her forehead a little more and push back her chin a little bit, I think it'll look better, because right now her head looks smaller than the rest of her. And her neck should be straight lines, not craning or curving like that.

Like these:


Things I love: His face and his penis. The lines are perfect and very masculine and sexy. And the markings on her bottom are very great and blend well on her skin. I think it's a really great picture and very well-done. Great job and good luck with it!
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

Wouldn't the angle of the neck change since she's looking up on her hands and knees, instead of standing straight though?

I see what you mean, I broadened his shoulders and widened his arms a bit and the pose looks a lot more natural. ^^ The elf's arms aren't quite done, especially the back one the angle seems very wrong and I have to redraw it. I'm trying to make her look very lithe and athletic, but definitely not emaciated XD I'll redo those lines to make her look healthy. ^^
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

Excellent! Can't wait for the next update. <3
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

no way thats ms paint
thats way too good >.<
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

MS paint just requires a lot of patience... Which apparently I have. XD

That or I just don't have a life. >.>
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint


And I think I am just about done with it, unless someone has some advice to give. ^^

They're supposed to be sitting on a bed, btw... But it's awful hard to do in paint.
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

You lie! Ive seen people with photoshop pro make horrible work and you make and awesome painting in ms paint!?
your wild >.<
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

Yeah ^^

I am thinking of doing a second piece too, same people, but in the act instead of after it.
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

Definitely can't tell which is the original!

Great work keep it up~
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

That's hella good shit. can't wait to see the next one. Her ass is particularly well done. all of the other advice hit right to the point, so i have none to give. and, the pic with the glasses, i think, is the original. merely because the way she has her hand to her face doesn't seem normal unless she has glasses.
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

Only thing I would edit is her ear at this point. Unless you are going for a total fantasy feel, even the most pointed ears are rounded at the very tip that I have personally seen. Otherwise, it's way better than anything I could ever do as far as people go.
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

Awesome job! But your talent really needs a good art program. Why not use GIMP? Its free. :)
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

I lied. XD I continued work on that picture to make it look more realistic and less cheap anime-ish.


She reminds me of Angelina Jolie now. :S Not sure if I like that. XD
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

the shadow on her stomach makes her look a little emaciated again, and if you don't wanting her looking like angelin jolie, just thin her lips a little
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint


It was the jawline that was killing me, I think... Does this look better? ^^
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

much better. one thing i've overlooked till now... is the man supposed to not have nipples? otherwise... -Two thumbs up.-
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

I gave up onhis nipples, they kept coming out lopsided >< So he's nippleless. XD
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

LOL lopsided nipples! XD hilarious. Okay. in that case, very well done. -Plays victory music-
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint


Here's what I have so far.... Her master will be under her, anal play. :p It's just a rough sketch, no coloring added yet. ^^
Re: Art of the crazy chick who draws in MS paint

very nice. definitely add alot of moisture around her vagina. can't wait to see the update. ^^
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