★▐ █ ▪ Sonic the Hedgehog — Sonic Wave ▪ █


Jun 7, 2010

  • ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇ SONIC WAVE ▇ ↘↘

    • x x x x PART.OO1 | ACT ( .O1 ) |:| Welcome to the Paradise — Egg Resort Making a Splash ! ! x x x x

  • Brilliantly shining down across the small land mass, the Sun's bright rays reflected off of sea surrounding the beach resort and its many attractions. It was a superb and ideal location, what with the tropical backdrop on one side and catering to other tastes such as a hotsprings area lined with small hotels and other more calmer routes and parks. The attractions themselves ranged from simple to elaborate, much of it bright and offering a great deal of appeal to many different aesthetic tastes.

    The off part? Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik had been the creator of this wonderful resort. Admission and transportation to the isolated but now increasingly populated and popular resort was cheap - what with a few rings being all there was necessary to get in. But the lodging, food, attractions and other thrills and enjoyment could range anywhere from cheapest of cheap to some of the greatest expenses ever. But people bustled and busied themselves in the resort, finding any number of things to do and enjoy.

    For one Rouge and Risa, the resort was looking like quite the paradise. But it was plain business for them. Well, that's what they were telling each other. But Risa, although only recently partnered with Rouge, came to know her well and understood already that the bat had other things in mind. Rouge saw through Risa well too and knew the girl was eyeing the resort with wide, bright and excited eyes. Simply put, the mutual idea between them was that one couldn't really understand the setting and situation without... Experiencing it first. So naturally, that meant they had to have a blast! Ahem, and investigate.

    "Okay, meet me back at the hotel at six sharp, got it?"

    "Mm! Just don't get stuck watching some jewels and end up late." Strolling away and waving her hand low and casually, Risa headed in the opposite direction of Rouge, a playful smirk on her lips. "Cute. Just make sure you stay out of trouble young lady."

    "Yes, ma'am." Rouge gave the girl a lingering smile before flying off, obviously prepared and eager to scout out the place, but mostly for the sake of valuables. Both had 'official id's for the resort, but they were obviously fake and supplied to them by GUN. They hadn't actually paid admission or entered the legal way, but they couldn't if they were going to remain under Eggman's radar. Rouge flew about for some time, eyeing the crowds and the establishments along one side of the main hotel - in all its decadence - and the beach and harbor. She landed along a relatively busy street, smiling at the museums and jewelry stores that lined the street. Valuable and lovely, priceless jewels? Say hello to mama.

    As she headed off to the other side of the resort, Risa roamed the area, leaning and ducking in toward street vendors as she headed toward an extravagant, multi-storied shopping centre and all around entertainment district. "Wow, Robotnik really went all out." As she mentioned in, she scratched her cheek with a lop-sided, small smile. Well, maybe she could do a little work now. Ducking into an alley, she looked around before turning her back to the opening and lifted her wrist, tapping a smaller button on her watch - cleverly fashionable to throw off others - as a small, screen popped up. Somewhat transparent and a soft, aquatic blue, it had many numbers, text and images. No doubt all parts of information concering the resort. "Hmm, Robotnik must handle most of the operations from some point. But where...?"

    Tapping a few different parts of the screen, she shifted through different maps and pieces of information before her smile widened and her brows rose. "Ah, perfect. This might help. Ohh, and it's by the theme park!" She clapped her hands together, quite giddy before she looked around quickly and smiled as she calmed down. "Right, well then, computer, analyze this area. Alarm set when complete."

    "Affirmative, Risa." The feminine voice responded to her before the screen closed and she dusted herself and headed back onto the populated sidewalk. "Yosh, theme park, here I come!" She set off to the park, eager to enjoy the aquarium, games and more.
RE: ★▐ █ ▪ Sonic the Hedgehog — Sonic Wave▪ █

(Oy by the way, can you make the text a tiny bit bigger from here on? Its hard for me to see such small text right next to each other like that.)

Arriving at the resort an hour before Risa and Rouge had even arrived, Sonic walked around the extravagant resort...but he made sure to stay away from the beachside area and any pools. He never did like water. He tended to stray away from it. Anyway, Sonic was there because he supposedly got an invitation from someone he knew...but the whole hour he was there, he had yet to see anyone he knew personally, aside from a few bypassers who knew him. Eventually walking out into the town, he passed by an alley and sighed. Seeing as how there wasn't anyone there who could even remotely be someone he knew, he decided to take a little nap where bypassers couldn't bother him. Hiding in the shadows of one of the dumpsters in the alley, Sonic closed his eyes to take a quick nap...which was soon interrupted by the sound of someone speaking. Looking over, he saw a woman speaking into her watch. Hearing the watch talk back to her, he smiled and was a bit curious...especially since she said the name Robotnik. "Hey hey...thats a fancy watch you got there." He said as he began to approach her.


Walking down the busy street, Nathan Stone (avatar) was busy eying women as they passed by. "Daaamn...the women here are fine. And we're right next to the beach so they're practically naked aside from the tops and bottoms." He said sneering as he continued to walk. He was sidetracked as he walked down the cement walkway that was his sidewalk. While eying other women who seemed to be heading back to the resort, as they were dripping wet, he accidentally bumped into Rouge. Despite the fact that he was taller than Rouge, he still fell over with a thud on the ground. Groaning, he looked to see it was some weird bat creature. "The hell...?" It took him a minute to figure out this might have been one of those creatures that supposedly had been doing good for the city alongside a blue hedgehog named Sonic. "Oh I'm so sorry...My apologies little..." He got a little sidetracked...staring at the creatures cleavage. "Uh..."
▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇ ( Act.O1 ) Wavedash Plaza |:| Breezegale Centre ▇ ▇▇

  • ( Sure, sorry about that. Is this better? I always forget that there are other fonts to use so I don't have to stick with x-small (verdana). )

  • Yelping as she jumped and whipped around, Risa stared wide eyed at the voice of the one approaching her and hurried back into the alley. "Ahh! You saw? Uhh, just pretend it didn't, uh, speak back-!" As she gestured wildly and panicked, she calmed down and straightened up as she stared at the hedgehog before her curiously. "Do I know you...?" Blinking at him, realization slowly dawned on her face. "Ah! You're Sonic the Hedgehog, aren't you!? A-are you also here to stop Eggman then?" Taking a step closer to him, she clasped her hands together hopefully and raised them, pressing them against her chest.

    Having the world's hero around would definitely make a big difference. If things got out of hand, they could count on him to take care of any of the larger threats that Robotnik might try to throw at them! Besides, Sonic was always looking for an adventure. And from what she heard, he was the one who continuously held steadfast to his belief that Eggman hadn't changed when he made that theme park in space - a belief that proved true. Funny how people forgot things though. Barely a year ago, people were excited over a theme park that ended up showing Robotnik's true colors once more. And now here they are, more people running about this place and shelling out their rings and cash devotedly. At least GUN had wisened up and sent our Rouge. Well, and Risa herself of course.

    "I'm Risa, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I made this watch myself. I made it a while back for general purposes, but I had to change some settings to help with this mission." Dropping one hand against her side, she kept the other raised and smiled at her wrist and the watch. "Wait... Where did you come from just now? What were you doing in an alley?" Shaking her head slowly with a sweet but amused smile, she tilted her head, her eyes curious.

    Bountiless amounts of beautiful jewels were lying in wait to be snatched up by her. And since they were of Eggman's properly, it's not like Rouge was worried about being labelled an actual thief about anyone and any consequences. Well, she was never worried about being labelled a thief - but who would care if she stole from Eggman, right? Then again, she was a pro. And that meant no one would find out it was her anyway. Rouge smiled at the many jewels that smiled and glittered back at her from windows as she walked by, making note of what she wanted and how she'd get them.

    Strolling past the stores, not paying attention to anything but the jewels finally caught up with her. She cried out as she fell over after bumping into someone. Slowly rising to her feet, she dusted at herself idly before lenaing over them, hands resting against her knees. "Mmm, my apologies. I should have been paying attention. You alright?" She smiled at him and then noticed how distracted he had become and looked down before giving him a smirk, squeezing her arms against her breasts, pushing them out. "Like what you see?" Winking at him, she gave him a coy smile and straightened up to her full height. "Maybe if you're a good boy, you'll get to do more than stare sometime." Teasing him gently, Rouge chuckled silently under her breath.
RE: ★▐ █ ▪ Sonic the Hedgehog — Sonic Wave▪ █

(This size is just fine :] )

Sonic cocked his head and rubbed the back of his head as he heard about Robotnik once more. Letting her finish, he had a multitude of questions he wanted to ask her. "Wait...Eggman's here? In this resort?" He pulled out the sheet of paper that was his invitation and frowned. "So he must have been the one who had sent me this invitation....Well he didn't lie, I'll say that." He said mentioning to the fact it was someone he knew personally. Looking back to Risa, he watched her and stepped back a bit when she asked if he was Sonic the Hedgehog. "Calm down...Yes, thats my name but how do you know Robotnik is here? Did he send you one of these phony invites as well?" Upon hearing her next question, he seemed to be in thought. "Well...I was out looking for the person who sent me this invitation. I figured it was Tails, Knuckles, or Max but...I didn't see any of them anywhere. I got tired of people walking by and calling my name. Fans always trying to rush to me...I ran and hid in the alley only a few moments before you showed up and began to talk into that wrist watch of yours. So you made that huh...? Interesting gadget you got there." He said smiling to her as he looked at in on her wrist. "If Eggman is here, I want in on your search...but first off, how DO you know Eggman is here?"

Looking up when she stood up straight, Nathan's jaw dropped as he saw the bat creature begin to press her arms into her breasts to push them out. He could swear that so much heat went into his head that some blood trickled down his nose as he watched on. And then immediately after hearing her mention that he might even get to do something far better than just stare at the two orbs on the creature, he got on all fours and began to bow and beg. "Oh please miss bat creature! I'll do anything you want!" He said before finally realizing what he just did. Standing up, he dusted himself off as he cleared his throat, blushing. "Excuse me...I'm not normally like that...I've been surrounded by women in tops and bottoms all day so I've gotten a bit...crazy. Who are you?"
▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇ ( Act.O1 ) Wavedash Plaza |:| Breezegale Centre ▇ ▇▇

  • Nodding her head, Risa pursed her lips together, looking determined. However, when he pulled out the invitation, her jaw-dropped, taking forward quickly and staring down at it with wide-eyes. She slowly closed her mouth once more before blinking at him in a luzzled manner and shook her hands and head. "Oh, no. I'm here on a mission for GUN. My partner and I are checking out the resort to look into what he has planned now." It was always hard to say with Eggman. Even if one knew he was up to no good, you could never tell what hand he would play.

    "Well, it's not just that he's here, but he built the place. He's using it as a base. Our intel proves that much. But finding him and what he has planned is the hard part." Crossing her arms under her bosom, she raised one hand with her elbow propped on the other hand and tapped her chin. "I was going to have some fun at first, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to at least find an area of suspicion that might direct us to him. It's why I was talking to my watch." She looked at it once more before dropping her hands to her sides. "It would be great to have your help on this, Mr Sonic. I'm looking forward to working with you. I'll do anything I can to help you!" Giving him a wide smile and playfully saluting, she giggled and relaxed her frame once more. She was so excited about working with Sonic, she hadn't even thought of how Rouge might react to this.

    On the otherhand, Rouge was having quite a time herself. She wasn't sure who she had bumped into, but he proved to be quite amusing and quite charming. A real cute kid. She raised her hand, hovering over her mouth as she laughed. "How sweet of you to offer. I suppose I'll have to reward you very well, for whatever I have you do." Nonetheless, he recovered well and composed himself, though she was still very amused. "I'm Rouge the Bat. What's your name, cutey?" She rested a hand on her hip and shifted her weight to one side, pressing the other hand to her chest as an indication of introducing herself before letting the hand drop to her side.

    She thought for a second before tapping her chin and giving him a sweet grin. "You know, I let my companion run off on her own and now I'm alone. But having company would be good for my adventures. If you agree to spend some time with me, I'm sure I can make it up to you." She dropped her voice as she walked to his side and leaned against him, gently grasping his arm as she wrapped her hands around it. "Of course, that's only if you're willing and have the time."
RE: ★▐ █ ▪ Sonic the Hedgehog — Sonic Wave▪ █

"A GUN Agent are you...?" Sonic said as he listened to her story. "Well sure. I'm happy to help out if it means stopping Eggman...though..." He turned and began to look around. "Your partner? Who could that be? But whatever...I'm sure I'll meet him soon enough. We need to find this 'area of suspicion' soon so we can take down Eggman fast." He said smiling confidently to her. "Does your little watch doohickey have a trace on where we should go, or should we go ahead and do what you wanted to do first? You said something about having fun at first. Anyplace you want to spend some time before that watch thing detects this 'area of suspicion'? No sense just waiting around while we wait for it to tell us. Heck...we might even find some clues of our own while we're here. Should we probably hit the shops or look around the resort?" He said smiling to her. "Its up to you miss GUN Agent. You're the one who is able to find Eggman faster than I can with that watch."

Nathan watched her as she seemed to be amused by what had just went on. When she asked for his name, he blushed for a bit as he looked down, not seeing her as she came over and wrapped her hands around his arm. Looking down to her, she was only about a few inches shorter than him...probably because of her other-wordly build. "Well then...I don't mind giving you some company madam Rouge." He said smiling to her, though his face was still red. "The name's Nathan Stone...pleasure to meet you. I'll follow wherever you want to take me...wherever you want to take me...say like the resort...or a resort room...or a resort bed...maybe even a hotel bed...maybe the alley..." He said with closed eyes as he spoke innocently, but after he finished he opened one eye and curiously looked to see what she would say.
▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇ ( Act.O1 ) Wavedash Plaza |:| Breezegale Centre ▇ ▇▇

  • Quickly becoming ecstatic, Risa nearly pumped her first in the air before she tilted her head questioningly, a puzzled frown on her lips. She started to answer him about her partner before nodding in agreement, excited that they would indeed work together to take down Eggman. "Well, I programmed it to analyze a particular area, and when it's done, it should go off like an alarm setting on a normal watch. But I'm not sure how long it'll take. Of course, the longer it takes, the more suspcious I am of that area." It would only be logical that taking longer than normal to break down an area meant that there was more to it than met the eye and than should have been.

    Perking up, she nodded her head perkily with a vibrant smile. "I was going to the aquarium to look around and check out the resort more." She turned slightly to face the sidewalk, giving the streets and crowds an eager smile. "If you don't mind, Mr. Hedgehog, I think we would get plenty of work done while we explore. Not just for the sake of fun, of course." Chuckling softly, crossed her arms behind her back, implying that their running about having fun would be in the name of accomplishing the mission. Of course, he had a point and their wandering around could give them more clues. But she was prepared to have fun with or without finding anything else out in doing so.

  • Looking pleased with his response, Rouge nodded her head, batting her lashes at him. "Perfect. What a gentleman you are. I'm sure we'll have a very good time together." That blush of his only made him all the more cute and amusing. She was sure she would have a lot of fun with him. And maybe she would show him a good time some place more private as well. Since he was so obliging of her, after all. "A pleasure to meet you, Nathan." Giggling coyly at him, she gave him a seductive smile and pressed her breasts against his arm. "We'll see about that." She winked at him before her turning her attention back to the surroundings.

    Pulling away the slightest bit, she hummed under her breath before pointing at an area in the distance. "We'll head that way first. I believe I saw some good stores there. And maybe I can get a cute bathing suit for you to admire me in. Who knows, I might even get a little wet." She was sure the double entedre was not lost on him. "Maybe I'll even find some nice, naughty lingerie. But we won't know until we see, right?" Shrugging a shoulder as she looked back up to him, she gave him a smirk and started off towards the stores.
RE: ★▐ █ ▪ Sonic the Hedgehog — Sonic Wave▪ █

Sonic smiled and crossed his arms as he followed her toward the aquarium. "Yeah. Search around the aquarium and have fun while we do it right? Thats what you should do." He said smiling to her. "So...Rouge is your partner then?" He said, remembering that she explained her partner to him. "You'd best watch your partner when Eggman is involved...he has ways of convincing anybody to turn to join him...And he won't stop no matter what, even if it means the deaths of people...Tails had it the hardest." He said as they approached the aquarium. He was looking around at all the fish and other aquatic mammals and seemed to be a bit annoyed of being in here. "Lets...try and not do something that'll annoy the animals...they might just attack us through the glass and cause all of that water come out." He seemed to shudder and seem uneasy as they walked through the aquarium. "You can swim right...? I can't..."

Hearing her, Nathan smiled and seemed to become aroused at the thoughts of Rouge being in bathing suits, getting wet in them down there because he was watching her. He seemed to become aroused as he was already erecting down below. The thought of her being in naughty lingerie really set him off. His imagination ran wild as he erected full down below, it clearly obvious in the loose swimming trunks he wore. Looking down, he blushed madly as he sat cross legged on the ground and crossed his arms over his legs to hide his erection ."S-S-Sorry about that Rouge..." He said as he looked up to her, only partially being able to see her face past her breasts but her lower region was practically in his face as he looked up to her.
▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇ ( Act.O1 ) Wavedash Plaza |:| Breezegale Centre ▇ ▇▇

  • Nodding her head, Risa gave him a confident smile, having the utmost faith in her partner. "I do believe Eggman is capable of throwing in just the right stakes to convince almost anyone to join him. But I have an ace if it comes to that." Smirking slyly, she too had a plan that acted on her partner's weakness should Eggman get clever and decide to use it as well. Since she was Rouge's partner, she reviewed the file over her well and got as much story as she could on previous missions and such. It was amusing to imagine Rouge working with Eggman, but she could only imagine his reaction to finding out that she was a secret agent - though she doubted that he had even trusted her entirely way back at that time.

    Honestly, Risa even doubted that Eggman would want to try and convince Rouge to work with him this time, considering how untrusthworthy she could be, but that just made Risa more comfortable. Glacing at Sonic, she looked curious before giggling and hiding a smile behind her hand. "That's a funny thing to say. You're afraid of the water, aren't you? I'm sorry..." She dropped her hand and clasped them between her back, giving him a sheepish, apologetic smile. "How about we go some place else. Maybe grab a bite or play some games?" More than anything, she wanted to make sure he was comfortable - and to cater to him. He was Sonic the Hedgehog after all. It was taking much of her will not to gush at him.

    Catching his growing arousal, Rouge chuckled heartily, tilting her head back and clutching her stomach. "How cute. Well, don't worry. It doesn't bother me any. But I suppose you need a second to recover before we can continue. If you like, I can give you away to help get rid of that." She winked down at him, putting her hand on her hips and tilting them to the side. "It's a really good, quick method." Her tone was playful and considerate as she nodded her head.

    "All you have to do is imagine Eggman in a speedo." Chuckling, she turned and shrugged, amused by how terrible that thought was. "And if that doesn't help, just imagine yourself having to put suntan lotion on him." She giggled and shook her head, turning back to him and offering her a hand. "Here, if we get to one of the stores, maybe you can hide out in a changing room while I try on some stuff if you're still hot and bothered."
RE: ★▐ █ ▪ Sonic the Hedgehog — Sonic Wave▪ █

Sonic smiled and chuckled a bit nervously. "Sorry about that. Just...never really liked water. Can't swim in it and I've got a bad history when it comes to water that I can't stand in high enough to breathe. That...and it seriously slows down my speed." He smiled as he looked around. "The games...? I'd actually prefer to eat something before we go play some games....if thats alright with you Risa." He smiled to her and chuckled. "Though don't go falling in love with me. This may feel like a date but it isn't." He said with a coy smile to show he was just teasing her. Turning, he began to walk around in search of a small refreshment stand that sold either food or drinks.

Nathan immediately stood up and seemed to be back to normal. "Never...NEVER...tell me this again." He said frowning. "I don't know who this 'Eggman' is, as I've just arrived in town last week, but its still a guy I'm guessing. Please don't do that again Rouge..." He murmured as he took her hand and winked to her. "Well then madam Rouge, shall we be on the move then?" He smiled and began to lead her around and after a while they found the swimming supply store. Walking her in, he brought her to the women's suit section and waited for her to choose something...each dress he saw only made him imagine Rouge in it in a different pose...though he knew better than to erect.
▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇ ( Act.O1 ) Wavedash Plaza |:| Breezegale Centre ▇ ▇▇

  • Shaking her head with a warm smile, Risa seemed to understand him completely. "It's okay, besides, we all have our fears." It was actually a relief knowing that there was something that scared Sonic. But she wouldn't subject him to having to endure being around the water any longer if he didn't have to be. "Sure! I wouldn't mind eating first." She could do for some food. She hadn't eaten for a while... And in her excitement, she had completely forgotten about it.

    Pausing after she started after him, she blushed as her eyes widened and her lips parted slightly. "O-oh, well I'll try not to." She giggled and clasped her cheeks shyly. She hadn't even realized how similar it was to a date. Although she wouldn't go and get in trouble by falling in love him - well, she hoped not. But she was enjoying hanging out with him. For some time, she had admired him as a great hero, but now that she was getting to know him, she found him very pleasant and fun. No wonder he was such a great hero. He was brave and charming.

    He blush slowly faded, though she gave him an endeared smile before turning her head and perking up. "Oh, look! A hot dog stand. A soda and chilidog would be nice about now." She gently pressed her hands to her stomach, looking at the stand with an eager smile.

    Giggling at his reaction, Rouge had to turn away slightly and cover her mouth behind her hand. "Oh? You don't know Eggman? That's amazing. He's a world threat. But I suppose it's good if you don't have to know his name." Rouge wondered how many others out there didn't know of him. He had made a point of causing trouble across the globe in one particular adventure. She'd heard of all kind of madness that followed that one, but she'd been doing work for GUN and wasn't able to offer any assistance - not that Sonic had needed it, apparently.

    "Yes, lets." Letting him guide her to a store catering to all one would need to hit a trip to the resort and main hotel's beach, she glanced around and gave many of the items a smirk. Once he led them to the womens' swimsuits, she took her time to glance through them, pushing hangers aside and putting other swimsuits to one side. "Hmm, this is cute too."

    "Oh, but this just wouldn't do."

    Taking her time to sort though them a bit longer, she picked up four she put aside and rested her hand against her shoulder. "I'm going to go try them on now. Tell me which you like the most when I come out." Winking at him, she headed to the dressing rooms to change, putting each swimsuit in a different spot to look them over better and decide which she wanted to try on first. She'd definitely save the sexiest for last.
(Sorry if this one is a bit shorter than before. Just got home and my head is a slight bit hurting. My day wasn't exactly the best.)

Hearing her, Sonic became ecstatic as he brought her over to the hot dog stand. "Uh...I don't think they'll accept the fact I'm a hero to give me free food..." He said as he looked around before seeing the robot at the counter hand them both a soda and a chili dog. "Uh...thats a bit awkward...don't you think Risa?" He said as he took the chili dogs and looked at them before looking at the robot...it had disappeared. "Where'd it go? Ah...well...free chili dogs..." He said smiling before holding on out to her, biting the other one. He seemed to really enjoy chili dogs, the reason unknown...but he just loved them so much. Before long he finished the delicious treat and began to drink some of the soda that the robot had given him for free. "So...how you liking the 'resort' so far?? I mean since you got here."

Nathan smiled and nodded as he walked over to the dressing rooms and sat on a bench right in front of the dressing room. He waited anxiously...just imagining Rouge in the variety of clothing that she had picked out...Each image far better than the rest...He was so excited and lustful at the same time as he waited for the sexy creature to leave the room to show him what she looked like in the small clothing she picked out. "Oh come on Rouge..." He murmured. "I want to see you baby..."
▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇ ( Act.O1 ) Wavedash Plaza |:| Breezegale Centre ▇ ▇▇

  • Smiling down at him, Risa shook her head. "On the contrary, you've gotten lots of attention so far. I'm sure free anything should be expected." But it never hurt to be cautious. Risa was more interested in the fact that it was a robot that served them rather than a human, considering most of the business was human run. She accepted one of the chili dogs and took a generous bite, moaning happily. It was great to finally eat, but especially something good. Looking down at Sonic, she glanced around and nodded once. "It is nice. He outdid himself. But that's just all the more reason to be suspicious."

    Finishing her chili dog, she drank her soda and wiped a corner of her mouth, even if it was essentially food-free. "That'll be his undoing this time."

    Humming as she changed, Rouge posed and checked herself in the mirror before opening the dressing room and stepping into the doorway, leaning over in a provocative pose. "Well~? How's this one?" The bright but cool colors highlighted her white fur, the straps encouraging her cleaage and the transparent, silky wrap around her waist emphasizing her hips. She chuckled quietly in a sultry manner before heading back into the dressing room. "Of course, that's just the beginning." As she slipped back into the room, she began shedding the swimswuit, hanging it up and putting on the next.

    "You ready, tiger?" She opened the door slowly and stepped into the doorway once more, leaning against it with a seductive pose, hands behind her back and bosom pushed out. The swimsuit certainy allowed that, what with being thinly strapped and tied in the back. The bottom half generously covered her, but only served to bring more attention to her figure.
Sonic smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I guess. Free anything is to be expected." He said chuckling as he looked to her. "True that Eggman has outdone himself this time for a simple getaway resort...Why would he bring so much attention to himself like this when in the past, he's failed to show people that he truly has changed. I just don't get it...but we can't trust anything the Eggman tells us. Remember that Risa." He said smiling to her before looking around. "So then....I guess you're having fun? I haven't heard your watch thing beep or go off like an alarm or anything. Is it working or is it just really slow?" He said as he looked to the device on her wrist. "Anyway, if we've got more time...where do you want to go next then Risa?"

Watching as Rouge came out with the first showing of the bathing suit, his eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he watched how seductive she looked. "D-Damn!" He called out to her as he saw her. He was already turned on...lust driven now as he continued to watch her slide back into the dressing room to put on the next pair. When she came out again, he couldn't take it anymore...he had to have her...Walking into the dressing room with her, he closed the door behind her as he pulled her onto his lap as he sat down on a bench in there. "Rouge...I can't take it anymore...I've got to have you...you may be a creature unlike anything I've seen before...but you're too sexy...I have to have you...Or I'll go crazy...!"
▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇ ( Act.O1 ) Wavedash Plaza |:| Breezegale Centre ▇ ▇▇

  • "Well, you have to remember. Even the theme park brought a ton of attention to him. But he probably didn't count on you doubting him and figuring him out. And it was a great theme park, secret plans aside. He always get close enough to fooling everyone. It's just that you always manage to save the day when comes out with what he's planning." Giggling softly, Risa gave him a warm smile, clearly impressed and humored by the track record between Sonic and Eggman.

    Looking at her watch, she smiled before dropping her wrist back to her side. "I gave it quite an area to analyze, and I made it so it carefully examines a lot of the land and sky above sea level, but also a great deal of the area below sea level. You can never be too sure. I'm sure we'll get something soon, however. If even a rock is seemingly off or suspicious, we'll know." She nodded her head to emphasis her point before tapping her chin and looking around. "Hmm. Good question. Well, since I picked the aquarium, why don't you pick something this time Sonic?"

    Turning slightly, Rouge looked quite and reasonably surprised to see Nathan follow her in and even pull her into his lap. She quietly chuckled at him, looking amused. "How cute of you. I like that eagerness. But you have to restrain yourself." Pulling away slowly, she stood up and picked up one of the other swimming suit. "Besides, I didn't try on my other bathing suits. Or pick one yet." Winking at him, she nudged him out of the dressing room and returned to changing once she was alone once more. "You can't go getting a free show before the real thing. Besides, don't you want to see me all dripping wet at the beach before you get your special reward?"
Sonic smiled and seemed to be in thought as he wondered on where to go next. The resort was a large place and there were plenty of places to go that seemed interesting. "Well...how about the unisex spa?" He said smiling before looking to her. "If thats okay with you I mean. You may be...shy to bathe in front of a regular person right? But...I'm not a person haha. I'm a hedgehog, its just like bathing while an animal is around the water with you." He said rubbing his head, laughing a bit nervously as that was the only place he could think of. The water wasn't exactly that deep at a spa. He could easily stand in most of it.

Nathan groaned a bit as he seemed to stand halfway in the dressing room and halfway out into the walkway. "J-Just hurry...I can't hold it in any longer...I'm gonna pitch a tent and I can't exactly just walk around with one in my pants can I?" He said before sitting on the chair outside once more, only in a way that hid the erection in his pants as he waited for Rouge to come out in the next suit. "Oh man oh man...She's such a tease...!"
▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇ ( Act.O1 ) Wavedash Plaza |:| Breezegale Centre ▇ ▇▇

  • Surprised by his suggestion, Risa perked up, bending slightly at the hip with a wide smile. "Really? Well sure!" Of course, it probably wasn't the response he was expecting, clearly. "Oh, don't worry. I'm not too shy about that type of stuff. Besides, it's just the spa." Whether it was the spa, hotsprings or where else, public or no, she was never unable to do it.

    She had sme modesty in regards to the matter of course, but she was comfortable enough with others to do it. "Lets go." Smiling vibrantly, she started towards the spa, eager to enjoy it. Perfect idea of relaxation after a small meal.

    Chuckling at him, Rouge waved it off and then called over the door. "You could always use my idea again." She suggested it cheekily, obviously teasing him. It was because Nathan was so humorous and charming that she was glad to have him as company and able to tease him so. She would certainly and eagerly be sure to actually reward him properly. Generally, those would be empty words and promises, but considering he was a good guy, she was quite willing. She slipped on the next swimsuit and stepped out. The first strapless, bikini top, it wrapped around itself and had a wrap tied at the side of her hip over the bottom.

    "So? How about this? Oh, and we only have. One. More." Winking seductively at him, she retreated back into the fittim room.
Seeing her reaction, Sonic was a bit surprised that she wasn't as surprised as he thought she would be. Standing up, he chuckled as he followed after her as they left the aquarium and headed toward the Spa area of the resort so that they could bathe together in the hot waters. Eventually coming to it, Sonic told her that he would go ahead to the spa, since he didn't wear any clothes but shoes. Taking them off, he stepped into the waters and relaxed a bit as he waited for Risa to come back.

Nathan's jaw dropped even more as he saw the bikini top she was wearing. He was so eager to see Rouge in the last bathing suit she had chosen. Oh how he waited for her...Wanting her so badly and the beach would only prove to be more of a cock tease with her wet body in her bathing suit to make her look just so much more sexy. 'I guess public sex at the beach behind some rocks is too much to ask for haha...' He thought in his head.
▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇ ( Act.O1 ) Wavedash Plaza |:| Breezegale Centre ▇ ▇▇

  • Since they separated for him to go on ahead, Risa went to go get a towel to cover herself and to change and put her clothes away. Locking them in one of the lockers, she wrapped the towel snug around her frame before leaving the area and heading to the spa. She entered quietly, and only when she took her first steps into the water did she at all make her presence known, sighing softly as she stepped further in and finally sat down. "It feels great. What a fantastic idea, Sonic."

    Resisting another smile and teasing comment, Rouge simply smirked as she changed into the last swimsuit. After this one, she'd have to make a decision of course. They were all quite however, but that only made her decision easier. She'd go with whichever one was most comfortable. Getting into the last one, she adjusted it over her before slowly leaving the dressing room. "See? Worth the wait, wasn't it?"

    Another bikini top, but this time simply with a clasp in the middle securing it. The bottom had the same golden clasp on each hip, glistening against her white fur. "Well then, I suppose I'll get changed so we can make our purchase and go. I wouldn't want you to wait any longer for our fun at the beach."
Sonic smiled and nodded. "Glad you enjoyed this idea I had." He said as he laid back against the wall as he sat beside her, body against body as he seemed to fall asleep, but he was just relaxing to a point he was limp with a smile on his face. His head held itself against her shoulder a bit as he sat back and just enjoyed the water as it soothed his legs. It was great for him to finally get some relaxation...even if it was from one of Eggman's schemes. "Mmm...I'm glad I chose this spa idea now Risa. The water's doing wonders for me."

Nathan shook his head 'no' rapidly to her mention of keeping him waiting from their fun at the beach. Getting up, he walked with her to the front desk...seriously excited to have some fun with the sexy beast next to him. After she chose which of the bathing suits she wanted, he paid for them and carried them for her as they went out the door. "So...to the beach now or to the resort room to change? I've already got my swimming trunks on...so I'm fine either way."
▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇ ( Act.O1 ) Wavedash Plaza |:| Breezegale Centre ▇ ▇▇

  • With the closeness and warmth of their bodies, Risa felt herself becoming incredibly relaxed as well. It was perfect to sit back and relax this. It had even managed to clear her head. It would certainly help to sit back now if they were going to be in search of Eggman later though. She sighed contentedly when he laid his head against her shoulder, feeling at peace. "Same here. It's too bad we have to take Eggman down. Maybe we can somehow leave the resort up though?" She giggled and stared out across the spa. It was too bad. But she couldn't let Eggman get away with his scheme, even if people were enjoying part of it.

    After paying for the swimsuits, she arched a brow at him and took one. "Just a second." Walking back to the changing room, she slipped into the swimsuit and returned to put her folded clothes in the bag. "Now we can go straight to the beach for some fun." Winking at him, she left the store and waited for him to get to her side, slipping an arm around his. "After we have some fun at the beach, maybe we can head back to the resort's main hotel for more fun. Maybe~." She gave him another wink, playful and seductive.
Sonic nodded and chuckled as he heard her. "Yeah...hopefully we can keep the resort spa up...This is so relaxing..." Sonic could feel his energy being drained...feeling fatigue from the hot water, as he himself was not used to any sort of water for this long...longer than ten seconds anyway. He began to slink lower, feeling his body go numb and his voice become a murmur as he was now like a ragdoll, but still laid against her even more now...which wasn't exactly too much of a bad thing. He liked to hang out with Risa...though he hoped Amy wouldn't show up and get the wrong idea...That girl's temper was enough for him already.

Nathan seemed to melt as he felt her wrap her arm around him as she wore her sexy swimsuit. "Oh man...How did I snag you..." He said with a murmur as he walked her out and to the beach...somewhere where they were there alone mostly...it was almost impossible to find a completely empty spot on the beach, but he just managed to find a spot with two or three other families that wouldn't pay them any mind as most of them were tanning, others far out in the ocean around some boats and such. "Well then...shall we go in?" He said as he took his shirt off to reveal his slender body. It wasn't muscular, but he looked good without a shirt on with just swim trunks on.
▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇ ( Act.O1 ) Wavedash Plaza |:| Breezegale Centre ▇ ▇▇

  • Between the silence and calm of the area, Risa was easily slipping into a more relaxed and restful mood. Even Sonic seemed quite content and at peace - which she was quite glad for. Even the world's hero needed a moment where he could stop and catch a break, even if he did seem to love being in perpetual motion. Not that she blamed him. Her lashes fluttered slowly before she focused her gaze on the wall across them and sighed contentedly. This had worked out way better than the aquarium. Maybe the spa would simply be her go to place in the resort.

    Chuckling softly, Rouge spoke without batting an eye. "You didn't, silly. I snagged you." When they finally reached the beach, she smiled at him and nodded. "Of course. Lets go get wet and have some fun." It had been a little while since she'd been to the beach anywhere. Between her two jobs and filling out her collection of lovely, precious jewels, she'd had quite a bit to do and not enough time to extend to everywhere and every little thing. But it was nice to be at a resort and have the chance to have some fun - even if she was technically at work.
Sonic smiled weakly through his numbness as he laid there with Risa. Eventually his numb body slumped down a bit and he used whatever energy he could to push himself up...but doing so caused him to fall over slightly, his cheek landing against her breast and his face seemed to flush as he did so. "C-Can't move..." He murmured to her as he tried to move, but it only made it seem like he was snuggling more into her breast. "H-Help please?? I am numb..." He said as his head fell further down so it was now in her lap, facing upward toward her breasts in the towel and part of her face.

Nathan nodded and walked her out into the water of the beach. It was cold...but relaxing...and if Rouge was like any other woman, the cold water would make her nipples perk up through her clothing so he could see them...Just thinking about it seriously turned him on but he knew the best things in life were there for waiting. "Are you alright Rouge? Feeling a bit tingly in the water?" He said before deviously splashing some water to cover all of her body. He began to laugh to himself as he watched her.
▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇ ▇ ( Act.O1 ) Wavedash Plaza |:| Breezegale Centre ▇ ▇▇

  • Gasping in surprise as Sonic fell over, Risa looked shocked before giggling at him with his face on her breast. She never expected to see the world's hero in such a funny position. More importantly, he seemed to be blushing - and not just because of the spa. She wanted to help him, but she could only blush and bite her lip with a smile, unable to raise her arms as it felt like he snuggled further into her breast. Somehow it was so warm and comforting - like when someone gave you a massage.

    Holding back a giggle as his head fell into her lap, she covered her mouth with her hand, lips pressed together firmly. "Are you alright Sonic? To be honest, I feel that even if I try to move you, you'll still be numb and it'd be pointless." Resting a hand on his shoulder, she gave him a bemused smile. "Rather yet, if you're comfortable, why don't you just rest there for a moment? Unless you are uncomfortable...?"

    Flinching away, she raised her hands and closed an eye as she turned away partially. "Hey! You're going to make my suit all wet! I was going to revel in being sexy longer while dry." She moaned out her words poutily, bending over slightly and resting her hands on her knees, breasts hanging as she squeezed them together with her arms. She gave him a wink and a coy smile.

    Slowly, she reached her hands to the water and splashed it up, hitting her breasts and slowly dripping off her hardening nipples. "Mmm. The water feels so good."
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