Skylar23 ~ D.E.666

Noah smiled softly to himself and relaxed, staring up at the ceiling as they tried to fall asleep. Well, everything seemed to be working out just fine for now. He hadn't gone on another ran, good. She wasn't going to kill him for catching her, good. He wasn't a pervert, which quite amused him, making him smirk and restrain laughter; good. Noah snuggled under the covers warmly, trying to fall asleep. He could feel her head against his arm, just smiling and letting her rest there.
It was... say, 8:30 in the morning when he finally awoke from his slumber. He groaned as a stray beam of sunlight rested on his eyes, causing him to awaken. He nudged Eevee softly as be awoke. "Mm.... morning," he said with a small yawn, stretching his arms.
The next morning, the eevee was sleeping happily against his side. Sometime during the night she'd wrapped an arm around his waist and seemed to snuggle into his side. When he began to stir, she heard him groan and she murmured in her sleep before she began to wake up after he nudged her. "Mm, what time is it?" she murmured while moving a little. Opening her eyes, she slowly lifted her head with a yawn and she looked at him. The girl was still have asleep, her eyes partially open with some of her messy hair hanging in her face.

The girl looked pretty adorable as she laid there against his side. Slowly pulling her arm from around him, the eevee slowly sat up and began to stretch with a soft yawn. She didn't really want to get up yet. Infact, what she really wanted to do was roll over and snuggle back down into the covers and pillows and go back to sleep.
Noah sat up slowly, stretching his arms as wide as they would go. He cracked his neck; a rather bad habit of his, but it wouldn't leave him. The boy looked over at the clock next to the bed and simply groaned. To put it plain, he didn't want to get up, either. But he knew he had to, they had to really start moving today. "Uhrm... 8:30..." he said, stifling another yawn as he got up. He stretched and twisted his spine, sighing softly.

He went out into the more open living space of the room and rummaged through his pack. Then he went for the fridge. "Ugh... great... I don't have anything for breakfast," he said, groaning. This just meant he had to go restock and find food. He looked over at Eevee, noticing she was just as groggy as him. He couldn't help but chuckle softly, grinning tiredly at her disheveled appearance.
Hearing him crack his neck, the eevee winced and made a soft sound before she shook her head slightly and glanced at him as he looked at the clock next to the bed and she sighed while flopping back into the bed. "It's too early." she mumbled, listening to him head out into the living space while she just laid there. For a little while she remained in bed before she finally stood up and shook herself, stumbling a little as she head out towards the living area.

The heard his comment about no breakfast and she sighed while sitting down in a chair with a yawn. She was still half asleep and the part of her that was still sleeping demanded she return to bed. The pokegirls fur and hair was sticking up in different angles and she looked like she could just lay her head down on the table and go to sleep. Instead she rubbed her eyes again as she woke up some more.
Noah was rather tired, but he knew they had work to do today. Now that his first Pokegirl had been secured, it was his job to train her properly and to adventure along the region, of which the authors still need to decide on. Nonetheless, he looked over at Eevee and finally let out a short laugh.

"I-I'm sorry... you just look absolutely ridiculous," he said, grinning widely. Indeed, her fur was a sight to behold. "What, did you fall off the bed during the night?" he heated. Habing enough of that though, he stood. "Here. Lemme help with that." He nabbed his own hair brush from his pack and began to brush her fur, brushing down all the large patches of mess.
Hearing his laugh, the eevee looked over at him and noticed him looking at her. "What?" she asked while running her fingers through her slightly messy hair. As he appologized to her about laughing, she flushed with embarrassment before looking flustered as she sat there. Her ears laid back as he grinned and asked if she fell off the bed during the night. Slouching in her seat, she began running her hand over the patches of fur that stuck up though it did little good.

As he approached her with the brush, she gazed at it before shivering as he began brushing her fur and her long hair. The feeling of him brushing her made the pokegirl shiver and she closed her eyes with a soft purr like sound. "I like that." she said with a smile.
Noah rested a gentle hand on her shoulder as he brushed out the mess of fur. He made sure she looked nice and groomed before stopping, smiling softly. "There. That should do the trick. Feel better now?" he asked. Well, he would certainly feel better if someone brushed his fur until it looked groomed. Well, so he supposed, at least. Right?

Noah packed away the brush and put the pack on his shoulders, offering her a hand to help her to her feet. "So. Where shall we go to find breakfast?" he asked, walking out the door of their room. He set the keys on the main desk and walked out of the Poke Center and into the fresh morning air, breathing in deeply.
Feeling his hand on her shoulder, she opened her eyes and looked over her shoulder at him as he brushed her, watching him with a small smile. Once he was done, she turned to look at him and nodded slightly. "Thank you." she said gently. "And yes, I feel much better." Standing up, she began stretching again with a sigh while smiling at him.

After he put the brush away and shouldered his pack, she followed him out of the room while he asked where they should find breakfast. "I don't know." she said. "I'm not familiar with these towns and such." she said with a shrug. After stepping outside, she took a deep breath of the fresh air before looking at him. "Where do you think we should go?"
Finding no answer from Eevee, he simply walked at her side and wandered about the small town, looking about as he roamed. He seldom stopped, really; it was a quiet, slow kind of inhabitance that was very relaxed and laid back. So there were more houses than anything, and he wasn't looking for residences. Moreover, for food.

Sighing softly with no look, he took one last look around before a grin spread across his face. "There we go!" He had managed to locate a small cafe, leading Eevee into it. It was a small, warm and cozy little local place that you just had to love. Noah smiled softly. The atmosphere was just so... homey... like the one he had never really-
Ah, no. He shook himself from the thought, looking around for a host or hostess. After being seated, he looked to Eevee. "Hrm... I guess you don't know what you wanna get, huh?"
(Details, details. What region is this? Unova?)
After answering him, she looked around the small town as they wandered around, her gaze flitting from one place to another with a natural curiosity of a pokegirl recently caught and introduced to the humans. For a while they just walked around until he spoke up and she looked at the cafe he spotted and she nodded before letting him lead her inside. After entering, she took a deep breath and caught the scents of several different things such as cooking meat and baking apples.

"Smells good in here." she said gently before following him to a seat and she sat down across from him. When asked about knowing what she wanted, she shrugged slightly. "I'm still new to humans and such. So I don't know anything about them. Usually I just pick fruit and eat it or have some kind of fish." she told him.
Noah listened to her usual diet and nodded. As was expected of a pokegirl, especially a newer one at that. Well, newer to humans, anyways. "Alright. Fruit and fish. Let's see..." He scanned down the menu, the waiter coming over and staring at him. Noah finally looked up. "Oh! Good, you're here. Uhm... we'll have... this, and this," he said, pointing to two things on the menu. The waiter walked away without a word, leaving Noah with a slight smirk. The purpose of the smirk, however, was yet to be seen.

After an awkward ten minutes or so of silence between them, their food finally came. Some pancakes, garnished with various berries was laid on front of Eevee, and a smaller stack in front of Noah. The boy rarely overate, much less eat a lot. He just was never hungry enough to eat so much food. As was that he was hungry, though, he quickly dug in.
The eevee nodded when he repeated her diet and she watched him scan the menu. Since she couldn't read much, if at all, she let him pick food out for her. Since she had a high metabolic rate, she could eat anything she wanted, so it wouldn't matter what he fet her. Once the waiter came over, she looked up at the man and smiled shyly before watching Noah order for them. She didn't know that to order all she had to do was point. This both confused her and intrigued her. However, she just shrugged it off and glanced at him before seeing the smirk on his face.

For several long minutes afterwards, they sat together in silence while waiting for the food. But when the pancakes and berries came, her eyes widened slightly while her stomach growled at the smell of them. After they were set down, she sniffed the food, her nose twitching cutely. However, before she dug in, she glanced at him to see how he ate and upon seeing the fork, she copied what he was doing and was soon eating the pancakes happily. "I really like this strange human food." she said after she finished one of her pancakes, her tail swaying happily behind her. After a few more minutes she asked a rather random name. "Are...are you going to name me at all?" she asked him.
Noah watched her inspect her food, sniffing at it. He had a warm feeling somewhere in his chest as her cute little nose twitched at the smell. For now it what obvious she liked the scent, and the taste he knew would be much better. He got back to eating his pancakes, deliberately eating a bit slow so she could watch. When she began copying him with a fork, he got back to eating at a normal pace. She was rather smart; a quick learner. Good.

"Name you...?" he echoed at her request. He was done, sitting back and relaxing. He mulled it over. "Yeah... I thought it would actually take a lot longer to gain your trust after what happened," he said quietly, almost doing so in a whisper. "Thanks for understanding... Asha."
As she ate, the girl got a little of the berry syrup on her, as was usual when it came to pancakes. It got into her fur near her muzzle which ment she'd probably be tasting it for the better part of the day. When he echoed, she paused and looked up before nodding, her long ears twitching a little. "Mmhmm, it would actually make me feel a little more wanted." she told him before taking another bite of her food. While he mulled over a name, the small eevee finished her food and made an attempt to clean herself up with the napkin sitting near her plate.

Luckily she had stronger hearing then a normal human so she heard what he said quietly. When he called her 'Asha' she looked up at him with a curious look on her face. "Asha?" she echoed while sucking some syrup off her finger before she smiled and nodded. "I like it." she said with a giggle. "And you're welcome Noah."
OOC: My apologies! I fell asleep and had forgotten. I hope you can forgive me, DE.

Noah smirked softly. Good, she liked her name. That was a start. He chuckled as she licked the syrup off her fingers. "Ill take a wild guess and say you liked breakfast, hmm?" he asked, noticing her muzzle covered in berry syrup. He grabbed a napkin and leaned over to get what she had missed out of her fur. "There. Now it won't be all sticky."

He paid the bill with his Trainer's Card as the waiter came by, making sure he had enough Poké. He took Asha's hand and helped her up, walking out with her. "Alright! We should probably stop by the pokemart before we leave. Just to stock up on supplies and all."
Asha giggled as he asked about her liking breakfast. "Yeah, I liked it a lot." she replies with a smile. As he looked at her, she licked the side of her muzzle before pausing when he grabbed his napkin. She held still for him as he leaned in and wiped her muzzle with it, getting the berry syrup off her short fur that was along her muzzle. "Thanks." she told him with a bright smile, her ears twitching happily.

She watched him pay for their meal and she stood with his help. She followed himout of the diner and she looked up at the bright blue sky with a gentle smile. "What all do we need?" she asked him curiously. The girl smiled up at him while waiting for an answer.
Noah smiled softly to her. "Well, obviously we need so more food... a few more pokeballs and potions couldn't hurt... that should be about it." Said items were soon retrieved by a quick stop to the pokemart, the details of which are so repetitive that I do not care to type them out. At any rate, he stepped out of there with his backpack all stuffed and ready to go. "Well! Off we go then!"

He took her hand and held his map in the other, making sure it wasn't upside down before choosing a path and trail. He folded away the map and tucked it into his backpack, nodding and starting in the general direction. Soon, they were on the path and heading for the next city. He looked over at his Eevee. "So, Asha. Anything you want to talk about?"
Asha slowly nodded at what he said before smiling at him. "That sounds like a plan to me." she replied while gazing over at him, some of her hair falling in her eyes. At the pokemart, she stood near the door while he quickly moved and grabbed the things he wanted and purchased them before she stepped out of the store ahead of him and she looked around while placing her small hands on her hips, a light breeze ruffling her fur and hair. "Alright. Which way?" she asked him.

When he grabbed her hand, she looked a little surprised but she allowed him to lead her, looking over at the map in his hand as she walked at his side, her bushy tail swaying with her steps as she followed him. "Well... I was wondering why you were heading through the woods without a pokemon or a pokegirl." she said to him when he asked if there was anything she wanted to talk about.
Noah thought for a moment before replying. Why had he been out there? An act of stupidity? A boost in bravery that was temporarily there? He mulled the idea over, and the more he thought, the more he wanted to laugh. The answer? The answer wasn't much of an answer at all... he had been-

"I got bored," he stated simply. "Of my life. I was looking for a bit of adventure. Unfortunately, I forgot how dangerous the wild can be without a partner," he said with a soft smirk. Yes, it had been out of pure boredom. "I guess I was just in the right place at the right time to rescue you, Eh?" he asked with a smile.
Asha looked over at him as she waited for his answer, noticing that he was thinking to himself and she tilted her head with a curious look on her face. When he finally answered her, she looked gobsmacked and she shook her head with a look of disbelief on her face. "Got bored? And forgot how dangerous the wild is?" she echoed before frowning. "How can you forget?" she murmured with another shake of her head before she looked at him again as he asked about rescuing her and she shrugged. "Yeah, I suppose." she said with a nod. The eevee looked around as they walked a path and she sighed softly. "Where are we going?" she asked suddenly.
Noah sighed softly. "You know darn well by now my... condition. Trust me when I say this, my judgement isn't always the best. When I get into one of my 'moods', things tend to blur for me. I can't tell left from right and often am forgetful. Let's just say when I left to go into the woods, I was in a mood. I was snapped from it after seeing and rescuing you." He offered no more of an explanation, for that was it. He looks over as she asked of their destination, looking over the map. After the Author finally decided they were in the Sinnoh region, he rolled up the map again. "We're heading for Jubilife City. It'll be a good place to rest and get some stuff figured out before we take the next step in our adventure."
The pokegirl flinched slightly and laid her ears back at what he said and she sighed. "Right... Sorry." she mumbled as he spoke about his 'moods' and a flustered look formed on her face as she brushed her ruffled hair back from her face. After he was done giving her his explanation about how he forgot how dangerous it was, she glanced at him again as he told her that they were heading for Jubilife City and she nodded slightly. "I guess that sounds good." she said even though she'd never been outside of her forest before, so going to the city would be a new experience for her.
)Bah, screw my computer... lame excuse, yes, I know. Swear I posted already.(

Noah sighed as they forged on down the path. It had been what, 2 hours now? He had stopped paying attention a while back. He looked over at his Eevee, taking a quick glance to make sure she was okay before turning his gaze back to the road.
"I... apologize for snapping at you earlier. You know how I can be. Lame excuse, yes, I know." As it was, he did actually feel sorry. He knew what he did sometimes, and he also knew that he scared people off. A lot. He really didn't want that to happen with her, he was just beginning to bond with his first pokegirl. However small a bond existed for the moment.
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