Skylar23 ~ D.E.666

Jan 9, 2009
The woods were fairly silent as a small Eevee scampered through the trees, her dark brown fur helping her to blend in with their surroundings. The only sounds in the woods was the sound of birds flittering around and berhaps a ferrow somewhere in the trees as well as the occasional rustle of bushes and leaves and the sound of water somewhere nearby. Whimpering softly, the Eevee made her way through the trees towards the watering spot that was popular for the pokegirls in the area. Moving out of the shadows of the trees, she moved over to the large lake and laid next to it to drink. Her thick dark brown fur glistened in the light of the sun and her ears flicked every now and again as she drank. Her tail was twitching occsionally. While she sat there, she began grooming herself, dipping her paw like hands into the water before running them through the thick mane like pale tan fur around her neck.

The Eevee had just run from a recent fight by fending off a trainer and his pokegirl. She had just barely managed to get away and she was lucky that the trainer didn't give chase. She choose the lake to rest at, which was probably the worst place to choose, to tend to her small scratches and rest. Closing her eyes with a soft sigh, the Eevee took deep breaths of the sweet grass. While she was resting, she didn't notice an Ariados sneeking up behind her until she was hit with String Shot. As she was wrapped up in the sticky webbing of the other pokemon, she squealed. Once the girl was wrapped up in the webbing, she could feel her body being drug across the ground before the Ariados began hoisting her up into a tree.
Quite honestly, Noah's afternoon had been rather bland. As was his daily agenda; 'wake up, talk to self, walk around, pace, sleep'. Noah sighed softly to himself. His mood was very down, as were his spirits at the moment. Even his usually bright, sandy blonde hair seemed to be a pale yellow. He kicked at the dust as he walked along the path through the woods.

There were a few reasons for his depression. The main one was that he had been promised a Pokegirl... but in the next town. For years, he had waited for this day, for his journey to finally begin, only to be delayed further. He cringed a little and kept on his sultry walk. He could hear birds and other sounds of the forest near and far, it was very calming, and in his case, depressing.

Noah heard the squeal, and at first, thought nothing of it. Then, his heart began to race. What if someone's in trouble? It beat faster. Maybe I can save them! A grin rode up to his face as his entire being seemed to light up in an adventurous joy. He sprinted through the woods and off the trail in search of the cry.

Seeing the Ariados and Eevee, he quickly grabbed the nearest stick and chucked it. "Hey! Let her go, she's not food! Not today!" He picked up another stick and gave it a well-aimed toss at the Ariados, hoping to Arceus it hit. Because although he was a good tree climber, ironically, he was afraid of heights.
The eevee was struggling the best she could in the webbing, grunting as she tried to cut it with her claws but since her arms were stuck at her sides, she couldn't move very well. Suddenly a stick flew past her head, narrowly missing her ear and she heard the Ariados hiss in irritation of being interrupted in it's meal. It had been about to use its poison sting on her when the second stick came flying at the pokemon and hit it. With another hiss, it moved away, disappearing into the tree. However, when it was hit, it had released her and she fell to the ground at the base of the tree with a thump and a groan before she began squirming as she tried to break free again.

The eevee was highly irritated and while she was grateful to of been saved from being pokechow for that bug, she wasn't happy that she was still wrapped up in the web while what was obviously a trainer, stood several feet away. This made her easy pickings if he wanted to capture her and she really wasn't happy about that.

Finally after some work, she slowly began to make some progress as she started to work one of her arms free.
Noah watched as the Ariados moved away before comin to the Eevee's aid. Her struggle was quite obvious and he wasn't one to sit and laugh while she desperately tried to escape. Well, not for the moment at least he wasn't. He pulled a knife from his back pack. "Hold still, please. I don't want to cut you accidentally." He started to work his way down the webbing. It was surprisingly tough for just some spider thread. Noah snapped thread by thread with the knife, the process slightly meticulous, but definitely going muh faster than struggling her way out.

Once freed, Noah packed away the knife and grabbed her up before she could protest, setting her on her feet. He looked the Eevee over, only seeing a few small scratches here and there. Good, she wasn't badly hurt or anything. Noah let off a sigh of relief and looked back at her again. "You okay?" he asked. While her physical self didn't look too damaged,
she could be in shock or something of the sorts. Noah's hand twitched softly, wanting to reach for a pokeball. But he would wait. Patiently. Bide his time and wait for the right moment. Make sure she didn't run before then. "You want something to eat? I've got plenty of leftovers, and I'm sure your hungry after struggling so much."
The girl noticed he was getting closer and thought for sure that she was about to be caught. However, when he pulled out his knife, she went still while her eyes widened a bit. For a moment she thought he was going to hurt her. But when he spoke and began cutting away the webbing, she calmed down a little and watched as he worked at cutting away the sticky webbing. Once the webbing was cut away and he put the knife away, she sighed before yelping in surprise when he picked her up and placed her on her feet. She'd never had that happen before so it was safe to assume she was a little shocked.

Once on her feet, she began peeling what was left of the webbing out of her fur, grumbling to herself while looking herself over. When asked if she was okay, she turned and looked at him before nodding. "Yeah, I'm fine." she said. Her voice was a little high pitched yet soft and smooth. Turning again, she glared off in the direction that the bug pokemon had retreated and huffed. "That's what you get for attacking someone from behind you stupid bug!" she shouted, stomping her foot. The eevee was rather fiesty and bold. Turning back to the trainer, she looked him over suspiciously as he asked if she wanted something to eat. For a moment she just stood there gazing at him before she nodded slightly. "Something to eat would be nice." she said gently. "Thanks."

She looked herself over once more before sighing and shuddering. The girl hated bug pokemon with a vengence. They were just so... so gross and they freaked her out.
Noah chuckled softly. For an Eevee, she had a fiery attitude all right. He slipped the pack off his back and began rummaging through it. He pulled out a small camp stove and some instant ramen noodles, hoping she would eat them. If not, he still had Sitrus berries pulled out. He set the instant ramen on the camp stove, waiting for it to heat up. "So... what were you doing out here that managed to get you caught?" Caught. The very word was a temptation.

He took up the ramen as they finished heating up, setting some aside for her in case she wanted any. "Here, if you don't like ramen, have some Sitrus berries," he said, gesturing to the ones he had laid out in front of him. Just a little longer... wait for it, Noah...
The eevee watched in silence as the trainer began going through his bag. She was silent as he set up the strange contraption and began cooking for her. She didn't know what it was that he was cooking but as the smell of it wafted towards her, she felt her stomach growl and her stmach began to water as she watched. When he asked what she was doing that got her caught, she scoffed and shook her head. "The only reason I was caught was because that thing used cheap tactics." she said. "I had been attacked by some trainer and his Aipom. I ran from battle and came out here to the lake to wash my scratches and get a drink when it attacked me from behind."

When he set some of the ramen aside for her, she looked at it curiously. "What is it?" she asked him while moving closer. "And how do you eat it?" She was only used to eating berries and the occasional fish. "It smells good." She moved closer and she sniffed at it. Carefully she lifted a string of the noodles from the bowl before eating it. As she tasted it, her eyes lit up and her ears twitched slightly.
Noah laughed genuinely as her expression brightened. "See? Good, isn't it?" He handed her a pair of split chopsticks. He hadn't told her what to do for a comical reason. "Here, use these to eat them with," he said. Noah took his own chopsticks and began to eat his own ramen noodles, slurping them up. He smiled and ate hungrily, having skipped on breakfast.

"So!" he said, looking over at her again. "How is it?" He could sense his mind wandering elsewhere. He was ready to jump for his pokeball if he needed to, and now it was just a matter of time before she was finished with her noodles... then she was all his... he had to restrain maniacal laughter, which proved quite hard and left him with a wide grin on his face.
She nodded eagerly when he asked about it being good and she smiled. "Mmhmm, it is." she said to him with a soft giggle. Seeing him hold out the chopsticks, she looked at them before reaching out and taking them from him, trying to figure out what they were for. After being tld they were to eat with, she slowly nodded before sitting down and beginning to try to eat with them. For a while she couldn't use them right, trying severall different ways before looking at him to ask how to eat with them after she'd dropped the noodles right back. However, when she saw how he was using them, she pouted slightly before shifting the sticks around in her hand and carefully trying again.

This time she was able to use them easier and she finally managed to eat some before he asked how she liked them. "They're really good." she told him between bites. "Where did you get them?" she asked curiously before eating some more. The instant noodles were easily her favorite food other then certain berries.
Ahh, his first noodles... He wouldve answered her question, but clammed up.
No! No, not now! I was so damn close!
He drew in a breath and gave a sligh off-your-rocker grin. "Ahh... I get them from the Pokemart. They are good, no? I remember my first time eating them..." he gave a darkly serious chuckle. "Mt drunken mother gave me a beating for eating ramen instead of her rotten tuna salad. It was quote hilarious, actually... I remember how I fell over, head throbbing, laughing..."
He slowly progressed from speech into a slurred, maniacal laugh.

"Ah, yes.... and now, you shall share my pain! All ramen must have a weakness. And this is yours!" He drew out a pokeball, chucking it, as it smacked directly square in her face.
She froze when he laughed, not understanding what was so funny. She slowly nodded while putting down her food, the urge to run suddenly forming and she swallowed what was in her mouth before pausing as he spoke about being beaten for eating ramen instead of tuna salad. She could understand wanting the ramen instead of rotten tuna. However, as he began laughing, she started to look around quickly.

The trainer was putting the eevee on edge and she wanted to run. Just as she stood up, he chucked the pokeball at her and she got hit hard in the nose with the ball before it popped open and she was pulled into it. For several long seconds the ball shook furiously, almost violently. It seemed like it was going to pop back open before it suddenly stopped moving with a soft ping.
Noah chuckled softly. "So weak.... so easy..." he picked up the pokeball and turned it over in his hands. He smirked and pocketed the ball, packing up the leftover ramen and moving on. He packed his bags and set it on his shoulder, one hand on a backpack strap, the other in his pocket, fondling the newly filled pokeball.
He borrowed a room at the Pokecenter, smirking softly. He shut the door and locked it, setting down his pack. He pulled out the pokeball and turned it in his hands, setting it on the table before pulling out the leftover ramen. Noah stuck it in the microwave to reheat it, seeing his reflection...
Bam. In a snap, he was returned to his normal state. He gasped as he realized what he had done, heart growing cold quickly. He dished upthe ramen in a bowl and set it on the table, picking up the pokeball. Noah gulped and let the Eevee out from her new pokeball, just the sight of her making him ashamed.
"Im... sorry... I should've mentioned that... I didn't mean to..." He was utterly lost for words, unsure how to start.
When released from the pokeball, a highly irritated eevee stood in the middle of the room holding her nose. When she saw him, her green eyes flashed. "What the heck is wrong with you?!" she snipped, her voice a little stuffy because of her hurt nose. As he tried to appologize, she looked even more flustered and upset.

"Sorry? Sorry?! You... you hit me! You hit me in the face with that thing!" she said while pointing to the pokeball in his hand. Pulling her hand away from her nose, she closed her eyes while taking a deep breath in order to try and calm herself. With her hand away from her nose, it was easy to see that it was a little swollen from being hit with the ball.
Noah cringed as she yelled at him, clearly beside himself with shame. He sighed softly as she revealed her swollen nose. He set down the pokeball. "I... I'm sorry. My parents... they did things to me. I just... I'm just not right in the head since being with them." He looked down at his feet and back up at her. He went to the kitchenette and filled a bag with ice.

Coming back to her, he put it in her hand. "Here. That'll help the swelling go down," he said softly. He looked at the ramen. "If your hungry..." he said, voice trailing off. He sat on the couch, hunched over. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this, but your my Pokegirl now," he said, his tone sultry. He was a bit happy, way down deep, to have his first Pokegirl. But right now, his earlier depression was settling back in.
The girl watched him cringe and she felt a little better before she heard him say that his parents had done things to him and she sighed while moving to sit down. "What.... what sort of things?" she asked hesitantly. She was silent as he went into the kitchenette and got ice. Once it was in her hand, she looked at the bag before lightly placing it on her nose.

"Thanks." she murmured and she looked at him as he brought up if she was hungry. The eevee was quiet as he sat down on the couch, taking in his hunched over form. She couldn't help but roll her eyes when he said she was his pokegirl and she sighed while sitting there staring at him. She could see that he was upset and she shook her head while looking away from him. "What are you so upset for?" she asked. "You should be ecstatic. You're now the owner of the ever elusive eevee." She scoffed at the nick name she'd gained.

The eevee had been sought by quite a few trainers, some even coming back to the forest to try and catch her several times but she'd always managed to give them the slip. She'd become quite skilled at slipping out of the trainers grasp.
Noah simply shrugged. "It... it's complicated."
"I was born under two alcoholic parents. Their alcohol intake impaired my mental stability from birth. Plus the drunken beatings, the yelling, the infinite times spent talking with me, myself, and I..." His voice trailed off as he stared off into space, leaning back in the chair.

"I guess your right. But I kind of cheated, and it... it sickens me," he admitted. "What I did wasn't fair. But... I mean... you don't seem too unhappy about this. Eevee... in these rough times, I'm really in need of a friend. One that'll actually listen," he said, mulling it over. "And reply. Someone I can talk out my problems with.. to avoid going on rants like the minor one back there." He pursed his lips, before letting his expression go and looking up at her, waiting for any sort of response.
The eevee wasn't sure what alcohol was but with the way he talked about it, it didn't sound like a good thing and as he went on to talk about his problem, she knew right away that the time she was going to be with him was going to be tough but she brushed it off. "You didn't cheat. Attacking from behind would of been cheating. Tricking me and slipping something into that... ramen was it?... would of been cheating. You just used the element of surprise... in a way. Sure, you weren't really aware of what you did, but you didn't cheat."

As he brought up how she felt, she scoffed and shook her head. "Unhappy? I'm furious." she said. "But I know that there's little to no use getting irrationally angry over it." She lowered the bag of ice and gingerly touched her nose with her free hand before looking at him. "I can't promise to be a friend. After all, I've never been anyones friend before. But I can be a companion. And these... rants as you called them. If that was a minor one, what's a major one like? And how do I know it's about to happen?"
It brought up Noah's mood a little. At least she would listen. And e was glad she wasn't about to go on a flaming rampage against him for catching her. He still felt he had cheated somewhere deep down, but he brushed it off. Noah wanted to try and pull himself out of his depression, not bury himself in it.

"A major rant...? Trust me... you'll know. My eyes will dialate, I will start laughing twistedly. I'll probably threaten to kill you. Possibly try and kill you. I'll usual start suffocating from an insatiable laughter and pass out from a lack of oxygen." He sighed. "I know. It'll be hard to get used to. Hopefully, with you to talk to, I can talk it off instead of ranting." Noah was even a bit scared of himself, to be frank.
She could see that what she said made him feel a little better and she nodded slightly to herself before stilling as he went on to tell her about his rants when they got bad and she stared at the young man. At first she didn't say anything and she put the ice back onto her nose as she sat there with a thoughtful look on her face. With a sigh, she sat up and looked at him again.

"I've been face to face and fought paw to paw with some of the most dangerous pokemon and pokegirls in the forest, I think I can handle something like you going into one of these rants." she said, brushing it off with a shrug. Standing up, she put the ice down on a table before moving over to where he set out some of the ramen and she sat down again, beginning to eat.
Noah smirked softly, his expression brightening a little. The ice of his depression finally had begun to crack, even if only slightly. "Well, if your not scared... good. Let's keep it that way," he said, twiddling with his thumbs now. He watched her begin to eat again, sighing softly and flipping on the TV.

He channel-surfed for a lack of anything good on TV. Noah flipped every few seconds, his finger clicking the remote absentmindedly. He occasionally stole a glance at his Pokegirl. Well, she seemed tougher than your average Eevee. And braver, if not a tad headstrong. Honestly, he was getting better by the moment, finally realizing he was no longer alone. He grinned softly to himself, watching the television again now. The news was on. Now all I need to do is see her battle capabilities..
As the sound of the tv filled the room, the girls ears twitched and she turned in her seat to look at it. She blinked a couple of times before shaking her head and muttering to herself. Something about strange human contraptions. With that she turned back to her food and quickly finished eating before she cleaned up after herself. She knew that he was watching her. Every now and then she could feel him watching her and if she looked over quick enough she'd see he was indeed watching her.

It seemed the pokegirl was a quick learner as she quickly learned the sink and where things went in the kitchenette before she made her way over to the bed where she flopped down with a sigh. She quickly found out that the bed was more comfortable then where she normally slept in the forest and she smiled while climbing up further onto the bed and stretching out with a soft yawn, obviously making herself at home.
Noah watched her from the doorway, giving a soft smirk. The news had been boring; as usual. "Someone is loving beds," he said with a grin, walking in. He sat down on the edge of the bed. "Soft, isn't it? Very comfy." Looked over at her and leaned back.

"So. Eevee... ah, I've gotta come up with a better name soon... but would you mind sleeping here, with me tonight? Itd make me so much more comfortable," he admitted. He desperately needed attention after such a long time of ignorance and neglect. His mind craved it; hungered for it.
Lusted for it.
Hearing his voice, the girl opened one of her eyes and lifted her head to look at him before shrugging. She closed her eyes again and relaxed on the bed again. "Mm, it's almost like a cloud when compared to sleeping in piles of leaves and dirt or in holes for as long as I can remember." she told him. "So yes, I'm loving it a lot and it's very soft." She moved around on the bed, her tail flicking back and forth lazily as she got even more comfortable.

When he came over and laid next to her, she turned to face him as he began to talk. She'd love to sleep in the bed, but she wasn't too sure about sharing a bed with someone but she pushed it aside with a sigh. "Sure. But you have t keep your hands to yourself." she told him while watching him carefully. "I'm agreeing to share a bed with you, not actually.... sleep with you." she said. As she spoke, a slightly embarrassed yet flustered look formed on her face.
Of course, with only wilderness elements to compare to, it was obvious the bed was quite comfortable for her. He smiled as she found herself satisfied with it. Sure, he had slept out in the wild tons before. Curled up in a ball, on the ground or in a pile of fallen leaves. Often crying after one of his parent's fits. "Yeah, trust me. You'll come to love beds. Much better sleep than a pile of leaves."

He blushed and shook his head as she out on a flustered look. "No, of course. I understand that," he said, looking away. "Wasn't even going to ask." Indeed, he had yet to have such an intention towards her. Noah let his blush calm and looked at her again. "Okay Eevee. I guess... good night, then," he said, pulling up the blanket. Though sleeping out in the wild was cool, a bed and air conditioning always won him over.
With a soft yawn, she moved over a little more so that he could join her on the bed and she kicked down the blanket so they could climb under it. "I'm beginning to notice that already." she replied with a small smile before crawling beneath the covers. She noticed that he was blushing after her comment about them sleeping together and she couldn't help but snicker in amusement. "Good." she said with a nod while snuggling down into the bed a bit more. "I'd hate to have to push you out of this comfy bed for being a pervert."

Her words were a little muffled but a soft laugh could be detected in it as she watched him slip into the bed with her. As the blanket was pulled up, she curled up at his side with another yawn before closing her eyes. It wouldn't take her too long to fall into a deep restful sleep. In her sleep, she somehow managed to move a little closer to him and her head came to rest against his arm as she slept.
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