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Sep 13, 2010
Lala Land
Hey there out there,

I am Magpie, I've been writing for over a decade and rping for nearly a decade so I like to think I mostly know what I'm doing by now (but I'm always trying to improve). I can give anywhere from a few paragraphs to... well however long I really need to get the job done. I mirror post, so just do your thing, but I won't play with someone who gives me single paragraphs constantly.

As stated I'm looking for a MxF, MxM, or FxF rp. If you're looking for plot with romance and the other fun stuff that comes with romance continue reading.

As forewarning if you're looking for some really imposing, controlling, borderline abusive stereotypical dominant character... look elsewhere. If you're looking for some crying, quivering, backboneless, "Uke"... look elsewhere. While if I had to place my characters somewhere on the sliding scale of Dominant to submissive (and alright, I love werewolf rps and wish I could find a half decent BDSM rp so it is something I do consider) they would generally fall on the submissive side they're normally competent and varying levels of functioning. The later is mostly the result of me liking to play characters that are anywhere from dented to broken into bits, grown into dust, and only sorta beginning to put themselves back together.

That said my characters are always at least in the process of putting themselves back together. Again, no quivering, crying, lumps.

As that last statements might suggest I am a fan of drama IC (though would love to avoid it OOC) and have a soft spot for dark rps (though some might argue my love of Hurt/comfort reaches almost kink levels).

One last thing before I get onto the pairings and plots and whatnot already: I love world building and am always plotting. I'll be proposing entire plots for us to potentially play. Please be aware I built those plots with the intent for future partners to come in and change as they saw fit for our rp so please don't hesitate to say "I like this, but could we maybe change this?".

okay, babbling off, onward to the pairings!

Plot with Romance > Romance with no Plot
But the romance is still important.

Major Craving:

Things I really like:
Werewolves (Dom/sub, Alpha/beta)
Bonded pair (Urban to high fantasy, see plot below)
College (with a paranormal twist)
Vampire and/or demon hunters
Cyberpunk (plot idea)
TV actors
Band (Got a great idea for a paranormal twist. Yes, there is a theme here)
FBI/Special Agents (possible paranormal twist)
Thieves and Conmen (with a Robin Hood twist, yes, I am a Leverage fan)

Some Pairings I like:
(Preferred role = *)
Alpha Werewolf/ Beta Wolf*
Singer*/Other member of the band
Courtesan*/Member of the court

Things I will not do:
High school (I have escaped the hell in florescent lighting and have no desire to return)
Fetishes that are sprung on me with no warning.
Doormat characters or the "Seme" type character
Rape is love (this may cause stabbity urges, so be forewarned)
Other things that piss me off that I'll probably remember some other time.
Porn Without Plot
Twilight. Just. Twilight​

For Land and Lord
(Prince/Servant plot, MxM unless you really convince me)

What kind of world do we live in?
Where love is divided by hate
Losing control of our feelings
We all must be dreaming our lives away
In a world so cold

Once upon a time in a land far far away there was a noble prince. The only child and heir to the throne, raised by a loving but stern father after his mother's death, the prince grew up proud and brave and noble. He believed with all his heart in his duty to his people and even if he was hot headed and arrogant at times. Even if he did not fully understand the plight of his people and had learned to stand by silent while his father ruled with a heavy hand all could see he'd one day become a good king.

Once upon that same time in a land not far from the castle and court that was home to the prince a peasant boy left home. Fate and a dangerous secret forced him to leave the quiet village where he had been raised and follow the threads of his destiny to the castle and court.

As danger struck and uncertain times fell upon the land the peasant and the prince crossed paths as the peasant saved the prince's life, accidentally revealing his secret to the prince and his father.

The king moved to have the peasant killed but the prince, spurred by the hands of fate, moved to stay the king's hand. Surely the peasant boy meant the prince no evil, would it not be better to put such skills to use? The world is a dangerous place and though the prince was a mighty warrior one could never be too safe. He asked his father to spare the boy's life on the condition he served the prince as a manservant and a secret bodyguard.

Reluctantly the king allowed it and so their story began.

In time their love and loyalty for one another would change their world.​

Do You Remember the Rain?
(werewolf plot, genders are just for easier identification and can be changed to fit pairing)

Do you remember the rage
I remember the hate
I remember that it rained for years
And the blood had left a stain

Werewolves are real, but not living on some far off reservation fighting a cold war with vampires and whatnot. True, the more pureblooded packs live in remote regions far away from contact with humans and can be almost feral in their nature, but those remote regions have been few and far between for years. Packs have long taken to living amoung humans, sometimes even in cities.

Unfortunately this has led to more than a few unintentional turnings, a few murders, and a whole lot more animal carcasses than can be easily explained. The contact with humans, and the increased number of humans turned has also led to challenges to werewolf traditions.

Not a year ago the North American Marrok, the alpha of alphas and all but king of the packs was assasinated by disgruntled turned wolves. The Marrok's enforcers, wolves of the Marrok's own pack who travel between packs to ensure pack law is being kept and alpha's don't abuse their power, were already spread thin and in the wake of the Marrok's death chaos slowly crept in. His sucsessor has taken up leadership once more but order has been faltering ever since.

To make matters worse some pureblooded packs have taken this oppritunity to venture out of their seclusion and have started making lightning attacks on the newer packs, taking food, supplies, and even kidnapping pack members with desirable traits. Once brought into the other pack these kidnapped werewolves have little choice but to obey the wills and whims of the alpha.

Plot One:

In these uncertain times the Marrok has little resources to spend on the more problematic of his charges. Although there are always lone wolves that bounce from pack to pack and often times, tragically, have to eventually be put down the recent conflict has caused an increase in these misplaced wolves.

It's actually one of the old Marrok's enforcers that comes up with a possible new answer, put the problem wolves in a pack of their own. Misfits can often fit in with other misfits. The enforcer didn't plan on being shuffled off to help guard the new pack and lend aid to it's new alpha, the fact He'd always been a bit of a misfit himself non-withstanding.

He also didn't count on finding three things he'd resigned himself into never having. A true pack, a true home, and love.

Plot Two:

She was a dominant wolf in a pack with a paranoid alpha trying to destroy any possible competition. She was a natural beta wolf, being groomed by her pack to be the beta for their alpha's sucsessor.

They lived on opposite sides of the country, in packs as diffrent as packs could possibly get. They only had a few things in common.

They were young, more worried about the chaos in their own lives and pack than in the world, and desperately needed to get away from the only family they knew.

And, after months lost on the road and loseing themselve as 'lone' wolves they both stumbled into the same city: Chicago.

The city that housed the Marrok's pack.

They've got one more thing in common now, they're going to have to get over not being interested in werewolf politics, because their new alpha happens to be the Marrok.​

Back to Freedom
(Runaway or Gang rp)

On my way
I ask myself, why did I come again?
To find my own way to freedom?

Somewhere out there is a city, we won't say which, it doesn't really matter anyway. It's not New York, the city that never sleeps and draws the east coast dreamers, or L.A., New York's fraternal twin to the west. It's somewhere in between, and mostly those who end up stumbling there aren't dreamers so much as strays.

Some of them are running away from something, some are looking for something or someone, and others just never really had someplace to be to begin with. Somehow they find their way to the streets of the area mockingly (and maybe almost lovingly by the residents) called The Narrows. Our city's inner city ghetto, it's a maze of pot holed streets littered with garbage and fenced in by old and beaten up bars, clubs, warehouses, empty lots, cheap stores, and apartment buildings.

It's also home.

Somewhere in that maze, in an abandoned warehouse nicknamed "The Underbelly" (though even the residents argue about whether it's a refference to Green Day or their location in society), a handful of the strays that stumble in and out of the city have made their home.

Although not a gang in the strictest sense they work together and fight together to protect their turf and stay alive.

And protect that little taste of freedom they found together.

Shelter and the Storm
(College plot, can be the setting for a normal college roleplay or the awsome paranormal idea I have. Possibly combined with the twin plot)

It was in another lifetime one of toil and blood
When darkness was a virtue and the road was full of mud
I came in from the wilderness a creature void of form
"Come in" She said "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

Woodlan University is a small women's college in the heart of an old industrial city. Founded over a century ago by one of the city's wealthy buisness men as a place for his daughters to go to school it isn't well known outside the city but it is certainly recognized as one of the highest class schools within the city. With a small but park like campus dotted by nineteenth century mansions that have been converted into various dormitories and offices for various departments there are only a handful of buildings actually constructed this century on the campus, but old and new are regularly retrofitted to provide the best rescources and technology to the school's students. Donations from alumni and good managment of funding has helped to ensure that though it is the most expensive school in the city it is also the one that offers the most scholarship money to it's students.

With a focus on Liturature, History, Liberal Arts and tradition built over a century and a half in operation Woodlan has seen many of it's daughter's through their school years and off to better things and bright futures.

But while Woodlan serves as nuturing mother and safe haven to it's daughters it can only do so much to keep back the outside world. At the heart of a big city shadows lurk just beyond the low brick wall surounding campus and students often bring their own ghosts and demons to take up residence with them in their dorms.

For some students that statement is a little more literal than others.
RE: Magpie's Search (m/m, m/f, f/f) Plots!

Song for the Night(Band plot intended for Yaoi but genders are changeable)

So take one more step toward the dawn
We might not live to see
Sing this final song for the Night
And stay here with me

Song for the Night is a goth/punk rock band that has been "on tour" for the better part of three years. Although it's never hit major fame and has only a small time recording deal it has gathered enough of a following that it's started making waves. Made up of four members in their late teens and early twenties and their constant manager Paul Hutton they roam the country from gig to gig.

Of course thats just the public face.

The truth is they've been working together for much longer than three years.

Eight years ago Paul Hutton, a hunter of the paranormal variety, took a young and recently orphaned boy under his wing. In the following five years he'd take in four others, teaching them to hunt and acting as both father and mentor as they grew up. The band was originally their cover story, one they never expected to actually become a reality.

But there is something going on, Paul isn't telling them everything, something is happening to the boy he took in all those years ago and even now there is a new romance threatening to break the long standing "no bandcest" rule.

Life for the members of Song for the Night has never been normal but they may be about to lose the slight stability they've struggled to gain for the past eight years.

To Play a Part
(Actors plot)
(Although I use hes this can be het as well as yaoi)

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everythings made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

Revenants is a brand new drama on the popular VW TV channel. It tells the tale of two childhood friends who were seperated when one of their parents were murdered while the two boys were in the house though neither remember the actual event. The son was taken in by distant relatives. After the other grew up his investigation into that murder led him to discover the supernatural that he'd been ignoring most of his life and in the end reunites him with his old friend. As they try to reconnect they set out across the country on a hunt for monsters and answers to what happened all those years ago.

Or, maybe it would be better to say that it will tell that story.

Right now shooting has barely begun and those two leads? A pair of good looking twenty something actors who will be working closely with one another for as long as the show survives?

They havn't quite met yet.

The fate of the show rests on the shoulders of two troubled young men who are harboring plenty of secrets not the least of which is their more-than-friendly interest in their co-star.​
RE: Magpie's Search (m/m, m/f, f/f) Plots!

I really like the Actors plot, but I was wondering if you'd be willing to do it as Actress and Actress instead of yaoi or het.?
RE: Magpie's Search (m/m, m/f, f/f) Plots!

iHane said:
I really like the Actors plot, but I was wondering if you'd be willing to do it as Actress and Actress instead of yaoi or het.?

I'd be fine with that.
RE: Magpie's Search (m/m, m/f, f/f) Plots!

Do you want to discuss more in pm?
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