In despair, there is hope~me and yaracyrrah

John pretended to be startled, jumping a bit before starting to wade backwards in the water, intentionally moving slowly so Hope could easily "catch" him.
Hope didn't bother to chase him; she just grinned her beautiful happy grin. "I'm gonna swim a little," she said. "Don't drown while I'm not looking, 'k?" Without waiting for an answer, she began to swim a little farther from shore, her lithe body cutting smoothly through the surf.

((I think this would be a good point at which to skip ahead to another scene. One scene we need to get to eventually is when they go back to try to learn more about John's power, but if there's something else you'd like to do first, I'm all ears.))
((Sounds good. The only idea I had for a scene is her sneaking up on him and jumping on his back in the water. They wrestly around a bit, and they end up on the beach, with her on top, followed by them losing control of their urges and doing it right then and there. So, in your next post, just feel free to skip ahead to your idea, unless you end up wanting to do mine.))

John was left a little speechless as he watched her go. Her body, the way she moved.........she was just so beautiful and graceful. He couldn't help but watch her like she some mystical creature.
((Well, it's your story, so it's up to you how quickly you want to get to the action. I've been aiming for a longer arc, in which John has to earn Hope's trust in battle against the bad guys before she'll allow herself to love him. But if you want her to be more uninhibited, we can go straight to a sex scene. Your call.))
((Nah, your idea sounds better. Thinking on it, we could like mix the ideas. For a bit, they show some obvious signs that they're both attracted to one another, but neither makes a move. Then, perhaps in his first battle, he shows he can handle himself and perhaps even saves her ass. Then, when they get back, she thanks him in a very intimate way.^_^))
((Plan. :). ))

* * *

"The first thing I want to try," said Hope, "is whether you can do anything else with energy once you've stored it. Some living-battery types can use their stored energy to enhance their strength or speed or something. The other question is whether you can absorb other kinds of energy, not just electricity. But one thing at a time."

She opened the door of the storage room, scanned the well-labeled shelves, and suddenly a small device jumped from its roost and flew across the room to her hand. She handed it to John. "This measures grip strength," she said. "Try it--squeeze as hard as you can."

He squeezed the grip, and Hope recorded the readout: 122. "Good. Again." John squeezed again, and scored 121. "Good. Now we have a baseline. Now for the fun part."

She led him back to the testing chamber they'd used earlier. The big generator was sitting in the corner where they'd left it. Hope turned it on with a sideways glance. "Now absorb the energy, and then try the grip test again, using the energy you're storing." This time she didn't bother to leave the room.

((You can decide how strong you want John to get from this relatively small charge. Grip strength is measured in pounds; John's score of 121.5 is slightly above average for a human male.))
((Well, how strong his physical abilities get, depends directly on how much energy he absorbs. The more energy he absorbs, the more he can divert to boosting his physical abilties. I'll let you decide on the number, cause I wouldn't know what to go with.^_^))

John nodded, placing his hand on the generator as he began to absorb energy. Not wanting to drain it completely, he didn't bother to absorb ALL it's energy, which it seemed he could easily do. Once that was done, he stood there a moment, concentrating as the energy coursed through his body, and felt so energized, as the energy stored was then used to boost his physical abilities. He then grabbed the little grip device thing, and squeeze it at as hard as he could. It squeeked a bit under the strain of his increased grip, but held together as he let it go. He wasn't sure how to read the thing so he just handed it to Hope, curious as to what he scored.
"1405," Hope reported. "That's ten, eleven... eleven and a half times stronger. And you didn't even drain the generator all the way, let alone black out an entire town again. Not bad. Now let's try it again, but try running instead. Charge up again if you need to." The generator had already mustered itself back to full strength.
John didn't need to recharge. When diverting power to boost his physical abilities, the boost would last until the energy was all gone, and simply squeezing something barely drained anything.

He wasn't sure where he was suppose to run, so he just zipped out the door, exited the building, ran around it, then came back to the room. He wasn't Quicksilver fast, as in he wasn't so fast that the naked eye couldn't see him. He was more along the lines of a car, if the driver was flooring it.
"Good," said Hope. "So now the next question is whether you can absorb any other kinds of energy. First we'll try kinetic energy. Stand still and I'll hit you. I promise I won't break anything." She grinned.
"Ok.......but don't get mad if I end up bleeding all over you." John replied, before bracing himself. He didn't know one way or another if he could absorb kinetic energy, so he braced himself incase he couldn't, so that she wouldn't end up knocking him out.
"I'm not going to hit you that hard, silly." She didn't even throw a full punch, just a firm blow to his shoulder. All he'd get if he won the booby prize was a nice purple bruise.
John was seriously expecting a full on punch from her, and was surprised just the little shoulder hit. But, he still absorbed the kinetic energy, not even moving when she hit him. So, it ended up being even less than a tap.
Hope could tell that John had absorbed the blow: the impact hadn't felt like an collision. "Okay," she said, "now I'm going to hit harder." Without waiting for permission, she punched him full force in the gut.
Thankfully, as long as he knew it was coming, his body activated his power itself. So, while he hadn't braced himself for the guy punch, his body still absorbed it none the less, and it turned out just the same as the little hit on his shoulder. He let out a sigh of relief after, not expecting his body to absorb the energy on it's own.
Hope remained intent on determining the scope of John's ability. John simply stood there and took everything she and the contents of the storage room threw at him, building up more and more charge until he was well over 100 times stronger than when he'd started. Eventually Hope seemed to run out of ideas. "Well," she said. "Now I need fuel. Shall we go to dinner?"
"Uh............sure." John replied. Even as he got use to her, he was still being surprised by her on a nearly daily basis. The sudden dinner invitation was the surprise for this day. Though, it did make at least a bit of sense, if one thought about it.
((Oops--I hadn't meant it to be a special invitation; I just figured it was dinner time. Sorry ^_^ .

((I'm guessing that Utopia has something like a cafeteria or mess hall, but if not, they can go home and cook. In either case, I'm thinking this would be a good time for Hope to tell John--and for you to tell me--about the projects the X-Men are currently working on and the enemies they currently face. In other words, it's exposition time! Feel free to put words in Hope's mouth.))
((Yea, I'd imagine they do. It's a big freaking island. And no need to tell you much of anything, as there's no current big bad or anything. Magneto is a good guy now, and Dracula attacked the island recently, but things are actually pretty calm and quite for the X-Men right now. Now, as for projects in the RP, they'll primarily be studying Hope and John, to better understand their powers and what not, so just keep doing what you're doing. No need for me to interrupt.^_^))
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