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Mouse is back and ready to play

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Feb 27, 2009
Salutations and other formal hello's! Geeze, I didn't think I'd being doing this again anytime soon, but I suppose it can't be helped at this point. As some of you may or may not not, I had a bit of a tantrum a few months ago and became a temporary roleplay/social network hermit so that I could sort somethings out in my personal life. Now that things are, for the most part, situated I've decided to come back to Blue Moon and start RP'ing again. Since I've been on my temporary hiatus, I feel as though I've become a bit rusty. Thus, I'm only accepting a few requests at a time until I get back into the full swing of things. Anywho, now that I've given my possibly unnecessary explanation of my more than likely unnoticed absence, let's get to the good stuff!.

First off, Absolute NO's:
  • Physical Excrement (Poo/urine) = EEEEEWWWWW!
  • Vore
  • Pain i.e. Torture, Physical Punishments
  • Excessive Semen (Facials are one thing, but I don't wanna be inflated by unnecessary amounts of sperm)


Posting style:
I tend to consider myself semi-literate (though, I still argue that the term should be LEGIBLE), in that I'm not a grammar-Nazi; I hardly expect my partner's every post to be absolutely perfect and grammatically correct. I understand we all make our little mistakes here and there, I am by no means immune to this fact. Though, I do ask that my partner/partners take their time with their posts and try to have them as error free as possible; I will, of course, try my best to do the same. Besides, it takes a lot longer to respond when I have to guess at what the other person meant due to misused, misspelled, or omitted words >.<.

It has come to my attention that length, or a lack thereof, has become quite a deal breaker for some people. Admittedly, it can be for me as well. I don't ask for long paragraphs, just enough detail to keep me interested in the story and give me something to go off of for a reply. I despise one-liners -_-. So long as you can write at least 4 lines, as defined by the space of a pm or thread post, I will be content.

In terms of sexual preference, I identify with being bisexual. So, I'll RP FxM or FxF, just don't ask me to play a male as my role. . . Futanari is another story completely, though >.>.


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