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Ready to rp already!

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Apr 25, 2011
Hello I'm still pretty new to this Site but i been rping for years, i did take a year of so off from it, but now i'm back and on Bluemoon!

I am looking for a new rp for me. Something i havn't done before and yet i think it could be really fun with the right person. i am looking from a m x f rp. modren i was thinking maybe the two dated in highschool, someone cheated on the other and the relationship turned into just fight and sex. And after being tired of fighting the broke up. well years (2-4) later they are giving it another try, but have the changed? Are well the be right back to beating one another and always fighting? and fight to make up?

this is all just a idea i am open to a lot of things i just want something simple with a spice to it. not really looking for furrys at the moment but nekos are always welcome

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