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Looking For {M/M F/F M/F}

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Mar 20, 2011
So I've put out a few request threads. This ones a bit different. Basically, I'm going to copy all the stuff from the last thread I made, put it here, and then add some new stuff you guys might want to know. So, let's get to it!
First of all, some things have changed, but I'm lazy, so just bare with me. If you're looking for M/F, the rules still apply here, though for F/F I have a few exceptions coming at the bottom there.

First off, rules~

1. This ones a biggie. I don't USUALLY do M/F, nor have I EVER done F/F, but, with the lack of role players for the M/M pairings now a days, I'm starting to leak into the other side. Now I still very much adore my M/M role plays, so that's what I'm looking for here, BUT, if you can bring me a spine chilling plot and have the ability to keep me interested, then perhaps I'd be willing to do the latter two in this threads name.
2. For M/F. I DON'T want pure SMUT. For M/M, that's fine, because I'm accustomed to it. M/F is just something I can't pull myself into doing. With that in mind, a little more smut then usual might be added if I'm the male in question, because that's marked territory that I'm used to walking through and what not. I don't want anything crazy for a plot for M/F, unless you intend for me to be the male, then I might back off a little and take a chance.
3. For F/F. I have never done this. Just never. I mean, it's not something I'd ever been opened to doing myself. Nothing against it, just not really towards it. For this, I'd at least expect one of us to be using a strap on at least once, or a dildo, or whatever. Though I understand what this role play is, I can't completely pull myself from penetration in a role play. I'd be willing to do all the other stuff that you usually do in these role plays as well though, pretaining to female genitalia and what not. I don't want your character to have massive breasts though, and I won't do any dominant females. I want us both to be normal females, with normal sized breasts. Anything bigger then your head will be chopped off violently in a crazy wood cutter accident. o.e
4. Literacy. I don't mind if you miss a few words, I probably typed too fast and messed up a few words here and there in this post even, or just misspelled words because I do that sometimes, but I don't want every sentence to be lined with misspelled words. I won't chop your genitals off if you use Their, instead of There, though. I still mess up with Too, and To, we're not perfect. At least one paragraph is required though. Small perhaps, but I can't work with one line. Ok, maybe I can, but we better be getting somewhere! I can type a novel if that's what you want though~
5. Role Play. I do mostly anything and everything //Speaking for M/M// But I won't do any Restroom play, scat, watersport, things like that. Nor will I do furry or bestiality. Transormation is ok, but only if they have sex as HUMANS. Or creatures with human forms //I.E., vampires, stuff like that. No sparkles.//
6. Characters. Now I don't really have any preferences or dislikes, character wise, but there are a few points I'd like to make. I will play either dominant or submissive, but please specificy//If the role play scenario you choose doesn't already// How you'd like that character to be. I'm tired of finding good role players, reading through their thread and seeing the words "No girl-boys." A LOT of my characters are girly boys, but STOP, don't leave, because I have characters with back bones, and I can make them fight back, if that's what you want. If I'm playing dominant though, please don't have your character suddenly pull out a knife on me and stab me in the crotch or something for making a move, and if you're going to, inform me. Really, I've never been a fan of characters that constantly defy everything in the world. I'd prefer you to go and practice that Down The Road not Across The Street, then practice the next way to punch my characters in the face. My dominants also can be gentle and kind, or rough and rowdy, even kinky, 'cause who doesn't like a little kink? Once again, if you come to me wanting to role play, and your character is girly and flamboyant, that's fine, I love that, but don't let me do all the work, and if your character is rough and tough, let them have a rest once in a while and take it like the sub they are. If you want a switch relationship though, I'm always willing to do that, and in that case they can fight a little over who dominates from time to time, and they can both be a little girly/manly once in a while. I wanna make it fun for both of us, not just you, not just me.
7. Leaving. Don't just leave, inform me. Period.
8. Leaving2. Don't just decide to leave, try to fix the role play for both of us first, so maybe if your bored we can add a little something something~
9. Replying. I reply as often as possible, so try to do so as well. Or tell me if it'll be a while before you reply for whatever reason, and I'll understand. Don't just take weeks//Because I'll wait for a whole year for a reply if I have to D: //, tell me.
10. Kinks. Here's my F-List. Some kinks might be in the NO, so ask, because I did them based on the character. There are three characters up there, if you like 'em and want me to use 'em, tell me. Those aren't all my characters, just a few, but look over the kinks for them, those are what I will and will not do. Cesar's a dom, Adrian's a sub, and Belial's a switch, so it basically sums it all up. Ask about kinks though, maybe I'll change my mind //Except for the ones I've mentioned here// I don't really have anything for an M/F role play, or an F/F role play, so you'll have to ask.
11. Chatting. I love to chat, so chat me up<3
12. Be a friend.

Now, if you're still here, then great! I'll list some things I'd like to do in a role play, scenario wise~

Teacher x Student
Teacher x Teacher
Student x Student
Janitor x Student
Superintendent x Principal
Principal x Student
Principal x Principal
Superintendent x Superintendent
Break In x Student
Principal x Break In
Break In x Break In
Father x Step Son
Father x Son
Father x Child's Friend
Boss x Employee of The Month
Boss x Boss
Boss x Clumsy Employee
Boss x Rebellious Employee
Employee x Employee
Employee x Client
Boss x Client
Boss x Potential Employee
Burglar x Burglar
Burglar x House Owner
Burglar x House Owners Son
Burglar x House Owners Neighbor
Undercover Cop x Burglar
Burglar x Undercover Cop
Cop x Prisoner
Guard x Prisoner
Warden x Prisoner
Prisoner x Prisoner
Prisoner x Visitor
Visitor x Prisoner
Baker x Baker
Baker x Costumer
Costumer x Baker
Supplier x Baker
Clothing Store Clerk x Costumer
Costumer x Clothing Store Clerk
Clothing Store Clerk x Boss
Model x Photographer
Model x Photographer
Photographer x Model
Movie Star x Fan
Fan x Movie Star
Stalker x Movie Star
Movie Star x Stalker
Movie Star x Movie Star
Match Maker x Client
Client x Match Maker
Married Man x Teenage Boy
Teenage Boy x Married Man
Stripper x Married Man
Stripper x Client
Client x Stripper
Masquerade Host x Masquerade Guest
Head Chef x Sous Chef
Chef x Customer
Customer x Chef
Sous Chef x Head Chef
Critic x Chef
Chef x Critic
Restaurant Owner x Critic
Critic x Restaurant Owner

Suggest more if you have any you'd like to do that aren't up there!
Age's don't matter to me, I love age differences <3 Stay within the rules and what not though.

I'll use real pictures of Anime pictures, or just describe them in the role play. If you wanna do something from above in M/F or F/F, I'd still have to consider everything. Please have a big of a plot that we can work on together, but if you don't, that's fine.

PM me if you're interested, or if you're not on often, Email me at


I wanna try F/F, but I don't want pure smut. I want two girls that are in love, they need each other, want each other, but not physically or in a way that they constantly wanna have sex. I just want something lovey-dovey. If it gets to sex I'll make a strong attempt at doing a good job, but no promises.
I also want a role play that doesn't focus on sex. Focus it on a business or a relationship or something, but I don't want the whole goal to be getting to the bed. They can get into a relationship, that's fine, but I want them to grow together, before deciding to have sex with eachother. If they do at all. I just wanna try.

I'll add more as I go.
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