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What's the above user's avatar thinking?

I love the beauty of colored fire~
Say 'desu' again. Say 'desu' again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say desu one more Goddamn time!
Roses are red. Violets are fine. You be the 6. I'll be the 9~
You'd be surprised at how many people don't notice the real danger~
I'm thinking that person who's trying to dress like me should really put on more clothes! (Midnight Lass, your avatar is looking at another person)
If I lay still for long enough, surely they wont notice me
Do you think gamers will realize I'm the model for all the characters in Gears of War? Yeah, that's right, all of the characters.
(OMG, I totally laughed out loud on that, that's gold)

Think he can upstage me!? I'll show Kermit why it really IS easy being green.
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