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What's the above user's avatar thinking?

[size=-2]I have no interest in you submitting to me twenty-four seven. My only goal is to steal your abilities for my own personal use....Once I figure out what they are.[/size]
But...I don't steal abilities...

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I'm the shadow that glows in the dark...a predator waiting for the right prey to appear...gods, I'm so hungry and horny right now...
[size=-2]My plan worked like a charm. Thirty-five years of stalking him and now I'm in bed with the man of my dreams.

(Right, you just drain human men of their life energy, while they die as a result of it.)[/size]
(I only absorb the sexual energy that gets released during intercourse...I don't eat souls, life force or anything else that could harm others)

Let's see how many hours in bed she can last.
[size=-2](I see.) Instead of mistress/slave type relationship, why don't we become friends instead? I will take care of your enemies and you take care of mine. Do we have a deal or would you rather rot in this prison for eternity?[/size]
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