To A New Year[Gashnaw&SHARPii]

((I can't remember most of the school, brain hurting))

Bryan Caught a glimpse of the girls and sighed. Well There Ginny was being the supportive friend encouraging her friend to go for what she wanted, and then sully gave a few gestures that made him smirk. Okay so these girls weren't completely innocent even if their attitude made them seem like they were.

"what's up here?" Bryan asked casually not at all worried. wasn't the seventh floor off limits to students? Maybe it was a different floor. he didn't mind breaking the rules but here a girl was not wanting to break the rules and now she was. "Isn't this floor off limits to students?"
[dont worry.]

Emma looked back at him and she shook her head as she walked the seventh floor corridor. "No. Of course not. Don't worry. Come on." She pulled him on and when it came towards the end of the corridor, her walking slowed and she looked around, her mind and heart having a great need for something. At first it seemed like it didn't work or wouldn't but then slowly, a wrought iron door appeared and Emma gave this bright smile. Taking his hand again, she led them both to it and opened the door, walking inside.

The setting was simple. Just a dimly lit room. Nothing spectacular; just a room they needed for whatever usage. Shutting the door behind them, she walked into the small room, looking around, seeing only one window and then turned to look at him. "Well. This is the Room of Requirement. It appears to whatever and whenever the seeker needs it."
((Wait wasn't that on the fifth floor, ah i'm probably wrong, whatever.))

Bryan's eyes grew big. This was not something he was exacting. He heard of rooms that were hidden but never had he ever seen one, after all, they were hidden.
"So how did you find this? I mean my school though we had a hidden room as well and everyone searched, your door kind of just appeared." He sighed and thought about his question, he didn't care.
"How does it work? Do you just walk in front of it like you did or is there some sort of spell involved?" really he didn't know why he was asking. At the moment he did not care. he had a room all to himself and Emma do do whatever they wanted. Sure it was dimly lit with a bit of daylight coming into the room from the window, along with that there was a sofa and pillows. "And since you are the seeker, what did you need?"
[nope. seventh floor]

Emma turned and she smiled gently. "If you happen to be walking the seventh floor corridor and you have a need for any kind of a room, or anything really, a door will appear leading to a room equipped with whatever the seeker needed. All I need was a simple room that we could hang out, privately without anyone finding us." She told him, almost hinting at something with her facial expression but instead, she simply sat down on the couch and crossed a leg over the other. "No spell. No incantation. Just the need of something."
He narrowed his eyes and his face change into a very impish one. "So no one can find us. We have a private room for just us two and no one can interrupt us no matter what we do?" He asked. He had a few Ideas, after all Emma was attractive but at the same time quite submissive, probably willing to submit to him. And Bryan wasn't the extremely dominant type so it would be a little weird having a pet.
"Well if you wanted a room for privacy? What were you planning on doing with it?" He asked sitting down next to her.

((Do you have a list of kinks?))

Emma nodded slowly, a small smile appearing on her face. "I wasn't planning anything really. I just figured we come here and spend time together. It's the weekend after all so there's not much to do. Figured this could make up for that." She said softly, shrugging a little bit as he joined her.

"Maybe we can get to know each other more? Unless you have something else in mind?" Running her hand through her hair, she adjusted her legs, her skirt hiking up just a little bit.
He smirked. Of coarse he had other things on mind. He was a guy and she was a girl, they were alone in a room with little to no chance of someone interrupting, what kind of idiot would it take to not figure out what was on his mind.
"Nothing really strikes me at the moment, anything you want to do?" he asked looking at her legs and sighed. "Actually" He pushed her down on the couch placing a small kiss on her lips "There is one thing on my mind."
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