To A New Year[Gashnaw&SHARPii]

Jan 9, 2009
On my knees, in between his legs.
‘If a rock is thrown into the water, it creates a temporary ripple and while that ripple does calm down and the waters return to their peace, there is always a rock at the bottom of the water and it is forever changed.’

In the book that Ginny Weasley was reading, that very quote stuck to her mind. It had so many meanings but for her, it meant about growing up and experiences that’ll shape who she will become. For her, life was like a journey and the experiences she had and would have would have an impact on her. It almost felt like it was for something to come but she had no idea. If only she did.

Sitting in a compartment alone, on the Hogwarts Express to go back to school, Ginny was kind of involved into her book because it was an empowering. That way if anything happened, she’d be able to handle it and not falter. Kind of like preparation in case something big happened. She was clad in a simple shirt and a jacket with a pair of jeans and simple shoes. Her red hair was in its simple straight form and untied and just a little passed her shoulders down her back. It would be another year at Hogwarts and she couldn’t believe where all the time went. One minute she was this little scared first year and now she was a sixth year, soon to graduate. So close and she could almost grasp it. It was truly exciting.

Soon enough, they were about an hour or two away from arriving to Hogwarts so she took it to her that she would start to change. She pulled out her bag and took her uniform and robes out and began to change, starting to strip of her muggle clothes before she began to dress in her skirt and white button down. For now, that was the most she’d wear. It was still pretty hot and those cloaks were hot!
Hogwarts, a new school. That was going to make things complicated. For the past five years Bryan had been attending an American school which was hidden within a private school. His father however was being transferred form the American ministry of magic to the one in London which was in turn forcing Bryan to change schools. At first his parents were against it but they soon found a school that met the requirements for Bryan and were quite happy with the professors.
"Don't worry he will be in good hands"
Those were the last words he heard Dumbledore say. Well at least the meeting with Professor Snape and Dumbledore was no in vein.

"We'll be there soon."
Bryan looked at his Cabin mate, someone he had managed to dismiss the existence of for most of the ride.
"I said we-"
"Yea I heard you" Bryan spat Getting to his feet and exiting the Cabin. everyone else had their robes from previous years at Hogwarts, Bryan however was still waiting to get his own set. The robes he wore at the American school was actually what one would expect to be Private school uniforms, which stood to reason due to the fact that they were a private school setting. that was the cover up for anyone who thought they were an actual private school.

"I finished changing you can re-enter" The boy said And Bryan just yawned.
The clouds overhead were making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He hated thunderstorms. They didn't scare him the just drove him nuts. At least his last girlfriend found it adorable. Every time a big storm was coming she would come by the flu powder just to comfort him. But they had broken up so he was back to being single.

"Next stop Hogwarts" the boy laughed. Acting as though he was the funniest thing on earth.
"We only had one stop" Bryan sighed "Remind me not to sit with you next year."
As the train arrived at the station, Ginny grabbed her bag and held her robe over her arm and she hopped off the train, finding some friends that walked with her to the carriages. “How was your book?”
“Yeah, must have been interesting enough to leave us for.” Another friend teased, of course only playing with her.
Ginny made a face and she laughed. “Really good. Although, apparently I’m a tadpole in the water and that’s not a good sign. I don’t know, this was a gift from Dad. He got the idea of this book from a Muggle. I took the test at the back. I don’t think I did it right.” She shook her head, taking the book out and handed it to one Sully as they took a seat in the carriages.

”So did you hear? There’s supposedly an American transferring to Hogwarts.” Emma spoke, smiling ear to ear.
“What is it with the English so head over heels for an American and an American so head over heels for the English. I just don’t understand or see it.” She said, shaking her head.

”They say Americans tend to be more…adventurous with some things.” Sully’s head rose up from the book and she looked at them both, sitting in between them of course.

“Oh you both. You would say something like that. How are we even friends?”
”That’s for Him to know.” Sully pointed up to the sky, causing Ginny and Emma to look up as well. They didn’t quite understand Sully sometimes. It was like being around Luna, honestly but it was no trouble. Kind of cute really.

With that comment leaving them a little bewildered, the three soon departed the carriages as they arrived and made their way into the Great Hall, sitting together while the first years were gathered outside, for the Sorting Hat ceremony was still to be prepared. Looking around, Ginny noticed her brothers and the whole gang. She wasn’t that far from them at all for they all were kind of clumped near together at the table. For now, it was simple indistinct chatter among them all until the ceremony began. As the first years walked in, she couldn’t help but find how cute they were. She was in their position too but she wasn’t ever too scared. Her entire family was in Gryffindor. It wouldn’t start a new tradition with her and have her sent to a different house. That’s just bad manners. She was a Weasley after all and a true one at that.
Bryan was not in the great hall once he arrived Instead Snape quickly pulled him aside an led him down to the dungeon.
"Do you know why you are hear?" Snape asked although due to his voice it didn't sound like a question.
"I'm sorry sir, was that a question?" Bryan asked confused
"If this were not a grace period I would already be deducting points from Griffondor for your back talk.."
"Can you just give it to me so i can go. I kinda want to meet my house mates."
Snape sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose "Very well. You make sure no one finds out about this. Last thing we need is your secret becoming aware to the other students."
"Guess its a good thing my Father is a highly respected member of the ministry of magic." Bryan smirked but Snape's glare made it dissipate.

Returning to the great hall Bryan quickly joined his able but unfortunately being the new guy the only ones that were okay with talking were the first years, which did not seem appropriate due to age gaps. It was just difficult adjusting, but the feast was nice.
"Well whom do we have joining us. i don;t remember you and you are much too old to be a first year." Said a ghost whos head was half gone.
Bryan looked around almost hoping the ghost was not talking to him.
"Is my arrival really so lame that i have been reduce to talking to either children of ghosts?"
"Well that is quite insulting" nearly headless nick retorted floating away to scare the first years.

The rest of the night went along as normal. The cliques got together in their dorms, while Bryan continued to try to mingle. but he was pretty much shunned. And the one people who did give him any attention wee quidditch players, which he didn't enjoy playing. Sure he could play but it was just boring.
As the feast began and wore on, Ginny noticed one bloke in particular who seemed to only be able to talk to the first years. It seemed odd given the older students would normally try to talk to first years and some even were, but not to him. It struck her incredibly odd and kept her attention there but she did nothing about it. When she heard him speak to Nearly Headless Nick, it then dawned on her that he was the American. How pathetic; to not talk to him because he was an American? Whatever the reason was, it embarrassed her to be apart of a house that usually was so kind and welcoming. Perhaps only if you’re a celebrity like a certain wizard who was a dear friend, only then would you get any attention. That did not bode well with her or give a good impression about Gryffindor.

After the feast, Ginny retreated to the house with Sully and Emma and sat down on a couch in the common room with them, simply chatting about nonsense. Sully seemed to truly be involved with that book more than she was and it was amusing. Though it was nothing to be surprised about because Sully, who was a pure blood, was interested in anything Muggle-related.

As Emma droned on about her summer and the amount of boys she snogged, Ginny kind of zoned out politely and unnoticeably and her attention fell onto the new guy; the American. Not able to stomach the rudeness of her fellow housemates, she got up and walked over to him, pushing through the Quidditch players who seemed to be annoyingly bombarding him. “Oh there you are. Goodness me, you shouldn’t stray so far from me. Come, lets sit and talk.” Acting as if she knew him, she gave him a look with her eyes to simply play along and offered him her hand.
"Hm?" was his first response until he read her face. It was a lot better than sitting here with the Quidditch jocks. At least she was not shooting a blind eye towards him. "Yea sorry i kinda got separated from earlier." He added getting pulled away from the Jocks, then as soon as they were out of ear shot he sighed.
"Thanks. I am guessing Quidditch is a big thing around here. Kinda sucks that i don't enjoy it." he sighed as Ginny continued to drag him away form the crowd. "I'm Bryan earns. As you can probably Guess I'm new to Hogwarts this year."

He really was not comfortable with anyone, but at least now it wasn't a mob of Quidditch players or First years talking to him. this girl was nice. And he had seen hear earlier with her friends, and sure enough that is exactly where they were headed.

((short post, sorry))
"No problem." She said with a half laugh and she looked at him. "Big is a tad bit of an understatement." Taking him towards her friends, Emma in particular, seemed ecstatic. She wasn't doing them a favor but simply saving this new guy from accidentally killing the entire house if he had that power. Either way, she wasn't going to find out to live the tale. "I'm Ginny Weasley. And clearly you are, just as you clearly aren't from anywhere in England. But, no one should dare hold that against you and if they do, well sot them."

Bringing him to the couch where a busy Sully was reading her book and Emma was almost practically salivating over the beautiful sight of the American, Ginny sat him down in between them and grinned. She sat on the table in front of them and crossed a leg over the other. "Hope you don't mind sitting with a bunch of girls. Figured if you were in touch with the girls of this house easily, the guys may come to hate you less."

"Or they may hate you more if you end up stealing their girlfriend." Sully muttered, not once looking up from her book.
"Oh ignore her. I'm Emma." She smiled brightly, offering him her hand for a shake or anything else.
Bryan laughed taking a good look at the girls. All three were attractive in their own way. Sully was obviously the bookworm of the three and seemed pretty sarcastic which her comment. Emma was also quite attractive. In fact he was having trouble keeping himself calm. Ginny was the one who came to his rescue but if she was dating anyone it couldn't hurt to have another girl to fall back on.
"Bryan" He said calmly taking her hand. He truly was an American though, and with that first thing on his mind was sex. With any of those girls would have been a treat, and of coarse there were a few girls he had noticed in the other houses. And then there was a Slytherin girl who had kissed him on the train before kicking him out of her Cabin. He figured she was the type to do whatever it took to get what he wanted, and if he was getting desperate, could probably track her down for a round.

"Well if the guys got angry with me I can handle myself. And don't worry its not like I'm being shunned. More like i don't have a clique or group to join. It kind of happens when you are new. You need someone to reach out to you. Because it is just weird when you go around saying "hey wanna be friends."
Ginny rested her elbow on her knee, her chin resting in her palm and she watched them and grinned. She could tell that Emma was just mere inches away from passing out from being in the company of a boy, let alone an American. She was surprised that no one else was throwing themselves at him but perhaps they were all too stiff or thick to even care or notice. What rubbish.

Laughing, she shook her head. "Oh please. It's awkward to go up to someone and ask to be friends? Come on, it's easy. Watch." She said softly and looked to a very busy Sully. "Sully, would you like to be friends?" She asked, offering her hand to her.

Sully looked up from the book for the first time and smirked at Ginny. Taking her hand, she gave it a firm shake and squeeze. "Why of course. I'd be delighted." She laughed slightly, letting her hand go. Looking back at Bryan, Ginny smiled. "See? It's not so difficult. Even if I already know her. All it takes is confidence and assurance in yourself and not caring if they say no. Unless you're not one to take a risk?" She asked, raising a brow as her eyes remained on him, almost in a taunting way but it was all purely friendly and jokingly.
Bryan smirked. "The thing is, its easy to do that when yo know someone. Or maybe its easy to do that because you're English. In America. if you do that, you're just asking to get your ass kicked." He explained calmly. "So I'm not to eager to go around looking like a pansy asking people to be my friend. And even if I was willing to, there is a chance i end up hanging out with the wrong crowd. So If you don't mind." He stated to his feet "I appreciate the offer but it already looks like we're not meshing too well, you guys are all upbeat where as I'm more of the conserved kind. It was nice taking to you and I do thank you for getting me away form the jocks, but really it doesn't seem like we have enough in common to make this beneficial."

It stall was only the first day at Hogwarts they would have to learn about each other first. It was already seeming like his personality would make it difficult to just open up thus if any of the girls wanted to get to know him better, they would have to take the initiative to force him to get to know each other.
Ginny raised a brow and she noticed that as he spoke, Emma grew incredibly offended at his sudden departure and Sully really couldn't care less. Watching him go, she then turned in his direction and she sighed. "So is that how you Americans do it then?" She started, standing and crossing her arms over her chest. "Think that if you can't find a single common ground then there's no point in being friends? I mean who's to say that you have to have everything in common to be friends? I just think that's a pretty pathetic excuse to leave." She shrugged. "But if you'd rather keep to yourself in solitude then I'm sure the Peeves or even Nearly Headless Nick would be absolutely fine company." With a nod, she turned and sat back down and looked at Emma and Sully.

Emma looked at her and she sighed. "Just forget him Ginny. He's clearly a big fat wanker." She muttered, looking down.
"Clearly. And you seem to really be sad about that."
"Shut it." She muttered. "He was simply nice to look at."
"Yes, because that's really the reason." She teased, nudging her lightly which somehow managed to lighten up her mood a little bit.

It wasn't there fault if they weren't dark like he was but it still was no excuse for him to automatically find that they wouldn't have enough in common. And what did he mean by beneficial? Did Americans think that friendships were only and solely for beneficial purposes? How daft.
He narrowed his eyes still not turning to her. It was a little irritating to hear her call him out like that.
"Just what I need ghost friends." He mumbled already not wanting to meed nearly headless nick again and peeves was the poltergeist he heard about. Both did not seem like good company, he really hated ghosts. Even his grandfather who constantly visited him pissed him off, something about ignoring the rules of life.

"I'm not a wanker" He mumbled turning back to them. Then he heard Emma's comment about being nice to look up which boosted his spirits.
"The fact is, I would enjoy you three as friends, but it seemed more like you were sparing me from the jocks rather than attempting to make friends. I mean if you did originally plan to make friends, than i would accept but instead you asked why i haven't made friends, and after i explained myself, you made a quick skit to show how easy it was. As I said asking people you don't know to be your friend gives others a free ride to kick your ass."
"Oh and Emma, you are also nice to look at as well" He added just before leaving again. "I'll make a deal. Let me sleep on it. If I want to, I'll do your weird nerd bashing ritual on how to make friends."

He was certain if he tried it these Hogwarts students would react the same way Americans would act and he was sure that he would get pummeled. But At least he managed to sleep. Waking the next day, taking a swig from the Flask Snape had provided him with and headed down to breakfast. Now he had at least a weekend before classes would begin. He now had to be nice and make friends with people. Unfortunately the only people that he felt he had a chance with was Ginny and her group, the ones he blew off the day before.
As he finished his testament, she couldn't help but roll her eyes. To think, an American like him didn't and wouldn't know a joke if it bit him in the ass. Turning away from him, she put her hand on her head, shaking it and looked at Emma who seemed to have brightened up in good spirits.
For the rest of the night, unfortunately, Emma was talking non-stop about Bryan and it was the most annoying thing in the world because it irritated Ginny to no extent that the guy left making it seem like they had no interest in being his friend, when they were just having a little play about making friends. But if he was one to judge based on that and jump to the wrong conclusion ever, then he can happily remain friendless throughout the entire year. As if she'd care. Though knowing Emma, she'd do what she could to bring the guy back towards them, but for her own sake.

The next morning, Ginny and Sully were both down at breakfast. Sully was suddenly talking non-stop about that book which did not surprise Ginny because the girl was probably a huge fan and lover of Mugglers than any other pure blood. Probably next to her father. With a small sigh, she took a sip of her Pumpkin Juice and looked at her. "Where's Em?"
"Probably off stalking that very rude American." Sully muttered, poking her fork at her eggs.
"I guess that's not entirely surprising."

In through the door was Emma who looked especially nice that morning, as if for a certain someone. Walking to the Gryffindor table, she first spotted Bryan and cleared her throat as she approached him. Tapping his shoulder, she smiled gently. "May I sit down with you?"
At first Bryan was a little surprised that any of the girls even acknowledge his existence after the speech he gave the night before but was happy they did, and thus sat aside to allow her room to take a seat.
"I think last night was just weird, after all everyone is getting back into the swing of things and I'm adjusting to a new school. I'm sure you are needing to wind down after a long summer and I am fairly certain the same goes for everyone." he explained taking a bit for his breakfast. A large plate of steak and eggs. something that no one would picture a Boy of his size, even though wasn't small, to be able to eat that, and already this was his second helping.
"So I guess I'll try it." He said turning his attention fully to Emma. "Hello, I'm Bryan, would you like to be my friend?" Initially Emma did not seem like friend material, she seemed to already want to be past that and quite frankly, Bryan had no rebuttal to that movement, hell he wouldn't mind having a girl fawning over him.
"So what are your fiends truly like anyway? I mean i didn't exactly met you yesterday, i learned of your existence but that was pretty much it."

((I like this, although it was originally suppose to be Ginny // OC we have OC // OC. That can cause conflict. Yea for plot developement.))
[i know but i thought it would make things interesting xD]

Emma smiled gently and sat down, loading some food onto her plate but not incredibly a lot. Just enough to satiate. She didn't eat until she was full but until the hunger went. That was how she ate. Healthily too. "Yeah. I don't know about Sully or Ginny but what you said, it didn't diminish any hope or anything of how I felt. Perhaps I can be a mediator because they both are really wonderful. Ginny helped me through a lot last year especially when this boy hurt me and Sully--she may seem like she may not care but she truly does. It's just how she is. You'd have to know. I mean they've all come to my aid countless of times, as I for them." She said softly. "If anything, the whole going up to someone and asking them to be friends was a joke. Just to put a light spin on it but it didn't mean you had to walk away." She pursed her lips, frowning a little, not because she said it but because it happened. She didn't want him to walk away that night.

Sure, having just met him, it may seem natural to harbor this mega crush on him. Emma was incredibly boy crazy after all and the fact he was an American was just the perfect spin. but it's not just because he is an American although that did attract her at first. "I'm Emma and I'd love to be your friend." However, she was ready to move past friend zone. If she knew anything it was the moment you were lumped into friend zone, you can't ever get out of that.
((It does make things interesting.))

Bryan smirked when she explained herself. Okay so it was a joke, but he didn't know them and when he said it didn't work like that in real life Ginny seemed dead set on arguing it would. Well it did, but only because she had managed to imbed the idea that it may just work. Though he didn't plan on it working on just anyone.
"I notice Sully seems to like muggles, just based on the book she was reading. I grew up in a muggle world, i could probably teach her a thing or two. Ginny however seems more like the type to take charge. I doubt i would have anything to sway her."
In truth he liked girls as stable as Ginny. Not that girls like Emma fawning over him was a bad thing, and right now he liked Emma doing just that.

"What about you? You told me about the other two but not about yourself." He said calmly grabbing his third helping of breakfast. It had actually gotten to the point where some of the kids were watching him eat now.
"She's incredibly fascinated by muggles. To comprehend that you'd have to get into her mind. For some, it's all about half-blood or pure bloods but for Sully, it's all about muggles. She's dead set on marrying a muggle, that's for sure." She laughed a little bit. "As for Ginny...I don't know. I mean she's kind of the glue. She keeps up all together and she cares more about us then her own problems. Not that we're not there for her, no that's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying that she's more likely to be there for her friends than worry about her own things. She doesn't like to burden anyone but it's obvious when she's sad because it's so rare."

A blush came to her cheeks though when he asked about her. "Oh me? Um..." She laughed nervously and looked down. It was easy to describe her friends and all their glory but for her it was quite the opposite. Maybe it was that she didn't like to talk about herself because she wasn't self-involved. Sure, she was boy crazy but that didn't make her self-involved. "There's not much to say about me really. At all." She laughed a little half-heartedly.
"A cute, friendly, attractive, young sixteen year old, girl. Not having anything to say about herself, weather it be good or bad? Sorry if I call bullshit on that."
He had finished his third coarse and was tempted to go for a forth but with the students now watching him it seemed awkward. He gave an awkward look which reminded the students that he was human like them and wanted them to stop staring.
"I'll play twenty questions if you want but i would rather you to just tell me." He said calmly eyeballing the two girls at the opposite end of the great hall. What compelled you to sit with me when your friends are over there? Or maybe a better question is why are you overly dressed for a weekend breakfast?" He knew the answer to both questions but wanted to make sure she answered them.
"I would also notice that you cleaned up a bit more than last night. Is that for the same reason?"
Emma blushed. It was difficult not to what with him constantly complimenting her or saying against what she was thinking in a good way. Biting her lower lip, she picked at her eggs, barely finishing her first plate and it seemed he was tempted to go in for more food. Interesting. "Well..." She was about to explain about herself when he spoke and made a blush on her cheeks grow even more. "Um..." She laughed lightly and ran her hand through her hair a little nervously. "I wanted to sit with you. Maybe make amends for that entire debacle from last night. Plus I wanted to sit with you. Is that so bad?" She didn't want to answer as to why she was dressed far more for a simple weekend day. That alone was quite obvious and she needn't elaborate on it.
He smirked his expression showing that he knew what he wanted and was reading her like an open book. "Doesn't help that you keep things to yourself, but i guess we're all allowed to keep secrets." he said calmly. "But i have to admit i like it. I mean i wasn't expecting to have much more than housemates and here I have you." It was obvious he was hinting at a possible relationship but he had done so purposely as he figured it would be nice since she had made it so obvious she liked him.

"tell you what. If you tell me exactly why you dressed up for breakfast, I'll..." he thought for a moment on how to word it properly "I'll treat you to lunch. Anywhere you want. Just the two of us or if need be, Whoever else you want to have join us."
He was really trying hard to get her to say she liked him, more than a friend already and was well aware of the situation. he had to make it worth her while to say so and a possible date may have been the final push.

((What would be mean yet interesting is if he started using Emma as a toy and developed feelings for Ginny.))
“Of course. You have me. I could be like…your eyes and ears to this entire place since you are so new.” Someone who have to teach him the ropes. If she was as new as he was, and this place like foreign land, she’d love to have someone to guide her. And with him, she was hoping to be more than just a guide, more than just a friend. With the way he was hinting it too, it seemed like it was possible but it was almost teasing. A blush came to her cheeks again, she probably looking like some ripened tomato and she laughed a small laugh. “We can’t exactly leave school for lunch. All our meals are here. Only time we leave campus is for holidays, to go back home at the start of summer and for trips to Hogsmeade. Since once isn’t coming until a couple of weeks, how about you treat me to lunch then at the Three Broomsticks. But then again, I won’t tell you why I’m so dressed up until then.” Grinning, it came to her that two could play this game and it would be awfully fun. Sure she was this shy girl who was incredibly attracted but she by no means, easy. He could ask all her previous boyfriends that and he’d understand.

[that’s what I was going for too xD]
Bryan raised a brow and sighed. "I see. The school I went to was close to a bunch of muggle restaurants, like McDonald's and Burger King, along with some higher class restaurants as well." he explained calmly. "So we left campus a lot and it allowed us to blend in more with the muggles"

He looked over at Ginny and Sully and laughed slightly. He took in a large breath and sighed "Well, what do people do here if they want to, be alone, around here if they can;t leave campus?" he asked not understanding exactly how two people could possibly could have any fun if they ere in the castle at all times, or at least on campus. Sure the castle was huge, but he didn't think it would be big enough for everyone to have dates eery now and then.

He pulled the flask out of his pocket having another swig and smiled. "Well, are you going to answer? Or just keep blushing?"
"Oh I've heard of McDonald's. They have that back near home. Mum wouldn't let us dare eat there saying the food was rancid but I managed and I find it delicious. It's a change after the kind of food we always eat here and at home." She was a half-blood so those things 'Muggle-like' were natural to her as well because they blended in with the Muggles as well. Sometimes she wondered where these ghastly terms came from. Muggles, Half-bloods, and Pure-blood all looked the same. Why the terms?

"Well..." She said a little sternly towards his impatience though with a hint of joking. "If you know where to look, where to go, then this entire place can be proven incredibly useful for such things that you may be thinking of. Certain secrets that some are aware of and the other some, aren't." She said simply, speaking almost cryptically, but for a reason. "You may not think this school holds many possibilities, but you'd be surprised. This isn't like your last institution. You're in a true magical place."
"hey don't go dissing my last school." he said calmly "We at least got to go off campus. But then again here you have a quidditch field. Something my school didn't have."
"What?" Bryan asked feeling a little disappointed that the friendly moment was broken.
"Its Called a Quidditch Pitch." he boy stated calmly "If you are going to live in London i suggest you at least get the terms right."
Bryan narrowed his eyes angrily pocketing the Flask."
"Well I'm American and we don't give a shit what you call it. Its still a word and I believe the term goes, a rose by any other name smells just a sweet." He said Calmly though the tone was quite threatening. "So I'll call it a field."
"Also you aren't allowed to drink Alcohol on campus."
"Its Pumpkin juice" Bran sighed. He then turned back to Emma "wanna head back to our tower?"
Emma put her hands up, palms up, instantly backing off. "Not my intention, believe you me." She spoke, truly not meaning to insult his school; not her intention at all and if that's how it came across than whoops!

As a little spat began, she looked away and then looked towards Ginny and Sully, Ginny who seemed to be egging her on towards Bryan. Definitely encouraging her while Sully simply made faces to tease her. Certain kind of faces that would happen while she was with Bryan; doing something...

Looking back at Bryan, she nodded and took his hand. "Come on. We can go back to the tower later. I want to show you some place. A certain place that I was talking about." Exiting the Great Hall, she walked towards the enchanted staircases, taking them all the way to the seventh floor.
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