Another Evil(me & loveraiden)


Jan 10, 2009
Celia landed near the monestary. This long distance flying was to train herself to endure the cold at high altitudes. Right now she felt chilled to the bone. She rang the large bell outside the walls and waited for a monk or nun to open them. She folded her large wings on her back. Her back and lower parts were covered in feathers with a firy pattern. She wore baggy pants which thanks to the feathers weren't that baggy on her and a blouse with a hole in the back to let her wings through, she'd made a hole in the leather jacket too. Right now she had her hands in gloves. Men it was cold up there. When the door opened she politely asked for a room. They never turned anyone down, but one thing you had to attend at least one service a day. She wasn't religious, but sitting through one service really wasn't that bad, it was nice and warm there. She couldn't dress too sexy there, but she had quite the breasts, DDs. She wore a sportsbra and didn't look that big right now.

She smiled when she saw the room, it was nice and warm already and once she had the fire going it would be even better. She had about half an hour before dinner.

Kitty was getting annoyed with the X-men. She had recently taken over leadership of the brotherhood, kicking out Piedro or Quicksilver. Setting him up for the MRD. She was playing poker with domino ad trying hard not to look like the blob's underwear since he was passed out on the couch nearby. They needed new blood. "Alright listen up, we're going out to find a potentional new member tonight. Blob you stay here and guard the place." She said. She was dressed in leather pants, a black corset and black leather jacket along with some kickass army boots.
Mera1506 said:
Celia landed near the monestary. This long distance flying was to train herself to endure the cold at high altitudes. Right now she felt chilled to the bone. She rang the large bell outside the walls and waited for a monk or nun to open them. She folded her large wings on her back. Her back and lower parts were covered in feathers with a firy pattern. She wore baggy pants which thanks to the feathers weren't that baggy on her and a blouse with a hole in the back to let her wings through, she'd made a hole in the leather jacket too. Right now she had her hands in gloves. Men it was cold up there. When the door opened she politely asked for a room. They never turned anyone down, but one thing you had to attend at least one service a day. She wasn't religious, but sitting through one service really wasn't that bad, it was nice and warm there. She couldn't dress too sexy there, but she had quite the breasts, DDs. She wore a sportsbra and dind't look that big right now.

She smiled when she saw the room, it was nice and warm already and once she had the fire going it would be even better. She had about half an hour before dinner.

Kitty was getting annoyed with the X-men. She had recently taken over leadership of the brotherhood, kicking out Piedro or Quicksilver. Setting him up for the MRD. She was playing poker with domino ad trying hard not to look like the blob's underwear since he was passed out on the couch nearby. They needed new blood. "Alright listen up, we're going out to find a potentional new member tonight. Blob you stay here and guard the place." She said. She was dressed in leather pants, a black corset and black leather jacket along with some kickass army boots.

Nightcrawler was on the X-Jet on his way to Europe. He loved coming back here as he loved to admire the architecture of the churches and monasteries. He was on a mission to find a woman that Xavier had hoped would join the X-men as she was very powerful indeed. The scanners on the jet had locked on to the location and started its decent. Looking at his watch he saw that it was about time for evening service and was glad he brought his nice outfit. He wore Black pants that had been altered for his tail. which he would hide under his large black trench coat. He wore a button up white collared shirt and a low hat meant to hide his face. As he was ready, he felt the plan make a soft landing, somewhere discreet he was sure. He walked out and pulled the brim of his hat lower as he approched the open doors of the monastery.

"God bless you sister." He spoke in his strong german accent as he passed a nun. He scanned his eyes for anyone that seemed out of place.

Bass was sitting in a local bar in downtown Detriot, a beer in one hand, a shot glass in the other. He wasn't exceptionally large, but his toned muscles were shaped with his tight crimson red sleeveless shirt. He whipped his hair to the side and smiled. It was going to be a good day, he thought, as he saw the waitress that scurried around the tables. He would hold his fingered glove covered hand out, to help him focus when he drank. He would let out a low hum, feeling the waves pulsing until he would push them out towards the tray of one waitress, shaking her tray until if toppled, along with herself trying to catch it. Bass laughed as he put down his shot glass and beer, reaching into his large black jeans and pulling out a hand full of bills and slamming them on his table. "Another round on the house." His deep voice boomed throughout the room and was followed by an almost as impressive wail of celebration.
Celia was sitting in a random seat, not bothering to hide her appearance, no one judged in places of God. Dinner would be after the service and she was just waiting, not really listening to what was being said, just enough to know what was going on. But her Latin wasn't all that good to begin with hell it was bad, she didn't understand a single word, but didn't care, however did make an effort to look like she was paying attention. This room was nice and warm and the chill was slowly leaving her bones.

There was a stranger here and she heard him before she saw him and looked at him. He didn't smell like an ordinary human. Another mutant, well that was nice. She looked around and saw a figure wearing a hat. She'd have to talk to him at dinner he seemed interesting.

Kitty walked into yet another bar and looked around. She felt vibrations going through her body and then the waitress all but fell, spilling drinks over her. That low voice. Well she took a beer on the round he offered and walked up to him. "Can I sit here?" She asked politely. Of course she looked very sexy and half the guys in the joint were oogling her at this point. That low voice sounded very nice, very sexy. Hopefully he was indeed the source that had made the waitress loose her balance.
Nightcrawler didn't have to look far to notice the one girl that stood out. Quite sure that this was the person he was supposed to find. He smiled as he made his way through the aisles, passing various other worshippers. "Guten Tag" he said quietly as he gestured if he could sit by her. He didn't want to give her a chance to run as it would make finding her again all the more difficult. At this time he got a better view of the woman in front of him. She was beautiful in his mind as he tried to keep his brim from showing his true eye color.

Bass gestured for her to have a sit. He looked the girl up and down, not even attempting to hide his traveling eyes. He smiled at this girl who seemed to have all the right moves in all the right places. "Yo' babe, what is someone like you doing in a joint like this?" His deep voice carrying loudly, but not strong enough to really affect anything to much.
Celia wasn't planning on running. "Good evening." She whispered, after all it was during a service. He was interesting, but for now the had to be quiet. She listened to the words she couldn't make head or tails of as the time passed rather slowly. The service ended an hour after it started. "Dinner will be in fifteen minutes." A monk said. Celia walked to the big room where they would eat, he'd probably follow. She took a seat at the end of the table which was reseverved for guests.

"Getting a drink. Have you heard of the brotherhood?" She then asked him. He liked her, that was good. She saw him looking her over. Well if he was gonna be a good lay why not, but if she could get him to join. By now the brotherhood had a nasty reputation, she was pretty sure he'd heard of it. In their own way they stood up for mutants. She took a sip from her beer and looked at him.
Nightcrawler did in fact follow her to dinner, although he had no intentions of eating. "That was such an uplifting sermon. I am sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier, I am Kurt." He said as he sat down. He was replaying the sermon in his head, trying to find a quote to recite to Beast when he got back.

"Oh you mean those 'mutans are better than all' group that likes to turn tail when the x-boys swing by? Yeah I have heard of them." He sighed as he down what was left of his beer and slammed it on the table. "Let me geuss, you are here to ask for the big bad Bass again? I tell ya' what though, if your guys are late on their payments again you will all wish you were deaf." He snorted as he called the waitress over for another beer.
"I wouldn't know I don't speak Latin." Celia replied. "But if you want to stay here following one service a day is manditory." She replied. "I'm Celia, it's nice to meet you Kurt." She said. He seemed to be a religious man. "So what brings you to the middle of nowhere?" She then asked because this monestary was miles from the nearest town.

((What do you mean by late in their payments? Is he an X-men fan?))
"I enjoy the sermons here, they seem so much more uplifting than the ones closer to the city." He said as he smiled at her and looked around. "Yes, they are quite generous people here. But you are quite braze showing off your ... body in public, house of God or not." He nodded to a passing nun and greeted her warmly.

((No, he is a Merc, and Someone from the brotherhood before kitty took over didn't pay him for a job until he came knocking on their door.))
"Maybe it's because I can easily get away if things go sour and everyone can be themselves here. I wouldn't really know the difference between one ceremony or the next. But what brings you here Kurt?" She said. She knew he wanted something, other than monks or nuns people from the outside always wanted something.

"Quicksilver again? He's gotten us in way too much trouble. His speed got to his head. He used to be our leader, but he never had the patience to come up with good plan or carry any plan out right. Sticking to a plan and whatnot. After he got himself caught by the MRD we decided not to bail him out again and boot him off the team. We need a team which can function and he was always busy throwing in our windows so to speak. Now we're recruiting and I'd like you to join us. The official mission of the brotherhood is to take action against those who wish to lock up or kill mutants for no reason other then the fact that we are mutants and with Quicksilver gone we stand a chance, but we're a man short or maybe we need more in numbers to begin with." Kitty said and leaned back, giving him a nice view of her breasts. She was deffinately willing to put out for him, he was nice looking and hopefull knew how to use his tool well.
Nightcrawler smiled, this woman seemed to prefer getting to the point, which wasn't always his way of doing things, but he could accomadate. "Well, I am searching for someone with particular skills to help proctect innocents from being harmed in this useless war against mutants." he said with a smirk. "Our sources say you may very well be someone of those qualifications."

"Well kid, if you are the perk package I don't see why everyone doesn't join up." He said as he hungrily looked at her body. He let out a low hum and felt the sound. He pushed the sound forward, causing her breast to vibrate slightly.
"I see. Useless is the right word alright. But why now? Why did you come to find me now?" Celia asked him. "This war has been going on for some time now so what changed?" She wasn't going to make it easy for him. She couldn't even see his face so how could she know weather she could even trust him.

Kitty smiled. "Good question, I don't know. I'm not sure how much Quicksilver owed you, but we did find some cash hidden away." She told him and closed her eyes as the vibrations caused her nipples to grow hard. She was already getting horny and he hadn't even touchd her. "So will you join us?" She then asked him. He was obviously interested in more then money, if he joined then maybe she could get laid on a more regular basis.
"Well, we are always trying to fight this war and we are always looking for all the help we can get. You just happened to cross our sensors now. I am sure you have heard of the Brotherhood, the true force behind the war. We have reports that they are ssearching harder for powerful members and we can not risk being outnumbered." He said trying to play the 'do the right thing' card as that was all he ever needed and he believed in the good of all kinds.

"You make a good deal, but how do I know you can hold to your word. Someone of my caliber could be very useful for you, but also harmful against you. It would be slightly hard for you to fight if you found yourself in a ..." He lowered his voice at the 'a' causing the vibrations to continue in her thighs. "moist situation."
"And how do I know I can trust you while you haven't even shown me your face." Celia replied. The least he could do was show her his face after all. "Who do you work for?" She then asked. It wasn't as if she was scared, but he'd better pass the test she was giving him right now.

Kitty moaned a little. She phased through the floor before appearing through him and now sitting on his lap. "I can always leave besides I always keep my word. You can ask the others." She said. She had told Quicksilver that he'd find himself in trouble if he didn't clean up his act and now he was sitting in an MRD cell. "I know you wanna do me and you just got me all worked up. Let's go somewhere more private and if you're good we could do it more often. You do know how to use this right?" She asked as she gently squeezed his cock.
"You must forgive my disceptions, I am not one that can easily blend in among others." He said as he lowered his head and took in a deep breath. He hated showing his deep blue skin to anyone in public but he couldn't lose this prospect, Xavier would be extremely disappointed in him. He removed his hat exposing his scarred face and peircing yellow eyes. "I come in place of a man named Proffesor Xavier. He runs a school for mutants that have yet grown into their powers. He is also the head figure of a group of people called the X-men."

Bass smirked as her hand gripped onto his erect cock. "Careful girl, you may be biting off more than you can chew." He smirked and let yet another hum out, his cock vibrating furiously in her hand. "I will take you up on your offer of going somewhere private. We can talk about your little club afterwards. Do we have a deal?" His hand gripped onto her hips as he held her tightly to him.
"Welcome to the club." Celia replied about his comment of not easily blending in. She looked at him. "It's a pity, hiding that handsome face of yours." She told him. The X-men those she'd heard about even at the monestaries, of course she picked up a paper here and there as well. "I've heard about the X-men. News even reaches places like this. I'd like to talk to proffessor X-avier before making my final descision." She told him.

"Sounds good to me." She said. A vibrating cock, she really hit the jackpot with this one. "Don't worry about me. I think I'm going to enjoy this." Kitty said and grinned. "Bathroom private enough or should we move to that fleebag motel across the street?" She asked. She liked the risk of getting caught, not sure if he did.
Nightcrawler nodded his head at her request. "Oh I was only asked to bring you to him, I had not assumed you would accept so readily." He smiled as he put his hatback on and stood up from the table. "If you would follow me after your meal, I will take you to the plane that will bring you back to the Mansion."

"I doubt I could make it to the motel without taking you on the way." He said as he stood up and picked Kitty up with him. He started to carry her to the bathroom with an eager look on his face. He was a womanizer but he could just tell that this woman was wild, and he loved wild. He stopped before they got to the bathroom. "I hope you are ready for the rie of your life." He smirked before kicking the door open. He didn't care if anyone saw him or not, he wanted sex and he was going to get it.
"Sure." She said. Dinner was what one could expect, simple, but healthy. She ate her fill quietly as usual while the monks discussed the bible some more. By now she would have thought they would have run out of text to discuss. "Thank you for your hospitality, but I have to go now." She said. Though surprised they didn't ask why. She swung by her room to grab her bag and then followed Kurt to the plane. She took a seat and looked out of the window. The advantage of this thing was she wouldn't have to freeze her ass of during the ride. "Impressive Jet." She told him.

Kitty smiled at his comment. She put her arms around his neck. "I was born ready." She told him. He was big, hard and even could make it vibrate. The bathroom was empty for now and surprisingly clean for the kind of joint it was, but still the smell was anything but nice. However onto the matter at hand, she wanted to see a little more of him and began by pulling up his shirt.
Nightcrawler typed in the coordinates for the plane to fly them home. He didn't know exactly how to fly the plane manually but as they weren't expecting any problems the auto-pilot would be just fine for now. "Yes this is a nice plane, although it has been through a lot of bad times and has more than its fair share of repairs." He said as he watched out the window.

Smirking he let her pull his shirt above his head, exposing his tanned muscles. He started to fight the latches of her corset, his one hand firmly grabbing her ass as he pinned her aganst the wall of one of the stalls. For all the good he was with his equipment, he never learned the finess of taking clothes off. Not without ripping them to shred.
"So where's this mansion that you mentioned earlier?" Celia asked. If it was the states she'd take a little nap, it was at least six hours earlier there and she didn't want to have a jetlag. At this point she wasn't sure what to say anymore. If this bucket of bolts were to crash she could save their asses. She just looked out of the window.

Kitty smiled at the view and dropped the shirt on a sort of clean looking paper towel despenser. A firm hand on her butt felt nice, but then he tried her corset and didn't seem to have much success. "Allow me." She said and reached back. She did want to leave this place clothed. It only took her seconds to undo the knot and it loosened around her. Then she took it off exposing her breasts to him and dropped the corset in onto the nearest sink.
Nightcrawler sighed "It is in Washington America." He said as he reclined in his pilot seat. He knew that it would be sometime untl they reached the mansion but he couldn't afford the rest, he would have to seleep they got there. He turned to her and smiled. "I would suggest maybe getting a little sleep. I am sure the Professor will want to talk with you as soon as you arrive."

"I don't normally take off the clothes nicely." Bass said as he started to admire her perky breast. He bent his head down and took one in his mouth. Moaning against the skin causing the vibrations to eminate from his lips and agaist her nipples. His hands undoing her leather pants in the process.
"I was thinking the same thing." Celia said and leaned to one side and cosed her eyes. It didn't take that long for her to dose off. She woke up sometime later when the plane got ready to land a few hours later.

Kitty moaned while biting her lip to keep it down some. Those vibrations really were so hot. She noticed he was undoing her pants and decided to help him out. She slid out of them and under it was a black lace thong. She reached down and opened his pants and let her hand slide inside to pull out his hard cock. She looked at it and smiled, lovely looking cock.
Yawning one last tme as they made touchdown he smiled when he noticed that she was awake. "I hope you slept well." He smiled as he made the preperations to shut down the plane. "The professor is probably waiting for us, so if you could follow me." he siad with a bright smile as he opened the plane door and walked out into the underground garage.

Bass moaned louder as she exposed his erect cock from his pants. He used his finger to push aside her panties and lined himself up to enter her pussy. He took a moment to put on a cocky smile. "Get ready to have your mind blown." He said as he let out a low hum and felt it move to his cock. It started to vibrate against her clit as he rubbed it up and down her slit.
"Pretty good, enough to last the rest of the day. It's got to be afternoon here already." Celia replied. "And you look like you could use a nap." She told him. She followed him out of the jet and through the house, looking at the people around and her surroundings in general. Nice place.

Kitty grinned. "That's what I'm waiting for." She told him. Kitty leaned her head back and closed her eyes letting out a soft moan feeling his hard cock. She was already wet, but she was getting soaked in no time like this.
Nightcrawler led her to Xavier's office, greeting various children and x-men along the way. He could hear Xavier in his head thanking him for completing his mission and that made Nightcrawler smile. As soon as they arrived in the office Nightcralwer excused himself and disappeared in a puff of smoke, landing softly on his bed. He laid there tired out of his mind, but unable to get much sleep. There was something about this new girl that was different. He stared at the cross that hung on his ceiling and shook his head.

The professor smiled at Celia and nodded his head. "I am professor Xavior. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. If you would like to get comfortable, I will get right to the point." He said as he motioned for her to sit down. "The brotherhood has always been causing problems with society and we normally are able to quell this threat with ease. However, they seem to be recruiting with more fervor and we feel that they may have something big planned. So we are in turn recruiting as well. Your abilities are great and your desire to help others would be a great asset here."

Bass took her moan as a good sign as he thrusted his now vibrating cock deep inside her soaked pussy. She was tight, tighter than he thought. He liked that as it helped him feel everything even with the vibrations slightly numbing his nerves. That was a down fall to his power. his body was so used to them that they numbed his feelings. It was great in a fight, dulling pain and making him flinch less to powerful strikes. But when t came to sexual times, it sucked.
Celia followed while taking in her surroundings, seeing kids of which some of them obviously were mutants, others could still pass for a normal human, but they all were gifted. They were just curious about her it seemed.

They arrived at the officue and Kurt was goner ather quickly. "I'm Celia, nice to meet you." She replied and held out her hand for him to shake. She wasn't sure what she was expecting, but not this. She took a seat in a chair nearby. "I see. Tell me about this group, the 'Brotherhood'." She said. She wanted some information as to what she was dealing with.

Katie smiled as he started to thurst and completely giving in to the pleasure he was giving her, no longer caring if they got caught, in fact she'd forgotten where they were alltogether as he hit the right spots with a very big vibrating cock as she held onto to him.
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