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Cannot see my posts @_@

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Mar 31, 2011
in the word association game thread, I can't see my post! I posted once, couldn't find it. Figured it didn't go through, posted again (sorry about the double post!) but I still can't see it! So I posted in another thread on the same forum, and I can see that post. But I can't see the posts I made in the W/A thread.

Lame D: Help plz?
I've been having the same problem with that thread :(
and sometimes it wont let me go to the last page but i can only get on the first page.
and other times it works. o_O
and other times when I post it wont let me see my post. That thread is acting weird.
Uh, like half an hour ago? Not even? xD

It shows me as the last poster. And when I click "find" to find all my posts, it shows up there under the list. but when I click that specific post, it's not there!
Well, your most recent post is a merged double post. I know there's a certain amount of time that needs to elapse before a double post will show up separately and not automatically merge into one. And the post listed for you in that same thread prior to the merged double post is there. Do you recall what the words were that you posted for the game???
And in addressing Rapedoll's issue... that's a known glitch. When a post is at the end of a page, often times you'll see the new page listed. But, then when you click that new page nothing will be there. When the next person posts, the glitch auto corrects itself. No idea why that happens, but it does. This might be a similar glitch if your post was at the end of a page, Amarena.
At first I posted length, because I'm an idiot. I was looking at the first page of the thread (and length would have fit that post at the end of the page, lol). But, realizing my mistake, I went to correct it but couldn't find it. So, I posted again with the word 'storm' following the post 'russia' and cannot find it either.
Well, your post for storm automatically merged with your post for length. You double posted, but not enough time had elapsed. So, as a result, the posts were automatically merged into one single post.

This is the link to your merged posts. The first word is length, the second is storm. You'll notice the thin black line separating the words indicating that the posts have been merged.
I can't see the post though. That link leads me to the first page of the thread.
I'm having the same problem with that thread. I posted some time last night, and I have seen that a few other people posted after me, but I can't see any of them. Just the post that was before mine. =/
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