Robin's Dark Beauty (Marie and myself)


Jan 18, 2009
Titans Tower stood on it's small little island in the water. The large structure would normally have been lit with the glow of computer screens and other odd machinery. But it had been almost silent for two days now. Most of the team was away, and Robin had stayed behind to make sure things where maintained in the city. Cyborg and Beastboy where off training new recruits in Titans East, and Starfire had urgent family matters back home on Tameran to take care of. Raven however was the only one left, though to Robin is was almost like being completely alone.

It was actually rather pleasant to the boy wonder. He rarely had a lot of time to think. And after the teams incident with Trigon he had much to think about. He had always had eyes for the red haired girl from space, it was not a well hidden fact both had been very close. However that last big battle had also awoken something else. Feelings for another girl. It just so happened he was left alone with the very girl, the dark hooded, gloomy Raven. He had never quiet seen it before, but both where, similar, loving solitude and darkness was only the obvious traits they ahred. He however had been close to her, closer then even Starfire, on a mental level during the whole ordeal. Now he was left with a deep gnawing feeling for the alluring sorceress.

"What is she feeling?" he asked himself, deep down wondering if she had similar feelings for him. She had asked him, him alone for help when Slade had returned to come for her, to deliver the dark message. He however saw no sign from her that anything had changed between them. He needed to know, he needed to find out, and what better time then now when it was just the two? He ran a green gloved hand through his hair, like he had done several times before. He got up and decided to go and talk to her.
Raven had been thinking a lot lately. Which was why she had been distant from everyone. Including the person she was closest to, the boy wonder. Robin. She was taking a shower to relax. Letting the hot water rush over her pale skin. After feeling sufficiently relaxed and calm she proceeeded to dry off. Looking in the mirror she sighed. Ever since her father attacked, she had been feeling weird anyime she was around the boy wonder. Almost like every time she was around him she was starting to lose her self control. But she was going to have to reign those emotions in. She had been masterbating much more then usualbecause of her feelings for Robin.

She stepped out into her room. Her towel wrapped around her hair. Her body exposed. She didn't plan on any visitors. After all, it was just her and Robin in the tower. Had been for a couple days. Which was why she had been avoiding going anywhere in the tower for fear of losing her control and doing something she'd regret later. She was friends with Starfire. And she didn't want to hurt her by doing something to jepordize her and Robin's relationship. Shlaid down on her bed. Not feeling like getting dressed just yet. And cursed herself for thinking about Robin again. Cause those feelings were coming back. She bit her lip. Wondering if she should just masterbate and get on with her day.
Robin walked down the hallway towards her room. He kept playing out scenarios in his head, the most common was her simply slamming the door inn his face, another was her saying no in some logical way that only made it feel all the more painful. He guessed so long as they ended up friends it would be alright. He found himself staring at the door, he didn't realize he had been walking this whole time. He took in a breath and raised his hand to knock on the door.

With a soft, almost silent, hiss her door slid open in front of her. He found himself staring into her room, it was rather dark. He however could see, his eyes adjusting quick. "Raven?" he asked gently, he waited but got no reply. He stepped inside looking around for a moment just before he caught something out of the corner of his eye. At first he thought it to be moonlight coming into the room, he however was more surprised when he realized what he was now staring intensky at. There she was, fully undressed her skin light soft moonlight, pale and gently. He look from her slender legs up to her chest, then at her beautiful face, though it had a very shocked expression.

"Sorry...sorry," he managed to sputter, breaking the silence.
Raven heard the hiss of her door opening, figuring it was a glitvh in the Tower's programming, after all it had happened before. She conintued letting her fingers play with her own soft, hairless skin. Playing with a her clit. She had done this on many a night when she had thought of the boy wonder a little too much and those feelings were eating at her again. Soft moans were illicted from her lips as she did this. But she w as surprised when she saw Robin staring ather. She quickly pulled her hair away and pulled the towel off of her hair. Wrapping it around her body as she moved to a standing position.

"What the hell Robin?!" Raven spat. She looked at him with a look of utter shock on her face. Her hands holding the towel which was straining to fit around her curves. She had filled out a bit more since her birthday. Much to the surprise of everyone who knew her. She looked at him, her surprise turning to anger. "How could you just walk into my room? You of all people know how I feel about my privacy!"
Robin was shocked himself what he had seen had only ever been ore sent in his dreams. But no now he did see her, she was beautiful, even with her glare. He always imagined it, it was terrifying, and yet alluring as well. He really had changed his impression of her a bit. She had even been, touching herself, he never imagined her doing that. He however now had to focus, his mind quickly going back into it's refined and sharp state.

"I know...I'm sorry just," he said though he had no real excuse. "I called out and when I got no response...well I just thought," but that had been the problem, he hadn't. He had not been thinking clearly at all in fact, not for sometime, the past Robin would have shouted, a boomerang in hand ready to attack no matter what. His guard had been down what's more he even just waltzed in. "You usually don't keep your door unlocked," he said realizing that had been strange as well.
Raven held the towel tightly around you, "Robin, I cannot believe you!" Raven growled. Anger coursing through her as her temper began to take over. Her powers took over. The shadows wrapping around him. Picking him up and pinning him to the bed. "You wanna sneak into people's rooms, I'll show you what happens when you do that." She kept her powers focused. So she could keep him pinned, because she knew he was physically stronger then her. She turned her back to him, letting the towel drop. Leaving her smooth back and firm backside exposed to him. Before turning to him. She would make him so hot under the collar that he wouldn't be able to stand it. Leaving her entire bare body exposed. Her skin such a milky white that it seemed to glow in the moonlight.
Robin was about to utter another apology before he suddenly saw her eyes flash the usual black light. He didn't have more then a split second to even try and flinch away, it was like hands slithering up over his body before he felt his limbs held still and he was flung onto the bed and held there. "Raven...what are you doing?" he shouted trying to struggle, but he could not break free even if he wanted. She was focused on him like a large predator on it's kill, and he could feel her powers gripping him like the strongest of vices. As he saw the towel slid down her nude figure, he began to feel something. A tingly feeling, not fear, though there was that, no he felt almost, joyful to have seen it. He was actually getting aroused already by this, true there had been times he had fantasized about this similar situation, but now that it was real it was almost frightening and he still enjoyed a small part of it. "Raven...I said I am sorry," he said though she would notice his struggling had lessened some.
Raven moved over to him. Her fingers brushing over his cheek gently. "You should really be more careful with whoms room you enter without permission boy wonder," Raven said calmly. Her tone was almost eerily calm. Particularly for how angry she had just been in the minutes prior. She ran her other hand up his thigh. Lightly brushing his stiffening member with the tips of her petite fingers. She would tease him till he could no longer take anymore. Her fingers had just barely brushed his already stiffening member, which was ragingly obvious in his tights. "Aroused already Robin... I've hardly touched you yet..." Raven moved to straddle him. Her nude body resting above him. Her whispers in his ear. Her lips brushing his neck and ear.
It was obviously so he was aroused, even if he had not realized it, the green tights outlines the swelling buldge in between his legs. As she moved closer to him it only twitched with further arousal. "It was an accident," he tried to argue, his wrist feeling a little tired already as he tried to wriggle them free. It was no use though, her mind was focused on him, her eyes still showing the faint glow of her energy being focused on him. He began to breath a little heavier, "C..Can't help it," he grunted, trying to be defiant even if it was obvious he was secretly enjoying this. As she straddled his hips, he saw her nether lips gently touching the swelling buldge, just above was a very faint patch of purples pubic hair, trimmed and nicely kept, it was like a small arrow, as it pointing towards her warm tight depths.
Raven's lips brushed over his neck. Not really kissing, just barely touching the tender skin of his neck. Her nude form weighed little over him. She was slowly losing her restraint on him. She was arousing herself almost as much as she was arousing him. She leaned down, her voluptuous breasts pressing against his chest. "Why did you come to me Robin?" Raven whispered seductively in his ear. Feeling his erection pressed against her, her grip on her powers slipped.
He bit his inner cheek, the tiny spike pf pain keeping him from getting aroused to quickly, he had always been taught to deflect unneeded emotions and feelings as such. He felt her pressing down on him, he could feel the warm core of her pussy against his steadily growing length. "I...came to ask you something," he breathed slowly trying to seem like he was not being easily tempted. He was as stubborn as his mentor after all. He felt her powers flicker just a bit, realizing something was distracting her as well. He began to get an idea.
Raven tried not to show that she was losing her grip. But it was entirely too obvious. Feeling the length of his manhood she couldn't help but be a little shocked. He was of fair length and girth from what she could tell. "Ask away Robin," Raven whispered. "Or was it this you want all along. A girl to show you what being a man is really about?" She knew making a blow at his ego would irritate him on top of the already severe sexual frustrations she was placing on him.
Robin gritted his teeth, apparently catching her intent, he played along with it though and put on a rather frustrated facade. "Was...going to ask about....the ordeal with your...with Trigon," he said, still feinting weakness to her dwindling power. "Why me?" he asked her point blank. "You went to me for help...but not the others," it wasn't a question. He began to move his hips, as if trying to riggle free, though it only caused his buldge to rub against her more. If she was impressed now by his tool, she'd be even more so to know he was still only partially erect, not fully just yet.
"I asked you because you were the only capable of helping me Robin... Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg... none of them would've known how to help me. But you and I had a connection before then. So I knew you could help me..." Raven whispered. In the moment all control of her power was gone. Her emotions and feelings had gotten the better of her. She felt Robin moving his hips causing his will growing bulge to rub against her. As she moaned softly she lost her concentration. Her grip on him disappearing entirely. It was just him and her nude body.
The second he felt every last bit of her focus vanished, he moved quickly. Before she could even summon up the energy to try and restrain him, he pulled a few things from his utility belt. Her hands where cuffed, and he shot a grappling hook into the cieling of her room before connecting her chained wrist to it. She was now hung before him, her feet just barely grazing the floor. "Well...seems things have changed," he smirked behind his mask. "True...I may have been the better choice though....but it still doesn't tell me why you first chose me," he said. "Cyborg has gadgets much better then I, Starfire powers and more strength," he left out beastboy though.
Raven gasped when he cuffed her. Feeling the tide turn in his favor. She whimpered as she was lifted so she was barely touching the ground. Now things had changed. She was chained to her cieling, nude in front of the leader of their team, her best friend. "You were the most like me Robin... You like your solitude.. You enjoy being able to be alone... You were much more capable of making a mental link with me then the others...." Raven said softly. Her arms were over her head, leaving her nude body open to whatever he wanted to do to her. It reminded her far to much of being held captive by Slade. But she knew Robin wasn't like Slade. If she asked him to stop he would.
Robin smirked gently as she explained it to him. He got his answer, now it was time to be the one to make her feel all hot and needy. "That wasn;t so hard to tell me Raven," he told her, he took the answer as she had chosen him specifically for their similarities. "What was that you where saying to me earlier though?" he asked her. "Already aroused Raven?...But I haven't even touched you," he said with a smile. There where faint signs of arousal in between her thighs, a very faint shimmer showed, and the tiniest of dampness on his green tights had told him she had been getting a little wet. He reached out and grasped her right breast in his hand, feeling the smooth firm feeling of that glorious mound of flesh.
Raven couldn't help but gasp when Robin grasped her breast. "R..robin..." She barely managed between moans. Certainly she had been sexually active. But she wasn't one to show that off. She didn't make it known to all of the others. She was feeling hot and needy already. And sh had been the one teasing him. She couldn't believe he could do this to her. She never got hot under the collar like this when she teased Beast Boy, or on the off chance, Cyborg. She looked him in the eyes, keeping her focus on him. She couldn't have reacted to him handcuffing her, but she could use her powers to tease him as he teased her.
Robin smiled his eyes narrowing in a sly way as he felt the firm breast in his hand, her nipples just a she darker then her skin, like shimmering silver on moonlight. He grinned further as she began to moan. He would have never done such a thing before, but there was just something inside himnthat drove him to continue. "Whats the matter Raven?" he asked her squeezing her breast roughly. "Hard to concentrate isn't it?" he asked seeing her try and try again to focus her powers. Unlike Starfire who used emotions, Ravens required more mental focus. He may not have powers himself but he knew how things worked. He grasped her other breast kneading them both, only adding to her arousal now, gingerly pinching her nipples as they hardened.
Raven moaned a little bit more as he took her other breast in his hand. She used her upper body strength to hold herself on the rope lifting her legs up, wrapping them firmly around his waist. Her lips on his ear again. "What's the matter is I need you Robin, I need you buried to the fucking hilt inside me," she whispered between breathy moans. She nipped her ear, her legs supporting the majority of her weight. feeling him pinch her nipples only made her moan more. "Fuck me Robin." Her words were short and breathless. He had her wanting him as bad as he wanted her.
He smiled, not about to old back anymore. He undid his utility belt, which surprisingly did help hold his pants up, and then let his tights come down. He was a very slim build, though he had a lot of muscle, his legs toned, as well as his stomach as he took the rest of his outfit off, though he did keep his mask on, that never came off. For someone in there teens he was actually at the peak of his game it seemed, being the boy wonder had it's perks. "Feel that Raven?" he asked her, his cock had sprung free, trapped in between her ass cheeks as she was holding him tight. "Thats what you want deep inside of you...think you can handle it?" he asked. Despite his slim built he was fairly well endowed, he was nearly a foot in length, and nearly two inches thick.
Raven gasped loudly, feeling how large he was pressing against her. "God Robin..." She whismpered. "You're fucking huge..." She couldn't believe he could keep that hidden at all in his tight little tights. They showed off the definition in his legs. So she would've figure it had to show. But she never noticed it. "I want it buried inside me, till you can't go any further." She whispered in his ear. Nipping lightly at his ear as she did so. She knew he wouldn't hold anything back. Beast Boy always held back, and it was one thing she hated about being with him.
Robin smiled at her shocked expression, he guessed she never had something this big, real and pulsing anyways. "Now you see why I'm the Boy Wonder," he grinned. He spread her legs open, so he could start to rub his cock against her damp pussy lips. He got it so it shimmered a little with her juices. "Good thing your wet...because it would hurt otherwise," he said to her. He slowly rubbed the tip against her entrance before pushing it in. He did it slow for a few inches, teasing her and feeling just how tight her pussy was. But soon he got tired of playing and grabbed her hips cupping her firm ass. "Brace yourself Raven," he grunted, shoving his dick forward into her, he spread her pussy wide as he forced himself in, hitting her cervix with his cock only a little more then half way in.
Raven let little moans out as he teased her by rubbing his head up and down her lips. Then sliding slowly into her pussy. Feeling him grabbing her ass, she knew play time was over. She braced herself for the euphoric mix of pain and pleasure that he was about to deal out. When he thrusted forward she nearly screamed from the mixture of pain and pleasure he had just given her. "Fuck Robin!" She cried out. She wanted desperately to dig her nails deep into the skin of his back. Leave long scratch marks going down that flawless back of his. But he still had her bound by her wrists. She knew he was only just over half way inside her but he was already making her jump by pressing against her cervix.
He let out a loud grunt as he felt his cock tip hit her deep inside. "Mmmh....oh your tight Raven..." he said, thinking she was maybe even tighter then Starfire, and luckily she wasn't as annoyingly high pitched when she screamed. He gave her ass a nice hard grope, loving how she gripped his cock deep in her pussy. "Your pussy is sucking me in," he grinned, feling her muscles trying to pull him deeper it seemed. He pulled out slowly, letting her feel every inch coming out, leaving just the tip in before thrusting it all back in, hitting her deep again. He moved steady at first, letting her feel every bit going in and out, even pushing in a little trying to impale her pussy deeper.
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